DEVMITRA - the thread of fate

By RitikaLahkar

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How beautiful their friendship was.... Two little girls playing with toys,concocted stories, sharing laughter... More

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By RitikaLahkar

Devkirti was awestruck by the forest they were travelling through. See had seen the small groves of Sal trees near their palace but this was a very deep forest with many big and old trees. Even the sun rays was barely reaching the ground. The whole forest was scary with different sound echoing there. However, the chirping of various birds were blissful to listen to. Kirti was a little fearful but she was more thrill to explore it. She always had a fascination for nature and now it felt like she could enjoy it freely.

But then her eyes fall on her stone of a husband and all the thrill vanished in a second. 'How could I be free when I have to live with him. Although I am free from the responsibilities of a wife but will I ever be able to get freedom from the fear I have inside myself' she wondered.

However what intrigued her was the impassive stance of her husband. The man didn't know how to move his face so that one could gauge any kind of reaction or at least see a little bit of expression on his face. But he was as impenetrable as the iron wall. He was an enigma that she wanted to fathom and wanted to let it remain unfathomable at the same time.

During the whole journey he had not spoken a single word. He was as silent as death. She felt like she was traveling alone. She wanted to know where his abode was. She was also curious to know the place they were going to. She wanted to discover more about the forest and what's there in the nearby places. She wanted to know everything but there she was stuck with that ambiguous and stoic person with whom it felt like you have to pay coins to hear him utter a single word out of his mouth.

The rest of the journey was same as it was in the beginning. No words only the sound of birds, small animals and the sound of hooves.

After some time Kirti saw that they had arrived at the bank of River Nirjala. She had heard about it. The river that had witnessed their civilisation formed and also destroyed by great wars. When she looked around she saw that in the far away land there are some sign of human settlements. Maybe those were the small villages, she thought. She was busy looking at everything that she didn't realise that Rudra got down from his horse and made his way to her. He had stopped the horse when she noticed him.

She tried to get down from the horse but was failing because of her heavy dress and the attire she was in. She was struggling. She could've ask for help but she didn't want to. When she tilted her head to look at him,he was already looking at her and it made her felt like something had crawled in her body. She didn't have the time to react when he put both of his hands on the sides of her hips and helped her coming down in one go.

She couldn't looked at him when she felt that he had not let go of her till now and was staring at her. Her heart was beating at an abnormal speed. She felt her body shiver from his touch. His touch felt so familiar just like her dream that she had earlier.

Rudra was trying to decipher the woman he had married. What was there in her that his Gurudev wanted him to marry her. Of course, he couldn't deny that she was extremely beautiful. He pulled her a little closer to look at her carefully. His action made her gasp in shock. She felt heat rise to her cheek. She tried to get away from him but his hold was strong. She looked up and glanced at him. Rudra was able to see her eyes now. Her eyes looked beautiful like the lotus petals, having innocence, curiousity and intelligence but also fear in them. Her bow shaped lips that she was biting out of nervousness looked so alluring. Her tinted cheeks were pleasing to look at. And her aura was so soothing, soft and feminine yet so wild, uncontrollable and strong. She was like a light in the middle of the dark forest. So luminous and pure. There was something so earthy about her like mother nature had put all the beauty in her. What made him more intrigued about her was her inner strength. The strength to sacrifice for others,the strength to be selfless. But the question still remained that how was she related to his Gurudev's order and the purpose of this marriage. He knew that he was still holding her close and it was awkward for her. He could feel her rapid heart beats and her shaking body but he was determined to know the reason by observing her and her feeling her energy that he found very unique and strong.

Kirti was speechless at that point. Every seconds her nervousness was growing. She couldn't breathe clearly. Why was he holding her like that? Why was he looking at her like that? She questioned inside her mind. Was he shameless to hold her that close in the middle of a forest in daylight. And what about the conditions he put forwarded before the wedding. Did he forget all about them? Why was he doing this? She wondered. Suddenly something else came to her mind.What if he was planning to kill her. After all she did see him with dead bodies in her dream. What if the dream came true? What if it was her last day? What if his promise to keep her safe was a fake promise? What if his whole persona was a facade? Kirti thought. Fear engulfed her even more. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. She then decided that she had to do something.

She finally gathered her courage after some time and said," Umm..when are you planning to leave me? It is embarrassing to stay like this at this place you know. What if someone see us like this. Moreover, we are not in a normal husband and wife relationship like you had asked for. Also you can't kill me, you promised my father to keep me safe. So?"

Rudra looked at her even more deeply and it made her feel uneasy. He then removed his hands from her hips and stepped back. His gaze instantly turned impassive. Kirti sighed in relieve.

"Firstly, i don't care about what others say. I don't care about society's opinion in general. I also don't care about what people say about something just by looking at it and without completely analysing the whole scenerio. And don't worry, I remember every conditions that I myself had stated. I also remember my promise. What gives you the notion that I was going to kill you? Stop swerving your mind towards any impossible possibilities. I was just trying to figure out something. Don't think too much about it.Now, prepare yourself we are going to my home" And then he left her there and moved towards the edge of the river bank.

Devkirti's mouth hanged opened for a second. She furrowed her brows. She couldn't believe what had just happened. The man was ambiguous and an enigma but she never thought that he was so unpredictable like this. It confused her and annoyed her at the same time. How could she not thought about it when he was literally holding her in his arms in middle of the forest. Exactly what was the purpose of holding her. She sighed and exhaled a breathe in order to control her frustration. Then she went towards him.

She carefully stood beside him and tried to look for the home he was talking about. There was nothing that looked like a place to live in. No palace, no house, no cottage,not even a hut. So,where does he live exactly? She was intrigued and she couldn't stop herself from asking," Where do you live? I see nothing here."

He didn't answer. It irritated her. Why was it that when she asked something he would give her the stone cold look. Not a single word would come out from his mouth but then he also had to confuse or torment her with his random insensible words and action.

She was about to ask again when he said," You don't have to ask again I already heard you the first time. You can't see my palace because it was hidden."

Hidden palace? Kirti was astonished. She had never heard about anything like that. Her curiosity grew even more.

And before she could asked any more questions. Rudra started chanting some spell. After sometime Kirti saw a translucent veil lifted and there appeared a big gate. She couldn't believe it. She stood there gazing steadily at the gate.

Rudra glanced at her and said," Let's go"

Kirti looked at him and asked, " What is this place?"

"This place is a land called Dandakash. My home. A place created by my energy. Nobody can enter or exit this place without my permission. It was hidden and was meant to be hidden in the future as well." Rudra said while looking at her in a way indicating a warning.

Kirti gulped, " Why are you looking at me like that? Don't worry I won't tell anyone. But if my parents ask then..." She drawled and looked at Rudra. And when she saw his eyes getting darker with a grave warning. She immediately said, " Ok Ok. Stop looking at me like that. I told you I won't tell anyone. Happy?"

Rudra didn't gave any reaction and moved forward. Kirti huffed a little and followed him. She was astounded by the beauty the place hold. There was greenery everywhere. Trees, flowers, bushes, small ponds etc covered the entire place. She didn't know how large the land was but she can assume that it was as large as a big city. After walking a little she saw a big palace made of stone. The palace was crafted out of stone and had many sculptures made on the walls.

She was so fascinated and busy observing the place that she hadn't noticed Taash standing in front of her. When she noticed Taash she realised that she was standing in front of the palace.

"Taash,show your Lady the palace,her room and inform her about Dandakash. Also tell someone to take care of the horses" Rudra ordered. Then he looked at Kirti and said," This is your home from now on. Do whatever you want. There is no pressure or any specific rules to follow here. Basically you are free to live as you want. But don't involve yourself in my matters and most importantly don't set your foot in the northern wings of the palace. That's my area and I don't like any disturbances. And also this is my serious warning. Listen carefully. Don't ever even think about going to the western region of Dandakash unless you want to die."

Devkirti saw his dark eyes laced with warning and nodded her head to avoid any further of his onslaught. It seemed like her husband was very good at being expressionless, being silent, being scary, being confusing and giving warnings,she thought.

Rudra looked at her for some time to see if she had understand his warnings or not and when he was satisfied, he nodded and left.

Good riddance,Kirti thought. Then she shifted her attention to Taash and smiled  at him.

Taash bowed in front of her," My lady please let me take you to show the palace and to your room. Your belongings had been already kept there." He said.

Kirti nodded and told Taash to get up. They both made their way into the palace when Kirti remember that her Grihapravesh was not done. But she new that no woman was there to perform the rituals. So,she let it go.

"Tell me Taash, Is there really no one on this land except for your Master, Me and You?" Kirti asked as they were walking towards the south wing of the palace.

"No my lady. It is not true. There was no human except for Master and you.But this land has everything from birds to animals to various plants. And some other shifters as well. There is no shortage or lack of anything on this land. It was basically a forest land created by Master out of his energy because he loves forests and then he build the palace out of stone". Taash replied.

He created a whole land? Exactly how much and what kind of power did he have? Kirti wondered. It surprised her. Then something struck her mind, " What is there in the Western regions?"

Taash hesitated and then replied," My lady, I am not allowed to inform anything about it to you. Please avoid thinking about that place. Master would be very angry if he find out about the fact that we have been talking about it. Nothing stays hidden from him on this land"

Kirti understood him. She knew how her husband was. She then asked Taash about how he met his Master.

"I was an outcast my lady. My clan and my family had been killed by the Kashavargas when I was young. I was left behind and alone. When I tried to find a place to stay in the land of Jyotiragas they didn't accept me. Later I was found by Master when I was roaming around the forest near the river bank in search of food. My condition was bad. He took me with him. And gave me a shelter and food. That's when I pledged my loyalty to him and accept him as my master. From then on I live here. I was so grateful to Master. He is such a great person. He had helped many other creatures like me who are outcasted and donot fit into the land of both Jyotiragas and Kashavargas. He gave us a place to call home".

Devkirti listened to him carefully. She was having a hard time believing that her husband was such a person. But the admiration in Taash's eyes confirmed the truth. She thought that the man she got married to was really a mystery. And how she didn't know anything about him at all.


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