By LemonIsThere

3.1K 133 14

"damn who's most got you in a mood like that purple porcupine?" A member of Boboiboy's gang, Y/N, a power wat... More

Introduction and Other Things To Keep In Mind
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - FINALE.

Chapter 4

219 11 0
By LemonIsThere

"Wake up Dork" Fang spoke poking your cheeks, as you slowly woken up. Fang sat up from the bed as he had just woken up from his slumber and went downstairs already, you followed him as Zyair prepared breakfast. "Good morning you 2, I didin't know what Fang's favorite donuts are so I just bought Carrot Donuts, Red Carrot Donuts to be exact, and Y/N there's some Red Velvet there too" (if this isn't your favorite bare with me) Zyair smiled before grabbing her bag and waving goodbye to the 2. "Carrot Cake Donuts!! My favorite!!" Fang exclaimed before eating them right away, as he turned to Y/N with her mouth opened and chomping the Red Velvet donut away. "My favorite!! It's so yummy!!" She stated about to grab the last Red Velvet. "Can I try?" Fang asked as she handed her last donut, and Fang gave her the last carrot donut, trading donuts you may say. "Not bad" Fang said after eating the donut. "Hah, I know" She replied.


You teleported both you and Fang into a conversation Boboiboy and Gopal was having. "So your saying you secretly take photos of Fang.. for profit?" Boboiboy sighed at his bestfriend's antics. "Well duh! Ever since Fang moved here, more girls around the school want his photos, so I take ALOT of photos with me incase someone wants to buy!" Gopal smirked as he pulled out a 15-30 photo cards of just Fang. "I need to see if there's any embarrasing photos later" Y/N thought, as Fang suddenly placed his hand on Gopal's shoulder. "So you've been stalking me for your own gain eh Gopal?!" Fang furiously yelled at Gopal as Y/N held Fang back by grabbing his arm, her face said "if you do this you're gonna appear as an idiot you idiot"  Fang quickly calmed himself down and made Y/N loose her grip on him. Gopal laughed at this and said: "Couple and Soulmate goals I guess!" and instead of Y/N calming Fang down, it went the opposite ways. Y/N had murder in her eyes. "" You glared at Gopal, as Fang was horribly failing to calm you down, as Boboiboy turned into Gempa to try and calm you down.


"Thanks Gempa" you sighed as Gempa nodded and transformed back to Boboiboy. "I'll use the restroom real quick" Fang excused himself before leaving the classroom to go to the bathroom. "So Gopal about those photocards about Fang, got any embarrassing ones?" You grinned mischievously as Gopal chuckled showing a collection of embarrassing photos of Fang. "I'll take all of them." "That'll be 15 ringgit thank you very much!" Gopal smiled as you payed him, and hid the evidence we made the deal before he comes back. Fang arrives back to the classroom and sits back down as Y/N and Gopal start to hold in laughs. "What, what's so funny?!" Fang asked as Boboiboy started to try and hold in a laugh as well. "What so funny?!" Fang asked again as Gopal started to burst laughing, making Boboiboy laugh too. You were able to keep your cool and take deep breaths before laughing too.

"What on earth is going on?!" Fang asked once again as you finally showed him the embarrassing photos. "Did Fang not see the whipped cream on his face~?" You teased as Gopal and Boboiboy started laughing, then Fang sheepishly looked away. "Stand up! Good morning Teacher of Justice!" Yaya announced out of no where as the entire class greets Papa Zola. "So! Who here has finished their music project?!" Papa Zola asked, as Yaya  spoke up. "But sir, you gave the project just yesterday! It's almost impossible someone turned it in this early" Yaya said as both you and Fang raised your hand, you took out the project and handed it to Papa Zola. "Here teacher" You said to Papa Zola and he grinned. "This.. This is true hard work and dedication to your education!~" he said as you walked back to your seat, but high fiving Fang before you sat down. "


I was able to hear half the class gossiping. "They finished so quickly!" I heared  Amy speak as I smirked and payed attention to class, the class continued smoothly as I glance around the classroom every now and then, I saw Yaya and Ying taking notes, Y/N also taking notes, Gopal sneaking a chocolate bar and eating it, Boboiboy zoning out and the rest just paying attention. The class eventually ended, as well as school. As we are all dismissed to go home, Gopal and Boboiboy went behind me.

"Hey Fang, you've been awfully close to Y/N" Gopal smirked, "Issh! Can I not have friends!?" I scolded him, "Hehe, awesome~" Boboiboy chuckled giving us a thumbs up. "We forgot to mention we're going to a theme park at friday after class, you in?" Boboiboy asked me as I stopped thinking. "Y/N will be there ya' know~?" Gopal teased as Fang sighed. "Fine, I'll go since there's someone tolerable there."  Gopal stopped as well as Boboiboy. "Eh? Are we not tolerable?" Boboiboy asked as I scoffed and continued walking. "Gopal is not tolerable at all, for you though it's a 50/50." I replied continuing to walk as Gopal fake cried. "How dare you Fang!! Am tolerable~" Gopal cried dramatically as I flicked his forehead, he winced in pain and rubbed it. "Hey that hurt ya' know?!" Gopal said as I only ignored him. "Oh look it's the girls! Boboiboy pointed to them sitting on a bench, as we approached them. "Oh hey guys" Y/N spoke  as Ying and Yaya waved. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked, "We're waiting for Y/N's cousin to come here, she ordered ice cream in an ice cream shop nearby", Yaya answered as Ying and Y/N nodded. "Zyair?" I asked as Y/N nodded in response. "Yeah, Zyair" She replied as Gopal and Boboiboy seemed confused. "How do you know Y/N's cousin Fang?" Gopal wiggled his eyebrows as he asked me. "I did the project at her place and I just met here there" I replied as Gopal and Boboiboy said in sync: "oooh". Zyair came with 4 ice cream cones in hand. 1 strawberry, 1 cookies and cream, 1 red velvet with oreo toppings, and one Matcha. "Here you go guys!" Zyair said handing the Strawberry one to Yaya, the cookies n cream to Ying, Red Velvet to Y/N, and kept the Matcha to herself. 

"Oh, hi Fang! and.. you 2 are?" "Hello, this is my friends Boboiboy and Gopal" I greeted and answered her question. "Oh nice to meet you 2! Well do you 3 want ice cream? I'll go buy some" Zyair smiled as Boboiboy and I just shook are heads, obviously Gopal said he wanted one. "Chocolate!" Gopal beamed happily to Zyair as she nodded and left to buy it, she later arrived again and gave it to Gopal. We had a nice chitchat till we all had to part ways since it was getting dark.


"So Y/N, you 2 and Fang are close, what's the tea?" I teased as she shot a look at me, and huffed. "We're just good friends" She replied as we headed back home. "Ah alright~" I laughed as she sighed opening the door to our home, she went back upstairs as I stayed downstairs, at the living room chilling. "Wonder how they're doing.. I sighed before standing back up, heading to my room. It was astrology themed and had a few photos of space. I changed clothes to dark red pajamas, and a black shirt and sat on my bed, using my phone scrolling through Instagram, I grabbed the bluetooth headset I had, and played my playlist of Lana Del Rey songs, sighed and laid down my bed, and finally slept.


As I changed clothes into a f/c sweater and f/c pajamas, I opened a window and looked at the night sky, I sighed as I turned a speaker on and lowered the volume down so Zyair wont wake up, the speakers played The Weekend songs as I kept staring at the night stars and moon. I finally closed the windows, turned the speaker off, laid down my bed, drifting off to sleep.

"I can run from you."

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