Fall Of The Saiyans

By _Alex-san_

120 6 7

The Tuffles were a highly advanced civilization that shared Planet Plant with the Saiyans. Until one day, the... More

EP. 1 - Visions of Genocide
EP. 2 - The Cunningly Foolish Saiyan

EP. 3 - Your Hand Or War

34 2 7
By _Alex-san_

Lord Beerus could only blink in shock. After the shock subsided, he grinned. "This is why I like you Saiyans," he said. "You always say the most interesting things."

"Do you think I jest, My Lord?" Miyako calmly inquired.

"No," he stared directly into her eyes. "I have a good feel for you now, Your Highness. If you say you wish to fight me, I will not stop you." He paused, and an amused glint sparkled in his eyes.

Perhaps she really be the Goddess's chosen, he thought. Finally. A worthy fighter will arrive.

"I will be waiting until that day," he finished.

Miyako studied his relaxed demeanor. At least he finds me amusing, she thought. "Would you like for me to show you around, or are you perhaps hungry for a snack?"

This caught Beerus' attention. "I have been here many times, Princess," he crossed his arms. "I have no need for another tour. But, I will not deny some snacks. I gladly accept your offer."

The Princess beckoned for the servant to bring refreshments and snacks. She then set her sights on the taller man. "I'm afraid you never introduced your companion, My Lord."

"I'm surprised he's been standing there silently," Beerus eyed him.

The tall man seemed to have been lost in thought. "Oh! My apologies, Your Highness!" he slighty bowed his head. "My name is Whis, and I am Lord Beerus' attendant. It's refreshing to meet someone so young yet speak to Beerus in such a way."

"Was I being rude, My Lords?" Miyako asked them.

"No," Whis tapped his chin. "It's more like..."

"Enough," Beerus stopped them. "I met you when you were only an infant, did you know that, Princess? Your father, I remember him being rather protective of you. Does he still call you that name? Oh, what was it..."

Miyako blushed. "Mi-Mi..."

"Yes!" his eyes widened at the recognition. "Your father is quite emotional. But even so, he never failed to show me respect. And you are the exact opposite of your father, yet your witty tongue has still shown me respect. Honestly, if your face hadn't flushed, I would have wondered if you were your father's daughter after all."

The Princess smiled lightly. "My father and I are nothing alike."

Beerus noticed some melancholy. "How old are you?"

"Sixteen years."

"What do you think of this vast universe?"

"I do not know what to think. I am only a child."

Beerus sighed. "That King has kept you here to himself, hasn't he?"

Miyako lowered her head. "I cannot speak ill of the King."

"I see his emotions continue to best him."

"Please, do not blame my father," she pleaded. "I made a mistake, and this is my punishment."

The God didn't inquire further. "To stay holed up here is up to you. As long as you keep your word and at least try to defeat Vegeta."

"I will," Miyako nodded firmly.

The servant then arrived with refreshments and treats. There were sandwiches, bread, cookies, and fruit. To drink, there was a pitcher of an iced refreshment. Two cups were served with fruits and herbs to garnish.

"Oh. I hope this is as pleasing to the mouth as it is to the eye," Beerus remarked hungrily.

Miyako waited for him to select first. "Please, eat to your desire, My Lord."

The God didn't hesitate to try everything. "A pleasant mixture of sweet and bitter fruit. Quite refreshing."

"I am glad you are pleased, My Lord," Miyako only then made her selection.

Whis looked over at the table curiously.

"Here you are, Sir Whis."

He was surprised to see the selection the Princess made was for him. "Your Highness—That's very considerate of you."

Miyako smiled. "It wouldn't be very kind to let you stand there and smell all the food. What torture."

Whis smiled back and took a seat. "I shall enjoy this generosity then."

Only after Beerus and Whis were enjoying their food did Miyako finally take a bite.

They played right into my hand, she thought victoriously.


After small talk and lunch, Beerus grew drowsy and yawned. "This pleasant time has made me quite sleepy," he stood. "I'm afraid this is where our time together ends today, Princess."

"Of course," Miyako stood. "I wish you a peaceful nap, My Lord."

Beerus nodded. "Let us go now, Whis."

"Very well," Whis prepared his staff. "Until we meet again, Your Highness."

Miyako bowed her head. "My Lord, Sir Whis."

The God spared her another glance. "Don't stay cooped up here, Princess."

Her onyx eyes glinted with determination. "Yes, My Lord."

With that, Whis tapped his staff and the two guests departed.

Miyako let out a breath. It's time to speak to father.


The Princess made her way to the throne room, where her father sat in the center next to the Queen.

He sat straighter when she entered. "How was your time with Lord Beerus?"

"Favorable," Miyako replied.

Kayno noticed her choice in words. He smiled, "Who does not grow to like my daughter?"

She folded her hands over her lap. "Enough pleasantries. You plan to side with the Tuffles to defeat the Saiyans?"

The King pursed his lips. "Have you come to lecture me once more?"

"No, My King," she bowed her head. "I offer myself and the Red Jewel to be your soldier in winning the war."

Kayno was so shocked, he stood. "I cannot send my only child onto the battle field--!"

"I will kill Vegeta!!" Miyako shouted. "He will pay for all the harm he has committed!!"

The King and Queen had never seen such malice in their child.

"Mi-Mi," Mizuna started cautiously, "are you sure of this?"

Kayno glared, "I will not indulge this--!"

"Only I can defeat Vegeta," Miyako stated.

"How do you know...?" the father stared dumbfounded. When did his little girl change so much?

The daughter raised her head. "Because I know what he--"

"Your Majesty!!" a messenger barged in urgently. "A message from Planet Plant!!" He hurriedly bowed before he handed a physical letter to the King.

Kayno looked at the crewdly crafted paper before unwrapping it. His eyes widened. "How... DARE HE?!" he ripped the letter in half before storming off.

"Kay?" Mizuna hurried after her husband.

Miyako took this opportunity to hold the two pieces of the letter together.

Give me your daughter's hand in marriage.

Give me this one thing, or I will kill you along with the Tuffles.

She will be mine in the end.

King Vegeta

She glared. King Vegeta?

He just wants the throne, Miyako thought. Doesn't he know he will not be King but King Consort? What a fool. No one will call him a King. Even if he makes his own kingdom. But with me as his Queen...

She stood. That's it, she decided. That is how I defeat Vegeta.

"Y-Your Highness?" the messenger studied her reaction.

"Here," she handed him the torn letter. "Repair it and send it to my chambers."

"A-As you wish," he bowed his head.

No wonder father stormed off, Miyako headed for the docks. But I need him to keep wanting me, even if father will hate it.

"Ah—Your Highness," a guard from the docks spoke up. "His Majesty has ordered you are not to leave."

Of course, she sighed. "Truly? I cannot go anywhere?"

The guard seemed sympathetic. "I apologize, Your Highness. That is what His Majesty has instructed..."

She put on a innocent, pleading expression. "Can you please escort me to my chambers, then?"

"Of course!" he nodded. "Anything Your Highness requests, except for the ship, unfortunately..."

"You are simply doing your duty," she calmly walked beside him.

"Yes, Your Highness!" he readily agreed. "No one dislikes Your Highness," he nervously laughed.

"Your words soothe me," Miyako smiled.

"Anything for Your Highness!" he readily declared.

She was impressed with his boasts. Once they arrived at her chambers, the guard opened the door for her.

He was taken aback to see the mess in her room from her fit. "Goodness! Do the servants not clean?"

Miyako gasped. "Perhaps someone ransacked my chambers?"

The guard was distraught. "I will look for clues! Stay back!" he hurriedly entered.

As he was inspecting, Miyako snuck behind him and chopped him in the neck, rendering him unconscious. "I understand if this will make you dislike me...," she began to steal his guard's outfit. "I am sorry."


The Princess cleaned up the room and put on the guard's outifit. It was large, but she managed to adjust it before leaving the room. As she did, the messenger from earlier was arriving to deliver the mended letter.

He gave her a nod before going to knock on the chamber door.

"Wait!" Miyako stopped him. "Ah--Her Highness is sleeping."

"Oh," the messenger stepped back. "Then please hold onto this until Her Highness awakens. It is confidential."

"Of course. Rest assured, Sir," she played along.

The messenger hesitated to hand over the letter.


"Your clothes," he started, "they need refitting. Be more presentable for Her Highness. Shame on you."

She looked down in shame. "Of course, Sir. Right away, Sir."

The messenger sighed and handed her the letter. "Take care of it before Her Highness awakens," he chastised and left.

Miyako looked back up before heading back over to the docks.

In a guard's outift, she wasn't automatically kicked out of the docks. She was stopped from entering a ship however.

"You," a guardswoman called. "This ship isn't authorized to leave."

"The King has forgotten this document," Miyako held out the letter.

The guardswoman snatched it and looked it over. "How terrible," she was visibly shaken. "Hurry! He's heading to Planet Plant!!"

"Yes, Ma'am!" Miyako nodded and clumsily commanded the ship to head to the planet.


Miyako was only sick once before they landed. "I will not be stopped by something as ridiculous as motion sickness," she glared and stumbled off the ship.

A ki blast made her grow still.

"Stay back!" a female Saiyan shouted. She wore armor that was inferior to the Princess's kind, with simple blue spandex, a silver chest plate, and lavender leathered armor with matching boots. Brown leather bracers on her arms and shins were donned as well.

There were Saiyans put on guard duty now, and wooden walls had been built. Even so, Miyako could still sense the person she was looking for.

"No," she replied.

"Listen here, kid!" the woman grabbed her by her ponytail. "How did you find this place?! Who is there anyone else with you?!"

She began to drag her, but Miyako cried out from pain and managed to trip over the guards woman.

The woman fell forward, and Miyako pinned her by her wrists. She snapped cuffs on her.

"Hey!! Let me go!!" the guardswoman shrieked.

The other guards heard the ruckus and began to arrive.

"A kid?" a guardsman scoffed. "Those damn bastards must be getting arrogant!!"

They all went after her, and Miyako took a deep breath.

She uppercut the first guard and kicked him into the second one. The third one went for punch, but she dodged and grabbed the arm to snap it. While she was crying out, Miyako went after the final guard and punched him straight into the chest. The force was enough to break down part of the wall.

Miyako quickly pulled up the guard and held him as hostage, holding her hand ready to his neck.

Beyond the wall, Saiyans glared at the intruder.

"Vegeta," she demanded. "Bring him to me."

"Why would our King waste his time on a little girl?" a woman glared.

"That is not just any little girl."

They all turned to see King Vegeta. He had grown in a year, and so did his strength, she sensed.

"Your Highness, Princess Miyako," Vegeta smirked. "This is a strange way of accepting my offer."

Miyako tossed the guard to the side and composed herself. She could hear the onlookers murmur about her being a Princess. She pulled out the letter of the marriage proposal—more so a threat.

"I read it," she said. "I would rather gouge my eyes out."

He grinned. "You continue to wound me, Princess. You really find me so detestable?"

She let out a breath. "Even if I didn't, as everyone has noted, I am still a child. You have to wait four more years. If you even live to see that day."

The Saiyans scowled at her implication.

Vegeta laughed at the challenge. He went over and placed a hand on her head. There was still a wide gap in their height. "I can be a patient man," he caressed her head.

Miyako flinched at how nonchalantly he touched her. "I do not understand why..."

He leaned down to whisper into her ear. "You will be my perfect, viscous Queen."

When she didn't give a witty reply, he pulled back. "I will show you some mercy today, Princess. Go back home and wait for me."

Miyako slapped him across the face.

Vegeta's cheek flashed red from the hit.

She glared furiously at him. "I am not some prize to be won!! I am a Princess! And in four years, I will be Queen!"

He held a hand over his face, hiding his flushed cheeks. He hid his emotions with another laugh. "When the time comes, you will be a worthy adversary."


Vegeta smirked and pulled the Princess into his chest.

Miyako blushed. "Unhand me!"

King Kayno, Queen Mizuna, and their advisor watched in horror at the scene before them.

The savage enjoyed flaunting his power in their face. He held their daughter close. "You can still change your minds. I have granted the Princess four years until she is of age. When the time comes, she will ultimately be mine."

Kayno was about to burst from anger. "She will never be yours," he glared daggers.

"I see the resemblance," Vegeta chuckled. "Here," he let go of Miyako. "Take her and go home. Reflect on today, Your Majesties. This is the only time I will be merciful."

Kayno quickly pulled his daughter to Mizuna.

"Don't forget this," Vegeta handed him the proposal letter. "Good day, Your Majesty."

He arrogantly turned his back and his people followed him.

When Kayno came to, he stormed over to his daughter and smacked her across the face.

Miyako froze. That is the first time he's hit me...

He pointed his finger in her face. "From now on, you will do what I say."

The Princess could only lower her head. "Y-Yes, Your Majesty."

The waiting game had begun.



<3 Alex-san

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