A Cold Day in Hell (Helluva B...

By Jack2the7ripper

7.7K 366 769

(HH/HB-Story) (My first Original character story) Frost isn't a hellhound; in truth, he's not from any ring b... More

Part 1: Pilot
Part 3: Deal
Part 4: Prey
Part 5: Price
Part 6: Reset
Part 7: Newblood
Part 8: Showtime
Part 9: Hunting
Part 10: Predator
Part 11: Queen

Part 2: Strays

952 36 55
By Jack2the7ripper

"A single fang in a maw cannot harm the great enemy alone, we fight together for we are all a fang biting against the mutant, the heretic, the alien... for we are the imperium's fangs,"


FT-2424 wasn't the best tracker of his squad, that honor belonged to FC-2239 or Fennec.

Frost and Fennec were close. It always has been since the days they were pulled from their birthing tanks, both were developed on 'F-line' and were those of the line to survive the test BEFORE they even started training. They always had each other's backs even after they were deployed with their squad.

'Line-brothers stick together,' 

The warbeast adjusted his mask while walking down the streets of 'Imp city' which might have been a bad idea save for the fact that everyone here seemed to be an abhuman similar to the one he had caught trying to steal from him. Along with the red mutants, there were those that looked like him and his brothers.

They were from what he could gather from his observations Canine-like abhumans, similar but different to the red humanoid mutants. They had red eyes, muzzles, pointed ears, tails, claws, and digitigrade legs... from what he heard from the crowd, these creatures were called 'Hellhounds' and luckily for him, due to his appearance, he could blend right in.

Well unlike the hellhounds he lacked digitigrade legs having more 'human' appendages that kept him upright and standing. Not like they gave him a second look, even with his armor they all just gave one stare and snapped their heads away as a planetary noble would do at the sight of a sectioned psyker.

Not like he wasn't used to it... being a abhuman himself.

A warbeast... genetically developed to fight and die for the Imperium.

From what he could tell this world didn't even seem to be such a world under Imperial law which could make things tricky. However, that didn't manner as long as he could find his brothers without tribulation he would be just fine. However, one look to his right caused him to stop walking, staring through a window of one of the 'pawn shops' he was walking past.

/pawn 666/

Standing behind the counter, Steve stared down at the records book before stopping at the price of one of the items he had pawned to him.

'HA! This is worth five hundred easy! Not twenty-five bucks! Lucifer I love free money,'

Flipping from the book he turned to a weapon's records book to wonder about one of his latest pawns. Pier to opening his book he stopped at the sound of his store's bell ringing of a potential customer or... to Steve a 'sucker'.

Closing his book he put on his famous salesman smile and looked towards the door to his pawn, however, his smile faltered slightly at the sight of the person that walked into his shop. Standing clad in black armor he didn't recognize along with a gasmask with lenses that glowed a low blue staring at him. As the stranger walked towards his counter he tried if he had wronged some crime boss that they sent a hitman like this.

He felt bullets of sweat build up while trying to keep up his smile while his mind raced, of course, he didn't all his pawns were legit and he gave those 'made demons' the best prices. He gulped at the sight of the dark armored being who easily towered over him staring him down, the mask over the person's face was featureless yet it almost looked like it was glaring down at him.

"Hello, w-welcome to Pawn 666 how can I help you?" The Imp looked up at this person who looked like he could survive an extermination night and maybe even kill a few exterminators without breaking a sweat.

Turning his head from the shopkeeper the Imp gave a slight sigh of relief while the being stepped over to a display window that showed some of his merchandise on the inside of his store. Looking back at the stranger the Imp held back his tongue while spotting the figure having a tail covered in a black weaved material.

He hated having hellhounds in his store but this one seemed different than the dogs he met before, his legs were a dead give away however whoever this hellhound was working for could have given him some of those robot-leg deals he's been hearing about. His attention was brought back to the figure's action when he turned around back towards the shopkeeper.

"Found something?" Steve asked doing his best to hold his smile.

The 'hellhound' pointed to the case holding one of his newest pawn deals.

"Ahhhh you have a fine eye there! That is a beautiful piece of weaponry there is a true weapon of destruction for that flamethrower was-"

Steve once again stopped when the stranger was standing back at the counter as he tried to make some bullshit selling story.

"Where did you get it?" The figure asked his voice muffled yet Steve could make out a slight accent in the hellhound's voice. 


"Where did you get it?" The hellhound asked to which the Imp tried to carefully back away.

"Well, it was given to me recently by one of my regulators since he decided to partways with it after finding it in his basement for it was a weapon he used during the- ACK!"

Steve felt the cold metal-clawed fingers of the hellhound wrap around his neck lifting him up in the air while the masked hellhound gave a low growl.

"Lie to me again and I'll gladly send you to the cesspool which you spawned! Where did you get that weapon!?"

"Easy now let's not get too hasty here! I'm sure this is a big misunderstanding!"

"Answer the question," Steve had to think quickly to save his neck... literally!

"All items are pawned to me! Alright same as that flamethrower deal! I wasn't lying about one of my regulators giving it to me! ACK! Okay! The story was just a sales pitch but hey I got a business to run you know how it is!"

The yellow eyes of the imp stared into the blue-white glow of the lenses that were staring right back into the imp's eyes.

"Who gave you the weapon?"

"Hey, now that's customer confidentiality I can't tell you that,"

The hellhound stared at him before reaching it's right hand to the side of it's hip and pulled out a small pistol-like weapon.

"I insist," The imp stared at him while still trying to make a brave face. "For that weapon belongs to my brother,"

Steve felt his blood run cold at the last word spoken to him, this caused him to squirm in the hound's grasp.

"Look I'm running a legit business! I didn't know it was stolen I swear on my mother's grave!"

"Then tell me or you will be joining her," The stranger's voice growled causing Steven to nod.

"His name is Bile! He's an imp! He owed Crimson money so he's been coming in here trying to sell off what he can and that gun was one of them," Steve answered not wanting to die.

The figure stared at him pressing the barrel of the weapon against Steve's temple

"How do I know you're telling the truth?" Steve quickly pointed to a book on the counter.

"It's there I swear! He pawned it off yesterday at 8:37 pm on the spot! You'll all of it there written with his handwriting and everything!"

The lenses stared at him for a moment while Steven closed his eyes expecting the worse but opened his eyes feeling the lack of a barrel being pressed against his skull. The shopkeeper watched while the hellhound placed his weapon on the glass counter and reached for the book.

"If your lying to me you will have ravens picking pieces of melted slag from your skull," The hellhound flipped the book open and sure enough was a record of every item sold and pawned at Steven's shop.

"See! I'm Legit!" The hound's armored head turned back to him while he was lowered slightly.

"Were can I find this Bile?"

"Can't really say but Crimson usually keeps tabs on those who owe him money," Steve gasped finally able to breathe properly. "You'll find him at his mansion in the greed ring. You can't miss it, been there once myself big fucking place man,"

Holstering his weapon the Imp was let go while finally able to breathe.

"Thank you for your assistance," Steve rubbed his neck while his other hand leaned on the counter, looking up he nearly lost his breath again as the hellhound pulled the weapon from the case. 

Shaking his head the Imp didn't object to the weapon being taken after he almost had his head popped off. Still, he couldn't help himself...

"The damn thing doesn't even work pal," The hound stopped at the door while still holding the flamethrower.

Steve had tried for hours to get that damn flamethrower to work and never got the damned thing to go off. Yet the hellhound before him simply just held the weapon and the front light of the flamethrower sparked followed by a small cone of flame that threaten to burn his merchandise.

 "This weapon doesn't know you but it knows me,"

Turning the weapon on the hellhound placed the weapon on his metal backpack on the other side of another similarly strange weapon. Leaving the imp to watch the hellhound walk out causing Steve to groan while holding his head.

"I'm closing early... need a damn drink after that,"

/Elevator 666/

'Emperor, why do you test me like this? I am to hold the line... not to be in one!'

"Next," Giving a slight sigh Frost walked forward to the booth to this elevator that supposedly went deeper to a separate ring. "Where are your heading?"

"Greed," Frost asked while staring at the abhuman behind the glass screen who didn't really seem to care for her job.



"Don't really give a crap mutt... most of these questions don't really manner just a few let's get this line moving,'

"Business or pleasure?"


"How long do you plan for your stay?"

"Until my business is finished,"

"What species are you?"


"Rhetorical question... I ain't fucking blind dog," Frost held his tongue while the abhman wrote down something on a piece of paper. "Take a seat going down in ten minutes... NEXT!"

'Dog? I'm a warbeast you damn half-breed mutant!'

Frost moved through a doorway and passed what he assumed was a detection system but the damn thing looked like it hadn't been working in a long time despite this some people in line were tackled to the ground and beaten. 

'Damn these mutants give the arbites a run for their thrones,'

Finally entering a giant room with many others Frost took an enemy seat and leaned back.

"Elevator 666 now departing for greed please stay in your seats,"

Frost crossed his arms while the 'elevator' began to move down as he turned his attention to a child sitting across from Frost staring right at him. Turning his attention away from the child Frost grabbed his primer and began to re-read the inaccurate imperial guide for the ten millionth time.

'Hate public transporation'


Well, another part down the barrel!

Was up burning the midnight oil for this one holiday we Americans have, hoped you guys liked it as I try my best to capture Vizzie pop's vision for HH/HB

But a few things I wanna clear up... Frost is an Abhuman homebrew race of mine known as a 'Warbeast', he is not a kriegsman or anything. Here I even have art of him:

(Please note: I DID NOT make this, this was made by JackRip on discord and I say he did a Helluva great job)

All though Frost is right handed not... left, I need to contact JackRip on another commission when I get the time and cash.

Before you ask yes I was heavily inspired by Jin-roh... mostly because of how well the armor could be re-themed in 40k.

Hoped you all enjoyed because as of writing this I need rest so future me good luck editing this little part out.

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