
By ggukiekrush

48.6K 1.6K 488

"If obsession were a person, it'd be you." A street racer by evening, and a high-school student by day, 17 ye... More

p r o l o g u e
1 | volition
2 | effervescent
3 | reverist
4 | besotten
5 | aberrant
6 | aphonic
7 | ostentatious
8 | floruit
9 | zealotic
10 | druthers
11 | scrofolous
12 | letch
13 | reticent
14 | subtlety
15 | solace
16 | frore
17 | expedient
18 | imprimatur
19 | frolic
20 | aspartame
21 | belaud
22 | intrepid
23 | satiate
24 | consecrate
25 | impetus
26 | petulant
27 | nimiety
28 | disesteem
29 | relish
30 | contrapposto
31 | inebriate
32 | dithering

33 | palliate

577 43 27
By ggukiekrush


◢◤◢◤◢◤ Circuit 33 ◢◤◢◤◢◤

The morning unfolded its soft glow, sunlight filtering through the glass windows that embraced my room. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, I found my phone on the floor, accompanied by the scattered memories of the night before.

Returning from the party, I was met by Ricardo, who found me arriving in the silent hours. Gratefully, he didn't pry into the details of my late-night venture. Russell, on the other hand, harbored unspoken questions, evident in the furtive glances he cast my way during the ride. Without pressing, he left with a parting glance, to which I responded with a goodnight kiss on the cheek.

Prepared to share the events of the previous night with Ricardo, I was left momentarily speechless when he handed me a set of keys, muttering something about avoiding the need to sneak in through back doors.

His gesture of kindness went beyond gratitude, transforming him from my grandmother's partner into someone I regarded as part of my growing definition of family.


The word felt foreign on my tongue, but in this instance, it resonated with a genuine sense of having a paternal figure in my life. Despite the short duration, I felt a closeness with him that had eluded me even with my own father.

I cherished this newfound connection, hesitant to lose the contentment it brought. It was a sentiment I vowed never to take for granted.

A groan escaped my dry lips as I tossed the heavy blanket aside, navigating around the bed in search of my phone charger. Sitting up, I leaned back, resting my head against the headboard, and awaited the familiar illumination of the screen, ready to confront the consequences of my actions.

The crack on the tempered glass mirrored the fractures in my memory from the night before. Notifications buzzed with an urgency that clashed with the haze in my mind.

As I scrolled through the messages, a cascade of images and texts flooded back in fragments, like pieces of a puzzle that refused to fit together seamlessly.

The text messages told tales of a previous night, snapshots of laughter, dancing, and moments captured in the throes of celebration. Yet, it was the gaps in my recollection that haunted me—the missing scenes that my subconscious seemed to have tucked away in the recesses of the night.

Jade [1:20 am]: Where are you? I told you to stay put!

Ah, Jade. She must be furious.

Skye [1:28 am]: Girl, you okay? You left without telling us.

I completely forgot to check on Skye. Knowing Kade, though, he probably stuck to her like glue all night, his unwavering dedication on display even in public settings.

The man is practically obsessed with her, and I can't blame him.

Kade [2:10 am]: What did that evil spawn want from you? I knew she was up to no good the minute I saw her.

I couldn't help but laugh at his way of showing his dislike for the girl. I could serve him the juiciest gossip for breakfast, and he'd still be left starving for more.

Amidst the flurry of messages, one stood out, a thread of messages from Theo that unknowingly sent shivers down my spine.

My heart quickened as I tried to decipher the meaning behind those words. The room felt smaller, suffused with a tension that lingered in the air. The lingering memories of the night spurred a sense of unease, but curiosity gripped me tighter.

I bit my lip and tossed and turned in my sheets, only finding stillness when my face pressed into the pillow, momentarily cutting off my oxygen.

Rolling onto my back, I stared at the blank expanse of the ceiling. Was I too much last night?

While being chauffeured back home, all I could think about was the way Theo's eyes met mine across the room. I deliberately avoided him, but it felt wrong. My heart ached to witness the look on his face.

I stood on the precipice of rushing back to him and to claim him as mine, once and for all. It was evident Elle still had a strong hold on him, even if he didn't realize it. But I was his present, and I was determined to prove that.

Crossing paths with Russell was both a curse and a blessing.

Looking back at the party, it felt like a piece of my heart had been wrenched out, left outside Theo's bedroom. Had I always been this sensitive?

I couldn't bear the weight of jealousy anymore, and his lack of reassurance that Elle is only in the past gives me a harsh reality check on where I stand in his life.

But who am I to demand anything from him? As he's reminded me, nothing is going on between us, not romantically, anyway.

I suppose I have only myself to blame for feeling this way about a boy uncertain of me. Despite all my attempts to draw closer to him, I'm still light-years away from Elle's impact on him.

Ugh, I hate this. It stings my eyes and chips away at the only thing I have left— my self-esteem.

Theo [1:29 am]: Did you get home safely?

I can feel my chest tighten at his text. At least he cares enough to ask if I got home safely.

Theo [4:10 am]: Good morning, I hope you slept well. Still up for the beach?

I bite my lip, feeling an unconscious urge to curl into a helpless ball. God, why am I so defenseless when it comes to this boy?

Theo [4:32 am]: What time should I pick you up?

Theo [4:40 am]: I'm sorry about last night...

With an exasperated sigh, I close the chat and scroll through my contacts. I click on a familiar name and wait for it to ring.

"Thought I wouldn't hear from you," a deep voice on the other line greets, clearly just waking up. I hear shuffling and muffled grunts.

"You up for an adventure?"

A mumble precedes a chuckle. "At this time? Fuck no. But I'm always up for you."

I can't help but twist my face with amusement, biting my lip to contain my laughter. "Good. I'm not giving you a choice. Pick me up in twenty?"

"God, Sainz." A groan passes us. "How persistent can you get?"

"You love that about me."

"You don't get to make demands like that."

"I just did," I smiled into the phone. "So, am I gonna have to beg, or are you gonna be a good friend and accompany me?"

There's a brief silence before he muses, "so classic of you, Sainz."

I shake my head and cut the call, a smile lingering on my face at our banter.

Taking a deep breath, I rise from the disheveled bed, feeling a little lighter.

I didn't text Theo back. I couldn't. What else was I supposed to say? Apologize for being an overly emotionally, sensitive brat? I'd poured my heart out last night outside his room, yet he continued to show that my words held little weight.

Even when he tried to call me a few minutes later after I got out of the shower, I resisted the temptation.

I needed a break from the incessant turmoil in my mind and figure shit out without all the background noise.

Today, perhaps I just need a little time to push him from my thoughts. Tomorrow would be a different problem for future Ola.

With my tote bag, sunglasses, and phone in hand, I quietly descended the stairs, my bare feet cool against the tiles.

Everyone was still asleep and I didn't want to wake them up knowing what I was up to or where I was headed. Especially Mom. She would ask questions and I wasn't planning on telling her any of the things happening in school or outside of me being her daughter.

As far as she knows, I'm focused on getting good grades to move on to the next chapter— college. I don't feel the need to update her on my progress, considering she's likely in touch with Mr. Brown.

She has never been in contact with any of my previous teachers or principals, so it makes me wonder why she suddenly wants to be involved. I've always tried to be on my best behavior, never given her any reasons or problems on top of her being a single parent.

That is mainly why I kept my late-night shenanigans under the rug, even if it meant exploring other career options to keep her happy. Now, she's acting like one of those parents in PTA meetings (I never really understood what those were for) or those events like "Muffins with Mom" and "Donuts with Dad" that I never got to experience.

Though I never held that against her. I was fed, clothed, and had a roof over my head. Mom tried her best for me, and I was okay with those small gestures.

After locking the front door with the set of keys Ricardo had given me, a lopsided grin found its way to my face as I spotted the familiar car parked across the street.

Ricardo's keys, now a tangible reminder of his unexpected generosity, jingled as I pocketed them. I was reminded of the progress I had made with the car he entrusted me. Only a few more parts that needed small tweaks, and soon he'd be able to take it out on the road again.

"I knew he would show," I thought to myself.

Lately, I've noticed Russell's inability to deny me anything, and I might be a little messed up for taking advantage of his soft side for me that he doesn't show anyone else. But I like this friendship we've slowly built.

As I'm about to cross the street, the car takes an abrupt turn and stops right in front of me. The window to the passenger seat rolls down, and my smile immediately falls.

"Morning, princess," Russell's smug face greets me, and my body stiffens as my eyes land on the boy riding shotgun. "I hope you don't mind, I picked him up on my way. The more, the merrier, right?" The way he grins up at me only means he isn't here to make my life easier.

I should have known he was going to pull something like this behind my back. "Sneaky little fucker."

"What was that?" Russell turns his head to mock me. I let my gaze wander to the boy beside him.

Theo confidently spreads his legs and folds his arm against his chest, clad only in a pair of grey cotton shorts that display his glorious thighs and a hoodie that hides what's underneath.

Said boy whips his head and props his elbow out against the rolled window, letting his eyes roam my body.

The way he checks me out so publicly without even trying to hide it is doing things to me. Since when is he this brave? Must be because the boy behind the wheel had no idea.

My frustration with him dissolves, replaced by an intense longing. It's a magnetic pull, an unspoken connection that urges me to reach out and trail my fingers along the veins lining his arm. A reflexive desire courses through me, tempting me to bridge the gap between us.

However, I swiftly pull back, realizing that allowing this touch could lead to another entanglement that I might find challenging to remove myself from.

"This sucks," I murmur under my breath, the words escaping into the charged air.

Theo responds with a subtle raise of his brows, a silent acknowledgment that carries more weight than spoken words, suspended in the unspoken tension between us.

I can feel my legs buckle, which I try to convince myself is due to the chill from the morning dew and the fact that I decided to wear the shortest distressed denim shorts filled with holes and rips you can almost see my black bikini underneath.

My mother's disapproving words echo in my mind, claiming my sense of fashion is more suited for a thirteen-year-old. The worn-out cropped off-shoulder sweatshirt with a faded logo hides the fabric of my bikini top quite well.

I shove her judgment to the back of my mind, relieved she's not here. Besides, it's suitable attire for the beach.

"I thought it was only gonna be us." I stare daggers at Russell, attempting to avoid Theo's smoldering gaze, but I'm hardly keeping myself together. There's just something about seeing him like this after an argument that gets my blood warm.

I grind out a smile. "You didn't inform me." As much as I want to hide my emotions, I've never been good at it. If my mouth doesn't say it, my face certainly will.

Russell plasters a cunning smile. "Where's the fun in that?"

Right when I get you alone, that's where.

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that Russell sensed that there was something off about me and Theo and how much he secretly loves watching us in turmoil, but he would never admit it.

It doesn't help that the butterflies swarming in my stomach won't seem to go away with the said boy two feet away. They grow and foster whenever Theo is around. Pushing it aside is useless.

My gaze falls momentarily to his lips and all I can think about is the feel of his warm mouth around my nipples and how he'd left pretty bruises on my skin. The thought of it had me touching myself in the shower this morning.

It was filthy, yet addicting.

And I knew that this would only get worse if I denied myself what I truly wanted.

"I thought it would be fun to bring him along," Russell says, his eyes moving between Theo and me. "We're heading to our usual spot."

"Well, he can hear both of you," Theo responds at last. I can't help but notice the way he's cracking his knuckles, as if he's anxious.

I quickly shift my gaze back to Russell and silently mouth, "Traitor."

He just chuckles and motions toward the backseat. "Let's not waste any more time. Get in." Seeing me standing still on the sidewalk, he shakes his head in disbelief. "Don't be childish."

I force a smile.

"Why don't you hop inside," Theo's voice cuts through the tension, and my body can't help but respond to it. "It's cold."

I clench my teeth and defiantly raise my chin in protest.

In a swift, calculated move, Theo unbuckles his seatbelt. He goes to unlock the door. I take a step back, as if that would somehow make a difference.

"Would you prefer I carry you, then?"

Russell lets out a loud whistle that almost makes my ears bleed. "Okay, lovebirds. Enough flirting; we should be heading out already if we want to catch the sunrise."

"We weren't flirting!" I shoot him a look of disdain, frowning.

Theo silently glares at his best friend.

"I'd rather have you guys do that in your free time. We've got places to be. Get in or you're walking there."

"There's no way."

"Would you rather find out?"

With a defeated look, I start moving towards the backseat.

"Pass me my bag."

"It's too heavy. I've got it."

"You know, maybe this was a mistake. I feel like babysitting little kids," Kade grunts as he closes the back of his car, his gaze going back and forth between me and Theo.

I simmer with annoyance. "Why don't you just let me handle it myself?"

"The steps are too steep," Theo notes, looking behind me as if I can't see the treacherous pathway of rubble and stones leading to the hidden cove. "It's too risky."

"Why don't you just carry me, too? Since you're so concerned." The sarcasm in my words is hard to miss, but Theo looks at me with a sincerity that sometimes surprises me.

"Okay, get on my back—" He goes down on his knees, and I stare at him with disbelief.

"Oh my God," I can't seem to get angry at his obliviousness. My patience wears thin. "Never mind." He stands up, hesitant. Was he really planning to carry me down the path with all the stuff he was holding?

I let out a sigh. "Just give it to me. I'm not a little kid, I can do it myself."

"I don't want you to break your ankles," he protests.

"The only one who's going to break a bone here is you if you don't hand me my bag right now." The words slip out sharper than intended, and I catch a flicker of hurt in Theo's eyes, though he doesn't show it.

Theo ignores my threat and continues to rummage for other things to carry. My face contorts at the thought. It makes me angry. What is he trying to prove?

"Let me do this, okay?" He sighs, clearly frustrated. We're both stubborn. "Just go grab our towels inside."

I attempt to snatch my bag right out of Theo's arms, but he's too quick, and I almost fall face-flat on the asphalt. The guilt on his face only fuels my inner turmoil.

"I didn't mean to—"

I blow the hair out of my face and clip it back as I turn around to look back at him with a hardened gaze. "Whatever," I walk past him, still looking at me with horror.

"Hey..." The disbelief in his eyes is replaced with a soft one. "I'm sorry."

I leave him standing by the side of the road and jog after Kade, who's clearly had enough of our endless bickering the entire ride. As I catch up to him, a small twinge of guilt prickles at the edges of my pride, but I push it aside, unwilling to let it take root.

The air is laced with the invigorating scent of salt, a reminder that the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean lies just beyond the horizon. The first light of dawn gently caresses the horizon, painting streaks of pink and orange across the canvas of the sky.

As the wind weaves through the coastline, tousling my hair. The world seems hushed, wrapped in a tranquil stillness that only the predawn hours can offer. The sand beneath my feet is cool and slightly damp. Seagulls glide gracefully overhead, their silhouettes painted against the emerging palette of colors in the sky.

A lone surfer, already on the water, becomes a distant silhouette riding the waves of the California coastline.

Kade glances back at me with a raised eyebrow, clearly sensing the endless tension. "What was all that?"

"Nothing," I reply dismissively, avoiding eye contact. My strides are purposeful, and I head straight for the sand.

Kade stops to look at me. "Look, I'm sorry." The early light reveals a vulnerability in his gaze, a rarity for someone usually self-assured.

He must think my anger is pointed at him. My chin lifts defiantly, a facade to conceal the amusement bubbling beneath my surface. The pettiness that courses through me is a small reprieve from the heavier emotions at play.

"Continue," I prompt, feigning nonchalance, yet secretly savoring his unexpected seriousness. It's fun seeing him nervous for once.

"I'm doing him a favor," he confesses.

"So, you decide to betray me instead?" I narrow my eyes at him. "How nice of you, Adams. Should I thank you?"

"I'm serious, Sainz. Just try to listen to him." Kade's plea lingers.

His sincerity clashes with my mocking tone, creating a discord of emotions in the salty air. The unspoken camaraderie between us sways.

"What did he tell you?"

"Nothing," he lies.

"Whatever it is, I'm over it." I defend myself without getting the full picture. Who knows what Theo said behind my back. For all I know, he found me pathetic and desperate.

I don't want to jump to conclusions, but they're best friends, and even though I've grown closer to Russell, their loyalty to each other is stronger than our newly found friendship.

They are boys, after all.

"Look, whatever he may have told you, forget about it, okay? That's not why we're here."

"Fine," he finally says. "But you really need to trust him."

I chuckle at the thought. "Trust is earned."

He sighs, "Sainz."

"Why should I?"

"Because Theo knows what he's doing," I wasn't sure if we were still talking about the same thing. "He's a better surfer than me, and your life is practically in his hands out there." His words, although light, lands like a crashing wave, drowning the casual banter.

The weight of the situation sets in, and worry clouds my gaze. "What does that mean?"

"I haven't surfed in years." The twist in his admission leaves me momentarily stunned. "I'm lucky if I even remember how to swim."

My face falls, and disbelief tinges my expression. "You're kidding," I study his serious expression. "Adams!"

Russell, finding amusement in the situation, conceals it behind a sheepish smile. His right arm closes around my neck in a gesture that blurs the line between mockery and camaraderie.

"So, be nice to him, yeah?" The whispered advice into my hair carries a peculiar warmth, a plea that transcends the surface-level banter.

I try to untangle my limbs from him. "You're unbelievable!"

"Are you both gonna spend all day goofing around or are you gonna help me set all this up?" Theo says from behind us, his voice a mix of impatience and something I can't quiete understand, cuts through our moment.

As Theo maneuvers past us, an accidental bump into Russell's shoulder sends us teetering towards the edge, a precarious dance that Russell skillfully halts just in time.

Theo, seemingly oblivious or intentionally indifferent, continues down the path without a backward glance. His focus is on the setup ahead— bags, surfboards, and a picnic basket cradled effortlessly in his arms. I huff annoyedly and shoot daggers behind his head as he continues down the path without a care in the world.

"You good?" Russell's question breaks the spell, and I nod, my gaze torn between Theo's retreating figure and the warmth of Russell's arms.

When I look over Russell's shoulder, all that remains is the view of Theo's long strides along the sandy path. He carries our belongings with an air of silence, not bothering to check on us.

The tension is palpable; I can almost taste it, like a storm brewing beneath the surface. Is it too much to say that he looks absolutely hot when angry?

Russell pulls me along with him. "Let's not make him any grumpier than he already is. He hasn't eaten. Said he wanted to wait."

I shoot Russell a puzzled look. "Wait for what?"

"Said he wanted you to try the sandwiches he made."

"He made food?" I'm taken aback. The small gesture stirs something inside me. Did he really do that for me?

Russell chuckles beside me, a knowing glint in his eyes. "Yeah, turns out your grumpy boy has a soft spot."

I gulp, cautious not to jump to conclusions. The bitterness from last night gradually gives way to a glimmer of hope. Maybe he does care, even if just a little.

No, no. Stop. This is nothing, I tell myself.

"Well, that's nice of him, I guess."

Russell tugs me along, our shared laugh echoing in the air. "We better get on out there before he snaps." The humor in his voice hints at the delicate balance we tread, the unspoken truths lingering in the salt-laden air. "He gets cranky when he doesn't get any attention."

I shake my head, slapping his arm for exposing his friend like that.

As we approach the setup on the beach, I steal a glance at Theo. He's meticulously arranging the surfboards against a giant rock, a furrowed brow betraying his focus.

The sun, now casting a warm glow over the shoreline, catches the strands of his hair, framing him in an ethereal light.

I don't know where to look — Theo's amazing strength or the amount of veins popping out of his arms.

The picnic basket sits beside him, and I catch a glimpse of neatly wrapped sandwiches inside. He must have put thought into the choices, catering to preferences he may have noticed over time.

It's a silent acknowledgment,  an understated way of expressing what he couldn't put into words last night.

Theo glances up, catching my eye. For a fleeting moment, the intensity in his gaze softens before he returns to the task at hand.

The unspoken connection lingers, woven into the simple act of preparing a meal for me.

Russell nudges me playfully, breaking my trance. He leans in to say, "Looks like he went all out for you this time. You better appreciate it."

I scoff lightly, but the corners of my lips betray a hint of a smile.

It's in these understated gestures, these quiet expressions of care, that Theo manages to carve a place in the tangled web of emotions that defines our relationship.

I realize I can't hold onto my anger for too long.

We navigate the sandy part of the beach, searching for the perfect spot. Theo takes the lead, moving as if intimately familiar with every inch of this place. The air around him carries a tangible silence, hinting at a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

Russell and I, however, are less concerned with the impending tempest. We playfully jostle each other, laughing and exchanging banter, the carefree atmosphere contrasting Theo's brooding aura.

As we approach a cluster of large rocks, I suggest, "How about behind those? It'll give us some privacy."

Russell nods, ruffling my hair like a proud parent. "Nice eye, princess."

I catch sight of Theo in the corner of my eye, his brows knitted like he was in deep thought.

We scamper behind the rocks, finding a little spot shielded from the prying eyes of any wandering beachgoers.

The final stretch is where the alcove opens up, leading to pristine clear blue water, the entrance concealed by hanging vines and tall grasses.

Theo, still wordless, begins arranging the huge blanket on the sand. The meticulous precision of his actions suggests a need for order.

"Hey, can you take photos of me later?" I nudge Russell's side with clear fascination. "This place is incredible."

"Yeah, I got you."

I look around us, the sight framed by towering cliffs on either side. The sand is untouched, except for our footsteps. "This place is unreal..."

"Sure is," Russell agrees.

"I discovered this place a long time ago," Theo interjects, cutting off Russell with a serious expression.

I meet his gaze and allow it to linger, silently expressing my gratitude for sharing this hidden gem with us. Despite the apparent lack of crowds, the intensity with which Theo looks at me sets my heart ablaze and my palms sweating.

It's not a look of adoration, I recognize that much. It unsettles me, though.

I swallow nervously, shifting my attention back to Russell, who is diligently applying sunscreen. "Look at you, all prepared for war."

"Oh, shut up before I change my mind."

I stand before him, softly kicking his foot on the sand. "Too late, you already agreed."

As Theo sets down the picnic basket, his gaze flits towards the two of us engaged in playful banter.  The flicker of irritation in his eyes goes unnoticed by Russell and me, lost in our little world of childish bickering.

Sensing Theo's silence, Russell decides to approach him.

"Need a hand?"

Theo looks up briefly, his response clipped, "No. I've got it."

Seemingly oblivious, Russell nudges me with a mischievous grin. "Come on, let's explore around here."

Theo clears his throat. "Actually, I think I forgot my phone in your car. Mind grabbing it for me?"

Russell raises an eyebrow, exchanging a quizzical look with me. Theo's request leaves him with no choice but to comply.

"I'll be back in a sec. Don't do anything stupid," he warns me before sauntering off, disappearing behind the rocks.

Left alone with Theo, the air crackles with the weight of unspoken words. The tension between us, a blend of frustration and desire, simmers beneath the surface.

He glances at me, his gaze holding a complexity I struggle to comprehend.

"Are you doing this on purpose?" He finally breaks the silence, abandoning whatever occupied his attention before turning towards me.

I scoff, unable to hide my amusement. So, this is all it takes for him to talk?

"Doing what on purpose?"

"Don't act like you don't know."

"Mmm," I cross my arms against my chest, finding amusement in the sudden change of his tone. "Do enlighten me."

Unlike him, I wasn't oblivious enough to miss the furtive glances he threw my way in the car when he thought I couldn't see him in the rearview mirror. It was satisfying to see that he obviously cared about my well-being, or perhaps it was guilt for being an ass last night.

I wanted to make Theo sweat for it, make him beg for my attention just like Grandma does with Ricardo. I've witnessed their early morning back-and-forths in the kitchen about medications – a sort of cat-and-mouse routine. Maybe it's the maintenance for Ricardo's bad knees.

Though I don't understand how someone his age, a physician and director of a major health center, is more active than me in a single week. He never rests and often comes home when everyone else has gone to bed.

Last night, luck was on my side. It seems I'm not the only one.

I look back at Theo, a bit disappointed that he remains a gentleman and doesn't show any overt interest in my body.

His jaw tightens, and he seems unaware of it. "Really?"

I play the innocent card.

"You're anything but innocent," Theo chuckles dryly.

"How so?" I cross my arms despite wanting to have my way with him. If I were being rash, I would be on my knees any second now.

"Why'd you ask him to come with?" There it is. That fucking jealousy I was looking for.

"He has a name," I remind him of his best friend, which seems to be the source of his jealousy.

I should feel elated that he cares, but I don't want him to feel like there's anyone else who makes me feel this way.

Theo bites the inside of his cheek. "I'm sure that pretty little head of yours can figure it out."

His words send a tingling sensation through my stomach. Did he just call me pretty on his own accord? I bite my cheek, unable to hide the blush spreading across my face.

"What's the problem?" I asked.

"You asked me first."

I like this side of him. the possessive side that I know is reserved only for me, not for anyone else. Although, if I'm being honest, it was Russell who initially invited me to join him.

"Jealous?" I tease, baiting him.

He purses his lips into a tight line. "I'm not."

"Oh, really?" I raise my brows, hands on my hips as I tilt my head. "You sound like a possessive boyfriend right now, Lauder. Which is cute and all, but—"

"So, this is all to get a reaction out of me?" He cuts me off.

I shrug, knowing that the less I reveal, the more he seeks me out. "Think whatever you want."

His jaw tightens. I hold his gaze before he finally breaks it off, looking away. Feeling a bit disappointed with his dismissive behavior, I stomp my way towards him.

Without thinking, I stand on my toes and cup his jaw.

He almost looks dazed when his eyes drop my to face. "What are you doing?"

I stare into his molten eyes and push the air from my chest. "You don't get to act like this with me after making it clear last night where your head was at, Theo."

"I told you, she's nothing to me."

"No," I shake my head. "All this time, I've always been the one chasing you. Making the first move, making efforts to show you how much I—"

Something hopeful flickers in Theo's eyes. But before I can finish my sentence, I stop myself. What the hell am I doing?

I swiftly pull away, stepping back from a bewildered Theo.

"You what?" He slowly lets out in almost a whisper.

When I don't say anything, suddenly he's right in front of me, pulling me against the chiseled outline of his body. A breath catches in my throat as I feel something stiff and hard poking at my belly button.

"Are you..." I look around us, my palms flat against his chest, "hard right now?"

He nervously chews on his bottom lip, his left hand tenderly brushing the back of my neck, while the other one delicately circles around my waist. The subtle touch carries a mixture of vulnerability and longing, creating a moment pregnant with unspoken emotions.

"It doesn't matter," he softly says, tightening his hold on my waist. "Once this sweatshirt is off of you and they see my marks on your skin, they'll back off. And if not," he pauses, analyzing my face as he lets his thumb trace my bottom lip.

I find myself captivated, unable to look away. His eyes are like constellations – or like the depths of hell, burning with flames, and me, falling victim over and over again. One of these days, I would have to pay for all my sins.

"And if not?" I play with the chain around his neck, deciding that my hand around it was a far better sight.

"I'll show them."

I gasp, not expecting his statement. "Theo! Oh my God."

"What?" He looks at me dead serious. "You don't believe me?"

When I try to pull away, he pulls me tighter until my back collides with a rock. But before I can wince at the pain, he falls to his knee. My eyes widen in panic when I realize what he's about to do out in the open for everyone to see.

"Shit," I curse. "Get up right now."

Right as I'm about to pull him to stand up, he pries my legs up on his shoulders with clear intentions. As much as I want to feel his warm tongue going down on me, Russell was still out there. He or anyone passing by the shore could see us.

"Theo," I try to get off of him, but the way he's pressing soft kisses down my navel has me melting into his touch. My knees weaken and my head is thrown back against the solid rock behind me.

Instinctively, my fingers wrap around his messy hair and it takes him a second to press his nose against the denim covering my center.

"Why are you doing this?" I weakly let out, my hands giving him the signal to proceed once the zipper is out of the way.

Pathetic, I know.

I should've stopped him as soon as he held me tight against him and felt his raging boner.

"To prove to you," he muttered lowly, meeting my confused eyes. "Elle means nothing to me. Not now. Not ever."

"So, you decide to eat me out?"

The lazy smirk slowly painting his expression makes my core pulse wildly.

"I'll show you how sorry I am."

If words could kill, I would be six feet below the ground.

"Well, fuck. I knew I should have given you both more time," Russell curses in the distance.

Or not.


Caught in a moment we never intended to share, our eyes lock in mutual disbelief, Theo and I look like ghosts as a string of curses spills out of our mouths.

I have no other words than I miss you guys. I miss writing and most of all, reading your comments. Happy New Year, by the way!

Life has been hectic and this chapter was partially written months ago. I had a plan in my head, the only problem was writing it, haha.

I can't make promises about frequent updates, so I've set a vote goal to give me the time and motivation to write. Muah! <33

Let's get to 40 votes? I know you guys can do it!

~ vee

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