Disconnected. (5SOS story/fan...

By ShaneDawsonLuvR

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:) More

Chapter 1 - A new day -
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Authors note. Important.
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Authors note. Important.
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Important note please read.
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chatpter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105

Chapter 79

11 1 0
By ShaneDawsonLuvR

"Its gonna be weird here tonight, without Mikey" Kassie sighed as she looked at the girls. "I know, cant believe the dork lost his passport!" Cheryl giggled a little. The girls were in a car, heading to a party they were invited along with the boys. "Hm! Its not exactly surpirsing is it?" Jenn smiled. "Oi!" Kassie laughed a little. Jenn shrugged and then nudged Cheryl. "So, is Zach going to be....at this party?" She smiled. Turning, Cheryl turned to her with an eyebrow raised. "Uh...yeah the all time low boys will all be there" She told her. "Why?" She asked. "No reason!" Jenn smiled.

Cheryl looked at Kassie, and watched as she shrugged before looking at her phone. Sighing, Cheryl looked out the window as they drew up to a house and soon flashes disturbed them. "What the....?!" Jodi began. "Oh shit!" Kassie whined a little. "Girls, be careful!" The driver warned them as the door flew open. Soon Dave, popped his head in. "Come on, quickly girls" He told them. They all got out the car safetly and headed into the house. Music filled they're ears and people stood and sat around chatting and drinking.

"Awesome!" Kassie giggled as Dave left them to look around. "Ready to mingle?" Kassie looked at the girls. "Sure, but I..." Cheryl began. "Oh-oh!" Jenn giggled and turned to Jodi. Zach stood a few feet away from the girls, in the lounge looking area. Beer in hand, he smiled at the girls then Cheryl as Rian stood with him. "You defo have an admirer!" Jodi giggled. "Shut up!" Cheryl found herself go red. "Awh, come on. Lets head over!" Kassie looped arms with Cheryl and the girls headed towards the guys.

"I wonder where the guys are. Probably..." Kassie stopped and pulled Cheryl back to her. Jenn and Jodi turned and looked at them. "Whats up?" Jenn asked. "Shit...is that?" Kassie looked at Cheryl. Cheryl turned to where Kassie was staring to see Ashton, beer in hand talking to a guy. He was laughing and someone was beside him. Someone....a little too familiar for Cheryl and Kassie's liking. Looking at Kassie, Cheryl widened her eyes and then shook her head. "Kassie?!" Jenn demanded.

"Hey you lot!" A deep voice disturbed them. Turning Calum walked to them smiling. "Hey..." Jenn half smiled. "Whats up?" He asked. "Nothing, uh..." She then turned to Cheryl and Kassie. "We uh...Hi...haaa" Kassie began to stutter as she looked at Jodi. "Am...I missing something?" Calum chuckled a little. "Hey girls! You made it" Ashton walked up behind Calum and looked at them. "Hi!" Jodi grinned, looking at him. "Why wouldnt we?!" Jenn smiled, but her smile faded as someone appeared beside Ash.

"Girls...this is Leigha. You guys havent met, but she's been a friend of ours for a while" He smiled at them. A tall, light brown headed girl stood beside Ash with a crop top on and skirt. High heels, and a smile on her face. "Hello. Its nice to meet you" Her voice, kind of soft but a slight tone of fakeness couldnt help but be heard. Cheryl looked at her as she felt Kassie grip onto her arm. "Uh...Hi" Jenn spoke a little slowly. "Leigha?" Jodi repeated. "You must be Jodi. Ive heard about you....and all of you. Your all so beautiful" Leigha complimented them.

"Really? Funny, we havent really heard about you." Kassie butted out with. "Ahh! Its nice to meet you!" Cheryl giggled a little, holding back Kassie's arm. Calum made a smiling face, yet looked like he was trying not to laugh. "What Kassie means to say is...we havent heard much about you but...." "The girls are everything...we've all been friends for a few years now. Always have each others backs...im sure you'll get on awesome with them!" Ashton smiled, before sipping some beer. "Im sure i will. I cant wait to hang out...." Leigha smiled, her jaw prominent as her teeth showed. She sipped some drink from a small straw, that was in a short glass.

"Woah...." Jenn whispered a little. "Hang out?" Jodi asked. "Yeah! You girls will get along! right?" Ashton looked at Jodi. "Im sure...we can all try" Jenn smiled as she took Jodi's hand. "Um, excuse me....i need the bathroom" Jodi let got of Jenn's grip and walked off, brushing past Calum. "Ha..she uh...likes to touch up her makeup a lot..." Was all Jenn could say. "Well, with a lip colour as dark as that you would have too" Leigha giggled, and so did Ash. "Whats that meaning?" Kassie asked. Looking at her Leigha shook her head. "Like...i know how she feels. Touching up red lipstick can be a bummer!" She smiled.

"Well you girls get to know each other..." Ashton started off. "Im sure we will! Soon as we can!" Kassie grinned before walking inbetween Jenn and Cheryl. "We need a drink!" Kassie told them before giggling, her fake laugh and walking off. "Isnt that a little rude?!" Jenn looked at Kassie. "Look, theres no way im talking to her. Did you look at her?! She looks so fake!" Kassie spat a little. The girls walked to a small bar set up in the lounge area where a man stood behind it, cleaning and serving.

"Double vodka and coke....what you girls having?" Kassie turned to Jenn and Cheryl. "Uhm, single vodka and coke" Jenn smiled at the man. He turned to Cheryl. "Just a lemonade for now" Cheryl nodded and turned to Kassie. "No, i kinda agree with Jenn. That was downright rude Kassie. "We dont even know the girl, and you walked off!" Cheryl told her. "What happened to making things...discreet?" Jenn asked. "Uh hello! Our best friend walked off because of her...probably upset!" Kassie shook her head. "Not just her...Ash too" Jenn sighed.

"Can we....forget about more drama please..." Cheryl sighed as she looked around. "That girls looks fake as fuck! How skinny does she need to be...thats not even a good thing. Her smile was so fake...." Kassie shook her head. Cheryl listened as she looked around and spotted Luke walked to Calum. Ashton was a few feet away from them with Leigha. Biting her lip, Cheryl looked at them. Soon Luke turned and spotted her. Butterflies flew around Cheryl's stomache as he grinned and waved at her. Smiling, Cheryl waved back.

"Here you go ladies" The man gave them drinks. "Thanks...i think we should find Jodi" Kassie sighed before gulping some drink. "Okay, not too fast." Jenn shook her head. Luke waved his hand towards himself, mentally asking Cheryl to go over. She smiled, but was disturbed by Kassie. "Chez?" She asked. "Huh?" Cheryl turned. "I said, we should check on Jodi." She told her. "Oh yeah...sure" Cheryl nodded, turning back to Luke. "Be right back" She told them. "No...uh-uh, no boys till we fix our sister" Kassie took Cheryl's arm.

They walked towards the bathroom and Cheryl made an apologetic face to Luke. "I swear, see if that bitch has made Jodes upset...." Kassie shook her head. "Lets....not start any fights tonight" Jenn told her. "Hey Chez!" Someone called. Turning, the girls saw Alex, Rian and Zach waving at them. "Hold up...we need to check on...." Kassie began. "Leave her! Let Cheryl do what she wants. Come on, we'll find Jodi" Jenn sighed as she took Kassie from Cheryl and walked on. Cheryl stood for a second, alone. She smiled over to them before walking.

"Hello. Where's Jack?" She asked. "Hiding..." Rian joked. "Huh?" Cheryl asked, confused. "Ignore him...how are you?!" Zach smiled at her. "Uh, doing good. Not much different from yesterday...." She laughed a little nervously. "Oh yeah, texting buddies arent ya?" Rian smirked. "Yeah...uh..." Cheryl spoke up as she looked around. She saw Ashton and Leigha talking, her laughing away. Soon the joke Rian had made, came clear. "Where...exactly is jack?" Cheryl looked at Rian. "Told ya, hiding" He nodded before sipping some drink.

Cheryl looked at Alex and he nodded. "He's somewhere...he'll be back soon" "I guess you've...seen her?" Cheryl asked Alex. "Looks like Ashton is pretty...." Alex began but couldnt get words out. "Ventorous...?" Cheryl asked, and watched as Alex half smiled. "It'll be fine!" Rian smiled before making an awkward face. "Can I get you a drink?" Zach asked. "Um...sure." Cheryl nodded. "Apple martini?" He smiled. "Yes, please...thank you" Cheryl laughed a little. Soon Zach was off, getting her a drink as she sat down next to Alex. "Ash is a big boy...." He told her. "We know that...its not him, im worried about" Cheryl bit her lip a little.

Soon Zach came back with a drink in hand and handed it to Cheryl as he sat down next to her. "So! How is...touring?" He asked. "Doing good....i guess" Cheryl smiled. "Just good?" He asked. "Yeah well...can be a little risky but its fun. Im enjoying it...miss home though" She admitted to him. "You heading home...tomorrow?" He asked. "Friday." Cheryl corrected him as she smiled. "Ah, what you doing tomorrow?" He asked. "Catching up on some...chill time. We all need it" She yawned a little, then giggled as she covered her mouth. "Yeah, jet lag can be a bitch" Zach chuckled, and sighed.

"So i was thinking...." Zach began to be disturbed by Jack walking over. "Hey Cheryl!" He smiled at her. "Hi...!" She grinned. "Come out of your hiding area?" Rian joked. "Not funny dude" Jack sighed as he sat down. "Calm down, take a breather..." Alex handed him a beer. "Yeah, i dont think its interested anymore" Cheryl sighed. Taking some beer, Jack looked at her then at Alex. "You know?" He asked. "Alex has filled me in. I had to know...its my friends!" Cheryl sighed. "Its just attention seeking thats all" Rian sighed, shaking his head. "We get it all the time" He told her.

"Yes, you guys may be used to it. They're not. They dont know, who or when to reject" Cheryl told them. "Oooh, someones not happy with it" Jack smiled at her. "Hey, its nothing to do with me. Im just trying to look out for a friend....friends" Cheryl told them. "No one is in Luke's lane anyway right now...your in the clear" Alex winked at her. "I thought you guys werent....a thing?" Zach asked her. Turning she half smiled. "We're not...." "But you want something" Alex butted in. Cheryl turned to him and raised an eyebrow. "Well if i can get a word in and make my own decisions...." She told him .

"Sorry" He chuckled a little. "We're not...it was just complicated. Its fine now" Cheryl smiled, turning back to Zach. "Good. I was thinking....what are you doing tomorrow night?" He asked, smiling. Something in Cheryl's stomach made her feel nervous. She got that part...but what was making her feel guilty?

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