Stolen Moments

By Laughingwolf78

21.3K 1.4K 1.9K

After the war with the LOV that had nearly succeeded in killing Katsuki Bakugo he left town for what he thoug... More

2. Return
3. Prodigal Son
4. Bakusquad
6. Fear
7. Auntie
8. Obliterate
9. More than a Little
10. Nigtmares
11. Break
12. Cream with Sugar
13. I hate the Rain
14. Misunderstanding?
15. Lunch
16. A Different Mission
17. The Truth and the Lie
18. Mission
19. I'll be There For You

5. Anger

1.3K 92 158
By Laughingwolf78

" It's a lot easier to be angry at someone then to tell them you're hurt." ~ Tom Gates

It's Sunday by the time Katsuki is making his way back into the agency headquarters to sign some paperwork for his return that Aizawa requested he do before he begins work the following day.

He's layed low past couple days, hanging out mostly in his childhood home catching up with his parents and looking for apartments online that he plans on looking at this week.

Things have been going fairly well, better than he had expected honestly. When he first decided to come back after his two years away he wasn't sure how everyone would react to him showing back up out of the blue without a word to anyone except All Might and Aizawa. His thoughts were that his friends would be upset and cold after he had cut off contact pretty much but they weren't, instead they welcomed him back with open arms and understanding like no time had past at all. Same with his parents and even tho his mother did end up smacking him on the back of the head once or twice since he's been home because she had worried about him so much, she always followed it with a hug with teary red eyes making him chuckle because it was just the way their relationship had always been.

Much like he had promised he also walked down the street in the past few days to spend some time with Inko even doing some small repairs around the house for the woman who had always been a second mother to him. The sound of her sweet laughter and chatter at him a mile a minute made his heart ache for two reasons, one because he missed it and two because it reminded him so much of her son who use to the same thing. If he's being honest one of the main reasons he would wonder to Inko's was because of the possibility that maybe that nerd would wander home to see his mom while he was there but according to Inko all Izuku does is work, work to point its unhealthy and this is not sitting well with Katsuki.

Out of everyone he's seen and set things right with in the short time he's been home, the one he needs to with the most is that green-eyed nerd that he's been anxious to see again.

While this idea turns over and over again in his mind he's making his way down a hallway in the lower part of the agency to Aizawa's office when a familiar male with bicolored hair and eyes steps out of a different office looking down at a folder for a villain case he was working on for his father. The sight of the male makes Katsuki smirk.

He had never been overly close to Todoroki, in fact there was a time he disliked him immensely when he thought he had been too close to Izuku, but once he and Deku started dating and he saw how supportive Shoto actually was over their relationship he finally accepted that Shoto was only Izuku's best friend and nothing more. He had even grown to like the Icyhot bastard and all his awkward as fuck moments even if he'd never really say it outloud.

" Tch, well you're still ugly I see Icyhot. Nice to see some shit never changes."

Shoto snaps his head up quickly, bicolored eyes going wide as soon as he sees the familiar smirking blonde standing there in the hallway with his arms crossed.

" Bak-Bakugo???", he stumbles out with surprise as he takes steps to the blonde hero.

Katsuki rolls his eyes with that smirk still present.

" Yeah bastard, who else would it be? Stop looking at me like you've seen a damn ghost."

Honestly that's how Shoto feels right now because it's been so long since he's seen Katsuki. He takes a step closer, eyes still slightly wide but there's a small rare smile on a normally emotionless face.

The blonde raises a brow unsure what the deal is here since Shoto hasn't said anything other than his name, for a minute he wonders if this bastard is going go take a swing at him for leaving and hurting Izuku the way he had but instead he does something way more shocking to them both. He reaches out and hugs Katsuki tightly.

The blonde hero only freezes with two raised brows cause this was completely unexpected.

When Shoto pulls away there's a full smile on the make making Katsuki furrow his brow.

" Did you just fucking hug me?! And are you smiling?! The fuck is going on here?! Stop that shit, it's freaking me out you emotionless bastard."

This only makes Shoto smile more and actually laugh slightly because this was definitely Katsuki Bakugo in all his rough around the edges personality.

The bicolored eyed males nods with that smile still present.

" I did hug you, seemed like the thing to do however awkward it is for us both."

Katsuki smirks.

" Oh thank fuck, there's your awkward ass. I thought you were hit with some shitty quirk and forgot how to be you."

Shoto chuckles with a head shake.

" It's good to see you're still you Bakugo. Are you visiting?"

The blonde leans back against the hallway wall.

" Little longer than that. I'm moving back, start hero work again Monday."

Shoto goes wide eyed again blinking at the male who he almost hugs again till Katsuki puts his palms up with heat coming off them.

" I swear to fucking God Icyhot I'll kill you if you hug me again. Why the hell does everyone keep doing that?!"

Todoroki gives only a shrug.

" I suppose because you were missed, maybe even more than you realize, anyway welcome home Bakugo. It's good to see you."

Katsuki nods with a well of emotion he feels at the welcome home he's received from everyone.

He clears his throat pushing down a wash of emotion he's not use to.

" Yeah, thanks. Anyway, I wanted to ask you if you've seen..."

Just as he's getting ready to ask Shoto about Izuku the voice of his best friend is heard as Kirishima enters the hall coming off his patrol.

" H- hey bros! It's great to see you both. Todo, look who's back man, great right?! We should really catch up in this other office over here tho cause we're in the way!", Kiri says with a nervous smile.

Katsuki studies his friend, unsure what the hell he's talking about cause there's no one else in this hallway. He sees an almost panic look in his eyes.

" What the fuck are you talking about? There's no one else in here! In the way of what?!"

Kirishima meets Shoto's eye giving a slight nod to the outside window.

Bicolored eyes pick up the single looking out to see Izuku walking up the sidewalk out front, and that is not the issue but who was out on patrol with Izuku is.

Shoto clears his throat.

" Yes, you're right might be better if we talked in here.", he says as they try to shift the blonde's attention.

But Katsuki isn't stupid, he never has been and he knows something is up right now he just hasn't caught sight of what it is yet.

That's about to change.

Sharp crimson eyes follow quick glances of the other two heros and that's when he sees it, sees a sight that makes his heart almost come to a stop in his chest.

He goes completely still, feet planted to the floor as he locks onto a familiar green hero suit. His sights watch every move as the male outside pulls his hero mask off and ruffles green locks.

Katsuki wants to both smirk and cry at the same time seeing Izuku for the first time close up in two long years. His heart is running rampant with both an uncontrollable ache and happiness even though he's unsure how that hero out there will handle his return but he wants to find out.

As he turns to go Kirishima and Shoto grab his arm.

" Bro wait..", kiri trys to warn.

The blonde narrows his eyes pulling his arm back.

" What the fuck, hell no I'm not waiting. Time I let him know I'm back and what's with you huh?! Couple days ago you wanted me to find him and talk to him, now you're acting all shady."

Kirishima sighs glancing at Shoto then at the blonde.

" I do want you to talk to him just.. just not right this minute."

" Yes, Kirishima is right. How about tonight? Midoriya and I were supposed to hang out later but I would gladly step aside so you two can talk."

Kirishima lights up.

" Yes, that's a perfect idea man!"

That pit in Katsuki's stomach is back because these two are fucking horrible at hiding whatever it is they don't want him to find out.

"Tch. But he's right here right now! I don't know what the fuck is going on but I'm not waiting anymore to find out what the hell everyone is tip toeing around when it comes to me and Deku."

As soon as he turns tho to fly down the hallway and out the doors to the sidewalk something catches his eyes.

A stranger is now standing next to that nerd, one who is way too fucking close, one who's laughing and talking with the greenett, one who's causing a wave of nausea to hit Katsuki with force. He stares now, unmoving feeling the blood rush through his ears and hearing his own heartbeats. Something is wrong here, very, very wrong and he knows before he actually knows that this, whatever the flying fuck THIS was is exactly what everyone wasn't telling him.

He watches, unblinking crimson eyes narrow at this male in some kind of black and red hero suit who just placed his hand on Izuku's upper arm as he leans in closer with a smile. This was bad enough but what he sees next sets nitroglycerin off immediately.

There on that sidewalk just a few feet outside whoever the fuck this was just leaned in and kissed the only guy Katsuki Bakugo has ever loved making crimson eyes blow wide with a yell so loud it threatens to shatter glass.

" Nooooo!"

Before anything can be said or done the blonde's hands are fully ignited. There's fire and explosions, heat coming off Katsuki is waves over every part of his body with smoke that's trailing around him. He's faint feeling, white spots in his vision, he's incoherent, rambling a string of slurs and cruses between tears that are down his face without even knowing it.

He pushes through the other heros, eyes burning with murderous rage, palms ready to do a deadly barrage of explosions at this fuck who had the nerve to be near what was his. His mind is racing, thoughts lethal as he moves so swiftly it causes a head rush. His heart is aching, breaking against his chest, the feel so strong it hurts his ribcage

Before he can make it out the door Kirishima activates his quirk, his body turning into stone as he steps in front of his friend.

" Bakubro, no! Stop! You can't go out there and do anything you'll regret!"

Katsuki eyes are full of hell fire.

" Oh trust me, I won't fucking regret it! Move Shitty Hair! I'm going to kill that bastard!"

Shoto is doing his best to hold the blonde back, his arms around him activating his own fire quirk so he doesn't get burnt from the heat coming off the explosive hero.

" Bakugo, you have to calm down!"

" Fuck off Icyhot! You.. you see that prick out there?! He's... he's touching what's.. what belongs to me!!", he pants with rage, a broken voice echoing through the hallway as he trys to break free.

But what his best friend says next almost drops him to his knees.

" But..but he's not yours anymore! He's..he's not! I'm.. I'm so fucking sorry bro but you, you're the one who ended it, told him to find someone else before you left him man! He struggled so bad, he still is but he's.. he's not yours anymore, at least not right now!"

Katsuki goes still in his friends grip. Eyes wide with pain and tears as he blinks at the redhead who looks equally as hurt by what he just had to say.

Kirishima puts his head down shaking it.

" I'm sorry bro, I wanted you to talk to him before you saw him like this but.."

Katsuki narrows his eyes ripping himself away from Shoto's grip as he backs up pointing at his best friend.

" You should have fucking told me this! You should have fucking told me this when it first started! You're supposed to be my best fucking friend Eijiro!"

Kirishima scoffs in disbelief with pain on his features.

" And how was I supposed to do that bro?! You weren't talking to any of us! We tried to text and call you all the time but you refused!"

Katsuki lunges forward with balled fist beging stopped by Shoto before he can do anything foolish.

" That's bullshit and you know it! If you would have told me it was about Deku I would have responded and you know it!!"

Kiri is now just as upset as tears well.

" No bro, no I didn't know it, I didn't know it cause you wouldn't even talk to Mido himself! So if you could cut him off completely what makes you think that we would know you'd answer a text from us about him?!"

The pain that slams into Katsuki is so strong he has to suck in a breath because he knows it's true.

Shoto sighs.

"Bakugo, I know you're upset, but this isn't helping. Please just calm down and let's talk."

Crimson eyes snap to the bicolored male.

"No, I'm done talking here but there is someone else I'm going to talk to."

With that Katsuki spins around headed for an office at the end of the hall. He grips the door handle with such force it begins to smoke from an overheated palm. It's ripped open slamming against the wall making the hinges creak as he storms into Aizawa's office making the pro hero look up from his desk.

Tired raven eyes aren't surprised though, not in the least. He knew this would come. Knew it would be soon.

He doesn't even make a move when Katsuki moves to his desk slamming heated fist down causing an instant burn to the wood.

" You knew! You fucking knew this was going on and never felt the god damn need to tell me on the phone before I came back?!!", Katsuki heaves.

Aizawa sits back in his chair eyes on his old student who he knows is in pain.

" I didn't realize Midoriya's relationship status was in the job description I was offering you. Nor did I think it would be a deal breaker."

Katsuki feels like his skin his lava as he paces the room with smoke still coming off his skin.

" Oh fuck you! You know damn well what I mean! Know what he ment to me!"

Aizawa nods remaining perfectly still as he speaks.

"Has that changed?"

The blonde stops short, eyes narrow.


" You're feelings for Midoriya, have they changed now that you know."

Katsuki isn't even sure what he feels at this point but he knows deep down nothing could ever change how he feels about the greenett.

He doesn't answer the question as he turns his head.

Aizawa sighs.

" Of course it doesn't, nor would it change you coming back home, in fact you probably would have gotten here sooner."

Katsuki clenches his jaw taking a breath.

" I'm going the fuck home. I need to get out of here before I commit homicide and that's fucking frowned upon as a hero."

With those words he's gone, pushing past Shoto and Kirishima who look after him with worried eyes as he storms out through a side door.

It's mear seconds later that Izuku comes through another entrance alone into the same hallway looking tired and worn down.

Two heros meet his eye with unsure looks.

Izuku studies them both as he gives a light laugh.

" Why do you two look like this? Bad day or ... "

Suddenly a scent hits his nose much like it had a few days ago making green eyes go wide as he looks around inhaling deeply.

" That.. that smell is b-cak.. it's so strong like.. like when he was really mad over something."

Kirishima and Shoto exchange glances as they watch Izuku moving up the hallway glancing in rooms looking for something.

" I'm not crazy, I.. I know what I smell it's..."

Izuku goes still and silent as emerald eyes fall upon the mural of hero hands. He sees it, sees that large print branded into his and now he knows he's not crazy.

Tears fall immediately, his quirk is activated as he takes off down the hall and out the doors looking, searching, praying.

With a wild hammering heart, eyes blown wide with tears he frantically looks up and down the sidewalk and then he sees him.

Sees the broad back of a hero he loved, a hero he'd know any where, a hero he always chased and in this spilt second, he's chasing him again.

His legs carry him quickly with a pounding heart, green quirk burning.

Words are stuck in his throat as he sobs before he's even reached his target.

But one word does manage to escape, one broken word that hits Katsuki like a bullet causing him to stop all movement and turn around immediately.


Our tale continues, stay tuned ♡

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