Koi No Yokan ___ Inevitable L...

By Max-with-fangs

73.8K 2.7K 459

When dancing to Okey dokey together became their thing . . . In his quiet heart, one sided love took root on... More

1. Prologue
2. First Interactions
3.Han seojun
4.Messed up
5.He likes her?
7.Art is a form of Love
8. Life of the party
9.Cat caught your tongue?
10.Little Things
11.The perks of childhood
12. Friendship can't be forced
13. Keeping secrets
14. He's better when he is quiet
15. No rules to happiness
16. Behave like rain and fall for me
17. I missed your stupid face
18. You make my shitty life better
19. Definitely not sober yet!
20. Caution: Red Flags
21. Deal with the Devil
22. All too well?
23. Storms in his heart
24. Unveiling the Heart
25. Whispers of the Past
26. Love's Second Breath
27.Ramen sounds great
28. What Ifs
29. Koi no Yokan
30. Kiss it better
31. Hurt/Comfort
32. Bitter-Sweet
33. Couple things
34. Only Her
35. Tangled in the Past
36. Impossible Dream
37. I love you
38. A breath of fresh air
39. Reality Check
40. I love you too
41. From Ashes to Always
42. Mr. Trickle
43. She's Happy
44. Guy with piercings
45. Rediscovering Us
46. Karma is a Bitch
47. A surprise visit
48. Chef's kiss
49. Fluff Alert.
51. Bring it on
52. Last resort
53. Game Over
54. For Han seojun
54.2 For Han seojun
55. Epilogue
Next Story

50. An eye for an eye

606 25 11
By Max-with-fangs

Dedicated to callmedjango Meenu_ot7 shinebts_03

Han seojun's POV:

"Still no reply?" I shook my head at her question as we approached Prince Comics. "Maybe she's busy" Ji ah suggested which made me chuckle and give her a "You're a dummy" look. Prince Comics was never busy, so Go woon-ah worked here because she didn't have to work at all. "I'll just go and get her," she said, rolling her eyes at me before entering the comic store.

My eyes trailed her figure until it disappeared behind the doors when I heard a distant rumbling of an engine. Seconds later a cab stopped just a few feet away from the store and its door burst open as three girls stepped out. The mere sight of them put me on edge. That git had been awfully quiet since Lim ju gyeoung's kidnapping and a long silence can only mean trouble.

Unlike the delinquent he is, he hadn't done anything to retaliate or take revenge so, Are they after my baby sister now? Are they going to go after her to get back at me? A million thoughts were racing through my mind

"It's this way" Park se mi instructed the other girls, the sense of command audible in her voice as the two girls followed her like faithful dogs. They didn't even spare a glance in my direction or at the comic store, instead, they went straight to the adjacent street.

The street that leads to... her. Nobody deserves any harm because of my stupid choices of connecting with the wrong people. Moreover, I don't want to harbor any feelings towards Lim ju gyeoung, no empathy, no nothing... not even guilt.

If they were not here to cause any trouble, Then I had no reason to interfere. I would be happy to leave them alone but In order to make sure of that, I followed them, maintaining a safe distance between us. Apparently, everything seemed normal until they took a right turn and entered her street. "She lives here? What a dumpster!" They snickered, resembling those witches with long, crooked noses always riding their brooms looking for their next prey.

Before they could bang on her door, or do anything reckless I pulled Park se mi into the nearby alley. Her minions automatically followed after like flies sought after poop.

Throwing her against the wall, I glared right into her demonic soul. I didn't want to play around, I needed answers so I went straight for it. "What are you doing here?"

Her smile was evil, she's a literal example of a wolf in sheep's clothing. "I just wanted to talk it's been a while" "Been a while?" the confusion rolled out of my tongue involuntarily. "Yeah turns out she's someone I know" Park se mi fished out her phone and shoved it in my face. I stared at the images displayed across the screen while keeping my face devoid of any emotion.

If she thinks she's gonna get a reaction out of me, she's mistaken. "Ommo! He doesn't recognize her" she addressed her minions, just to rile me up. "Why are you showing this to me?" I asked her, I wasn't shocked and I also didn't sound as so. "Because you don't deserve to date someone who looks like that, you're way out of her league!!"

Her response made me feel sick and amused at the same time. She thought I was dating Lim ju gyeoung, where does she live!!? under a rock?? "I'm not dating her. so you don't have to worry about my dating life." I seethed and her face flared with... I don't know, Anger? Relief? Disappointment? I couldn't put my finger on it, the girl's twisted in so many ways, it's hard to keep track.

"Aigo! Seojun-ah! if you had a girlfriend other than Lim ju gyeoung you wouldn't be here looking out for her" Her words went right through me. "My girlfriend is no one's business but mine" I warned her but she didn't even falter.

"I think it should be, maybe that's how everyone will get to see this nonexistent girlfriend of yours. After all the rumors, the photoshoot... They've always been about you and Lim Ju gyeoung" Her words settled in and I realized that I wasn't supposed to be there. Lim Ju gyeoung has Lee su ho, he's enough to protect her.

Whatever Park Se mi was planning against Lim ju gyeoung, it didn't concern me. How did I even become a part of this triangle? I was done with them. I shouldn't have followed them here, Ji ah... She must be wondering where I am.

I almost left but the mocking waves of laughter ringing out of the video playing on Park Se mi's phone brought me back to my senses. Bullies!! That was the reason why I was there. It didn't have anything to do with Lim Ju gyeoung, it's about someone being bullied no matter who he/she is. I don't spare bullies, I swore to myself and I'm going to hold my ground on that.

My gaze flickered back to Park Se mi, still standing there waiting for a response from me. Does she want a reaction? Now she'll get one. I slowly stepped closer to her like a predator after its prey. I got closer and closer until she got pinned to the wall with my tall body towering over her. Any other girl would have been flustered by this invasion of her personal space but Park Se mi didn't budge.

"Cuz bullies like you remind me of my friend," I told her the reason for my presence there. "This is your final warning" I pointed my index finger at her, my face dangerously low before I backed away from her and turned around, walking away. "Hwang Ji ah!"
And I deadpanned, my legs froze upon hearing her name slide out of her mouth. "Or should I say, Janet!!" My body tensed as I stayed rooted to my spot trying to process this turn of events.

After the wave of shock subsided, reality washed over me. She knows about her American name!! This isn't right, so much can go wrong in so many ways. Hot on my heels, I turned around and in two long strides, I was at her throat again. Pinning her with a nasty glare, I seethed. "Who told you her name?" My voice dripped venom with every syllable.

Park Se mi: "It doesn't matter. What
matters is that it's a fact"

Han seojun: "Stop spouting nonsense!"

Park Se mi: "Nonsense? The only nonsense here is your taste in women, claiming to be dating a crazy, psycho, and secretly in love with an ugly duckling"

Park Se mi went on but my brain got stuck on the words she used for Ji ah. She definitely knows stuff and I have to put an end to this before it gets too late. Suddenly, Park Se mi shoved her phone at me and Lim Ju gyeoung in a blue blazer stared back at me through the screen. With her hair tied in a ponytail, and thick, black frames sitting on her nose.

Park Se mi: "I don't understand what you see in her. she's so ugly_"

Han seojun: "To me, she's prettier than girls like you"

I didn't even know what I was saying as I couldn't hear myself over the loud thumping of my heart and the blood rushing to my ears. My body had switched to Autopilot as my brain shut down completely. I had tuned out Park Se mi the moment she stepped over her boundaries and dragged my girlfriend into this shit show.

"Huh? You're taking her side__" I snapped, losing the last ounce of control I had as I snatched her phone and smashed it against the wall making the girls shriek with fear

And for the first time that night Park Se mi didn't talk back. About damn time!!

"Listen to me. - I paused, making sure she actually listened to me this time - If you try to pull any stunt like this again, you'll pay for it" I growled at her.

She just stared at me, agitation plastered on her features when her eyes landed on something behind me. Looking over my shoulder the horror displayed on her face morphed into a wicked smile and I realized that she wasn't looking at something... she was looking at someone. Panic flooded inside me as I sensed her presence, I could feel her eyes on my back. How long had she been there?

"There she is! The fake girlfriend__" "Park Se mi?? I growled, cutting her off but she didn't even flinch. She walked past me and I turned around to watch her tip-toe, her shoes clicking against the ground in the silence of the night until she was standing face to face with Ji ah. The look on Ji ah's face told me that she'd been there long enough. Park se mi threw a glance back at me before opening her shit hole "You tell me Ji ah. why did your boyfriend smash my phone when I showed him the truth about Lim Ju gyeoung?"

Hearing those words followed by Ji ah's silence, intensified the anger inside me "I'm sorry gal! but you're just a replacement" Park Se mi tapped Ji ah's shoulder, feigning sympathy, and then finally left along with her friends. At the same time, hurt flashed across her features and my blood ran cold, my muscles tensing up. The look on her face... spoke volumes. It was the same look she had on that day in the gymnasium. The same distant look she'd had for the past few days.

And that's when it hit me. She was withdrawn because she was upset, she was scared, and troubled. Tired of hearing my name still being linked to Lim ju gyeoung. And the things I just said in her favor, didn't do any better at all. However, that wave of pain went away as fast as it came. Ji ah held my gaze, from across the street and smiled at me.

Instead of averting her gaze or running away like she did that day at school, she was smiling at me. Before my brain could process anything my body had already taken me to her. With our eyes still locked, I took hold of both of her hands in mine, pulling her closer. "Go woon-ah is not here, she already left," She told me before I could make a sound, her tone unusually normal.

"How much did you hear?" I asked, "Not much" she replied. "Ji ah__" she cut me off "You did great!" I had anticipated a "How dare you?" or "Why did you?" or anger, frustration maybe a little tantrum but this? I wasn't expecting this. She was calm, and her smile... it reached her eyes. As if sensing my disbelief, Ji ah squeezed my fingers. "I would've done the same to protect a friend"

"You're not upset about what she said?" I asked about Park se mi. Her hand reached for my face, her cold fingers caressing my jaw, leaving a fire trail behind. "I was... Kang su jin said similar things to me at school and right after that I saw you with Lim ju gyeoung, looking for her locket." She paused meanwhile I let her words settle in. "It stung, I got scared when she wrote over your cast making you reminisce. My insecurities resurfaced whenever someone brought up the rumors or the photo shoot. The possibilities horrified me"

Her fingers stopped tracing my skin, resting on my cheek as she continued "But not anymore, Not after today at least. Today was perfect in every way possible. Every day with you has been. You've made me feel nothing but loved. Going out of your way to help me live a little more every day. You make me believe that I'm not a replacement" "Well, I am utter perfection" I said with a poker face, to lighten the air.

"No doubt in my heart, except your decision about a bike ride, was a perfect way to ruin an otherwise perfect date" She crossed her arms over her chest. The air had somehow shifted from tense to fun. Man! It really was stupid of me to trust Man sik. That bastard didn't even check the fuel and the bike went dead in the middle of the highway. As dry as the Sahara. I shouldn't have given him the keys in the first place. My bad, but was I going to own up to that? Hell no!!

"As far as I recall you were driving when it died, Aish!! I really should've started filming the moment I handed you the keys. How am I supposed to sue you now??"

"Yeah right! As if you don't owe me compensation for my jello legs after pushing that beast of a bik__" her words turned into a squeal as I swooped her in my arms.

We had to push the bike to get off the highway and waited until Man Sik showed up to take it back and Kim cho rong tagged along to save his sorry ass. There's no doubt that .
her legs hurt now.

" What are you doing? Put me down Seo jun!!" Her face was flushed with embarrassment as she squirmed in my hold, trying to free herself. "I'm going to carry you home, I thought I'd save you from the tiresome journey" I replied with a smirk. Ji ah's eyes widened, and she shook her head vigorously. "No way! Don't be ridiculous." Ignoring her protest I began walking and her grip tightened around my neck, our bodies pressed so close to each other that I was able to feel her heartbeat escalating against my chest.

"Han seo jun, this is so embarrassing!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with frustration. "Put me down right now!" But I paid no heed to her pleas. Instead, I continued to carry her effortlessly, We had barely made it back to Prince comics when a group of nerdy kids turned their heads and chuckled as they passed by. Ji ah's embarrassment intensified, and I could see her cheeks burning with every step. "Aish! You're so dense and a knucklehead using all this energy to compensate me when your mouth would've worked just fine"

Realizing what she just said, Ji ah clasped her hand over her mouth, eyes bulging out with even more embarrassment. "Someone's horny!!"
I exclaimed and she swatted my arm which made me laugh as I put her back down on her feet. My laughter gradually faded, but the balloon of pleasure in my chest lingered.

"So, tell me, Artist" A smile lingered at the corners of my mouth, taking a step towards her. "What do I have to do to make it up to you?" and her gaze dropped to my mouth. I knew what she wanted, I just wanted her to say it. I like shy Ji ah but I also adore, the bold Ji ha.

"Well, a hint is enough for a wise person" Her voice came out breathless and giddy, pulling me towards her like a magnet. "You're right." I cupped her face with one hand and brushed the thumb over her lip. Electric sparks formed over my skin. "How rude of me to keep you waiting," I whispered, leaned down, and kissed her. The touch was featherlight, but it traveled from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.

"How about that? Are we good?" I whispered against her lips. "Not even close" she whispered back, her lips brushing against mine like a caress.

"Hmm. That won't do." and I kissed her again, firmer this time. I swept my tongue along the seam of her lips and nudged inside when she parted for me. A fog of lust clouded my brain while I explored her mouth. When I finally pulled back, I bet she could barely remember her name. "What about now?"

"Almost there" Ji ah rasped after a long, dizzy pause. I curled my hand around her nape "Are you playing with me, Artist?" I asked, my chest heaving from the lack of air. "Are you complaining?" Her eyes glowed with amusement and something else that sent warm tendrils spiraling through my insides and I growled "You cocky little shit!" I heard her gasp at the words I said, Even I was a little surprised at the words I chose but her shock was soon swallowed by my lips on hers.

Pinning her against a wall, I devoured her, my hands like a possessive blanket all over her body. This time, the kiss was more demanding, more urgent. It was similar to the kiss we had shared

at the hospital but at the same time, it was nothing like anything we'd experienced before. So, I let the heat of that moment consume us despite the nagging feeling in my gut.


I neared the school gates, whistling and humming to myself. I've been on an emotional high since last night, the giddy feeling in my chest never left. We booked a cab to take us home and shared a good night kiss on her porch. Ji ah and I didn't walk to school together because I had to go pick my bike up from Man Sik's.

Walking past the school gate, I readjusted my backpack's strap over my shoulder when a frantic Lim ju gyeoung almost crashed into me. I grasped her arm to stop her and spin her around. "Are you crying?" she was clearly crying. Jerking off my grip, she bolted away. What happened? The question had barely surfaced in my head when an equally paranoid Lee su ho came running.

"Did you see Lim ju gyeoung?" he huffed, panic plastered on his face. "did you two fight again?' "Have you seen her?" he just ignored my question "she went that way" I pointed in the respective direction "He didn't even hear me out and ran after his girlfriend. "whatever, As If care!!

Before I could take another step I was stopped again! What is going on? "Han seojun!'' Kim Cho rong ran up to me, huffing and panting, nuts about something on his phone. What the hell is wrong with everyone today? "it's crazy about Lim ju gyeoung"

Again her! When am I going to get rid of her problems, why do they always end up before me? "Don't talk to me about her again, I don't want to hear about her anymore" But just take a look at this, look at this!" He urged me to have a look and my eyes popped out of my sockets, pure horror struck every fiber of my being.

Snippets from the previous night began to flash before my eyes. All of a sudden my head was full of voices, quoting the things Park se mi said, however, my brain latched onto a particular name, my girlfriend's name. The names she called her... Ji ah could be her next target.

I should've listened to my gut. I should've gotten rid of every piece of information she possessed right away. I should've taken care of things last night instead of shrugging it off. It was my fault, I was careless. I have to do something before it gets too late.


Everything was like a blur. The journey from Saebom High to Yongpa High, the not-so-subtle whispers about my presence at Yongpa High, as I marched through the halls... It was all blurred out. The only thing in focus was my burning rage, simmering, boiling with each passing second. "Seo jun-ah! You asked for me!" I wanted to burn down the whole school with only Park se mi inside. I despised her. "Delete everything" I grunted and she feigned ignorance "What are you talking about?"

I clenched and unclenched my fist, clasped and unclasped my jaw just to keep it all in. I had to control myself, cuz If I lost control, a beast was going to be unleashed upon her. Even I was scared of what I was capable of when it came to protecting Ji ah. "The video you showed me yesterday, it's posted on our school's anonymous forum. Take it down and hand over every piece of information you have about Hwang Ji ah"

"Oh, you mean this?" It was a picture of us in the gymnasium, Swipe... A picture of Ji ah sitting with her therapist Swip... A video of her taking therapy, highlighting the doctor's nameplate outside her office. Swipe... A picture of that same discharge letter. My heart sank, chest clenched, breathing disoriented... It was a mess.
Han seojun: "Delete it"

Park se mi: "What makes you think I'll do as you say"

Han seojun: "People always do as I say because they know it's the smart thing to do"

Park se mi: "I prefer to stay dumb"

Han seojun: "Park se mi!! Don't test my patience. What does she even get to do with this? Hwang Ji ah didn't do anything to you"

Park se mi: "You know the thing is... Initially, I wanted to date you. You're just so handsome! Perfect boyfriend material"

That made me scoff and I smirked, that's the closest I've been to smiling since this morning.

"If you were the last girl on Earth, I still wouldn't date you" She flashed a smirk my way, "I had a feeling you'd say that but I think you missed the word "Initially" She was not making any sense.

Park Se mi: "I wanted to date you but after what you did to my phone yesterday and honestly the way you've always disrespected me, it was not so gentlemanly of you"

Han seojun: "I'm not a gentleman when it comes to girls like you"

Park se mi: "You are right that's the reason why it's nothing but revenge now. If you want to keep Hwang Ji ah safe, you have to break up with her"

Han seojun: "The fuck I will" I was swearing, I never swore... Not until I was really, really and I mean really pissed.

Park Se mi: "I can't have you so you can't have who you want either, You disrespect me so you'll have to disrespect her. An eye for an eye. A tooth for a tooth and I want all of your fucking teeth"

Her fingers traced my jaw, like a slithering snake coiling around its prey and I jerked her hand away. "Dream on!" Snatching the phone out of her hand, I started deleting everything, also clearing the trash folders but Park se m remained unfazed. "You think I'm stupid? I never hold the gun myself dear. I never get my own hands dirty." I stopped and looked at her.

Park se mi: "How do you think I figured out that dumpling was Lim ju gyeoung? How did I get my hands on this information about your girlfriend with whom I've never had any contact? If you think I'm the one who posted on your school's forum you're wrong... "

"You guys make a great couple"

"Kang su jin came home to see me"

"I've got to go, my mom's waiting downstairs"

And it all crashed down on me.


As soon as I stepped into the classroom, my eyes searched for hers. Her chair was empty, luckily she was not there. Heading over to Kang su jin, I dragged her outside.

Kang su jin: "Let go of me?"

Han seojun: "Delete everything you have on ji ah"

Kang su jin: "I won't"

Han seo jun: "For god sake, Kang su Jin don't drag her into this"

Park se mi: "So you really do love her? I'm not surprised actually"

Han seojun: "You're doing this for Lee su ho do you realize what he'll think of you? And Ji ah she has nothing to do with this. We are not a fucking part of any love triangle!"

Kang su jin: "I'm sorry but she's just a pawn, This world works on give and take I had to give Park Se mi something"

Han seojun :"Shut up !shut up! Just shut up!! Take everything down or I'll tell everyone that you're the one behind all of this"

Park se mi: "You're not going to do that"

Han seojun: "Yeah and who's going to stop me?

Park se mi: "Aish! You're always late to the show"

Another phone, Another screen however this time it wasn't a picture but a comment section. The comments under Lim ju gyeoung's video.

"Isn't it cyberbullying to upload this?"

"Yeah! The bully should be exposed"

"I bet it's Hwang Ji ah from class 2B, Lim Ju gyeoung's so-called best friend I bet she already knew her secret'

'But why would she expose her friend?"

"There have been so many rumors about her boyfriend dating Lim ju gyeoung, she must've been jealous and insecure"

Then there was a reply defending Ji ah "Don't make false claims when you don't have a clue"

Kang su jin: "See? I did that last comment. I'm not that bad you know"

Her words pulled me out of the shit show going on inside my head.

Kang su jin: "This is just a trailer. Do as Park Se mi told you, otherwise..." Patting my shoulder she left.

So many possibilities, so many scenarios ran through my head and none of them ended well. My heart squeezed at the things that Ji ah will have to face if anything came out. I wanted to yank my hair, my eyes burning with rage, I'd never felt so hopeless in my life. So out of control,

Gulping down the panic, I took in a sharp breath to get myself together, there's no way this is the end, there must be something, a loophole anything. I just have to look closely, the gears in my brain started shifting as some of the haze cleared "Han seojun!" A timid voice interrupted and I went blank.


Yayy!! So many Gifs in this chapter!! Let me know what you think. Is he going to break up with her or will they fight together? Is there any loop hole that you see? Until next time_Max

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