The Purple Jade Palace: Princ...

By LisabetMae

353 4 21

Now a prisoner in the Keglar Kingdom, Teal is desperate to escape and bring justice to the Talbecan Empire. F... More

Ch 1: Princess Aleria of the Lombock
Ch 2: This Is Me
Ch 3: Can You Swim?
Ch 4: Plans
Ch5: The Person In Charge
Ch 6: Exerting Power
Ch 7: Politics
Ch 8: The Guest Quarters
Ch 9: Arrival of an Enemy
Ch 10: Gaining Power
Ch 11: Accusations
Ch 12: Settling In
Ch 13: Making Friends
Ch 14: Thinking about the future
Ch 15: Bribery
Ch 16: Making a Deal
Ch 17: Invitation
Ch 18: Passion
Ch 19: Plans
Ch 20: Sick to the Stomach
Ch 21: Ugly Conversations
Ch 22: Buying Time
Ch 23: Scheming
Ch 24: Rescue
Ch 25: A tunnel of nightmares
Ch 26: On The Run
Ch 27: On the Road
Ch 28: Mountain Town
Ch 29: Playing the Game
Ch 30: A Bump in the Road
Ch 31: Disguise
Ch 32: Checkpoint
Ch 33: Battle for Latrena
Ch 34: Gaining Bearings
Ch 36: Celebrations
Ch 37: Lovers
Ch 38: Teal
Ch 39: Apologies
Ch 40: The Lombock
Ch 41: Explanations
Chapter 42: The Everold
Chapter 43: A Surprise

Ch 35: Gratitude

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By LisabetMae

Princess Estina stirred. For the first time in a long time, she was warm and comfortable. She didn't open her eyes. Her intuition told her she was safe. A thick, heavy but soft blanket covered her, and she could tell from the firm material she was lying on that she was in a bed, the mattress beneath her much softer than the hard floor she had been lying on previously. Silence echoed around her. She wondered whether she should try to doze some more, but sleep had passed and it no longer lingered.

Opening her eyes, she blinked and took in her surroundings. Confusion and astonishment filled her. She was in a large oak four poster bed in an equally large stone room. Three large arched windows lined one side of the wall. Their heavy curtains were drawn aside allowing a soft light to creep inside.

Surprisingly, she was pain free. That was until she tried to sit up. Pain shot through her upper body again, and she gasped.

"Don't be stupid," Prince Alain said.

She turned her head. "Alain," she breathed, a small smile coming to her lips. Their last separation had been their longest since birth. He must have been sitting in the large chair by her bed for he now stood over her. Leaning down, he gave her a soft kiss on her forehead.

"It's good to see you finally awake," he said. "You've had me worried. By all the ancestors, you've had everyone worried."

She lifted her arm and he leaned down further so they could embrace.

"Where are we?" she asked once they had separated. Her throat was parched and sore. She swallowed several times, trying to ease some of the discomfort.

Prince Alain remained standing. He looked around the room as well before he moved to place a large pillow behind her head. "Lord Clep's guest quarters in his Manor House." He turned to a small table beside her bed and passed a large mug. "Here. Drink some water. You've been asleep for two days."

"Two days!" she gasped. She knew time had passed, but she would never have thought she could sleep for that long.

"A mixture of exhaustion and the healer's herbal remedy that he gave you did the trick. You probably don't remember drinking it. You were quite delirious by the time they got you here." His brow furrowed. "You did yourself some injury," he said. "You need to be more careful. If you die, all of this ends."

She nodded. "How is everyone?"

"Surprisingly well," he said. "Menelt wasn't injured in the fighting. Weldlan was seriously hurt, but he has been given treatment by a Talekan Assassin."

"A Talekan Assassin?" she asked, her cup held frozen in front of her face. She couldn't believe how much she had missed.

"Yes, she even came in to check on you. Your wounds are healing well and without infection."

Princess Estina could only stare at her brother.

"Jale is also doing much better," Prince Alain continued, "although he is still unconscious. The assassin saw to him first."

"Where is he?"

"In the caravan still, he's.."

"No," she cut her brother off. "Ask Lord Clep to put him into one of his guest rooms immediately. I would not be here if it was not for that man. A caravan is no place for him to rest and recover."

Prince Alain nodded. "We did it in the hope that when Teal awakes, he will see Jale and hopefully be calmer."

Princess Estina closed her mouth and contemplated. "No, Jale is still our cousin. After what he's been through, I want him treated with the utmost respect. I want him moved."

"As you wish," Prince Alain stated.

"And what of Teal?" she asked.

"He is still asleep too."

Princess Estina frowned. Who could last that long without eating or getting water into their body? Her thoughts dove into another direction and uncertainty washed over her.

"Are they all angry at me?" she asked, keeping her eyes on her mug.

"Angry?!" Prince Alain asked. "Who would be angry at you?"

"Everyone!" she said, looking back up at him. "I jumped off the bridge leaving the fight."

Prince Alain chuckled. "Far from it, Estina. Town folk have already created ballads of how you took on Prince Yernal and fought his soldiers. The warrior princess on the bridge all by herself fighting for a better kingdom. They love you."

Princess Estina couldn't speak. The way Prince Alain had said it made it sound far grander that what it had really been.

"They don't care that you jumped off the bridge," Prince Alain continued. "In fact, they think you're even braver for jumping in the first place, and smart. Who's going to take on six grown men by themselves?"

She took another sip of the water, letting the news sink in. Her head lifted sharply.

"What of Ladet?" she asked. "Did he fare well too?"

Prince Alain smiled widely, but she ignored it.

"Yes," he said softly. "Ladet fared well, better than most of the men out there." He paused. "He spent a good deal of time searching for you after the fighting stopped. He was very worried. We all were."

Prince Alain turned and spoke towards the door. It was only then that Princess Estina noticed the maid standing in the corner. "Please arrange some food for my sister." He turned back to her. "You must be famished. Let's get some food into you and if you're feeling up to it, we'll get you up onto your feet later today. I'll be back soon. I'll go let Menelt know that you are awake. He'll want to know."

Princess Estina nodded and watched her brother leave. "Thank you," she said. "Thank you for watching over me."

He smiled warmly. "You would have done the same for me."


A fire crackled softly in the corner of the stone room. It was dusk, and Princess Estina had pulled over the curtains to keep in the heat. For once, she would allow herself this luxury. Princess Estina ran her hand through her hair and revelled in how easily her fingers ran through to its tips. She brought a handful around to her nose and breathed in deeply. It had been such a long time since her hair had received such care and treatment. While she had frequently bathed over the years when she could, years had passed since it held the fragrance of flowers.

She gazed down at her naked body and marvelled at the swirl of bruises that covered her skin. Her leg had been stitched and bandaged as well as the gash on her arm. The cut on her cheek had closed by itself, but it stung and itched as it continued to heal.

Lord Clep's maids assisted her to get dressed. She would have struggled by herself with the way her ribs ached. After pulling on her trousers and thick under clothes, she covered herself with a deep wine-red jacket that was embroidered up to the neck. The maid behind her, gently lowered a thick fur coat over her shoulders.

Taking a deep breath, she walked slowly towards the door to her room, sparing her full weight on her injured leg. She had been informed Jale had awoken upon being moved to his new room. Nothing would be able to stop her from speaking with him now.

In the hallway, Lord Clep's soldiers stood guard, one on either side of her door. She nodded towards them, surprised by their presence but accepted it as a sign of respect from Lord Clep. She turned, uncertain of the direction she should take.

"Where can I find Prince Jale?" she asked.

"That way, Your Grace," he said, his voice shaking slightly. "Two doors down on your left."

Her eyebrows rose, but she nodded in thanks. No one had ever called her, 'Your Grace' before.

She turned and started to limp down the hallway, running one of her hands along the cold stone in case she would need it for support. Her head had swirled and she had been filled with dizziness when she had first risen from the bed.

There were two guards positioned outside of Prince Jale's room. She knocked on his door and heard a weak but deep voice respond. Princess Estina turned the doorknob and opened the door. Jale sat in a large bed directly opposite the door to his room. Her eyes immediately went to the person sitting on the side of his bed, and a large smile broke on her face.

"Ladet," she said.

Ladet jumped to his feet and turned to face her. He bowed deeply. He looked drawn and tired as if he hadn't caught up on his sleep.

"Princess Estina, it is so lovely to see you up and about again, although you do look worse for wear."

Princess Estina laughed. She turned her attention to the thin man lying in the bed. "May I come in to speak with you, Prince Jale?"

"Of course," Prince Jale responded.

She limped towards them but stopped at the end of his bed so she could hold onto the bedpost. Ladet ran straight over to the side of the room and retrieved a chair for her. She smiled and placed her hand over his. "I need to speak with you later as well," she said.

"Certainly, Princess," he said. He bobbed his head again.

Princess Estina smiled and turned to Prince Jale. She saw how his eyes had widened slightly at their exchange. "Ladet and I shared a small box under a caravan for two days while we escaped from Prince Yernal, and he still chooses to continue formalities."

"Indeed," Jale said, glancing at Ladet with an interested look.

She sat slowly, trying to keep her upper body from bending too much so as not to put any pressure on her ribs. Grimacing, she settled on the chair and sighed.

"I owe you my life, Princess Estina," Jale said softly. "And I can see that it cost you a lot. I am forever in your debt."

Princess Estina took in his appearance for the first time since he was fully conscious. His voice was hoarse, his lips cracked and his face taunt from lack of food, but there was a warmth and kindness in his eyes. She had the immediate sense of a confident and intelligent man.

"Cousin," Princess Estina said with a smile. "I'm just happy to see you alive and talking to me. You were not in a good way when we found you. How do you fare?" she asked.

"Sore, but I will recover," Jale responded. "I am being looked after very well. So, I thank you again."

Princess Estina nodded. "Menelt informed me that you were his contact with Emperor Rathner. I am indebted to you just as much as you are to me, so maybe we can say we do not owe each other anything further."

Jale's eyes closed when she mentioned the Emperor, but when he reopened them, they fell onto her neck. The marks on her neck had all but disappeared now save for some faint green bruising.

"I'm sorry that Teal attacked you," he said. "He really is a gentle goodwilled man. I am very fond of him."

Princess Estina managed a short nod in response. Teal's attack was still too vivid in her mind, but she managed an appropriate response, "I'm sure that he is."

"Prince Yernal was giving him something," Jale continued. "I don't know what it was, but it changed him. I didn't see the Teal I knew when he was locked in that cage. I feel we have witnessed the true Lombock within him. But I don't know if it will last. They kept giving the drink to him. It's my suspicion that it will soon wear off."

Princess Estina turned her head and looked at Ladet. "That would make things a little easier for us if that is true."

"How often were they giving him the drink?" Ladet asked. He walked back around to the other side of the bed but remained standing.

"Every two days, I think," Jale responded. "That's what I saw, but also, time seemed to lose itself when I was in their captive so I can't be sure. I.." he paused. "I hope he will be given the chance to be treated fairly when he awakes."

"He will," Princess Estina responded. "He is Lombock Royalty. I would not do otherwise."

Jale's eyes locked with hers. "Aah, so you do know all about him."

"Yes," she said. "The mountain men, however, will remain on guard until he can prove he won't hurt us." Jale nodded, and she settled back slowly in the seat, placing her hands into her lap. "Prince Alain has told me there is meant to be a great celebration this evening for our victory. Will you join us cousin?"

"I might for a short while," he said. "Although, I don't know how long my strength will last."

"Only do as you wish," she said. "I will leave you now. I am yet to speak with Menelt and Weldlan."

Slowly, she pushed up on the chair's armrest. Ladet rushed round to the other side of the bed and his hands came to her arm to help her stand.

"Thank you," she said. With a limp, she stepped closer to Jale's bed and reached out for his hand. "I am so pleased you are alive and with us, cousin."

"Me, too," Jale said. "I felt so alone after I lost Emperor Rathner, but I have been reminded that I still have friends."

"Always," she responded and squeezed his hand. 

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