Happier with you- Charlie Wea...

By SEHopeM

115K 2.4K 109

Charlie Weasley and Aurora Potter This is a rewrite of my 'In love with a Weasley' but I've added extra chara... More

My Characters
POA 10
POA 11
POA 12
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 16
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
Wedding Aesthetic
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
DH 15
DH 16
DH 17

POA 13

1.2K 25 0
By SEHopeM

It had been a few days since Sirius had actually broken into the Gryffindor tower. Poor Neville was definitely suffering. He'd received detention, a howler from his gran, was banned from all future Hogsmeade trips for the rest of the year and was also not allowed the password to Gryffindor so he had to wait around for people. If Rory noticed he wasn't in the common room she would go out every so often to make sure he wasn't standing there waiting for someone to come along seeing as it isn't exactly his fault. She decided to go see Moony before heading down to see Hagrid. She walked to Moony's class and found him marking at his desk.

"Hey Uncle Moony" Rory smiled at him.

"Hey Wolf. What brings you here"

"Am I not allowed to visit my favourite Uncle and godfather"

"Of course you are. Tea?"

"You know I'd never say no to a cup of tea. Do you have any chocolate?" She smiles following him to his office and sitting in her chair.

"Here" He hands her a bar of her favourite chocolate from his desk.

"You are definitely my second favourite teacher Moony" He laughs at this whilst making two cups of tea. She spends a couple of hours with Remus before heading off to see Hagrid. Walking down to his hut she can't help but notice all the dementors still in the distance. She reaches his hut knocking the door.

"Hello Rory. Come in. Tea?" He moves to let her past.

"Yes please Hagrid" Buckbeak was sat in the corner and Hagrid's suit hanging up "When's the trail Hagrid"

"This Friday. Him an' me'll be goin' down ter London together. I've booked two beds on the Knight Bus...." He says handing her cup of tea "Thank you for all the help you been giving young Hermione"

"It's nothing Hagrid. Malfoy's an idiot Buckbeak shouldn't suffer because of his stupidness and Hermione's definitely been in need of a friend lately"

"I'll be having a word with them two. She's in a righ' state. She's bin comin' down ter visit me a lot since Chris'mas. Bin feelin' lonely. Other than you"

"Ron just wont accept that cats eat rats and things well most cats Atlas doesn't seem a big fan. It's not her fault and Harry just takes Ron's side"

"Exactly and I saw your Atlas earlier he came down ter visit me an Fang"

"That sounds like him" She laughs. She stays with Hagrid for a little while talking about his upcoming trial and making sure he's ready. A large group of people was bunched around the bulletin board when she returned to the common room.

"Hogsmeade, next weekend!" Ron says to Harry "What d'you reckon?" he added quietly as they went to sit down.

"Well, Filch hasn't done anything about the passage into Honeydukes" Harry answered him, even more quietly.

"Harry!" Both of them look up to see Hermione, who was sitting at the table right behind them and clearing a space in the wall of books that had been hiding her. "Harry, if you go into Hogsmeade again... I'll tell Professor McGonagall about that map!" Rory rolls her eyes at her. That's not going to help her get back in their good books.

"Can you hear someone talking, Harry?" Ron growled not looking at Hermione.

"Ron, how can you let him go with you? After what Sirius Black nearly did to you! I mean it, I'll tell"

"So now you're trying to get Harry expelled!" Ron said furiously. "Haven't you done enough damage this year?" As Hermione opened her mouth to respond Crookshanks leapt onto her lap. Stupid cat. Hermione took one frightened look at the expression on Ron's face, gathered up Crookshanks, and hurried away toward the girls' dormitories.

"Ron stop being a dick about that cat" Rory hisses at him as he ignores her continuing to talk to Harry.

"So how about it? Come on, last time we went you didn't see anything. You haven't even been inside Zonko's yet!" Harry looked around probably checking that Hermione was well out of earshot.

"Okay," he said. "But I'm taking the Invisibility Cloak this time."

"Don't get caught" Rory whispers in his ear before going to find the twins. She finds them sat in the corner with Lee Jordan. "Your brothers an idiot and I'm seriously getting close to hitting him" They all look at her as she flops down on the seat next to Fred. Atlas was sat on George's lap.

"What did the idiot do now" George says not looking up from the piece of paper in his hand.

"He's still giving Hermione shit over Scabbers. I mean that rat gave me the creeps anyway but Crookshanks is a cat they eat rats, he needs to get that into his thick head"

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who got the creeps from him but why doesn't your cat eat rata or mice" Fred says gesturing to Atlas whilst George and Lee nod in agreement.

"Atlas is just weird you already know that he doesn't do much that other cats do but he's my baby. Anyway what are you three up to" She looks between them suspiciously.

"Just making our plans for Hogsmeade. We're assuming your beautiful self will be with Wood" Lee says raising an eyebrow at her.

"You would be correct. Although I need to get in some trouble soon guys I'm starting to get a bit bored of no detentions" They all smirk at her.

"We're planning on pranking the whole school later. You in?" George whispers.

"Hell yeah I'm in" They start telling her the plan they've got so far. A little while before dinner they all sneak down to the kitchens to put the plan into progress. Rory stands watch outside the kitchen door with Lee as the twins go in.

"Done?" She asks them as they run out, Fred grabbing her and throwing her over his shoulder before running. "Fred you know I can run myself" She catches sight of Remus smiling at them as they run past him.

"Yeah but with your little legs you'll get caught"

"I'm not bloody short" They finally stop running when they reach one of the secret passages where Fred finally puts Rory down as Lee and George stand with their hands on their knees trying to catch their breath as they all start laughing.

"Just remember don't drink any pumpkin juice at dinner" George says between laughs.

"Come on lets get to the Great Hall I don't want to miss any of this" Fred says once he's finally finished laughing. As soon as they all stop laughing they head to dinner and wait for the show to start. It doesn't take long for the first person to scream as everyone's hair starts turning Weasley ginger. Rory gives George and Fred a high five under the table before they all start laughing, even Dumbledore laughs with his now ginger hair and beard.

"Shit" Rory mutters as she sees McGonagall walking to them and stopping behind them "Hey Minnie, let me guess we have a date tomorrow night right?"

"Correct Miss Potter same goes for you two as well" She says looking at Fred and George before walking away.

"How comes she never suspects you" Rory says glaring at Lee across the table who was now ginger "You dick, you drank it as well to get away with it" He smirks at them.

"What can I say I'm smart" After an hour everyone's hair starts turning back to normal much to Rory, the twins and Lee's displeasure. They decide to head back to the common room where the boys disappear up to their dorm probably to plan some more pranks so Rory decides to sit by the fire and read her book. She doesn't notice Ollie until he speaks.

"Rory" She looks up from her book at him.

"Hey. Did you need something" He pulls her up to stand before sitting in her chair and pulling her into his lap wrapping his arms around her.

"That's all I wanted. Nice trick you did at dinner" He smiles.

"In my defence I just stood lookout whilst they did it" This makes him laugh.

"The lookout's just as guilty" His lips find hers before she can reply.

"Is this just your way of shutting me up" She mutters against his lips making him smile against hers.

"Maybe or maybe I just love kissing you" He kisses her again before pulling away and putting his head on her shoulder pulling her closer to him before passing her the book back. They stay like that for a couple of hours, him resting his head on her shoulder whilst she continues to read. She feels him place a kiss on her neck every so often causing her to giggle slightly making him smirk into her neck before doing it again. "We should get some sleep, Hogsmeade tomorrow" Rory glances at the time and notices its now 11pm.

"Shit where's the time gone" She stands and holds her hand out for him to take and helps pull him up as he wraps his arms around her again.

"I'll meet you here at 9 we can go get breakfast together before heading to Hogsmeade" They walk to the bottom of the stairs to the girls dorm.

"Okay. Goodnight Ollie"

"Night Rory" He places a quick kiss on her lips before heading to the boy's dorms. Rory heads up to her room and starts getting ready for bed before Angelina speaks.

"You two are so cute together you know" Rory turns to look at her as she pats her bed next to her. She walks over and gets comfy next to her so they can talk without waking the other girls.

"Don't know what you're on about Ang"

"You and Wood. Never thought I'd see him into anything other than Quidditch"

"Believe it or not he doesn't talk about Quidditch all that much"

"Really. I'm guessing he might love something more than Quidditch then" Rorys cheeks turn red.

"And what's that"

"You Aurora Potter"

"We haven't even said those words to each other yet but I think I do love him Ang, don't tell anyone though"

"I'm happy for you Ror, you deserve it after being hooked on Charlie Weasley for so long"

"Don't remind me" They both laugh. They end up talking for a while catching up properly for the first time in weeks. Eventually they both end up falling asleep on Angelina's bed. They both wake in the morning to a pillow in the face.

"You bitch's why wasn't I invited to this sleepover" Alicia says pretending to be hurt before they all start laughing.

"Sorry A, it was an unplanned sleepover. We'll invite you next time even if we have to wake you up first" Rory smiles at her.

"If I have to be woken up leave me out thank you. Anyway it's 8.30 and I know you two like to get food before heading to Hogsmeade"

"Oh shit I need to meet Ollie at 9" She jumps out of bed and grabs some clothes from her trunk along with the leather jacket from Pad's and quickly runs to the bathroom getting ready in a record time before heading down to the common room. She finds Ollie sat on the chair near the fire as she walks behind him placing a kiss on the top of his head. He looks up and smiles at her.

"Morning Aurora. You look like you need coffee" He stands taking her hand in his as they head out of the common room.

"Definitely. Alicia woke me up literally half hour ago"

"You do love your sleep don't you" He jokes as Rory hits him in the arm.

"Not everyone's a morning person Oliver"

"Oh full name"

"You're a pain you know that" He pulls her to him kissing her before letting go and starting to walk again.

"I know but you love it"

"I do" She answers trying to hide her definite red cheeks. They sit down at the Gryffindor table next to the twins and Lee. Lee hands her a coffee before going back to his breakfast.

"Thank you Lee you've just become my favourite out of you three" She winks at him taking a sip of the coffee.

"Hey" The twins say in unison making Ollie laugh.

"Well it's true I don't see either of you handing me a coffee" Fred scoffs as George speaks.

"Yeah but be honest would you accept one from either of us"

"Yes I would. You both know it's not in your best interest to prank me you learnt that lesson years ago" It was in their first year that the twins learnt that Rory could get Peeves to do anything she asks after they decided to turn her hair blue. Everywhere they went they had Peeves doing something to them including throwing endless water balloons at them as they walked down the corridors.

"Don't remind us" They both say together making her laugh.

"That still creeps me out a bit when you speak at the same time" Ollie says to the twins.

"Oh wait until all three of them do it" Lee tells him looking at Rory and the twins. They all share a look before speaking.

"What us?" They all say before Fred gives Rory a high five across the table.

"See, creepy" Lee says to Ollie.

"Jealous Lee" They do it again before they all start laughing.

"How do you do that" Ollie says to Rory.

"Years of being friends with those two. It's a gift and a curse at times" She winks at him.

"Right. You ready to get going"

"Yeah. I'll see you three later. No getting into trouble without me" Rory says as her and Ollie stand up. They all salute her before laughing as she leaves the hall with Ollie, their hands linked. As they reach the main entrance Rory sees Harry saying goodbye to Ron. "Two seconds Ollie just going to see if Harry wants me to get him anything" She says walking over to Harry quickly whilst Ollie waits by the door.

"Hey Rory" Harry smiles at his sister.

"Have fun in Hogsmeade and try not to get caught" She winks at him walking back over to Ollie. "Let's go he's already asked Ron to get him stuff" She links her hand with Ollies again as they head to the carriages. Once they get to Hogsmeade they walk around for a while before heading to get a butterbeer in the Three Broomsticks.

"You go find a table I'll get the drinks" Ollie says as Rory nods to him heading to a table near where Ron's sat on what looks like his own.

"Hey Ron, Harold" She smiles at them. Ron looking shocked for a moment before relaxing when he see's the smile on her face.

"My names not Harold" Harry mutters from under the cloak. Rory spots Logan and Isaac enter and sends them a smile as they head over to a woman who had her back to Rory. Rory walks over to the empty table as Ollie picks up the drinks walking towards her.

"Here you go"

"Thank you Ollie"

"So when's the next big prank with Fred and George so I'm prepared in advance"

"What didn't you enjoy being ginger" She answers him smirking.

"As much as I love you and your hair colour it doesn't exactly suit me" Wait what, did he seriously just say that.

"So you love me then?" His eyes go wide as he realises what he'd just said.

"That's not exactly how I planned on telling you that but yes I do love you and it's fine if you don't feel the same yet. Don't feel like you have to say it back" He scratches the back of his neck.

"Ollie. I love you too. I wasn't sure you felt the same" He smiles pulling her closer as his lips meet hers.

"How could I not love you Aurora Potter. You are amazing in everyway. I realised I loved you when you trusted me with your biggest secret" She kisses him again, not wanting it to end. "Should we head back to the school before it gets too late" He says finally pulling away making her pout at him "Don't worry we can continue kissing when we get back" He says making her laugh as he stands holding out a hand for her before helping her up. They head back up to the school stopping occasionally when Ollie decides he needs a kiss.

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