Chased by Life and Death

Por Lillian2Gwen

2.8K 329 213

"She is a monster.", they said. Well, they are not wrong. I'm not a normal monster like the others from the... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
The End
Authors Note

Chapter 13

62 8 0
Por Lillian2Gwen


The rest two weeks of October passed quickly and my program was full. Every day we ran and then ate breakfast, went to our lessons, and had lunch together at the cafeteria and gym in the afternoon. Later we studied and then slept. Moreover, at the weekends we hang out at the dorm but I always left for dance practice and hunt creatures. It was exhausting but I couldn't do anything, it's my job.

I have come a little closer with all the guys, well except Hunter. I can't understand the dude. He doesn't show weakness or happiness. He just tells us orders, gives his annoying smirk, and is always arrogant. Sometimes I want to punch him so hard but there are times that I sit down and enjoy his presence even he's like this. I can't understand.

The fight practices are going well but I don't show my unique strength. Anyway, first we just learned how to defend ourselves and did some punches and kicks. In some months we will get to the juicy ones. Also, Blake talked with Hunter and Parker about his wolf and now they take him every day to the woods and help him. I am happy about him and relieved that I was able to help him, even a small step.

Now we are at the lunch table with all the guys and I'm eating a sandwich and some chips. "The history class is boring. I can't even understand what the teacher is saying. It's like he talks an alien language." Ian complains and rests his head on the table.

"Really? My favorite lesson is history." I say and they all stare at me horrified. I laugh shyly "What?" "You know I can't understand you," Ian says.

"Me too." I speak and Tristan says "She's a weirdo." Noah laughs. I turn to him and glare. "Shut up," I say to Tristan but he turns to Parker. "What do you say?" Parker turns to me and stares. It's like he looks into my soul and a shiver runs through me. "I think she's a mysterious girl and an interesting one." Wow, I didn't expect that.

"I agree," Blake says and Luke nods. Why always the conversation ends with me? It's not that I want to talk about the past but I talk about the things I like. 

"I think you are cool. You have tattoos, you are good at fights and school. At any time you will tell us you ride a motorcycle." Luke says and I turn to him amused.

I look at him with my eyebrows raised and Noah clears his throat. Blake's lips have lifted a little to a small smirk. Luke stares at us and last me and says "You ride a motorcycle." It's not a question but a fact. My smile widens and I'm sure all of my teeth are shown. "Yes."

"What?!" Parker shouts and all the students turn to us. "Well, it's truth. I ride a purple street motorcycle." I add. "Marry me." Ian suddenly says and I start to giggle because I know he's telling a joke. When I controlled my giggles, I turned to him and he says with a wide smile "Okay if you don't marry me then can you take me for a ride?" But this time I am not the one who is laughing but Tristan. Blake comes closer to me and asks "Why is he laughing?"

"Because he's an idiot," Noah answers from beside me. "I'm laughing because you just ask her if she will take you for a ride." "And what?" Ian asks him confused. "Well, you see Monica doesn't take anyone to her bike. She rides alone and believe me we are childhood best friends and not even once I have ridden on her bike. Factually, she hasn't ridden my motorcycle, nor anyone else." I feel all the eyes to me and I shift to my seat and sign. 

"It's not that I don't want someone to ride with me on my bike but I just... I don't know feel uncomfortable." The guy nods in understanding and Blake puts his fork down. 

"I can't understand. Why someone like you don't have a boyfriend? I don't mean it as a bad thing but..."

My mind goes back in time and I remember times I don't want to. Neither Connor nor Jackson. As I think of his name, I get angry. If I see him again, I will end up crashing his heart into my fist and breaking all his two hundred and six bones. "Monica?" I realize that I was driven into my thoughts and Parker was calling me. I take a bite from my sandwich.

"It's that it didn't happen. You know?" I say and he nods. Well now I will have fun, I think. "Maybe she's by-sexual," Nathaniel says from behind me. The guys glare at him. 

"Nath, what a wonderful surprise," Ian says with distaste in his voice. Nathaniel walks to the other side of the table and stops behind Parker and now I can see his pig face.

"Maybe she hadn't had a boyfriend before. So, she's a virgin. I can see it in her eyes and body language." Tristan growls in fury and I give him a stare to tell him to shut up and that I would handle it. I turn to Nathaniel and start to examine his body. There are many ways to kill even in a blink he's already dead. My eyes find his neck and I say with a serious expression "Has anyone before decapitated you?" His eyes widen with horror and confusion.

"N-No." My psycho smile appears on my face and my eyes lighten with entertainment. I put my hands on the table and start to rise slowly while my focus is on his face. Now he's trembling. I don't turn to see the reactions of the guys and concentrate on him. "That's wonderful. You just found the right person." I say and my instinct to kill him now is at a high level. From the first time I saw him and Matteo, their colors were orange and I kept an eye on them. It's not I will kill them because I can't if they don't turn red, but I can torture them.

A hand covers mine and my gaze slides there. Parker placed his hand on mine and eventually, I calm. I turn to Nathaniel and shout "BOO!" He screams, turns, and runs out of the cafeteria. I start to laugh while sitting back down. The guys start to laugh too with Nathaniel's reaction and Ian says "Nice joke."

My laugh fades and I turn to him with seriousness and my fangs out. "Who said it was a joke?" I ask him and for a second silence falls. Fuck. I clear my throat. stand and take my bag. "I will see you later," I say to them without looking into their eyes and leaving the cafeteria. It's not that I want to kill someone but when someone is evil I have to. But sometimes my monster calls for bloodlust and I lose control of myself.

It's only when I get angry with something or when I'm fighting. But if I lose control the guys have to strain me with chains. Also, Tristan's dad with the Demon government has found a sedative that works only on me. It's really strong and puts me to sleep and calms me before I can explode. I walk back to the dorm because I forgot my phone in the morning when I went to class. When am inside I head to my room and search for it. It's on my bed and I take it and see missing calls and messages from Connor. I sign and walk back to class. It's not worth it.


In the afternoon, after gym and studies, I head to the woods. To the guys, I just said that I was going for a walk to the basketball court. It's not that I didn't want to tell them the truth but I'm sure they wanted to come and I want to be alone for a second.

When I find a clearing, I call for my black smoke. It erupts me and when it disappears, I'm standing there with a white dress. The fabric of the skirt is soft and ends on my knees. My hair is in a messy bun and am not wearing shoes. My feet feel the cold ground and I shiver. I take my seat and 'Shadow of Me' by Alec, starts to play. This time I dance modern because the song is slow and the rhythm is very calm. My dance has many moves and I add some gymnastics movements.

When I finished, I stand and say "Well, are you going to come out?" From the shadows, a figure emerges. He's taller than I remember and now maybe he's 5'9''. He has black short hair which has layered the top ones with jell to make them have a more natural looking. As he comes closer, I see his light brown-orange eyes and piercing ears. He's wearing a white shirt without sleeves and I can see his tattoos on his left arm. Black jeans hug his thighs and legs and he has black shoes on. I turn my gaze to his face and smile.

"Hi, Micah." He smiles back and hugs me while I melt into his arms.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you?" He pulls back but stays close. "I'm fine. How are you? You missed me and said 'Why don't I pay her a visit.'". "The truth is that I was worried and I come to check on you." "Thanks," I speak. He turns serious and I wait for him to tell me.

 "You know, the government it's not happy, and neither is Jackson." I sign and cross my hands on my chest.

"I don't care. They can go and fuck themselves. I don't take orders from them and you know it and I don't care about Jackson. He can suck my dick." He laughs. "I know. My brother can be pretty annoying." I roll my eyes. "I know." Jackson is Micah's older brother and an asshole. He always insults me and every time I see him, he says cruel things to piss me off. And let's don't talk about the thing he wants to fuck me so badly. He's jealous of Tristan, Noah, and Logan and says that am his. Bullshit. I belong to no one, period.

We have fought many times and he had beat me before. I had trusted him when I was vulnerable and he tried to take advantage of me and I won't fall for him again. On the other hand, Micah is really sweet and caring and always tries to save me from punishments from the government. I know him and his brother since I was small but I didn't like his brother the first time. You see their dad; Caiden is the head of the government but he's only good to give orders. When he has to fight, he puts his tail between his legs and runs away.

"Anyway, how are you holding there? Do I have to beat them?" I ask Micah because I know since I was small that Caiden beats his son. You see Micah's mother was murdered and I know who was it. Caiden. He killed her because she loved someone else. They were married but they didn't love each other. So, in the end, Caiden killed her and said that she was murdered by someone. Now you ask how I know? My friend, I know everything for everyone and Caiden's ball is red but I will kill him later. For now, I have the control.

"No, it's okay. They haven't done anything." "Yet," I add and he pats my head like am a dog. "It's getting darker so head back. Okay?" Butterflies dance on my belly and I hug him goodbye. "Okay, prince. See you." I say and he steps back. He winks and disappears into the shadows while I seer back to the dorm.


The last week of October passed in a blur and now the last month of autumn is here. It's the first week of November and today it's a special day for the students. Today parents, friends, cousins, uncles, and even neighbors can come to visit the students. The gates have been open since morning and will be closed in the evening. Yesterday I talked with the guys but told me that their parents can't come so we won't have any visits. As for my brothers, they are working and my other relatives are living very far from here so I don't expect them to come.

Now am standing in the kitchen preparing breakfast. Tristan and Parker with Blake have gone for running and Noah with Ian are still sleeping. As for Logan and Hunter, they have some work with the teachers so I stay here making sandwiches. Suddenly someone banks to our door and I use my power and feel a female which it's no harm to us. I walk to the living room and head to open it. A woman stands in front of me. She has long straight brown hair and brown eyes. Also, her lips are plumb and have high cheekbones. To my credit, she's wearing a white T-shirt with black high-waist jeans. In one hand she has her small red bag and in the other one, she's holding a coffee cup. She's beautiful even though she wears junk makeup. Her eyes study me very carefully and mine her. I wear black leggings and a blue blouse which has a cut on my chest but it's not big so you can't see my boobs.

Finally, she says annoying "Are you going to let me inside or are you going to stand there like a bodyguard?"

 As I speak, I try to stay calm and make my voice sound friendly. "Oh, I'm sorry, please come in."

I want to punch her in the face. I make my way and she passes through, heads to the living room and I close the door. I turned to her and say while she examined every inch of the living room. "Mmm, can I help you?" I ask politely.

"So, you are the girl who lives here." She says and her eyes go to Noah who walks inside. He's wearing pants and a black sweater and he's eyes study the girl. "Morning. Mmm, who is she?" He says to me and I shrug. Her eyes flickered with interest as she takes Noah and I swallow my growl. "Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Tiffany, Hunter's girlfriend. And you are?"

My eyes widen from her statement and I froze. Does Hunter have a girlfriend? And why her? Like... I rub my chest because I feel weird. "Hunter has a girlfriend? Because the other-"

"Noah, why don't you go and wake Ian so we can have breakfast?" I interrupt him and he eyes me for a second, turns, and leaves the room. "You know you are not bad." She says to me with a smirk on her face. She comes closer and adds "I know what you are doing because I'm a woman too so if you touch Hunter, I will end you. Understand?" I look at her with a blank face but I don't answer her because the door opens and Tristan and Luke walk in. They froze at the place and stare at me and the girl. "Who is this?" Luke asks.

Then the door opens again and another girl walks in with a smile on her face. She's like a top model who walks on a catwalk. She's wearing a mini blue skirt which if she bends a little you will see her underwear and a white and red sweater top with a black jacket that hugs her top body. In her hands, she has her purse, and her blond hair which is not natural is down. Also, she's wearing as much makeup as Tiffany and has brown eyes. Her white boots clank to the floor as she walks. "Tiffany, can't you just wait for me." She says with a sweet voice and then Ian with Noah walks in. Great!

"Oh, who do we have here?" Ian asks with his flirty voice. All the guys go and plop themselves on the couches and Tristan says to the girls "Please sit."

They sit too but I stand for many reasons. How can they let some chicks sit on the couches like they know each other when they don't?! "Now can you tell us who you are because we don't have guests every day?" Luke says a little annoyed. It's my first time hearing him like this. "I'm Tiffany and I'm Hunter's girlfriend and this is Brooke, Parker's girlfriend."

"Hey," Brooke says and crosses her legs and all the eyes go to her legs. I roll my eyes and try to process what she said. Why Parker hadn't said anything. Not that it's my business but... well I have a small crush on him but that's it. The door opens along with laughter. Logan, Hunter, and Parker walk in. Parker froze in his place and his eyes widen. "OMG. BABY!" Brooke screams, gets to her feet, and jumps to him. Parker catches her and his eyes find mine. 

"Finally. you are here, darling." Tiffany says and walks to Hunter. She grabs his face and kisses him. She darts her tongue to his mouth and I turn my eyes away.

"Well. what a wonderful reunion," Logan says, passes me, and goes to the kitchen. "Babe, why don't you have answered my calls? I was so worried and when Tiffany said that one of your roommates is a girl, I got angry." She turns to me and glares. "If you touch my boyfriend, I will punch you." You will kiss my ass, bitch. I tell on my mind and I find myself smiling.

"What are you smiling bitch?" She snarls and Parker says to her "First, Brooke don't call Monica a bitch, and second you are not my girlfriend anymore. If you remember we broke up so please leave." I raise my chin and look into her eyes. "Don't worry. I haven't touched your precious boyfriend."

I turn and head to my room while I say above my shoulder "Anyway, I hate man." and walk out. I hear them talk and when I'm finally to my room I sit on my bed with my headphones on. "Nirvana, you have to head north and find the people and heal them," I say through my mind link to her. "As for you Fluffy, go help the others at the green forest." and I close the link. Nirvana and Fluffy are parts of my power. You can say that I created them and now they are my family. Nirvana is a big tiger with orange, white and black layers, and long fangs. Fluffy is a big black wolf. 

I get up and do some of my homework while later I study our enemies' locations and their information. As I take a look now, I think that instead of going to my friends on the Christmas holidays I have to kill creatures. I sign and walk out of my room. None of the guys came to my room so I think they stayed in their rooms too. I get to the kitchen and see Blake with Noah. I smile at them.

"Hey, what are you doing?" They turn to me and give me the same gesture. "Fine. What did you do to your room so many hours?" Blake asks and my eyes find the cloak on the wall. It's two pm. Wow, just how many hours I was there?

"I had some work to do. You know study and other things." I say and sit down beside Blake. "Are you okay?" he asks me but before I can respond a voice interrupts. "Yes. Faster. I'm coming." I froze in place and bile rises to my throat. "Well..." Noah starts and I grimace. I take my drink and head back to my room. I see that Hunter fucks everything that walks. And Tiffany can go fuck herself. Oh wait, that's what she's doing now. I forgot.

The hours pass and finally, the girls leave. I seer to the living and find all the guys sitting, talking, except Hunter. All the eyes turn to me and I sit beside Luke. "Your girls are pretty hot you know," Ian says to Parker but he only stares at me as if to find something there.

 "She's not a girlfriend. She hooked up with Hunter and some other dudes and I couldn't stand her. So, I broke up with her but she still thinks we are together." He explains.

"Well, I don't think Hunter cares the same as you," Noah says and I have a bad feeling. 

"My brother is a dick with women and I don't care. He can take care of himself."

Then Hunter walks in with only pants and no shirt. His hair is down and the pants are low so you can see the strap of his boxer. His muscles and abs are exposed and his skin looks so soft that I want to touch it. "Great show there," Logan says to him as he walks and plops himself beside me. I tense as his thigh touches mine and I raise my eye brown. He chuckles "We haven't met since we started here so I took advantage. What do you say, sunshine?" He turns to me and drinks his cola. I watch as his Adam's apple goes up and down.

 I swallow "And why are you asking me?"

"Don't get angry, sunshine I'm just asking a question. Maybe you are jealous." I grin in disgust. "Why will I be jealous?" I curl my fist on the couch and look at him calmly but my eyes are hard. "Monica..." Luke says from beside me and someone banks at the door. Now who the fuck is. Ian gets up and opens it. I froze and my eyes widen in shock as Connor stands at the door. He passes inside despite Ian's objections. I stand up and walk to him as he takes my form.

I look at him and find the same guy I had a crush on for three years. His short brown hair is messy as always and he's wearing jeans and a grey t-shirt. He still has his small beard and his brown eyes find mine. "Monica, here you are." his voice is raspy as he talks and I have to try to find the right words to say to him because as I look at him, dread and anger rise inside me.

"Hey, man," Noah says from behind me but I don't turn. 

"Hey, Noah." he turns to me and I say "Connor, what are doing here?" my voice comes small and I think if he heard me. 

He looks at me with sadness and says "I came to see you. What did you expect." I take a small breath because I can't get oxygen in my lungs.

"How did you find me?" 

He rubs the back of his neck "When you left, I asked some guys and found that you go here now so I came."

 "Mmm excuse me, but do you know each other?" Ian asks.

"Yes, she, my girlfriend." Connor says and the guys say "WHAT?!" and I sign. "Connor I'm not your girlfriend. I broke up with you." He runs his hand through his hair. "Yes, I know that you broke up with me but you didn't give me a great reason. That's why I came because I care about you." I close my eyes as I want to puke.

 He comes closer "Don't touch me." I say but he still touches my cheek.

"Monica-" but he doesn't finish because Tristan punches him in the face. Connor falls to the ground groaning. "I think she said to not touch her." He growls and Luke pushes him back so he can't punch him again. "What the fuck, Tristan?! Monica, I'm hurt!" He shouts and stands to his elbows.

"Why don't you go to Nicole to suck her pussy or fuck Maria so they can take your pain away?" I ask him and tears gather in my eyes but I hold them because I don't want him to see me like this. I curl my hands into fists at my sides and hid eyes widen in surprise. "WHAT?!" Tristan shouts but the guys hold him back. "Tristan calm the fuck down," Logan orders him and his voice sounds angry. "You cheated her?" Blake asks Connor and he shakes his head. "Monica please that was nothing. You have to understand me. It was a mistake." He stands and I want to kill him at this moment. I manage all my strength to speak to him for the last time.

"You fucked it for yourself. This is the end of me and you. So don't call my number because I won't be there for you like I was before. I should have listened to my friends" and I gesture to the guys behind me "They always know the best and said you were just like all the rest, so I will say it loud in case you don't already know. Pack your shit and go." and with that, I kick him on his stomach and send him flying to the wall outside the corridor. I close the door with a bank and stand there as silence falls to the room.

My eyes blur and sad with angry tears fall down my face and I start trembling. I take some small breaths but a sob escapes from me. My hands are shaking and I bring them to my belly. Eventually, my sharp black nails extend and slice my shirt and flesh. "Monica?" Noah calls softly from behind me as I start to cry more. Then Tristan comes in front of me and when he sees the blood he curses "Fuck." He hugs me. I put my hands around his neck and start to cry even louder. Immediately he grabs me by my middle and I wrap my legs around his waist and I let myself break.

I sob loud and I feel the guys tense as they look at me. I have my back to them when Logan says with a cold voice "Tristan take her to her room, leave her there and get your ass back here. Noah and Blake, you go with her, stand with her inside and watch her." with a nod Tristan turns and I curl my hands to his back as my nails dig to his flesh. When the guys see my face, their eyes widen with worry and I hide my teary face between his neck and shoulder as he heads to my room. He sets me on my bed but doesn't release me.

 "Please, Monica don't cry," he says and rubs my back.

"TRISTAN!" Logan shouts from the living room. "Tristan, please go. We will keep her company." Noah says. Tristan hesitates for a second but he lets me go. He kisses my head and leaves the room. Noah closes the door and when Blake sees my belly, he knees in front of me and takes my hands. 

"Monica did you do this?" he asks but I cry more. Noah comes and wipes my tears with the back of his hand but more falls. 

"I-I s-sorry," I say but Blake shakes his head.

"Don't say this. You did nothing wrong. He lost something really sweet and kind. He doesn't deserve you." I hug his waist and he lay us on my bed. I curl to his side and Noah hugs me from behind. I cry and cry but when the tears stop falling my eyes have already shut.


I'm curled between the guys when I wake up. I try to untangle myself from them but their hands and one by one they wake up. I rub my sleepy eyes and stand to stretch my body. "Monica, how are you feeling?" Blake asks me while Noah eyes me from head to toe.

"I'm fine." My voice sounds like I had been screaming. I get some clothes and head to the bathroom. I get to the shower and start scrabbling myself. Last night I fell quickly asleep after crying. On one side I feel really sad and exhausted but on the other, I have so much energy and I want to punch something.

I get out of the shower and wrap myself in a towel. I get a chance to look in the mirror and I see that I have puffy red eyes and dark circles under my eyes. I examine my stomach which has small scratches from yesterday. I take some gauze and wrap it around my belly. I put on a blue crop top and black pants. When my hair is in a messy bun I seer to the kitchen.

Logan is in the oven preparing breakfast, Hunter is leaning against the fridge, while the others are sitting on the kitchen island, talking. Silence falls as I step inside and I feel many pairs of eyes studying me. "Morning," I say and they answer the same thing without asking something else. I sit beside Parker and drink my orange juice. I froze as a hand touches my belly and I look down. Parker has his hand there and with soft gestures, he rubs my stomach. "Does it hurt?" he asks me.

"Just a little," I speak. "You are not going to run, right? They will open again." Ian points to my injury. "Of course, she won't run with that," Logan answers from the cove and looks at me with sharp eyes. "I will run even if you want or not so cut the bullshit I had more fatal injuries and still could fight," I say deadly serious, and Logan growls. We stare at each other when he looks away and signs. I won. 

"Okay, you will run but if for a second you feel pain or I don't know, I will call your brothers to chastise you. Understand?" I nod and my left corner lifts just a little to a smile.

"Wait, you have siblings?" Hunter asks me. "Yes, I have three protective and annoying brothers. Adam is the oldest, then Killian, me and last is Austin, my little brother." Hunter stares at me amused by my answer and says "So we have to take care of you so we don't get killed." I laugh along with the guys. Then I realize something and I froze. I turn to Hunter and look at him with wide eyes.

"Did you just say a joke?" He looks at me in horror for a moment but his normal expression reappears. "Who said I don't make jokes?" A smile spreads to my face and I jump from my seat. "Let's take our morning run," I say and head out.

Once we are at the begging of the trees we start running. First slowly and then faster. "This is the only limit you can go?" Tristan says from beside me. 

I chuckle "No. Do you want to race because you will lose"

"Of course, I will win. If I win you have to give me a lap dance but if I you win-" he starts saying but I think about what he said. He wants me to give him a lap dance which he hasn't ever asked that before. Ever. I feel weird, embarrassed, and excited at the same time. I give him a shy smile "If I win you have to wear only your boxers for a whole day." His eyes flickered with fear and he turns his head back for a second. Then he turns to me and nods.

"Let's do it. Blake give us the signal." I prepare myself and wait for Blake. "Ok. One.... Two... Three!" He shouts and Tristan starts to run faster. I keep running at the same pace and Luke asks me "What are you doing? He will win." I shake my head

"I gave him a moment to start first." I smile. "Well, I think you have-" he doesn't finish as I spring where Tristan went. The trees and the forest become a blur and I see him ahead. "You can kiss my ass!" I shout to him as I pass him. In five minutes, I'm where we started, waiting for them.

Tristan is the first to finish and behind him are the guys. He collapses to the ground breathing heavily and the guys laugh. I give them my biggest smile and say "Well you just won the Only-Boxers-day!"

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