Remember Me (Sequel To Tragic...

do_ilook_likeicare द्वारा

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Sequel to Tragic Endings... Aisha and Marshall were living happily together. At first. They have been marrie... अधिक

1. It's Your Funeral
2. Happy Anniversary Baby
3. Overprotected
4. Preface Part 2: You're Safe With Me Always
5. In His Shadow
6. That Thing
7. Naive
8. Possessive Nature
9. Entourage
10. Round Two
11. Preface Part 3: It Was All My Fault
12. Respect
13. No Harm
14. Asshole
15. Don't Talk To Strangers
16. Taken
17. Shit Is Serious
18. The Voice-mail & The Punishment
19. Sins Of A Mother
20. Preface Part 4: Guilty Conscience
21. You Had One Job
22. Say Goodbye Hollywood
23. The Night Of Part 1
24. The Night Of Part 2
25. Who's Eminem?
26. Too Intense
27. Angst
28. Who Can I Trust
29. I'm Sorry
30. Cutting Ties
31. Double The Security
32. I'm Not Going Nowhere
33. Don't Get On That Plane!!
35. Hot-headed
36. Necessary Evil
37. Renegade (The Last Chapter)

34. Please Stop Him!!

162 11 7
do_ilook_likeicare द्वारा

Aisha's P.O.V.

I have been trying to contact Marshall for hours now to let him know that I never got on that plane.

I mean, like... initially... I did. I was sitting right at the seat when I had felt the intense urge to get myself out of that confined space and get some air, simply because I was literally like having a heart attack or something, caused partially by his earlier phone call to me, which was cut short for whatever reason.

And so... I wasn't actually... boarded on the plane when whatever happened happened.

And I wish that Marshall knew that.

But he isn't picking up his phone, it just keeps on going straight to voice-mail.

I even called Paul, and Denaun, and a few more of his friends, finding their numbers stored in my own phone, but neither one of them was able to contact Marshall neither, it's like he's disappeared from the face of the Earth.

I feel so scared that he would do something reckless and crazy. Something that would either get him in serious trouble or put his own life in danger, which is ultimately the same thing...

I know that Marshall believes that I'm dead.

There were no survivors of the plane crash, and he thinks that I was on that plane, but I wasn't.

The craziest thing has kept me from getting back on it too after throwing up inside of the public bathroom.

A memory that came completely unprovoked and out of the blue. But it was so vivid and it shook me to my core.

I was standing in front of the mirror in the airport's bathroom, checking my hair in the reflection, running my fingers through it.

All of a sudden, the room disappeared and I found myself standing in a hospital room instead.

In front of a sleeping Marshall.

I made my way over to him and tried to shake him awake, but he just won't wake up.

Then my father walked in. With his goons.

He was telling me in this gruff voice how because I have refused to listen to him and leave Marshall alone, he is now going to either kill Marshall or do something else really horrible to him, and that I had to make a choice which one.

I literally screamed while snapping out of it.

Now I start to realize exactly why Marshall dislikes my daddy, that man is freaking ruthless and scary. And he was always dead set against Marshall and I being together, I always knew that, but I never realized how far he was willing to go in the past to tear us apart...

Now, I'm literally freaking out over this. I'm having a straight up panic attack inside of an airport's bathroom.

Eventually, a few of the people from my entourage came in to check on me. Only to find me sitting on the floor crying. I felt like my whole world was crashing down around me once again.

I was so distraught that it took several minutes to calm me down.

And by the time I was finally alright enough to function, I had missed my flight.

The plane took off without me, saving my life.

I was standing at the waiting room at the airport still, trying to see if I could get on another plane at the last minute, eventually having to hire a private jet to take me to Bahamas for my music video shoot.

Only I never made it there, and thank God for that!!

As Marshall was frantically explaining to me why I shouldn't board the plane, that same one that's already taken off without me, my whole team rushes towards me once again, and they are frantic.

Somebody shows me the breaking news footage playing on their phone screen.

And what I see and hear is that the plane I almost boarded just now had crashed, and that everybody on board of that plane is dead, and I cover my mouth with my hand, stifling a scream that wants to emerge right then and there.

All those poor innocent people dead just because somebody had thought I would be on that flight and wanted me dead. This is absolutely horrible, and as I'm processing the news, my photo flashes on the screen, and it is announced how a singer Aisha Knight was one of the passengers that perished on the plane crash.

I feel sick to my stomach.

Then I call Marshall.


It's hours later when I land in Detroit. I need to see him right away and let him know I'm alive, because I keep getting this really weird feeling.

During the flight from LA to Detroit, I had this other memory.

Once again, something to do with being in a hospital room.

There were like... all these tubes hooked to me, and Marshall was sitting near my bed, holding my hand.

I remembered yelling at him so much, because I realized then that he almost did something really crazy and stupid.

Because he thought I had died then.

Just like he does now.

Aisha, when I told you I'll kill for you I fucking meant that shit.

His words ringing now in my ears.

Marshall is the type to get revenge on people. He shows no mercy to those that have wronged him or those closest to him. And Marshall loves me. And he thinks that I'm dead. That's a horrible combination.

My heart is racing when I finally walk through the door of our home in Detroit.

Sienna immediately runs to me.

"Mommy, you are home!!" She exclaims excitedly, not a worry in her sweet beautiful face or lacing her voice. I don't think that she knows...

"AISHA?!" Kim walks out of one of the rooms, Hailie and Alaina trailing her, and all three are looking at me like they are seeing a ghost while Kim cradles the smaller child, Whitney, in her arms.

"Aisha!!" Hailie is the first to reach me. She hugs me, pulling back and looking at me with wide eyes.

"We all thought you were..." she trails off.

"Girl, come with me right now," Kim now snatches my wrist and she pulls me aside from the girls.

"Marshall thought you had died in that plane accident," she says in a harsh whisper. "And he fucking lost it!! He called me here to look after the girls and then he took off. You need to let his ass know right now that you are okay, cause the way he sounded, I'm sure he's about to do something stupid!!"

"Well, where'd he go?!" I exclaim frantically, watching Kim nervously wring her hands. "I've been trying to call him, but it keeps going to voice-mail."

"I think he booked a flight to LA. He kept talking about how he was gonna make some... I don't know, Cuban guys pay," Kim says frantically. "It was hours ago," she then adds.

I grab my phone and dial Marshall yet again, but he of course doesn't pick up.

I feel myself get increasingly more and more panicky.

The realization also hits me that while I was rushing to fly back to Detroit to get to Marshall as soon as possible, he was on the flight back to LA at the same exact time, and the sad irony of that isn't lost on me.

"Aisha, fucking do something!!" Kim exclaims, bringing me out of my thoughts. "As much as I hate to admit it, Marshall fucking loves you to death, and when he thought you were gone, the way he looked... I'm scared for him and what he might do!!"

I plop down on the couch, thinking frantically. I could call Pail again, or Denaun, but they have just as much of a chance to reach Marshall now as I do, all of us are here in Detroit, while he's in LA.

There's only one person that's currently there as well whom I know, who could try and find Marshall and let him know I'm alive, but I don't trust this person much, especially after all of the recent events and certain stuff that's I've been able to remember lately.

But I might not have any other choice.

I scroll through my contacts and find my father's number.


3rd Person P.O.V.

Suge Knight was just as shaken up as Marshall when he thought that Aisha had died.

He couldn't be reached by anybody after he's heard the news, he just sits in his office, crushing his cigars numbly in his large hands when his phone rings.

Seeing his adopted daughter's name on the caller ID immediately infuriates him because Suge believes in this moment that it's somebody playing on her phone and playing a cruel prank on him.

He wants to literally obliterate that person.

Until he picks up the phone and hears Aisha's voice.

She explains the situation to him and pleads with him to locate her husband and stop him from doing something reckless and crazy.

Suge reassures her.

"Of course I would do that, Princess. I will look after Marshall for you. I'll make sure he's okay."

Suge then hangs up the phone and begins contemplating.

He's never liked Eminem and the fact that he's recently actually been forced to accept the fact that the cracker seemingly won in their battle of wills over Aisha, hadn't changed that fact at all. Hadn't chanced his distaste for the boy whatsoever. If anything, it had made it worse.

But lately, Suge also realized that if he kept interfering between Aisha and her husband, then it would only cause Aisha to despise him even more than she already seemingly did, and he never wanted his Princess to hate him. Yes, Aisha wasn't actually biologically his, but he had loved her all the samw. That was his favorite child and his most precious baby girl. So he decided to swallow the bitter pill and accept what's apparently was beyond his control all along and a force of nature.

Maybe his daughter was meant to end up with that damn cracker after all.

However... this turn of events presents a new opportunity for him to finally pull his daughter away from Shady for good.

And all Suge would have to do is literally... nothing.

Not a goddamn thing.

Marshall is dumb and reckless enough to go and get himself killed right now, and if Suge just let's it happen, he can later tell Aisha that he had in fact tried, but just couldn't reach the boy in time.

Marshall would be either dead or in jail, and Aisha would finally be free of him, and she can't even blame Suge for it, so yes.

All he has to do is just stay right where he's at and let Eminem shoot himself in the foot in his quest for revenge...


I realize that this situation is very simular to what's happened at the end of the first book when Marshall mistakenly thought that Aisha was dead and was going after Suge to kill him, now he thinks she's dead again and he's going after the Cubans. I know it's repetitive, but in a way we come a full circle this way lol

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