Rebirth of Yi Nanhuai

By tbluesyum

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Rebirth of Yi Nanhuai [ 重生之易南淮 ] Author : Shenlin Chapters: 247 [ Completed ] Rebirth, attack and favor, thre... More

1.Annihilation and Rebirth.
3.Danshan banquet.
4.Wanli Tonghua.
6.Two eggs!!
8.Watching a play .
9.Meeting on a narrow road.
10.The sword of freindship.
11.Sword heart Advancement.
12.There is a Demon Cultivator.
13.Prelude to Cangming.
15.Get there first.

5.Top 100

199 5 0
By tbluesyum

    The competition system of Danshan Banquet is very simple and rude. The entire competition is divided into two parts, the finalist competition and the competition, and one of the biggest highlights of Danshan Banquet is the competition for the top 100 rankings.

    Because of the nature of the Danshan Banquet, the finalists are open to all Taoist cultivators who are willing to participate, as long as the monks can get the jade medal before the competition starts and then jump into the arena of the finalists.

    The arena of the Danshan Banquet is set up on the surface of Mengze Lake, and it is a top-level spiritual weapon left by Immortal Aotian-the water lotus jade dial.

    This spiritual weapon can be large or small, and it can be converted into ten with one. The material is extremely hard. Although it is only a ground-level spiritual weapon, it can withstand the full blow of the ancestor of the tribulation period. In fact, it is too wasteful to use such a treasure for a bunch of monks who are only at the top of the Jindan peak, but according to the records left in the classics, Aotian Xianchang has always been extraordinary, such a spiritual weapon is probably insignificant in his eyes.

    The water hibiscus jade disc is originally a defensive spiritual device. As the name suggests, the whole shape is like a hibiscus. Its petals are movable, and the degree of its bloom can be determined by the support of aura. And when it is used as a competition arena, its petals are in full bloom, almost parallel to the jade plate in the middle.

    The water hibiscus jade disc is a wood attribute spiritual weapon, so when it is running, there will be a very light cyan mist-like aura flowing slowly on its petals. When it is attacked, these cyan aura will quickly The circulation is very beautiful. In order to meet the situation, Tonghua City also planted a large piece of green lotus on the edge of Mengze.

    Mengze, as the venue for the competition, naturally cannot be too casual, so there are beautiful carved jade railings around Mengze, granite is paved on the shore of the lake, there are pavilions on the stones, and there are seats in the pavilions. . But these people did not include Qu Kuangzi and other venerable and old lords of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. They had other seats.

    In the sky above the green leaves of Mengze, about a kilometer away from the jade dial, there are eight pavilions suspended. These are the positions for Qu Kuangzi and others. game status.

    As for the other monks who are not qualified to sit, they can only find their own seats behind these powerful people. They either fly in the air on their own contracted spirit beasts, or sit on spirit swords or spirit weapons to occupy a place , or front or back, depending on strength. Ahead is an extremely exciting game, and below is the Wanli Tung Blossom Forest, which is also quite pleasant. After all, for monks, there are too many ways to allow them to see the game clearly even if they are far away. As long as they don't pay too much attention to the reputation of the front and back of the position, it is still very comfortable.

    There are two qualifying rounds. The first round needs to select the top 100,000 monks among all participating monks, and the second round needs to select 100 monks out of the 100,000 monks. Competition for rankings.

    In the first round of the qualifying competition, the Chushui Furong Yudupan will transform into ten rings, each ring is hundreds of feet wide, and then each column of incense will be reduced by half until its area is only enough to stand ten thousand people. In the second round of the play-in competition, the jade disk will continue to shrink from ten to five, and from five to one, until there are only one hundred people left on the disk. In this process, the monk needs to do his best to knock other monks out of the ring and ensure that he can stand until the end.

    Since the Cangming Realm has a limited number of entrants, who can enter and who cannot, depends on whether the monks have passed the first round of the finalists. The jade badges of the monks who entered could be kept, while the jade badges of the monks who were kicked off the ring would be turned into powder. When the Cangming Realm was opened, monks used these jade badges to represent their identities and serve as access cards.

    Every time there are tens of millions of monks participating in the Danshan Banquet competition, there are many monks but the arena is limited, and each arena is filled with densely packed monks, and every time the jade scale shrinks, the weaker monks will compete with the lower ones. The dumpling was knocked into the water like a plop, the scene was very spectacular.

    For someone as powerful as Qu Kuangzi, the first round of the play-in competition was not worth watching at all. With so many people crowded together, the skills and techniques were displayed, and all kinds of colors collided into one piece, which made people's eyes hurt.

    The monks from the 19th Great Forces, the minimum requirement for themselves is to enter the first round of the finalists and obtain the qualification to enter the Cangming Realm. If they can't even do this, they can all apologize with death. In fact, among the 100,000 people every year, almost none of the monks from the 19th major powers will fall, so Qu Kuangzi and others are so indifferent to this first match, unlike those small and medium forces, this first match You can see them terrified. When disciples and juniors are knocked down, they beat their chests and feet in distress.

    What Qu Kuangzi and the others were concerned about was who belonged to the juniors who entered the top 100, and the competition for the top 100 ranking.

    Due to the large number of people, the first round of the play-in competition was simply a big melee, but it ended quickly. It started in the morning and ended in just an hour.

    Yi Nanhuai had just knocked down a casual cultivator who was quite strong but overconfident, and suddenly felt a coercion covering the entire jade disk standing under his feet, so all the monks on the disk could not move, Yi Nanhuai Knowing that this means that 10,000 people have been selected for their arena.

    After everyone stopped moving, Bi Tongzi, the lord of Tonghua City, who was sitting in a pavilion, nodded with satisfaction and took back the coercion.

    After the coercion receded, Yi Nanhuai stood on the edge of the jade plate, smiled kindly at a few familiar monks, and then secretly looked at the other jade plate in front of him on the right, his A Liang was on it.

    Wei Shengliang stood with a sword in his hand, ten meters away, not daring to see anyone. Seeing this scene, Yi Nanhuai felt a surge of pride from his heart.

    Wei Shengliang is a sword cultivator, and the top sword cultivators are the most powerful. They can basically be invincible at the same level, and Wei Shengliang is the top of the top with the Qingshuang spiritual body. Therefore, Wei Shengliang only relied on his foundation-building peak cultivation base, but all the monks at the Jindan stage could do nothing to him.

    Among the spirit bodies, there is a kind of spirit body that can be regarded as a physique specially tailored by Tiandao for sword cultivators, also known as sword body, and Qingshuang spirit body belongs to this kind, so the more widely recognized name of Qingshuang spirit body should be Qingshuang sword body.

    I don't know if the Qingshuang sword body is in the top 100 list of spiritual bodies, but its powerful power is recognized in the Tibetan Yuan world. Among the sword bodies known in the Tibetan Yuan world, Qingshuang and Wanren are tied for the first place, so Qingshuang As soon as it came out, all the major forces were bound to compete for it, so Wei Shengliang was able to worship under the old gentleman Jinyu of the Junyang Sword Sect.

    In order to facilitate the fight, Wei Shengliang is wearing very neat and strong clothes today, with tight wrists, and a pair of minimalist but eye-catching boots on his feet, but Yi Nanhuai thinks it is the reason for Wei Shengliang's good-looking legs , the lines are smooth, straight and long, which can't be worn by others. The thin waist is tied with a girdle embroidered with two back patterns, and the whole person looks very cold and straight, awe-inspiring.

    White is the main color of Jun Yang Jianzong's uniform, and because Wei Shengliang likes white, his body is almost all white, including various accessories. But because of the different materials of fabrics and accessories, the white on Wei Shengliang's body has a sense of layering, so it won't make people feel monotonous and pale.

    The sword cultivators from Junyang Sword Sect all have wooden faces, serious and serious, old-fashioned and boring. Wei Shengliang was raised by the Junyang Sword Sect, so he naturally possessed this quality, but Wei Shengliang had a cold face, but Yi Nanhuai found it very cute, even with an expressionless face. Until now, Yi Nanhuai Nan Huai has sneaked a peek at Wei Shengliang for countless times, relying on his powerful mind and soul, none of the great powers present could find him, and he was very unscrupulous.

    But Yi Nanhuai is still very decent on the surface, as if the peeping person is not him, but he is afraid that he is already on fire in his heart, such a big baby, he has to hug him quickly, otherwise it will be too attractive.

    Although the melee in each arena ended differently, it was not too bad, and soon all the monks in the ten arenas stopped.

    Some monks who wanted to squeeze into the first round with their own strength were a bit dangerous, but later realized that they had obtained the qualifications to enter the Cangming Realm. They couldn't help but danced on the stage. And some monks just smiled slightly, as an affirmation of themselves. As for the monks of Yi Nanhuai's level, they are as immobile as a mountain, with no waves on their faces, but there are all kinds of beings in the ten arenas.

    For Yi Nanhuai, Wei Shengliang and others, the first round of the play-in competition was just a warm-up activity. What really required energy was the next second round, where one hundred thousand entered one hundred.

    Bitongzi flew out of the pavilion, and the next game required more manipulation of the Chushui Furongyu dial, which was more convenient outside.

    Seeing the lord of Tonghua City flying out of the pavilion, the air seemed to be stagnant, and every monk secretly accumulated spiritual power, Yi Nanhuai flipped his hands, and a ball of lightning flashed and disappeared.

    The human body has five elements, which are called gold, wood, water, fire, and earth. The spiritual power between heaven and earth is also divided into these five elements. Some people are gifted with spiritual roots and can perceive spiritual power to communicate with heaven and earth, which means they have the qualifications for cultivation. The most common spiritual roots are double spiritual roots and three spiritual roots, followed by single or variant ones, and very few four spiritual roots and five spiritual roots. Generally speaking, monks with fewer spiritual roots practice faster, while monks with more spiritual roots practice slower and consume more resources.

    It is difficult to distinguish between good and bad spiritual roots. No one can say that a single spiritual root is better than multiple spiritual roots. It depends on the individual's acquired good fortune.

    Some monks like single-line spiritual roots, because it is the easiest to progress and specialize, but some monks prefer multi-line spiritual roots. Even if it takes more energy and resources than single-line monks, it is better than single-line. Monks have more means. Both single-spiritual roots and five-spiritual roots are rare, and most of those with five-spiritual roots have a mediocre life. There is no shortage of extraordinary achievements, and the five spirit root monks who have grown up are all powerful. According to Yi Nanhuai's knowledge, Chu Pingcang is the root of five spirits.

    Therefore, the only spiritual root that can be called bad should be the mutual restraint spiritual root, such as water fire spiritual root, wood earth gold spiritual root, such a monk wants to cultivate the necessary treasures of heaven, material and earth, and wash his spiritual root into a state of incompatibility. As long as you have the heart, the way of heaven will not end the monk's way of cultivation.

    The atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out, Bi Tongzi put one hand behind her back, and stretched out her five fingers with the other hand slightly curved, each jade scale was instantly reduced by half again. Yi Nanhuai's original position was on the periphery, and the jade dial had changed. He reacted immediately, and chased after the shrinking jade dial. During this time, blue-purple lightning kept shooting out, and the thunder and lightning gathered into the shape of a roaring flying dragon. Sweep all the monks who are in the way in front of him or who want to attack him who are overpowering themselves into the water.

    Different from the mutated Thunder Spirit Root in his previous life, Yi Nanhuai has no spiritual roots since he was reborn in this life. Other monks have radiant spiritual roots in the center of their Qi Sea, but the original Thunder Spirit Roots in the center of his Qi Sea have become It became a gray mass. But it doesn't matter, Yi Nanhuai found that this group of things combined with chaos can definitely make him a monk of the whole line, so he can still pretend to be a mutant Leilingen monk.

    Unlike Yi Nanhuai and other heavenly favored men, how cruel it is to make a hundred thousand into a hundred. Some monks who have self-knowledge jump off the stage at the moment when the jade scale shrinks, fearing that they will be vying for the top 100. The powerful monk was seriously injured, which would affect his subsequent treasure hunting in the Cangming Realm, so the gain outweighed the loss.

    Yi Nanhuai and the others didn't bother to pay attention to these monks who didn't want to fight, they just focused on their eyes and drove people who hindered them into the dream lake one after another.

    Bi Tongzi tightened her five fingers even more, and the jade scale shrunk by half again. The lightning controlled by Yi Nanhuai flew in all directions, and groups of monks screamed and were sent flying off the stage.

    Once again, Yi Nanhuai was surrounded by several monks who belonged to Qian Tianzong. A bunch of idiots, they thought they could pick themselves out with just a few more people? Yi Nanhuai thought contemptuously, Qian Tianzong was crazy about the top spot. He has always been in the second round of the play-in competition. It's not that no one has passed through the aisle, but others can't say anything. After all, in such a chaotic situation, the disciples of Qian Tianzong are able to get together, but will Yi Nanhuai be the same as those poor people?

    Coming and going is not indecent, Yi Nanhuai smiled sarcastically, and with his spiritual power, he swung the fireball blasted by a disciple of Qian Tianzong into the water, then concentrated on his feet, kicked it flying, and the disciple immediately bent into a shrimp shape and fell down. Shoot it out, and hit a big splash on the lake. Withdrawing his feet, Yi Nanhuai raised his heavy fists, and swung hundreds of punches between lightning and flint, aiming to hit Qian Tianzong's disciples in the face. The disciples who were still aggressive for a moment immediately slumped, and finally were kicked into the water one by one by Yi Nanhuai, and the surrounding monks avoided one after another, fearing that it would harm the fish in the pond.

    Having dealt with the Qiantianzong people, Yi Nanhuai broke into the monks again, like a wind swept away, and the place he passed was wiped out.

    Yi Nanhuai was playing vigorously, when he suddenly felt that his feet were empty, he immediately realized that the jade dial he was on had disappeared! Yi Nanhuai reacted very quickly, transferred spiritual energy to his feet, stepped on the water, a small water flower bloomed under his feet, and his whole body flew towards another jade dial that did not disappear.

    But some monks didn't react as quickly as Yi Nanhuai, so a large group of monks fell into the lake one after another before they had time to move.

    The jade dials were ten to five, and the basically stable strength comparison situation on each board was disrupted again, and a large number of monks on the remaining jade dials were eliminated.

    Yi Nanhuai wanted to enter the jade plate, naturally some monks wanted to stop him, but if he wanted to go, who could stop him? When Yi Nanhuai fell onto the stage, he drew out thousands of thunder beads with both hands, and drove a large number of monks into the water.

    After Yi Nanhuai landed, he found that he was actually flying towards the Yudupan where Wei Shengliang was. Yi Nanhuai looked at the figure with flying black hair and sword like a rainbow, and was dazzled for a moment. Wei Shengliang's swordsmanship is very powerful. With one finger of his long sword, the spiritual power envelops the sword energy, and the dense ice cones fly out, and the monks in front of him screamed. Because of this, he was injured, and other monks took the opportunity to knock him out of the ring one after another.

    Suddenly the arena shrunk by half again, and the fighting became more intense. There were fewer and fewer people. In order to stay on the stage, every monk basically used his housekeeping skills.

    Finally, the water lotus jade scale turned into one again, and there were no more than a thousand monks on the stage, and the speed also slowed down. Yi Nanhuai's strength of half-step transformation into a god, even at the middle stage of Jindan, is still more than enough, but the other monks are obviously tired.

    Wei Shengliang sent out a burst of sword energy, forcing a loose cultivator back several tens of meters, but there was not enough success. Unexpectedly, behind him, a disciple of Qiantianzong was about to sneak attack, Yi Nanhuai's heart tightened, he teleported forward to help, just getting close, Wei Shengliang turned to one side, dodged the water column, and turned his wrist, backhanded a sword, Yi Nanhuai Nan Huai immediately knew that he was impatient and flustered, and smiled awkwardly at Wei Shengliang's eyes that expressed doubts and precautions, but before the corners of his mouth parted, Yi Nanhuai found a smirking sword repairman behind Wei Shengliang He has already stabbed with a sword, and looking at the sword moves, he is a member of Wujianmen. Before he had time to think about anything else, Yi Nanhuai stretched out his hand to grab Wei Shengliang, grabbed Wei Shengliang's waist and brought him into his arms, then raised his long legs, bent his legs and kicked, the monk was shaken out by Yi Nanhuai and fell on the stage After that, he wiped the ring and slid several feet away, spitting out a big mouthful of blood.

    This is the feeling, the feeling that the whole world is peaceful and at ease. Sure enough, the baby in my family has to be held in my arms.

    Yi Nanhuai didn't hug him for a long time, he let Wei Shengliang go after retracting his feet, then nodded, turned around with his spiritual power, and kept his elegant demeanor, but he didn't know that behind him, Wei Shengliang was stunned for a moment, Ruyu's ears are reddish.

    The setting sun is near the mountain, the rosy rays are overwhelming, the sky is full of auspicious clouds, and the competition is gradually coming to an end. Finally, everyone on the jade disk is heavy and unable to move. Some exhausted monks are even crushed on the stage on the spot, so everyone You know, the top 100 finalists are finally over.

    Counting, there are exactly one hundred monks left on the jade disk.

    Bitongzi's coercion receded quickly, and all the monks who stood at the end were sure that they had entered the top 100. Suddenly, even if their spiritual power was exhausted and their spirits were exhausted, the monks stood up stubbornly, or held on. Standing with a sword, or with hands behind their backs, or with arms folded indifferently, the man is as tall and straight as a pine, and the woman is graceful and graceful.

    Yi Nanhuai unconsciously looked at Wei Shengliang, his hair was a little disheveled, the corners of his clothes were a little torn, and his complexion was a little pale, but his gaze was as firm as before, with aloofness and aloofness. Seeing this, Yi Nanhuai Peace of mind.

    Turning his gaze, a monk with extraordinary martial arts, outstanding appearance and quiet eyes appeared in front of him. This person is wearing the uniform of an outer sect disciple of Qiantian Sect, and the yellowish-yellow outfit is not conspicuous, but Yi Nanhuai does not underestimate him like others. This person is Chu Pingcang, and soon he will stir up trouble in Tibet. The turmoil in Yuanjie is the mortal enemy that prevents me and Ah Liang from staying together that I have to solve!

    The hibiscus jade dial slowly rises out of the water, and a waterfall of crystal water drop curtains falls from its petals. In the afterglow of the setting sun, the jade dial slowly flies to the shore.

    Regardless of the results of the top 100 finalists, the powerful representatives of the 19 major forces all looked satisfied.


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