Achilles&Briseis: A Novel

De AvatarAshdel

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Briseis of Pedasus is a princess with a dual fate. She is the daughter of an unknown goddess and a king obses... Mai multe

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 22

28 3 22
De AvatarAshdel

     Briseis sat on her balcony for what would likely be the last time. For the past several days she felt as if she'd been moving through mud. Maids and other servants were busy packing up her things for the move. The chamber which had been hers all her life was emptying faster each day, footsteps and even whisperers now echoed in the space. This would be her last night in the only home she'd ever known, and she felt numb. The night was cool enough that her skin prickled but she didn't move. She watched the dim glow of candles and torches flickering in the windows and streets of Pedasus. It was the same as any night other night she'd done this but come the dawn...

"My lady!" Kegarta's voice startled Briseis from her solidarity musings. "I've been trying to get your attention for some time now."

"Forgive me. My mind is much distracted."

Kegarta looked at her with concern as she sat a small platter of dried fruit and some steaming tea on the table between the chairs. "I can tell," her maid said slowly before sitting in the other chair.

"I want to give you one last chance to refuse to come with me," Briseis told the younger woman.

Kegarta shook her head emphatically, as she had every time this topic of conversation came up. "No. I will accompany you, my Princess."

The young servant was trying to cheer her up. Dried cherries, strawberries, bananas and honey for the tea sat on the platter, all favorites of Briseis. The gesture was appreciated, and spoke to the kindness of Kegarta's heart, but that kindness wouldn't serve the girl well where Briseis was headed. Briseis rubbed the side of her head as she felt a headache coming on. "The court of Mynes is nothing like that of ours. It is well known how he treats his wives, making them compete for favor and the cruel way the women treat each other because of this, and their servants are also at risk."

"I am not afraid, Highness." Kegarta stuck out her chin with the stubbornness of youth as she took of sip of her tea.

"I could arrange a marriage or a wardship for you to a prominent family," Briseis offered. In truth Briseis very much wanted Kegarta to come with her. But that was a desire built of pure selfishness. With such an uncertain situation ahead, Briseis was warring with herself. She could order Kegarta to stay, dismissing her from service would force Kegarta to accept a wardship with a prominent family for her own safety. Even though Kegarta's family would take her back, her home kingdom was on the sea. It would be a prime target in the rapidly approaching war. Even if by some miracle the war didn't touch Kegarta's home, how would forcing Kegarta into something she didn't want make Briseis any better than her father? Briseis would be forcing another young woman into a situation without regard for her feelings proceeding with either of those options. "Kegarta, if half the rumors of the Lyrnessus harem are true–I can't grantee my own safety. I have even less control of yours."

Again Kegarta shook her head. "I know you care for me, Princess, and appreciate you valuing my safety but I want to be with you. You gave me an opportunity to serve you, and serve you I will."

Briseis clenched her fist as the pain in her head increased. The odd feeling of being happy the girl wanted to come with her, and at the same time, sick at the thought of a horrendous fate that Kegarta could face because of her loyalty. If I were kind I would force her to stay, Briseis thought, if I were stronger I would leave without her. But as she looked on the younger woman drinking the tea and looking up at the stars, Briseis knew Kegarta would accompany her to Lyrnessus.

Briseis sighed heavily as she took a few of the fruits. "Very well. But before we leave there's something I need you to do." Kegarta listened carefully to her instruction and promised to have everything ready for the next day. They sat in silence for a few hours until it was too cold to remain on the balcony. Kegarta lit a large fire before she left Briseis alone for the evening.

A few small trunks and her bed along with other large furniture such as tables and chairs were the only things remaining in her room. She found it strange two decades of life could be packed up so quickly. It seems like such a long time, it should take longer to move twenty years of someone's life.

Briseis walked to the table where she had drafted so many designs. She'd read, ate and nearly set this table on fire a time or seven or more by falling sleep with candles burning which she would knock over. Briseis smiled sadly, tracing the burn marks and wax that had melted into the cracks of the wood. The table was too heavy to move. She would have to leave it behind. Her heart ached at the thought. She'd never realized how attached she was to this table. It seemed silly but she couldn't help it.

As her hand continued to trace the imperfections she'd caused in the wood, two bright circles appeared on the dark wood. Her brow knit together in confusion at first, until the memory of what happened so many months ago it felt like a different life flashed before her mind.

"Is it the same type as your sigil?" Kegarta asked as she turned to question Briseis. "Princess your eyes!"

"What about them?" 

"They are shining brighter than I've ever seen them."

This had happened only once when she traveled to Lady Celine in order to buy her vineyard. When the olive tree had bloomed out of season which would only happen due to the intervention of a god.

Briseis turned to see a shower of gold rapidly forming into a woman. A very tall woman, with dark hair and deep, probing brown eyes. "Who are you, my lady?" Briseis asked respectfully, though cautiously.

"Have you not deduced the eyes of a demigod burn brighter in the presence of their divine sire?" The goddess wore a deep purple dress with delicate embroidery of leaves along the bodice and flowing down to the hem. Three thin gold chains she wore around her neck and one silver ring sat on the third finger of her left hand. There was an aura of control about the goddess. Control, dignity, and something else Briseis couldn't quite name but made her feel uneasy in the presence of this goddess who claimed to be her mother.

"No, for all I knew it was any god not specifically the one who had a hand in my creation."

The woman's face didn't change but there was something in her eyes. A flicker but of what Briseis couldn't say. Her skin felt as if it had bugs moving under it. Brisies did her best not to betray the discomfort.

"My form at our first meeting hasn't given you any idea who I am? Your connection to the owl, my scared bird?" The goddess asked in a clipped and hurried voice.


The goddess tilted her head at Briseis' tone. "Yes. I have a task for you," the goddess said nonchalant.

"What task could I do for a goddess?"

     Athena's eyes narrowed. "Something to which you were born, to glorify my name. I know on the morrow you leave for Lrynessuss. My influence is incredibly weak there and Lord Zeus, my father, degreed I could only appear to you in this form once before the onset of the war because of the dual fate you hold."

     "What about my fate? What do you know?" Briseis probed the goddess.

     Athena ignored the question and continued her monologue. "Ares and I have a rivalry. I'm sure you can guess why. As he is the patron god of Lrynessuss I cannot take form there easily. I may only be able to appear before you once in a time of great need when you require help. And as for the task to which I require you to perform, my will has been imparted on Mynes, not easily and not with immediate effect but he will not stand in your way as time goes on."

     "What do you want me to do?" Briseis asked, trying hard to hide her impatience though by the set of Athena's jaw and the farther narrowing of her eyes, Brisies could tell the goddess had heard the disrespect in her tone.

     "I want you to kill Achilles in honor of my name," the goddess seemed to grow taller, "once you are successful I will remove the curse of infertility Aphrodite has placed on you and your house."

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