Another Time, Another Place

By LesbianStoryteller13

3K 156 2

This story picks up right before Lexa's death. Instead of trying to shoot Clarke, Titus has managed to create... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
World 2 Part 1
World 2 Part 2
World 3
World 4
World 5
World 6
World 7
World 8
World 9 Part 2
World 9 part 3
World 9, Part 4
Home, Sweet Home
Home, Sweet Home Part 2
Home to World 2
Be Mine?
Tombom Gonplei
New Roles
Wedding Plans
Hedatu Test
Loving and Fighting
Wedding Part 1
Wedding Part 2
Wedding Part 3
Honeymoon Part 1
The Prince of Polis
The Prince of Polis Part 2
Prince of Polis Part 3
The Prophecy
The Prophecy Part 2
Family Time
Octavia's Plan
Proposal with a Bang
Name Day
2 Years Later
To Arkadia
History Repeats
Baby Making
Six Weeks Later
Baby Time
One More Time
Trikova Heda
Making up
Travel Plans
The Beginning Of My New Life.
Family Dinner
Get Your Girl
Fight For Love
The End

World 9

65 2 0
By LesbianStoryteller13

Raven woke early, in total bliss, she had got the girl, the girl she loves is asleep in her arms after a night of passion, does life get any better.

There was a sudden knock on the door and Indra opened the door, saw them naked in bed and raced back out, saying "apologies."

Raven got up and slipped on her clothes and went to talk to Indra outside the room.

"Hi Indra what's up?" Raven asked.

"Doppelganger Clark was taken from the markets yesterday, we have found she was taken by a dark haired man, but nothing else, any thoughts?" Indra asked.

"Where is Bellemy?" Raven asked, "He is obsessed with Clarke, and always thought she should be with him."

Indra and Raven made their way to the room Bellemy was supposed to be locked in, only to find no guards and Bellemy gone.

"Guards, find out who was supposed to be manning this room yesterday and get them to me immediately." Indra said clearly pissed off. "Where would he have taken her, Raven?"

"Well, I guess that depends if he is pissed off with her for leaving him locked up or if he is deluding himself that she could ever love him. If he is pissed, he will probably take her to what is left of Mount Weather because it is what upsets our Clarke the most, having killed the innocents, if he's deluding himself he could be in any number of caves or bunkers but he will be around Arkadia somewhere, maybe even our old dropship. Did you want us to join the search?" Raven queried.

"No we will find her, thank you, Raven Kom Skaikru, Find our Clarke and Lexa."

"How is Lexa taking it?" Raven asked.

"Not good, they have gotten intimate and are in love from what I can tell." Indra replied.

"If you need anything, let me know. We will find our Clarke and Lexa as soon as possible." Raven replied and then walked back to her room.

Octavia was up and dressed when she got back.

Kissing Raven softly Octavia asked, "where did you go?"

"Doppelganger, Clarke was kidnapped from the market yesterday." Raven replied debating whether to tell Octavia the rest of the information or not.

"Raven, I can tell there is something you are not telling me what is it?" Octavia questioned.

"Bellemy has left as well." Raven said.

"My brother is an absolute idiot, why can't he just accept the consequences of his actions and accept that Clarke is never, ever going to love him. Even if by some miracle he had got Clarke to marry him before she met Lexa, it was always Lexa, she would have divorced him for her, well if divorce existed here, so Lexa would have probably killed him to get Clarke. Now he is definitely dead. He is such an idiot." Octavia said frustrated.

Raven holds her close, placing soft kisses on her forehead, "I am sorry sweetheart, I don't know for certain if he is involved or not but she was taken by a dark haired man. I wish you didn't have to know." Raven said.

"It's fine, Ray, I can't keep protecting him, he's an adult it's about time he learned there are consequences." Octavia said sadly, "let's just get on with the day, I need to be distracted from this."

"Ok, beautiful, let's go." Raven said activating the device and taking Octavia's hand, giving it a squeeze and stepping through.

They arrived on the other side in somewhere weird. There was nothing but desolute ground, except for a valley at the bottom of the hill they had landed on, it was untouched. There were visible glitches as well. The glitches presented themselves as upside down trees, fallen logs hanging mid air, rocks floating, birds in the sky looking like they were flying but the weren't moving.

"This place is weird," Octavia said looking around.

"They are glitches, we are finally in the right universe." Raven smiled, "but you are right I wonder why that's the only bit that is alive? I can't imagine this is nuclear destruction or I would think we would be very sick right now."

"Regardless let's get down their and find our girls." Octavia replied excitedly grabbing Ravens hand and running down the hill.

When the girls got to the bottom they came across a little village, that looked empty, the fire in the middle of the village looked recently lit, but there was no-one around.

"What should we do?" Octavia asked.

"Well, we can go look further in the valley but honestly they could be anywhere they obviously come back here so, I think we should wait here." Raven replied.

They waited until dark and there was still no sign of Clarke and Lexa. "We have to go home, we need to find a piece of paper and something to write with so we can let them know we will be back tomorrow for them."

The girls looked around and found the house that Lexa and Clarke were staying in and left a note 'Clarkeeeee and Commander Heart Eyes
It's your favourite resident genius and the smarter and better looking Blake, we came to bring you home, but you weren't here, we will come back tomorrow for you. We miss you guys. ❤️ Raven and Octavia.'

The girls went back through the portal and found Indra.

"Hey Indra, any lucky finding doppelganger Clark?"

"We tracked him to the dropship, but he wasn't there, we will search the area in the morning. Did you find Heda and Wanheda?"Indra asked.

"We think we did." Raven answered.

"Think? Either you did or you didn't?" Indra answered.

"We found the universe they are in, but not them. We left a note where we think they are staying, so hopefully, we can just go collect them tomorrow." Raven explained.

Raven and Octavia decided on an early night in preparations for tomorrow, they showered together obviously not to save water, ate their dinner and went to bed to cuddle all night.

Doppelganger Lexa was feeling absolutely destroyed. She was really hurting, nothing felt worse than loosing Clarke, loosing Costia didn't come close to hurting like this. She felt like she had a hole in her heart.

This morning Raven and Indra had discovered Bellamy Blake, who was house arrest in the tower, had disappeared.

Lexa and Indra had questioned the guards, who were supposed to be on duty, they had said another guard had bought them a letter from Heda saying Bellemy was being excused of his crimes and was to be released immediately. It had Heda's seal and signature on it so they had assumed it was real and had followed orders.

When Lexa finds out which guard had forged this letter, she would kill them. And Bellamy Blake who the hell did he think he was stealing her Clarke. The guy was honestly gross, he was 23 years old when he meet Clarke at 17 and has been obsessed with her ever since. That is just predatory behaviour, and if you have to kidnap the girl Blake she clearly isn't into you.

Lexa spent her whole morning screaming at the guards who let Bellamy go and making them go find the person who bought them the letter to release him.

All afternoon was spent begging Indra to her go find them. Lexa felt useless sitting around waiting. She felt empty without Clarke and she needed her back. What if Blake hurt her? They were wasting time, she needed to go get her Clarke back. Indra refused to let her go and Lexa could understand she didn't know the area so it would be hard for her she just didn't like feeling useless.

She had to get Clarke back no matter what. Indra had insisted she wait here and let the scouts and guards do there job but if they didn't have Clarke back in her arms by tomorrow at night fall she was going after this guy herself and she will destroy him. How dare he steal her Clarke.

Lexa flopped on her bed, inhaling the scent of Clarke and wrapped herself in the furs that smelt like Clarke, before falling asleep completely exhausted. Her last though,t was of course, I will find you my future wife, I will find you and bring you home .

Clarke woke to find herself in a dark cave, she didn't know why. Bellamy had found her in the markets and told her Octavia needed to talk to her for a minute, about a surprise for Lexa. Clarke had gone with him because she had thought she would be back quickly and she really wanted to surprise Lexa. She missed Lexa so much, she thought. It had all been a lie, as soon as they were away from everyone Bellamy had pulled out a syringe and drugged her. She had been unconscious until now, so had no idea where she was, she was tied up so couldn't just leave. Bellamy was asleep, on the floor beside her, so she nudged him with her foot.

He woke up and said, "Clarke, my love finally you are awake. I saved you from Lexa, and now we can be together."

"What the hell, Bellamy, I love Lexa you know that, why the hell have you kidnapped me and bought me here?" Clarke yelled angrily at him.

"We both know she has brainwashed you into thinking you love her, we both know you really love me, we fell in love at first site don't you remember?" Bellamy said.

"No Bellamy you are wrong, I love Lexa, even if I lost Lexa, I love her so much I wouldn't be with anyone else. I can't she is my everything. I see you as a brother only, Bellamy, I have never had romantic or even sexual feelings for you." Clarke screamed. "Untie me, I need to get back to Lexa."

"You are wrong Clarke, we are soulmates." Bellamy insisted.

Doppelganger Clarke had read this world's Clarke's journal, about the time at the dropship and she new that this world Clarke was disgusted in Bellamy, being 23 years old and seducing 16 and 17 year old girls. It was gross and doppleganger Clarke agreed. "Do you want to know what I really think of you Bellamy, when we first arrived I watched you as a 23 year old adult seduce 16 and 17 year old girls, sometime 2 a night. It was predatory, your behaviour around camp was nothing but lazy and narcistic, wanting to have everyone serve you and your agenda, your behaviour with the massacare and following pike around like a good little bitch, committing horrific crimes against good people was disgusting. I find you disgusting, Bellamy Blake and I wouldn't be with you if you were the last human on this planet."

Bellamy looked at Clarke angrily and pulled out another syringe and jabbed it into Clarke's neck.

"No let me go, I want to go back to Lex -," Clarke managed before she sunk into the dark emptiness of unconscious.

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