Hourglass [Quintessential Qui...

By Kiriyarin_

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Each of them has their own stories, their own choices. A lot of new characters, new choices and new events, t... More

Chapter 1 - White Memory
Chapter 2 - The Beyond
Chapter 3 - Trouble Divided Into Five
Chapter 4 - Butterfly Effect
Chapter 5 - Stars Collide
Chapter 6 - Reflection
Chapter 7 - Encounter
Chapter 8 - All Sides
Chapter 9 - Trickster (Ⅰ)
Chapter 10 - Trickster (Ⅱ)
Chapter 11 - Preliminary
Valentine Special - Foudre
Chapter 12 - Ignite
Chapter 13 - Crisis Management
Chapter 14 - Siren's Song
Chapter 15 - Promise
Chapter 16 - Echoes of Betrayal
Chapter 17 - Confession and the Charming Maid (Ⅰ)
Chapter 18 - Emotions and the Forgiven Maid (Ⅱ)
Chapter 19 - Trouble in Paradise (Ⅲ)
Chapter 20 - Cast Away (Ⅳ)
Interlude Chapter - Friends All Over the World
Chapter 21 - Queen of Hearts (Ⅴ)
Chapter 22 - New Beginnings ( Ⅵ )
Chapter 23 - Someday in the Rain
Chapter 24 - Make a Spell
Chapter 25 - Darkness Falls, a Star Is Born
Chapter 26 - Calamity Fortune
Chapter 27 - Tales of Snow
Chapter 28 - The Melancholy of Nakano Nino
Chapter 29 - Lost & Found
Chapter 30 - Break a Spell (Ⅰ)
Chapter 31 - Break a Spell (ⅠⅠ)
Chapter 32 - Connection
Chapter 34 - A Few Mistakes Ago
Chapter 35 - Dandelions
Chapter 36 - Heartstrings
Chapter 37 - Through Rose-Colored Glasses
[Part 1 Finale] Chapter 38 - For Whom the Bells Toll
Chapter 39 - Begin the Offensive
Chapter 40 - Roll Like We Used To
Interlude Chapter - Whims of Fate (I)
Chapter 41 - The ABC's of Live
Chapter 42 - Trouble Multiplied By Five
Chapter 43 - Calliope (I)
To You, The Worthless Excuse
To You, The Absolutely Worthless Excuse
To You, Who Awaits The Snowmelt
To You, What Hidden Behind Your Eyelids

Chapter 33 - Operation: True Love

393 6 2
By Kiriyarin_

With Madison's arrival, the mystery of the roommate is settled. Akua's roommate was a friend of hers who graduated from the same university and works in the same profession. The primary intention of this visiting group is to brighten their teacher's spirits and prevent events like today from happening again.

Once they got to know each other and with Madison also liking them, the quartet group and the two teachers sat back around the warm Kotatsu once again. Later, the blonde one comes (resurrects) from the kitchen and also introduces himself to Madison.

''Tell me, how is Akua at school?'' Madison took a sip of her coffee before sitting down. ''I'm sure it's not like at home.''

''Hey!'' Akua's face turned red with embarrassment. ''Don't tell my students about my private life...Mou...''

''Oh oh! I can answer that!'' Yotsuba waved her hand. ''Shiwa-sensei is amazing! Absolutely the best teacher in the school.''

''Sensei is definitely the most preferred teacher in the school. It is an undeniable fact that she is popular.'' Hanako respectfully wraps up Yotsuba's comment.

''Right right?~ Akua has always been super popular with men even in the highschool. I hope she doesn't treat you like she treats me at home.''

''I'm being tough on you so you learn to be responsible, hmpf!'' Akua pouts. ''You have to learn to be like me.''

''Like you? Mmmmm...'' Madison closes her one eye in joy and giggle. ''Don't think so, Responsibility and you don't go well together.''

''HA?! You...?! I've been doing the housework for weeks while you do god-knows what, and you're calling irresponsible? Mads...Ugh...Right now I want to punch you.''

Madison smirks after teasing with Akua, childlike. ''You, blondie.''

''Me?'' Asuka tilts his head. ''Yes, Asena-sensei?''

''Do me a favor and put your hand under kotatsu, onegai.''

Asuka didn't understand, but he followed the instructions and put his hand under the kotatsu. ''I found something...Hold up, I think I can get it...'' A few seconds later, Asuka took his hand out from under the kotatsu. ''What is this, it feels like silk?''

Akua's eyes widened in instant. ''ASUKA!''


He screamed when he realized that he was holding a pair of black panties. Pretty daring kind, with hooks and strings. Akua immediately jumped up from her seat and snatched her pantie from Asuka's hand, throwing it into an unseen corner of the house.

Asuka, however, went in shock from even by holding it. Even though pantie was taken from him, he continued to clench his hand tightly, like it was still there. ''B-b-b-black...''

''Don't you dare comment on my panties!...''

Asuka collapses to the carpet after being hit in the face by an unknown pillow. The only response from the class representative who witnessed that was a facepalm. Madison chuckled with the satisfaction of being proven right, while Akua covered her face with her hand in embarrassment. It was the second time today that Asuka had experienced such an incident.

''I really don't want to interrupt your...fun, Asena-sensei, but which school do you teach at?'' Fuutarou looks at the mentally shocked Asuka on the floor and sighs. ''You totally deserve it.''

''Me? Oh yeah, I guess I didn't say that. I'm a chemistry teacher at Holy Forest academy.''

''...?! / ...!''

When they hear the word Holy Forest, Hanako and Fuutarou's eyes open wide like they're going to pop out of their heads.

''H-Holy Forest?!...''

''Is that true, sensei?''

''Hai hai! I started this year but, it's %100 true.''

''Uesugi-san, what is Holy Forest?'' Yotsuba tilts her head in wonder. ''Is it important?''

"Yotsuba, the word 'important' doesn't even begin to capture it... Holy Forest Academy is Japan's most prestigious private school. It's a place where ordinary students have no chance of admission due to the high entrance fees. Those lucky enough to study there are mostly the children of government officials, celebrities, or members of the royal dynasty. They did everything to keep the doors closed to regular people, implementing an incredibly challenging entrance exam and imposing immense social pressure. A paradise for wealthy people."

''I-Is such a place even real...or even legal?! Wait a minute, if you're so confident in your abilities, Uesugi-san, then why are you here? I haven't see a math question that challenges you yet, hehe.

"Yotsuba, you just don't get it... Even if I manage to pass that exam, the very first day I step foot in that place, I'll be dead as fuck. The prices they charge for food in their cafeteria are about a thousand times higher than what we pay at our school. So, it's either I die of starvation or suffer relentless bullying due to my social status. Haha...haha..."

Yotsuba left speechless. ''W-w-what about Madoka-chan? Isn't she like... super important?''

''All of Madoka's siblings are already there. Holy Forest Academy provides education from elementary to high school level, so you can complete your entire education there, except for university. As for herself, dunno. Ask her.''

''I wouldn't get on my nerves for that trash-hole if I were you, Yotsuba.'' Mei says with discomfort. ''Students at Holy Forest are typically scumbags who despise ordinary people.''


Akua got up from kotatsu and stretched for a bit. Then, she went to the kitchen and started preparing coffee to serve to her students. Minutes later, she returned to the living room with coffee cups in her hand and placed the cups on the kotatsu.

''I have to be nice to my students, right?''

''Hmpf...'' Madison pouts. ''She never made me coffee once.''

Akua chuckles after looking at Madison's face and hands her the extra cup next to her. ''You always play with your hair whenever you are tired, you worked hard today, didn't you? Thanks for the hard work as always.''


''Mads? What ar---Hey!?...''

''Mmmmm! Mwah~''

Madison wrapped her arms around Akua's neck and kissed her deeply on the cheek. ''Thanks...''

''...'' Akua blushed, then took a deep breath and gently stroked Madison's head. She didn't seem overly affected, as if it was a familiar move to her. ''Have your coffee, come on.''

''Is this what the teacher's life is like?'' Yotsuba sipped her creamy coffee and giggled. ''Looks fun.''

''Everything looks fun from the outside, Yotsuba-chan... Until you see your roommate's pantie inside your school files.''

''It only happened once, OK?! We both got drunk because of your birthday party, Mads.''

A bitter expression appeared on Akua's face. Today is her birthday, the only day she looked forward to. And her roommate, whom she had known for all those years, had forgotten her birthday. Even though she didn't show on the outside, she felt a pain in her heart for reasons she couldn't quite understand.

She quietly look at the reflection in her coffee, lost in thought.

Although no one at the table noticed what was happening inside her mind, one of them did. Asuka settled back into sitting position, understanding its time to get serious.

''Sensei, Do you have any plans tonight?''

Everyone at the table looked at Asuka in response to his question. Asuka, however, only stared at the two teachers sitting side by side with a serious expression.

''What does that suppose to mean, Asuka-kun?" Akua asks.

''I apologize for my rudeness, just answer.''

Madison and Aqua stared at each other for a moment, not saying anything. Then it was Akua who spoke. ''I guess not.''

As if expecting this answer, Asuka reached into the jacket pocket and placed two green tickets on the table. ''Entry ticket for Yoyogi Park for two.''

''...! Asuka-kun, you...Where did you get these?''

''Our training coach gave it to me during the tournament as a participation award. I was waiting for the right time to use them, but it seems like you need them more than I do.''

Yoyogi Park is Tokyo's most popular nature park, and it takes at least four months to secure an entry ticket even with a reservation. Asuka, on the other hand, sacrificed tickets worth thousands of yen without hesitation.

Yotsuba parted her lips to say something. ''Asuka-kun, but what about Itsu---hhhmfgh...?''

Fuutarou silenced her by placing his hand on Yotsuba's lips. He didn't understand what was happening, but Asuka rarely got this serious, so he decided not to interfere. ''Ssh—''

''Uwa...Aren't these tickets worth a fortune?'' Madison grabs one of the tickets and observes. ''Are you sure?''

''I am, sensei. I owe Shiva-sensei a favor for the field trip already. Please do not refuse.''

''Uhh...'' After Asuka's objection, Akua no longer had a chance to refuse the tickets.

But her mind entered in a quandary about her students;

Were her students good people?

Or just scary?

''O-okay...I accept your offer, Asuka-kun.''

Madison clapped her hands in joy and then hugged Akua's arm. ''Yippie! If we're going to such a wonderful place, I'll definitely have to prepare.''

''You sure get along well Shiwa-sensei, Asena-sensei.'' Hanako sipped her coffee. ''Also, that was a nice gesture of you, Asuka.''

''That was...'' Mei looks away. ''Cool.''

Asuka winked. ''Heh, when I ever been anything but cool?''

The table chit-chats went on for some time.

While Madison shared embarrassing stories about Akua and she tries to shut her up hopelessly, the others chatted about everyday events, the field trip, and other daily things. Then it was time to leave, as staying any longer may leave the teachers with no time to prepare. Hanako suggested to leave to do not get in their way anymore for tonight.

''Bye bye, sensei! See you tomorrow!'' Yotsuba smiled widely.

''You two really get along well with each other, don't you?''

''Eh, maybe when Akua finds a boyfriend. Believe me boy, her lucky about boys is worse then---ITTAI?!''

Akua bonked Madison's head with a pillow to shut up and pouted. ''S-s-shut up! It's just that those men weren't smart enough to know my worth, that's all! That's all I say!''

''Ha?! It's not my fault that all the guys you've been hitting since high school dumped you!''

''Geez, are you two really together since high school?''

''Yup yup!'' Madison nods. ''We've never been apart, best friends since ever then.''


''Never / Never.''


''Man, it was fun for sure! Right, Mei-chan?''

''No more melodramatic math questions...''

''All right everyone, now that we're done here, we can go home.'' 

It was the end of the day, after they had left their teachers' house. Now they needed to take the train and go to their homes. This courtesy call took longer than expected, but none of them complained. Asuka was still staring at his teachers' house when everyone started walking to the train station, feeling uncomfortable.

''Asuka?'' Mei yawned. ''Lift your ass up.''


"Asuka-kun?" Yotsuba slowed down and looked at Asuka in the same way Mei did. "Are you okay?"

''Return to the station. I still have a few things to do.''

''What else could there be to do!? We made that weird courtesy call like you said already.''

''I don't know how the heck you call it, but I have a terrible feeling, Fuutarou. Sixth sense? Clairvoyance? Third eye?'' Asuka sighed heavily and leaned against the wall. ''I'll follow them. Tonight.''

The whole group had to stop because of Asuka's words. Even the class representative, who had been quiet for a while, enraged by these words. What he trying to do was outright crime. ''Cut this nonsense at once! You have no idea what will happen to you if you get caught.''

''Maybe a couple of years in prison? Or maybe public service? Who cares?''


''Shiwa-sensei has the same bad luck as me, Hanako-chan. Why do you think someone like her never had a boyfriend?'' Asuka shrugs, followed with a giggle. ''This is probably how my bad luck in cooking manifests itself in her. In relationships.''

''This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.'' Fuutarou clenched his punch. ''Asuka...''

''Aww, come on. I'll just be hovering around them to make sure nothing goes wrong. They won't even feel my presence.''

''I can't believe this...'' Hanako frown. ''Asuka, are you serious?''

''Tch, don't you always act on your own!''

''Hehe, that's one the things makes me myself. All right, hush hush now.''

''Asuka-kun, may I come?''

''And I was wondering when you'd ask. Are you sure, Yotsuba? It might be dangerous.''

''Shiwa-sensei seemed quite happy just now. If anything goes wrong tonight and tomorrow gets worse, I don't think I can forgive myself.''

''Nakano-san, don't do it. The failure rate of what you're about to do is much higher than your success rate.''

''This isn't about rate, Hanako-chan. It's about doing the right thing or not.'' Yotsuba takes another look at her teacher's house and then turns to Fuutarou. ''You can go home, Uesugi-san. I know you didn't want to come here all along.''

''Yotsuba, you...Do you have any idea what your father will do if he finds out about?! Asuka and I might be fired.''

''If Asuka-kun says he has a plan, I want to believe him. Isn't he your best friend? You should do the same, Uesugi-san.''

''I don't know...'' Fuutarou hesitated, the situation left on draw. 2-2. Asuka and Yotsuba were in favor of going, while Hanako and Fuutarou were against it. ''How about you Mei?''

''He already hooked me the moment he started talkin' 'bout breakin' the law. I'm all in."

''Mei-chan—ARIGATO!'' Yotsuba nuzzled her cheek to Mei. ''Hehe~''

Yotsuba then approached Hanako and smiled lightly. These two can be considered friends since the cultural festival. Hanako may have been the school's honor student and the most responsible person in the council, but she had never been able to draw the fine line between her duty and friendship. Weeks ago, Yotsuba helped change this situation during the cultural festival and assisted her in becoming even more social.

Everyone in their class loved Hanako from the very beginning, no matter how tough she was.

Yet now, Hanako was making strides to expand her social circles and making friends time to time, even taking daring steps like she did during their recent trip— offering friendship to monsters most would hesitate to approach.

''You don't have to come with us, Hanako-chan. But the taste of high school times comes out in such moments. Don't worry, no one will blame you if you don't want to come.''


''You told me that you had a lot of fun at the festival, didn't you? I can't express how happy it makes me. Do you remember, Hanako-chan? When my sisters and I first transferred to school, we were clueless about what to do, but you, Asuka-kun, and Uesugi-san were the first ones to help me not feel like a stranger. I'll always and ever be grateful to you for that. It feels like years have passed since then, but it hasn't even been three months yet...''


''If anything happens to you, I'll take full responsibility, okay? That's what friendship means, right?''

''You mean it?''

''I mean it.'' Yotsuba smiled widely. ''Besides, I prefer it to Uesugi-san's lessons anyway, mwehehe.''

''...'' Hanako took off her glasses and stared at her reflection for a moment. Indeed, thanks to Yotsuba's words Hanako found herself even more adaptable to the social circle outside the classroom after the festival. She's never been a socially unsuccessful person, it's just that she was too strict with the rules because of the environment she grew up in, so people had a hard time connecting with her. ''Fine...You better have a plan, Asuka.''

And Yotsuba returned to Fuutarou again. Now the score has completely changed, 4-1.

''Yotsuba...'' Fuutarou sighed and scracthed his neck. ''Also, ouch! What do you mean, risking yourself is more preferable than my lessons?!''

''Hehe~ What do you say, Uesugi-san? Are ya convinced to come with us now?''

Fuutarou already have the utmost trust in Asuka, as they had spent years together, and they knew each other inside out. If Asuka had gone alone to Yoyogi park, he wouldn't have worried at all. He knew Asuka has the intelligence and capability to handle it with ease from the start.

It was the others he was worried about. He didn't want to put them in danger, but now he had no choice but to accept.

''All right. I'll come to keep an eye on you all.'' Fuutarou smirk. ''Also, thanks Yotsuba. You're wonderful.''


''What we do now, Asuka?'' Mei asked.

''First, let's hit up to the park.''

''And how do you intend to do that? You gave them the only ticket you had.'' Fuutarou grabbed his backpack from the ground and looked at the sky. ''It's getting dark, let's hurry.''

''I can't believe I'm doing this...''

''Don't worry Hanako-chan, it'll be super fun!''


[ Two Hours Later... ]

Since Yoyogi park is located in Shibuya, it took longer than they thought to get there. They had to change a few train lines, but eventually, they managed to reach the entrance of the large park. The main entrance of the park was bustling with people, a huge crowd. It was impossible to enter normally, so the team became unsure of what to do. Being Tokyo's largest and most popular park, it was natural to be always like this.

''You don't expect us to get in there like this, do you?'' Fuutarou take another look to crowd. ''We're crushed as soon as we step in.''

''If it were, there might be a problem but the ticket I gave to Shiwa-sensei is for the V.I.P section of the park. Entering here would be pointless.'' Asuka said. ''I have been here before, so I know this place more or less. We need to enter through the east gate, not the south gate.''

''There will be security guards.''

''Heh, I got that. Hanako-chan, approximately how much time do we have?''

''Considering sensei's preparation and the time she needs to get here...About two hour.''

Asuka and the others left the crowded south gate and arrived at the east gate, where only those with VIP tickets were allowed to enter. This gate was completely empty since finding the V.I.P tickets was impossible during this time of year, and on top of that, the sun was about to set, so they probably wouldn't encounter another civilian.

Three security guards stands in front of the south gate, Asuka considered waiting for the patrol change first, but because he didn't have enough information for that, he decided to try a more precise method.

''Stay here and watch the area. I'm going to get rid of these guys.''

''Don't use unnecesarry violence!'' Hanako warned him.

''Hanako-chan...'' Asuka sweatdropped. ''Even though it reeeally sweet of you that you think I can do it—I know I may be athletic, but even I can't handle three trained and armed security guards. I'll try something different instead.''

He began walking alone towards the south gate after telling them what to do. He hasn't been noticed by the security guards yet. Asuka pulls his cell phone from his pocket and starts speaking as if on a phone call. With no one on the other end of the phone line.

''And that's why Vergil is the greatest game character ever---OUCH?!''



During the fake phone call, Asuka bumped into one of the security guards and caused him to fall on ground.

''A-ah...Pardon me sir, I was talking to my girlfriend. She's been in a bit of a bad mood lately, I've been trying to cheer her up. Are you injured? Please hold my hand.'' Asuka offered his hand to sitting security guard.

''What's wrong with this generation...Damn.'' Security accepted Asuka's help and stands up. ''At least look ahead when talking on the phone. And comfort your girlfriend not on the phone, but by going to her.''

''W-will do, sir.'' Asuka bows down. ''I apologize again. I have to go now.''


Asuka bows her head in apology to the security guard and then starts running back in the direction he came from. A few seconds later he managed to reach the others again, with a sly grin on his face.

''What was that n-now, Asuka-kun?'' Yotsuba tilted her head. ''I thought you were going to do something, why did you bump into the guy?''

''The plan didn't work?'' Fuutarou sighed and lay his back to a wall. ''We have to find another way.''

Unlike the others, Mei looked at Asuka with a more serious expression. ''Good job.''

''G-good job? Mei-chan, we didn't do anything yet.''

''Sharp eyes, Mei-chan.'' Asuka chuckled, then reached into his jacket's inner pocket and pulled out something black and wide. ''H-heh...heh... AHAHAHAHA.''

Radio. A black radio. The radio belongs the security guard they saw just now. Asuka had slipped the radio into his own pocket the moment he deliberately bumped into the man. As soon as they saw the radio, they all understood what just happened.

''Unbelievable.'' Hanako mumbled, a certain disturb in her voice tone. ''...''

''All right guys, be quiet. I'll do some magic.''

Asuka coughed a few times to alter his voice tone and pressed the button.

''𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭 𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐞. 𝐃𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐨 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐈 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐭, 𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 𝐎𝐊.''

Three security guards who were at the door dash and started running towards the main building located at the farthest corner of the park when the radio announcement came. Asuka used the emergency line to made them leave as quickly as possible.

''That works...'' Asuka mumbled.

''Oi, are you serious?...'' Fuutarou left astonished and just looked Asuka, and all he recieve was a smirk and a thumbs up. ''Ugh...''

''Asuka-kun, Asuka-kun! That was cool, no- ULTRA COOL!''

''I know I know, hehe. You can praise me later, Yotsuba. Let's hurry first.''


Now that the moon has risen to the top, night has fallen. The group was attempting to travel the park using only their phones and the light from the stars because all of the lights in this section of the park were turned off. This park felt like a completely separate city within the city.

In the dead of night, they made their way up a hill through the bushes and trees.

''I can't see anything, Uesugi-san... Can I hold you for a bit, hehe...''

''O-okay, just don't trip on the bushes.''

''I don't understand why this place is so famous, it's just trees and bugs.'' Mei said and crashed a ladybug with her boots. ''Heh.''

Hanako guides the group along with Asuka side by side, holding their phone's flashlight. ''I've heard this place is pretty famous, but we haven't seen anything so far.''

''Probably because we're not on the main road. There shouldn't be anyone in the VIP section right now, but I don't want to take any chances. I did some research on the train tho. All we have to do is hook up to a side-road and find a map.''

''Luckily, the stars light up our way a little.'' Yotsuba sighs and holds Fuutarou's arm even tighter. ''What's so good about this place?! Mou!''

''Don't rip my arm off, hey!''

''Keep your spirits high. Maybe we ca---Oh...''

They finally reach the end of the trees. What they see makes them forget the danger of their situation for a moment. None of them are speaks; maintaining their silence in awe of the beauty they behold.

Tokyo. The illuminated panorama of the entire city of Tokyo. The city shone with such beauty that it effects the hearts of the beholders. They were supposed to continue on their way, but none of them could. They all took a deep sigh at the same time and clung to the parapets and allowed themselves to be captivated by the enchanting view, even if only for a short while.

''What do you think, class rep? Class trip here someday?'' Fuutarou jokefully suggested, his gaze drifting to the river beneath their feet.

Even Hanako, typically composed, couldn't help but be awestruck. She smiled faintly. ''I'll consider it, heh.''

''I wish we had a little more time to enjoy it.'' Asuka sighed.

''Beautiful—Uesugi-san, Asuka-kun! Let's bring the others here one day. Ichika loves romantic landscapes like this.''

''I can totally see that. And you, Mei-chan?''

''Not bad.''

''Only th-''

''Not bad.''

He rolled his eyes. ''Alright, alright, do you do you. Man, gothics.''

''Ah, Asuka-kun. Look!'' Yotsuba points to the park map just meters away. ''It's what we were looking for, right?''

Asuka nodded and went to the map booth. He returns a minute later with two maps in his hand.

''Why two?''

''I just checked the map, we'll have to split up.'' Asuka raised his head up to the street lambs and decoration lambs on trees. ''No electricity. One group have go to the security room to try and restore the power, others will check if there are any issues where our teachers are supposed to go.''

''Asuka, are you sure splitting is a good idea?'' Hanako asked. ''If one side goes wrong, it'll be difficult to warn the other.''

''Keep your phones on. Splitting isn't really the best option, but our time is limited.''

''You're the boss.'' Fuutarou sighs. ''So?''

''You, Yotsuba, and Hanako-chan will go to the Gardens of Eden. Me and Mei-chan will head to the control room, and catch up with you later.''

''Wait, Gardens of Eden? That sounds...weird.''

Asuka shows the map to Yotsuba, pointing to a spot. ''One of the tourist attractions in the park. I saw its photos on the website. Tho, it's just a lake covered with cherry blossoms, but I think more tourists are attracted when you give it a fancy name. Heck, I dunno shit about tourism.''

''I see...''

''If anything goes wrong, call immediately, OK? Hanako-chan, I'm counting on you about these two moron.''

''H-HEY! / HMPF!?...''

After the plan finalized, Hanako and the others started making their way to the Gardens of Eden located at the top of the hill they stand on.

Asuka and Mei began heading in the opposite direction towards downside, the control room.

- - -

The first to reach their destination was Asuka and Mei. Contrary to Asuka's expectations, the control room turned out to be not a heavily guarded building, but a wooden shack where all the park's electricity cable was gathered.

''Sorry for dragging you here, Mei-chan. You probably didn't think about it when you raised your hand in the morning.''

Mei refreshed her lipstick with the purple lipstick she took out of her pocket, she looked at her reflection in the window of the shack and talked. ''...It's more exciting than any of my other nights. Can't really complain.''

''Glad, but our real problem is how to open the door.''

The shack door was locked. Breaking the door was easy for Asuka, but he didn't want to risk the possibility of an alarm. The same goes for the windows and the wall.

''Can't you break it?''

''No, I can't risk the alarm. We have to find another way.''

Mei leaned over the locked door, wearing a bored expression as she scrutinized the lock. ''Asuka, how much do you know about hairpins?''

''Hairpins? I don't like to tie my hair, but I use it when I have to. Why?''


Mei elegantly ran her hand through her hair before tossing one of her metal hairpins to Asuka, who caught it with ease. ''That works— Thanks.''

''I'd be pissed if we stop halfway.''

Asuka immediately understood what Mei was suggesting. Opening the lock with an hairpin is very difficult without proper tools, but not impossible. That's how he stopped Nino from stabbing Fuutarou the first time they met the quints.

He knelt in front of the lock and inserted the metal hairpin inside the lock, trying to unravel the mechanism from the inside.

"But why you hand me the hairpin? You could've just done it yourself, you know?"

''I don't want to break my nails, sorry about that.''

Asuka sighed and roll his eyes, yet once again. ''Man, gothics...''

*Click... Creak!*

After a few minutes outside, a clicking sound popped from the lock mechanism, and the door unlocks. Asuka somehow succeeds, he has some experience as he used to be interested in this because of his family.

''Phew, not that rusty yet.'' Asuka smiles. ''Mei-chan, the door's unlocked.''

''Good job, I guess.''

Thus, Asuka and Mei managed to get inside the shack. The inside contains the computer system connected by the security cameras responsible for this section of the park. Also, the panel needed to reboot the electrical system was in this room, so each one needs to work fast.

''Mei-chan, can you take care of the lights?''

''What are you going to do?'' Mei turns the light switch on for a better vision.

''I'll turn off the security cameras. This park doesn't have a live monitoring system, so this things only capable of recording. I'll delete the footage of the time we arrived and disable the recording system for today.''



''You sure you're not a professional criminal?''

''Hell not! I just read enough manga to know what to do. Please don't treat me like a second-rate villain or something!''

Mei looks up at the stars once more with her purple eyes before closing the door. ''You say so...''

''—I didn't know you were into such things, Mei-chan. You're usually quiet in class.''

''Look, I hate school, okay? Like why do we have to go? It's a cursed damn place that allows the system to fill our minds only with the information they want and in the way they want it. We have no right to question, and even if it hinders us from doing what we want in the future, we are obliged to comply and go along with it.''

Asuka sat down in front of the computer chair and started up the system, gaining access to all the security cameras in this section of the park. He even saw Yotsuba and the others heading towards their target, the cherry blossom lake. Although he wanted to spy them for a while, he had limited time, so he proceeded directly to the deletion process.

''To rebel against the system, huh? Looks fun. But Mei-chan, does that mean you hate us too?''

''Quite the opposite. The only reason I drag myself to school and ain't playin' hooky from the get-go is 'cause of y'all.''


''Don't get me wrong. It's just that you all more interesting than my life.''

''Hibiki-chan loves you quite a lot, doesn't she? You're always together in breaks. You two stayed in the same room even on the trip.''

''For three days I've listened her love mutterings about you. When you gonna break the news and tell her you already got a girlfriend?"

Mei knew about Asuka's relationship with Itsuki since the cultural festival, after that fateful encounter on the stairs.

Both of them were busy with their own tasks and chat in the meantime. Asuka was deleting the system, while Mei was controlling the buttons on the electrical panel.

''I don't know... I ain't really put much thought into it, to be honest."

Suddenly, Mei stopped. Her eyes deepened as if she saw something that shouldn't have happened, those purple eyes now even more dead than before. ''Asuka, you were right.''

''Excuse me?''

''About that bad luck thing. Electric wires... broken.''

Asuka's eyes widen and he immediately jumps out of the chair. Seeing where Mei was pointing, his astonishment increased even more. The entire park's electrical wiring was intact and ready for use.

Except for one;

[ The Gardens of Eden — 𝑪𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒏𝒐𝒕 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒅 ]

''You cowardly asshole! You gotta be kidding me— Sensei's bad luck is starting to catch up with us. Ah, Goddess of Fate has declared war on us. What a cheap bullshit trick.''

''Giving up, then?''

''Fuck no. Can you fix it, Mei-chan?''

''This seems to be the only problematic part. Yes, but it takes time.''


''15 minutes.''

''Too specific to be a coincidence. When did this happen?''

Mei picks up the notebook next to the box and looks through the workers' log notes, checking for any information to be useful. ''2 hours ago.'' Mei says.

''...'' Asuka tightly clenched his fist, wearing a discerning frown. ''Matches exactly with the time I gave the tickets. Oh my God, if we weren't here... The entirety night would have been ruined."

Mei grabbed additional materials from the toolbox in the shack and commenced the process of repairing the cable. Asuka finds it really strange that someone like her would have a tendency for such tasks. Asano Mei is a deep and calm person who is known as the school's dark beauty. An emo beauty.

''Mei-chan, are you interested in this kind of work?''

Mei lets out a heavy sigh and bites her purple lip. "Nah, not really. My older brother's the one into this kinda gig. I've been dealin' with his bullshits since I was born."

Asuka understood what she meant with a nod, and decides to leave the remaining work to her. He realized that standing there and watching would only be a hindrance for her. So, he returned to the computer and resumes his part of the task.

But he couldn't stop thinking about how much he'd learned about his classmates tonight.

- - -

''Doesn't the name Gardens of Eden sound great? Hehe, it seems like a pretty happy name.''

''Sounds like a tourist trap.''

''Mou, Uesugi-san! How can you be so senseless!''

Fuutarou and the others set out for the Gardens of Eden. There are now only three people left. Hanako leads the group with her phone's flashlight and a map in hand. She takes charge and guides the group with confidence, since she's the most responsible one among those two. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but at the same time, she felt a strange sense of enjoyment.

''Nakano-san, Fuutarou. Be quiet, there might be people around.''

''Hanako-chan, when did ya start taking this seriously?''

''I suggest you be serious too. It won't be good if we get caught.''

''How long till we get there, class rep?'' Fuutarou asked with a certain boredom on his face. ''We're climbing this hill quite a while.''

Hanako carefully opens the map given to her and double-checks their locations. ''It has to be right ahead of us.''

Since the lights in the trees are turned off, the only light source they have is the stars and cell phones, thus this limits their viewing angles considerably. But none of them think that they can miss a huge lake. They have to reach somewhere eventually as they follow the path.

''Do you think Asuka-kun and Mei-chan can make it, Uesugi-san?''

''I ain't got a clue why we even ended up here in the first place."

''You won't deny that it's really fun, will cha, Uesugi-san? When was the last time you did something this risky?''

Fuutarou averted his gaze, his lips pursed in a contemplative whistle. "Never," he admitted quietly.

''Thought so.'' Yotsuba smacked up and forth lightly to Fuutarou's back and smile. ''Ahaha! I am all on high spirits!''

Hanako suddenly stopped while they chatted back and forth. ''...''


''Class rep?''

''...'' The round-glassed maiden looks at a sign just a few steps away from the group.

『 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐆𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐄𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐝𝐮𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐡𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐥 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐞𝐦𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. 』

''... / ... /... '' They stood there, frozen in uncertainty and unsure of everything to take. The cold night breeze brushed against their faces, and in that moment it felt as if time refusing to move forward.

Yotsuba, the most optimistic of them, was looking at the sign intently.

''What do we do now?...'' Fuutarou asked.

''Isn't it obvious? We'll continue. A stupid sign is not going to stop us.'' Yotsuba answered. ''Right, Hanako-chan?''

''Returning seems to be riskier than moving forward. I agree Nakano-san on that.''

Fuutarou takes out his phone. ''Okay, I'm calling Asuka. He's the one who started all this, and it would be good if he could tell us what to do, or else I'll beat the shit out of him next time I see his face.''

''Don't do that Uesugi-san.''


''Asuka-kun sent us here because he trusted us. We can't betray his trust, nuh uh! Not in chance.''




Yotsuba sweatdropped and evades her eyes. ''I-I don't think fighting with Asuka-kun i-is a g-good idea for you, Uesugi-san. He m-may send you to the REAL Gardens of Eden in o-one punch, ehehehe...''

''...Don't have to be that honest...'' Fuutarou emotionally damaged.

''You two stop messing around. I found the entrance.'' Hanako ignored the warning sign and walk pass it.

Fuutarou and Yotsuba, following Hanako's lead, finally arrived at the lake. The landscape they encountered was just as enchanting as the cityscape they had witnessed before. Even without artificial lighting, the stars illuminated the oasis before their eyes amd made it clear and mesmerizing.

A lake adorned with pink sakura blossoms. Rows of trees lined the entire coast of the lake, their branches reaching out like guardians. Pink leaves gently fell, adorning the serene surface of the water. Now, they all understood why this park was renowned as Tokyo's most beautiful park.

What they saw was almost a piece of heaven.

''Woah...'' Yotsuba gasped in awe.

''No wonder tickets are so expensive.''

Hanako stared at the scene much shorter. She noticed tree lights on wooden boxes a few meters away from the entrance. Normally, these decorations should have been hanging on the tree branches, but for some reason, they had been removed from their positions.


''The sign we saw was freshly hung. Same with this ones, the lights here appear to have been removed no more than an hour ago.''

Fuutarou and Yotsuba bent over to the floor, examining the ripped lights.

''Everything goes wrong.'' Fuutarou clicked his tongue. ''Tch...''

''Hanako-chan, w-what should we do?''

Hanako closed her eyes in thought.  ''All we can do here is hang these lights back. We'll figure out what to do when Asuka and Asano-san come back.''

''Yosh! Got it! Hang these lights back! Pretty easy!''

''Well, at least now I have nothing to lose... Yotsuba! Be careful with those lights! Oi!''

The three of them started working together. It wasn't possible to reattach all the lights around the enourmous lake, but they could decorate the trees near the shore in time. Hanako told them the necessary plan and the timeframe they needed.

Even without Asuka, Hanako Homare is knowledgeable enough to make up for his lack. That's why she is already the number one student trusted by the teachers and the class representative.

''Nakano-san, you take the right side. Fuutarou and I will take care of the left side.''

''Sir, yes sir! Come on, Uesugi-san. Let's make the night shine! I can't wait to tell the girls all about!''

- - -

''All right, system clear. The camera system won't work until midnight. How's it going with you, Mei-chan?''

''Done. These materials aren't enough for full repair, but it'll do for a while.'' Mei sighs, looking at her purple nails. ''Fuck, I just painted my nails...''

''A-ah...Hehehe, gomen gomen.''

''Whatever.'' Mei stands up and throws a small device to Asuka.

''Hm?'' Asuka catches the device. ''Is that?...''

''Remote control. Press it and the entire park will lighten up.''

Asuka tucked the remote into his pocket and stood up from the chair. ''Aight, let's go catch up with the others. Arigato, Mei-chan.''

''Like I said, I can commit murder if it saves me from math.'' Mei shrugged nonchalantly, emphasizing her dedication to avoiding the dreaded subject.


After Asuka and Mei had completed their respective tasks, they headed towards the lake. It was nearly impossible for them to get lost with a backup copy of the map in hand. The worst-case scenario would have been getting caught by a security guard, but fortunately, that didn't happen. The cherry blossom lake was located at the top of the hill, so it took them a bit of time to find the entrance gate. They followed the same passage that Hanako and the others had taken earlier.

When Asuka and Mei arrived at the lakeshore, they were as fascinated as those who had come before them. Fuutarou, Hanako, and Yotsuba were already done with decorating the lights and found themselves sitting under a tree, rolled up in a conversation.

''Fuutarou!'' Asuka waved his hand. ''We're here!''

''About damn time...''

''Mei-chan, Mei-chan! Come here!''

Asuka and Mei joined the rest and explained what they had done. Fixing the cable system and the security camares. The time for their teacher to arrive was getting closer, and they needed to find a hiding spot and stay out of sight; otherwise, all their efforts would be in vain.

They considered hiding among the bushes at first, but the bushes in the area were not large enough to fully conceal a person. That's when Hanako suggested using the unused old storage shed located a bit away from the lake. She had discovered it while hanging the lights.

Hiding in the warehouse seemed like the most logical idea to them. It was big enough to fit them all, and the viewing angle was quite good.

But bad luck continued to follow.

The warehouse door was sealed shut— nailed with boards. It appeared to be an old building that was likely scheduled for demolition.


''All right, there's no electricity in this building. So no alarm.'' Asuka rolled up his sleeves. ''I'm going to fuck up this door.''

Asuka began to tear off the nailed boards one by one without any difficulty. His physical strength was evident in every sense, as expected of the school's football captain. A few minutes later, all the boards were lying on the floor, shattered, all ripped apart one by one.

With the boards removed, the door was now clear and accessible.

''Okay...It's time.'' Asuka took the electric remote from his pocket and handed it to Yotsuba. ''Yotsuba, would like to do the honors? Hehe...''



With a single click; the entire forest became illuminated, the night becomes day. The lights that Fuutarou and the others had hung up began to radiate with a brilliant glow, enveloping the entire park in their luminous embrace. In an instant, Yotsuba banished the darkness and filled every corner with a warm and vibrant light.


''All right, let's get in. We've done everything we can.'' Asuka said, touching of the lambs that lights. ''...''

''I'm going first.'' Mei said and stepped inside the warehouse.

Mei stepped inside and instantly stopped after taking a single step. A weird sound reverberated within the warehouse, like the noise of something sliding. The sound was growing louder and closer. Mei looked around, but didn't see the source of the sound.

Yotsuba shook her head, seemingly confused by the situation. ''Mei...-chan?''

''MEI, STEP BACK! / ASANO-SAN!'' Fuutarou screamed as loud as he can and pulled Mei out of the warehouse within the same time with Hanako.


Everyone's eyes widened, a sharp axe came crashing down from the roof of the warehouse, landing precisely where Mei had been standing just moments ago. If they had been even a few milliseconds late, disaster would have struck. Thanks to Shiva-sensei's unlucky streak with dates, much like Asuka's disastrous cooking.

The close call left them shaken, realizing that they had almost lost their friends. However, while the others looked terrified, Mei looks rather annoyed, yet if the axe had merely interrupted her day. Nonetheless, it already made a contact with her...

''...I really liked this dress...once...''

''Mei-chan, are you okay?!'' Yotsuba held her palm.

''Asano-san...You boys, close your eyes!''

''It's okay. I'm not embarrased or anything.'' She says coldly.

Asuka let it out a relieved sigh, taking out his blue jacket. ''Here. At least it keeps warm; standing out here in just a bra would make you sick in this weather.''

Mei didn't seem bothered at all by her current situation, atleast not by the idea of boys seeing her half-naked body. The only thing visibly frustrating her was the fact that her dress going trash. ''Bad luck...Whatever, let's go in. We'll be caught if we stay here any longer.''

Once everyone had entered the warehouse, it was now time to wait and watch. They did everything they could, and if they hadn't been here, this night would have been totally ruined. All of them well aware of everything.

𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗷𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝘁𝗰𝗵.

- - -

''Was it a good idea to come here at night, Akua? Brr... We'll have to attend class tomorrow; we might end up getting sick or something."

''Ahh! We could have arrived hours ago if you hadn't wasted so much time getting ready!''

''Look at yourself dear, I've never seen you put on so much makeup in my life. You even braided your hair.''

''Of course, for God's sake Mads! Did you even bother to look at where these tickets belong to?''

The two teachers finally arrive at Yoyogi Park and hand over their tickets to pass through security without any issues, walking together on the lamp-lit path. Madison keeps her calm as always, while Akua pouts.

''The night looks truly wonderful; when was the last time we spent time like this together, Akua?''

''On your birthday, dimwit. I took time off work and took you to that expensive bar, remember?''

''You mean when you got really super high and couldn't get out of bed for three days afterwards? I remember.''

''I gave you my whole day and you only remember that part!? You gotta be kidding me...''

Madison only smiled at this answer, unaware of what today was. ''You're really sweet when you are drunk.''

''For the record, I'm always sweet. Also, hehe...Thanks Mads.''

''Hai hai, sure you are.'' Madison shot back with a sly grin then playfully hooking her arm around Akua's. ''Mmmm~🎵''

''Slow down, blockhead. I'll fall if you lean on me too much.''

Madison and Akua began to walk together on the path in front of them. None of them had been here before, so what they'll encounter is a complete mystery. Yoyogi Park being open 24 hours a day means that there are sights worth seeing even at night, sometimes even more than during the daytime.

''Do rich people come to places like this? Unbelievable.'' Madison murmured as she looked around the forest. ''Teacher salaries are definitely low.''

''Instead of murmuring about the government...How about focusing on educating your students to be better than you.'' Akua giggled. ''It would be silly to think we'd be alone in a park this big, Mads. Look at that, footprints on the ground.''

"Five sets of footprints, huh? Eh, you're right. The world ain't just ours, after all."

Later, they emerged from the forest and reached an uprising hill, as if their destination had been chosen from the start.

They both fell into silence before the sight they saw.



A large part of Tokyo became visible from the hill ahead of them. A sea of lights, with new ones appearing every second. Even the famous Tokyo Tower has now turned on its lights, visible from miles and miles away. Like a beacon illuminating the night.

Madison leaned Akua's arm even more, comforting herself. ''We should do this more often.''

''No kidding.'

''Akua, did we ever visit places like this when we were in high school?'' Madison opened her palm and tried to catch the city lights far far away, as if she wanted to keep one as a memory. ''Though you were a complete nerd back then, hehe.''

''I was, wasn't I? I used to work day and night to be able to get into the same university with you.''

Madison giggled as Akua talks. ''Oh my, you've always been a hopeless romantic, haven't you?''

''Who cares about romance at this point in my life? Heck, I swear I can't take anymore failed dates anymore.''

''...'' Madison glanced at Akua's crimson eyes, as if wanting to say something, but then simply gave up and returned to watching the city once again. ''...Anymore, huh?''


''Don't worry. Would you like to keep going?''

''Of course, as gorgeous as it is here, I wouldn't want to spend the night here.''

''Then...'' Madison smiled in her purest. ''Shall we continue~?''

They began walking together towards the hilltop. Madison closed her eyes and softly hummed a sweet melody while Akua looked at the trees around her, taking pictures time to time. Later, Madison and Akua came across an old wooden bridge, with a gentle river flowing beneath it. It was a charming sight, with the sound of the flowing water creating a serene ambiance.

Madison let go of Akua's arm and joyfully stepped into the middle of the bridge. Under the millions of leaves, she looked almost enchanting. She spread her arms wide and smiled broadly, embracing the magical moment.

''Akua, Akua! Take my photo.''

''That bridge looks dangerous, don't move too much!'' Akua sighed. ''Mads...''

''Come on, this trip is supposed to be fun.'' Madison crossed her arms and gave Akua a pouty look. ''Please~''

''Alright, alright... Just don't fall down or something.''

''Like that will hap---IYAH!?''


Madison's foot caught on a protruding plank of the bridge, she lost her balance and was about to fall. Just in time, Akua acted swiftly and threw herself onto Madison to break her fall. Akua managed to slow down Madison's fall, but in doing so, she ended up falling herself. Madison landed directly on top of her, pinning her down.

They remained silent. Both of them blushed furiously and their hearts were beating out of their chests. Akua had both her hands pinned down on the ground while Madison was resting on top of Akua, with their faces dangerously close together. The moonlight made them glow, and Madison's soft hair was gently blowing with the breeze, covering her face.

Akua blushed a little more and so did Madison. Their breathing became slower as they began to gaze at each others' eyes, feeling their chests pressing eachother.

Madison smiled warmly. ''Are you alright?''

''Just about...Your weight is a bit too heavy for my liking.'' Akua sighed.

''Aww, you don't mean that...You're so kind to me, Akua.''

''Mads, mind you...Y'know...get up?''

''A-ah, hehe. Silly me, I totally forget about that. But before...Mwah~''

Madison cupped Akua's cheeks and kissed her nose. Later, she got up from on top of Akua and giggled as she brushed off the dust from her purple dress. Akua stood up with a sweet blush on her face. She rose to her feet and lightly touched her nose with her finger. It wasn't a new move, but every time she did it, Akua felt a little more embarrassed.

''Same move since highschool. Cut the kisses already!''

''My my~ You used to say you loved these in high school.''

''Yes, in highschool! Now, its just embarrasing...''

''You're breaking my poor heart, hehe...'' This time Madison offered her hand. ''Come on, let's continue.''

''H-hum...'' Akua interwined her fingers with her. ''...''

After crossing the wooden bridge, they continued walking on the path again, they saw many animals because of the natural habitat of the park. Cats, dogs, a couple of deer and more. Both teachers were happy to escape the daily stresses of life and spend time for themselves. However, deep deep down, Akua still felt broken. She didn't want to be angry with Madison for forgetting her birthday, but her mind and heart were making conflicting decisions.

She looked down at Madison's hand as they walked together. The hand of the same person who has been with her for years. Could she be mad at her for that? Unknowingly, she began to blush.

''Akua, do you see what I see?'' Madison stopped somewhere inside the forest.

This sudden stop brought Akua back from her daydreaming and back to the real world. ''H-huh...What?''


A few meters ahead was a sign. It was supposed to be. A hanging sign located near the place where they will go next, but completely destroyed. Unreadable.

''A w-wild animal did this?...'' Akua began to worry.

''You're literally in the heart of Tokyo, the last place to find wild animals. Probably broke in a storm and they forgot to fix it. Come on, The Gardens of Eden should be just ahead.''

''The Gardens of Eden?''

''Official website says it's a popular place, I want to see it.''

''Pfft, sounds like tourist rip-off.'' Akua held her giggle and then nodded. ''If you want to see it, let's have a look.''

''Hai hai, what you call a tourist ripoff is what normal people call philosophy and romanticism.''

''Ouch, Mads—' Akua held her heart and giggled. ''That hurt...''



Finding the entrance to the Gardens of Eden in the dead of night would have been difficult, but with the forest lights turned on, it became more visible for the eyes. Both couldn't believe their eyes after passing through the marked pathway. They found themselves in an entirely different world, as if transported to a completely different realm. The green leaves they had been seeing for minutes were now replaced by pink sakura leaves, a colorful paradise among thousands of tree lights.

They squeezed each other's hands even tighter.

''Not much of a rip-off, is it?''

''All right, I was wrong. Definitely deserves the name.''

''Let's get some rest here. I doubt we'll find a better place.'' Madison said with a smile and then pointed a rock just by the lake. ''We can sit there.''

Madison and Akua made their way through the fallen pink leaves and sat on the large rock that was connected to the lake. The moon was now directly above them, casting a bright glow over the surroundings and them.

It should have been a joyful sight, and indeed, it was – at least for Madison. Akua couldn't deny the beauty of the place, but as the night approached its end, so did her birthday. The melancholy within her started to intensify with each passing second.


''Tell me, Madison. Do you know what today is?...''

Madison tilted her head in wonder and closed her eyes. ''Hmm...Wednesday, isn't it?''

''Ugh...Nevermind.'' She clenched her fists.

Seeing her roommate in such a melancholic state made Madison feel uneasy. Akua had always been the lively and cheerful one among them, brimming with life and joy, sometimes with her sweet clumsiness.

Madison pressed her lips together, as if she had been trying to say something for hours but struggled to bring herself to speak. She was forcing her mouth open, trying to find the words. Madison was a quiet lady by nature, but now even her heartbeat has become unbearable to herself.

And the night reached its climax.

''Happy birthday, Akua.''



''Mads, what are you talking about?''

''Isn't your birthday today? I'm celebrating.''

Akua fell into an odd silence, just gazing at her blushing roommate in front of her. The events were unfolding so quickly that she couldn't make sense of anything. Madison had been aware from the beginning that she had hurt Akua's feelings, but it took her a long time to gather the courage to speak up.

''Mads, why did you wait all day?...''

''Do you know how hard it was?! I'm struggling even now.'' Madison clenched her fists tightly, and finally, she reached into the pocket of her purple dress. She pulled out a black embellished box. ''H-happy birthday...''

''Madison...This box. No—you didn't...''

"You asked me why I've been coming home late for weeks, right? Well, I've been attending private tutoring sessions. Unfortunately, my salary wasn't enough to afford it on my own, hehe..." Madison confessed and held the black box even tighter. ''The necklace you wanted last month. The one you decided not to get because it was too expensive."

Akua's eyes widened, and she instinctively covered her mouth with both palm. ''...''

Madison continued speaking in a serene tone, as if this was the reaction she had been expecting from the start. ''Saving money for this gift was the easy part. In my own mind, I replayed this scene thousands, even millions of times.''

''Why didn't y-you tell me a-anything...''

''Because it's your birthday, silly. Who even announces their birthday gift in advance anyway?''


''Would you like me to help you put it on?'' Madison asks with a smile. ''I think it might suit you.''

''Please do...'' Akua's face turned bright red with embarrassment. She then gathered her hair and exposed her neck.

Madison slowly takes out the gold necklace from its box and places it around Akua's neck. Her heart pounds as if it's about to leap out of her chest, betraying her typically calm nature. The necklace truly shines like a star, reflecting the light in its facets. Madison's eyes fill with tears without her notice, as she is moved by the beauty of the moment.

''I'm sorry for upsetting you. I never forgot your birthday, not even for a moment. There are only a few things in this world that I can never forget, and most of them are about you.''

With every word spoken, Akua's face was getting redder. There's no point in denying it anymore; she finally understood where this was heading. Why did it took so long to realize?''

Their fingers intertwined with each other.

''Akua, I know, I'm not nicest person in the world or anything. I always tease you and all... but now, I want to say it. I thought it'd be nice to say tonight, especially in a place like this.''


''Akua, I love you.''


''I really love you. I feel like my heart was stabbed million times everytime you find a fake boyfriend just to test yourself. I love you for a long time. Too long. I no longer want to keep these feelings inside me. We have grown up now, and I don't know when I'll lose you...''

Akua's eyes began to fill with tears, and small droplets of teras started falling towards the lake from her cheeks. She left with no words to say; she pressed the necklace to her chest tightly and nodded in silence.

''Madison...You're totally irresponsible, always leaving your things in disarray. I can hardly find time to do my daily tasks because I'm cleaning your mess. Always and always. But you know what? I realized now... that even these little arguments we have become an indispensable part of...my daily life. Without them, I would feel incomplete... They're like the spice that adds flavor to you and me, and I cherish every moment, even the ones spent playfully bickering with you.''


''Were you serious about what you just said? Because I'm about to tell you something that I can't take back.'' Akua smiled, with tears no different then a waterfall.

''Absolutely, say anything. I love you.''

''Good, because...I love you too.''

Both of them have reached the pinnacle of embarrassment, and now they find themselves at a loss for what to do next. They just stare at each other for a while on the rock, without saying anything. Then Madison breaks the silence.

''Akua, may I kiss you?''

''Please, g-go on...I-I'm just nervous.''

''Oh, is this your first time?''

Akua looks away. ''N-no, I've been nervous before.''





''Ah, fuck me... I screwed it up, am I?''

''Totally, hehe...But I catch you this one.''

''What do you mea---...''



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