Wiccan & Witchcraft spells

By CallMeWitchAlessia

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Here you will find a handbook on wicca and witchcraft spells. All done by me in my notes and complete right a... More

Protection spells
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Car and Travels spell
Blinding spells

Honor the Death Spells

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By CallMeWitchAlessia

Mirror Gazing to Contact the Spirit of a Deceased Loved One

This technique can be used during Samhain or any time of the year.

Below is Raymond Moody's mirror-gazing method. You can find the link to his book at the bottom of the page. Dr. Moody's patients have had great success using his mirror gazing method to communicate with departed loved ones and find healing for their grief.

Dr. Moody got the idea for this from the psychomanteums that the ancient Greeks used. He built his own psychomanteum and allows people to use it to visit with their loved ones who have passed over. He gives instructions in his book for how to built your own psychomanteum so you can mirror-gaze in the privacy of your own home. The book gives more detail on the technique. I've written a basic outline of it here for you.

This should be done in a dark and quiet room. Use a fan or a white noise device to block outside noises (ear plugs may also work). The lack of light and noise assists you in achieving a deeper meditative state while making it less likely that you'll be startled out of your trance by outside noises.

Set up a large mirror with a place for you to sit, either in the floor or on a chair. You should be seated so that you can see into the mirror, but not see your own reflection. So sit at an angle to the mirror.

Place a lit candle behind you. It will provide indirect light. You shouldn't be able to see the candle flame. It's meant to put out a very dim light in the room.

Gather personal items from the spirit that you wish to connect with and lay them around you close enough to touch them from your seated position in front of the mirror.

Sit quietly in front of the mirror and hold one of the items that remind you of your loved one. Think about your loved one and mentally ask them to come and communicate with you.

You may close your eyes or look away from the mirror as you take some time to relax. Breathe deeply. An easy way to relax is to breathe in to the slow count of five, hold the breath for five seconds, then breathe out very slowly to the count of five. After you do this several times you will notice that you are very relaxed.

With unfocused eyes, gaze into the mirror. You will eventually begin to see the mirror clouding over. Try not to focus on the cloudy shapes that pass by. Just let them pass and keep staring off into the space, into the mirror.

Continue gazing at the clouded mirror as you reach out and touch the other items around you and/or connect with the energy of the item in your hand. If you have a piece of fabric or a cologne bottle that smells like your loved one, pick it up and smell it as you continue gazing.

If you are in a deep enough trance state, you will eventually begin to see the clouds taking the form of a human shape or shapes. Or you may hear your loved one's voice speak to you, either aloud or in your mind. Many people using this technique have seen (in the mirror) their loved one walk up and stand next to them and they had a conversation or a mental exchange of thoughts and feelings. Sometimes the loved one will appear to you and simply smile or wave. You may first see a group of people and then your loved one will walk out from the group to greet you.

A black mirror may be used in place of a regular mirror, but they are harder to find. Trophy shops or online occult stores may have them.

You will almost certainly want to talk to someone about what happened so make sure that you have a friend or relative you can call afterward (or who is there waiting in another room). The visit with your loved one could be emotional, although most people feel elated after such a visit.

Occasionally you will want to see a particular person, but another person will show up instead. Try to accept the spirit who visits you and see if they have a message to give you. They may have been sent on behalf of the person you wanted to see.

Dream of One Who Has Passed Through the Veil

You will need:

1 white candle

A picture of the deceased

A pentagram

Lavender in a natural bag (cotton, muslin)

Light the white candle and stare at the flame for a few minutes. Then put the picture at eye level and say:

"You have passed through the veil;
But with this spell,
I will dream of you soon,
This I foretell.

Place the picture under your pillow. Let the candle burn to a stub, extinguish & place it in the bag of Lavender. Sleep with these items under your pillow for three nights to receive the dream you want.

Sending a Message to a Departed Love
Spell to Contact the Dead

1. ink made of soot and pink wine
2. two black candles
3. place paper between the two black candles

Write at the top of the letter:

"Thou who are mourned, see now the nature of this mourning: As thou knowest now my sorrow, so on this paper I affirm it. I write thee my heart here, for thy sight and that we may be bound by such silent words even better than when our words were spoken. Receive this letter, a sign of my commitment not to forget thee nor to cease mourning for thee until my own life shall be ended"

4. Now write your feelings, emotions, devotion, memories, love, etc.
5. Fold the paper three times
6. Seal with herbs
7. Burn in a fire.

Spell to Summon a Spirit

To create an incense portal for summoning the ancestor spirits from the otherworld, you will need an altar complete with pictures and items to honor them. In a strongly protected circle, place lavender, cinnamon, and wormwood on the coals.

Call out only to benevolent and loving ancestor spirits by saying:

"Blood of my blood, you spirits of love,
Come from below and from above;
Entities loving who wish me well,
Come to this circle when I sound the bell. "

Intone (ring) a bell three times and welcome the ancestors’ spirits. Afterwards, ring the bell seven times to send them back through the portal so you can close your circle.

Simple Funerary Rite

Simple Funerary Rite

You will need:

a fire safe bowl

a half cup of wine or apple juice

a stick of incense

a white candle

a photo of the person, if possible.

If you can, do this ritual outdoors. If not, inside is fine.

Sit on the ground/floor. Light the candle and the stick of incense that reminds you of your friend. (i.e. if he was an outdoorsman, select a woodsy scent like evergreen or sandalwood; if she was a homebody, use cinnamon, etc.)

If you have a photo of the deceased, set it in front of you. If not, hold the image of your friend firmly in your mind.

Take a small fire-safe bowl filled with the wine. Warm the wine over the candle flame.

Visualizing your friend surrounded by a soft white glow, wish the friend well on his or her journey and assure your friend that you will see him or her again in your next life. Drink the wine and let yourself remember all the wonderful things you and your friend shared. 

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