Wiccan & Witchcraft spells

By CallMeWitchAlessia

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Here you will find a handbook on wicca and witchcraft spells. All done by me in my notes and complete right a... More

Protection spells
Cleansing Spells
Wish Spells
Spiritual Spells
Self-improvement spells
Beauty spells
Animal and pet spells
Spirits and Ghosts
Money spells
Luck spells
Job spells
Invisibility Spells
Honor the Death Spells
Curse removal
Healing spells
Friendship spells
Erotic spells
Emotional well-being spells
Dream Spells
Charm bangs
Car and Travels spell
Blinding spells

Love spells

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By CallMeWitchAlessia

Manufacturing Mr. or Mrs. Right

1. Create a clear picture in your mind of your perfect partner. These vibrations can attract your imaginary man or woman into your life.
2. Make a relationship collage with pictures of things that are important to you.
3. Be specific when you visualize the environment and your future together.
4. Put it in writing. Make a list of your needs and wants in a satisfying relationship.
5. Place the list where you can see it often. The more time and energy you devote to it, the closer the reality becomes.
6. Focus on the list and verbalize it. Repeat it aloud for even greater impact. There's nothing like the power of the spoken word!

Think About Me Love Spell

This is a spell to attract the one you desire, though you must at least talk to them and know their full name.

What you'll need:

Your altar

Red candle

Go outside on a Friday night and set up your alter. Cast a circle and make sure your alter is at the north edge of your circle. Call the Elemental Guardians. It is optional to smudge your circle, I just did it for protection.

Engrave your desired one's name into the candle.

Before you light it, chant this while the candle is bathed in the moon's rays:

Diana, Goddess of love,
I ask that you hear me.
Please let (desired one)
Send love towards me.
So mote it be.

Then, light the candle and say:

May you think about me day and night, (desired one).

Now kiss the candle while it's lit. Stare into the flame and visualize you and the one you love together, in love, for about 30 seconds.

Let the candle burn out.

Simple Love Spell

This spell really does work. I have used it and actually I met my husband just a few weeks after I performed it. It is very specific and must be followed exactly.

Best Night: Friday
Best Moon: Full

Things you will need:

1 sheet of lined paper

1 Red pen or marker

1 letter envelope

your favorite perfume

your favorite shade of red lipstick

a few Pink or Red flower petals

Write out the qualities you want in a lover on the sheet of paper using the pen.

Next spritz the paper with your perfume.

Fold the paper and place it in the envelope.

Now take the flower petals, hold them in your RIGHT hand. Envision yourself happy and in love, squeezing the petals tight in your hand. Keep envisioning this scene.

Drop the petals into the envelope. Seal the envelope closed and seal the whole spell with a kiss. Apply the red lipstick and kiss the envelope!!

Place in a safe place. NEVER open it again, if you do this will break the spell.


To Attract a Lover

There is someone in whom you are very much interested. He or she seems to notice you but makes no move to develop a relationship. This is not a spell to draw that loved one to you, but more to "open the way," so that if there is interest there, he or she will feel free to make advances.

The Seeker should set a wine glass on the table. Then suspend a ring (traditionally the mother's wedding band) from a length of red silk ribbon. Holding the ribbon between thumb and forefinger, as a pendulum, with the elbow resting on the table, let the ring hang in the mouth of the wine glass. Initially you should try to keep the ring still.

In a loud, clear voice, call out your own name followed by the name of your would-be love. Repeat the name of your love twice more (three times in all). Then, thinking of him/her, allow the ring to swing until it "chinks" against the side of the wine glass once for each letter as you spell out the name.

Now take the ribbon and tie it about your neck, allowing the ring to hang down on your chest over the heart. Wear it for three weeks. Every Friday repeat the above ritual. By the end of the third week, if it is meant to be, then the loved one will come to you.

Non-Manipulative Love Spell
Wiccan Love Spell

You will need:

A red candle

A pink candle

Red or pink flower petals

Some purple lilacs

A red pen

White paper

An envelope

Some perfume

A symbol of permanence/stability of your choice

With the paper and pen, write ten things you would like in a lover. Set the paper down on a flat surface and say:

Aphrodite and Venus, bring me a lover.
Let he/she be faithful and true
Let he/she love me for who I am
And let me love him/her for who he/she is.

Light the pink candle, and say

Let the first feelings of love strike me and this unknown person Let our love be one of friendship and romance

Light the red candle, and say:

Our relationship will be strong, and we will have the courage to trust each other and to be ourselves, and to help each other overcome whatever crises may befall us.

Spray the paper with perfume. Put it and the flower petals and the symbol of permanence in an envelope and seal it, imagining being happy and safe in the lover’s arms or something like that. Say:

Let this love be sweet and flourishing like these flower petals, but let it be far more enduring, like (permanence symbol).

Then finish the spell by keeping the envelope with you, or burying on your property, or keeping it by your bed at night.

To Draw a New Lover to You

By the light of a full moon, take a silver ring and wrap it in a clean white cloth. Dig a small hole and bury the ring inside. While focusing on the kind of lover you are looking for and pouring a small amount of wine (or milk) over the earth recite these words:

Blessed Mother fair and true
This Gift I offer unto You
Bless this ring and make it shine
Bring a lover to be mine
So Mote it Be!

Leave the ring buried until the next full moon, then dig it up and wear it. If your lover is near, he/she will be drawn to you.

To Find a Lover

Every Friday night coming to completion on a full moon Friday night, throw salt on an open fire with your right hand while speaking these words:

"It is not salt I turn to fire , but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
Let him have no peace of mind until he come to me".

This spell must be cast three times on each occasion. On the third occasion the wording should be altered slightly to:

"It is not the salt I turn to fire, but the heart of the man/woman I seek.
He/she shall have no peace of mind until he/she come to me".

This ends the spell. The person sought usually appears within a few weeks.

Make Yourself More Desirable

This is a simple and easy Love Spell that takes no time at all. You do not need a lot of ingredients and they will not be hard to hunt down. This spell will make you much more desirable to the opposite sex and is sure to raise your confidence.

1 pink candle
1 bottle of 100% Virgin Olive oil
Something to light the candle

Take the candle and place it on a table or your altar. Now take the olive oil and rub on to the candle starting in the middle and going up, then starting in the middle going down. While purifying the candle with the oil, you want to recharge the candle with love and desire, so visualize love and channel all your emotion into the candle. After the oil is finished, take a knife and carve what it is you want into the candle.

Example: I Wish For "John/Jane Doe" to love me

After finished writing in the candle, simply light it and concentrate on love and throw as much emotion (love) into the flame of the candle as possible, you may even want to add words if you wish. Sit and do this until the candle has burnt out. Make sure you are comfortable and won't be bothered. The more you feel sexy, the more this spell will work for you! Once the candle has burned out, the spell is finished.

Perfect Mate Love Spell

This love spell is intended to attract the perfect mate and partner. In the circle, ground and center. Meditate on all the preconceived ideas you have about the perfect partner.

Maybe you have a particular candidate in mind for romance. Release the thought of that person (it would be most unethical to work magick to make a certain person love you; this would violate their free will, and put you in jeopardy by The Law of Return). Release all notions of what your perfect lover will look like. These are externals, and if you cling to them then you run the risk of overlooking your ideal mate simply because your conscious mind was focused on superficialities.

Equipment Needed:
Two candles: One white, One in your favorite color
Two candle holders
A rose colored altar cloth
A piece of red chalk

This love spell can be performed at any time. I usually find that the evening is the best. When your mind is clear and open, hold the candle of your favorite color: this represents you. Meditate, then speak aloud all the qualities and energies you are willing to bring to an intimate relationship. Replace that candle on the altar, and pick up the white one. This represents your ideal partner. Speak aloud the essential qualities you desire in a mate, and ask Aphrodite to bring you together in this lifetime.

Now place the two candles in their holders at opposite ends of the altar. Draw a heart on the center with the red chalk, large enough for both candle holders. Each day thereafter, meditate on the perfect loving relationship for a few minutes, and move the two candles an inch close together. If you started on the new moon, then by full moon the candles should be touching in the center of the heart. When they meet, draw two more hearts around the first one, raise energy by singing your favorite love song, and charge the candles.

Soul Mate Love Spell
Spell to Find Your Soul Mate

This spell is intended to draw a partner who is best suited to you at this time in your life, or one who is "meant" for you. It is supposedly "fail-safe", but remember, you must take responsibility for any results and consequences.

Components Needed:

A clear mind and focused goal

Special paper, such as hemp, cotton, real parchment, whatever you deem special

A ritual writing instrument (the pen is mightier than the Athame) such as quill, fountain pen, favorite ball-point, etc. In whatever color ink desired.

Moon Incense

Charcoal or a small ritual fire

Timing: any time, preferably after dark during the waxing moon. The timing is more flexible with this working for many reasons; the nature of the work, and the full moon energy contained in the moon incense which is an incense of Increase or drawing.

Reinforce your personal circle/aura and prepare for workings in your usual manner. Using the ritual pen and special paper, write words of power that will call the most perfect partner to you at this time. Do not include specific names, and avoid thinking of a specific person. If you can't find quite the right words, use the following:

If there be a perfect match,
this work tonight will surely catch.
the perfect one who is meant to be,
shall find His/Her way home to me.
In perfect love and perfect trust,
I send this out, but not from lust,
This spell will guide us to unite,
free will remains with us tonight.

When you are finished, read over what you wrote and confirm that everything you want to say is included. When you are certain it is as you wish, spend some time meditating on your goal while you light your ritual fire or the charcoal. When you get "that feeling" (the one when you know everything is right, your will is focused, you know it is certain, you know the feeling...) prepare to begin the physical aspect of the ritual. When the fire has become coals, or the charcoal is glowing happily, read aloud your writing, repeating it 3 times. As you read, or as you come to the end of each repetition, sprinkle a small handful (about a tablespoon) of the Moon Incense on the fire. You will want to be practiced at this for the best effect as well as safety, so make up a full recipe of it and accustom yourself to its nature prior to the rite.

Fold the paper and keep it near you for three days. Keep it under your pillow, mattress, or pinned to your night clothes (if you aren't sky/star clad) while you sleep. After three days, light another ritual fire, repeat the Circle of Power/Protection, reading and incense procedure and this time, burn the paper when you are done. OR you can keep the paper in a special spell box if you use this method. Many witches have special containers to keep finished workings in. These are usually decorative and personalized with engravings or painting on them that echo their contents. For example, a heart shaped heartwood box with runes and magickal symbols of love on it for this spell. Usually only similar spells are kept together, or each spell is kept in its own box.

Apple Seed Love Spell

It is recommended that you cast this spell on a Friday, as Venus, the planet of love and romance, also rules this day.

What you will need:

One piece of Rose Quartz Crystal

One red rose

One red Apple

One green candle

One pink candle

One oil burner and rose essential oil

Pick a time when you know you will not be disturbed. While getting all the things you need together, think of the love you would like to invite into your life.

Light the oil burner and the red and green candles. Place the red rose in front of the burning candles. Hold the Rose Quartz in your hand and as you stare into the candle flame, repeat the Angel Invocation below:

Archangel Anael I invoke thee on this Venus eve
To grant me my wish
I ask for love eternal and true
May the flame of the candle
The fragrance of the Rose
Carry it afar
And grant me my hearts desire
So Mote It Be

Thank the Archangel Anael for helping you and leave the candles to burn out. Eat the apple and save the seeds.

Place the rose, the apple seeds, and the rose quartz crystal on a window ledge where they will attract the magic of the moon. The following morning as soon as you wake up, plant the apple seeds in a pot with suitable growing medium.

Look after your seeds in a caring way and as the seedlings begin to grow, love will come into your life. Keep the rose in a vase and when it wilts, dry the petals and keep them in a special place along with your rose quartz as a keepsake of your love spell.

Magick Love Charm

Go into a clearing in the woods on either a Friday or Monday night. Build a campfire.

Throw a handful of coriander seeds onto the fore and say:
"O magick coriander, make him/her mad "

Sprinkle some caraway seeds onto the fire while saying:
"O magick caraway cause his/her wandering without surcease"

Toss some mastic gum on the fire saying:
"O magick mastic put in his/her heart despair and tears"

Now sprinkle some cumin on the fire as you speak these words:
"O magick cumin bring him/her to me"

It is at this point that you throw verdigris (the blue green coating that forms on copper) on the fire saying:
"O magick verdigris light the fire in his/her heart"

Now take some myrrh throw it on the fire and say:
"O magick myrrh cause him/her a frightful night"

Finally take the straw from a cemetery broom toss it on the fire and say:
"O magick broom bring him/her to me"

This completes the ritual and the one you desire will be driven mad with passion for you! 

To Attract a Lover

Get a two or three inch piece of copper tubing. Write the name of your intended on a piece of paper seven times. Place the paper in the tube and close its ends with a pair of pliers. Wear the tube around your neck for seven days and your intended will come to you.

White Candle Spell to Attract Love

Items Needed:

White candle and a lighter

Inscribing tool (Exacto knife, a pin, "a thorn from a white rose bush", etc.)

Reminders of that person (photo, clothing, printout of their Facebook page, etc.)

Get a white candle that will burn down in the amount of time you have. You will need to watch it burn down completely. You will have to inscribe it (see below), so it should be bigger than a birthday candle, and you will also have to watch it burn down to nothing, so it should not be a long-burning or large candle. A plain white altar candle or, better yet, a white "bride and groom" figure candle, will be good.

Prepare an altar and decorate it with items that are precious to you and to the one you love. Using a rose thorn from a white rose bush, inscribe the words "All my love come to me" 3 times on the candle. (If you don't have access to a thorn, you can use whatever is handy. Exacto Knives are good for carving candles. You can buy one in the arts and crafts section at Walmart.) Place the inscribed candle in the center of the altar and light it.

For the entire time the candle burns, gaze upon it and visualize your love coming to you, full of love. When the candle burns out, collect the wax puddle that remains, wrap it up with the mementos from the altar and keep it in a safe place.

The result of this spell will not be "zombie" or "victim" thrall-love; but you will receive ALL the love that person has for you -- which may be less than, as much as, or more than the love you have for him. Accept the degree of love you receive with grace and tenderness.

If, at some future time, you no longer wish to receive that person's love, dispose of the ritual remains in a simple ceremonial way. Depending on your mood, the wax puddle can be burned on a fire, buried at a crossroads, thrown into running water, mailed to the person, ground to shavings and baked into a cake -- or whatever you feel is appropriate. But it is your responsibility to dispose of it if you no longer want to be loved in any degree by that person.

Spell To Attract a Lover

You Need:
1 cup of river/ocean water
powdered hot pepper
powdered rosemary
5 drops of Jasmine oil
few drops of your blood

Mix the ingredients in a bowl never used before.

Sprinkle the mixture in or near their home, while speaking forth your desire.

Love Braid Binding Spell

Items Needed:
Three 15 inch ribbons (pink, lavender, white)
Vanilla pod (or cinnamon stick ok)

Dates to perform:
On January 19 (St. Agnes Eve) or on February 13 (St. Valentines Eve)

Braid the ribbons saying your beloved's name and yours and asking the Goddess of Love, Venus or Isis, to strengthen the bond between you. Place the ribbons next to your heart and wish good on your partner. Tie the vanilla pod with the ribbons and keep it with you - he/she will soon declare their love for you.

Declare Your Love Spell

Items Needed:

Orange blossom, rosebud or apple blossom

Pink candle

Orange blossom oil

Willow twig

Some of your hair (pubic or chest hair)

On a Friday evening, ask the goddess Venus or Isis, or Cupid/Eros for help in making your beloved yours, saying:

"Declare yourself to me truly __________; I mean you no harm and can contribute to your life of settled bliss".

Anoint the pink candles with the oils, add all the rest of the and grind to a powder. Sprinkle where your lover goes often (ideally his/her bedroom).

Wish Upon A Leaf Spell for Love

Items Needed:

Bay leaf


New Moon (especially powerful if done while the sun is in the sign Leo July 23-August 22)

On the night of a new moon, write your wish on a bay leaf. Simply take the bay leaf outside and look at the moon, then kiss the leaf three times and sleep with it under your pillow.

Easy Love Spell



White Paper

Pink Candle


Friday Night

On a Friday evening, light your pink candle. With your favorite pen and a white piece of paper, write your first name and your lovers last name. Draw a circle around the names and close your eyes and meditate on what you want (the two of you together, how happy you will be, etc.) Repeat three times:

"Our fate is sealed
We are one
So mote it be
It is done!"

Watch your pink candle for at least 15 minutes while meditating about the person you want and the wonderful love you will have together. If possible, meditate until the candle burns out. You may also use a larger candle and do the spell every night for seven nights, meditating 15 minutes each night.

Red Apple Love Spell

This spell is meant for someone that has feelings for you and you want them to be stronger and more focused for whatever reason like the love is dying or surrounding problems distracting your lover from their feeling and stressing them out and you feel they're taking it out on you.

Items Needed:

A red apple

3 spoons of sugar (organic brown sugar preferred)

A piece if cardboard

A pen (red ink preferred)

A knife to carve the apple

3 spoons of honey

Optional items to strengthen the spell:

One red candle

One pink candle

One white candle

One purple candle

Dress candles in "Come to Me Oil", "Road Opener Oil", rose oil, and/or patchouli oil.

Optional: Depending on your schedule, you can make one of two commitments before you do the spell. This is your agreement between you and your higher power to prove your commitment to the spell.

1: Burn the four candles all in one night down to the wick.
2: Burn one candle every night before bed for three days to a week.

The Ritual

Carve the top of the apple (like a jack-o-lantern) so that you'll be able to remove the top and replace it again.

Write the full name and birth date of the person you desire on the piece of cardboard. Take that, along with their photo (optional, for a stronger spell) and place it in the center of the apple.

Put three spoonfuls of honey and sugar inside the center and put the apple lid back on the apple

If you want your lover to be bound to you, wrap the apple in your underwear (a pair you'll never use again)

Then place the apple in an airtight container (Tupperware is fine) and put in the farthest corner of your closet and don't touch it for an entire week.

As the week starts to pass the apple will get mushy. The mushier the apple gets, the mushier your lover's heart will get and the more their desires for you will show.

After a week has passed, check the apple and if you feel it's not mushy enough let it sit for a day or a few more days, than bury it in the ground.

Knot Love Spell

Items Needed:

3 cords or pieces of yarn in romantic colors (You can find these in the crafts section at Walmart.)

Take 3 cords or strings of different romantic colors -  pink (for love), red (for passion) and white (for purity). You may choose other colors that are meaningful to you if you prefer.

Tie a knot near one end of the braid as you visualize a new love arriving in your life.

As you tie the knot, say the following prayer or another prayer or chant that is meaningful to you:

"Venus, Queen of Love, divine
Bring the love to me that's mine."

Braid the three strings together as you continue to visualize the perfect romantic partner falling deeply in love with you as you fall in love with him/her. Really try to feel the emotions of the two of you being happy together, being romantic, kissing and smiling, etc.

Next tie another knot and repeat the prayer as you continue the visualization.

Do this a total of seven times (knot & prayer, braid & visualize, knot & prayer), until you have seven knots in the cord.

Keep the knotted string with you (you may wish to fashion it into a necklace or bracelet and wear it) until you find your perfect love.

After you have found love, keep the cord in a safe place. If you decide you want to end the relationship someday, you can use the cord in a ritual designed for that purpose.

Note: Don't worry if you lose the cord. Your love does not exist inside of a cord. The magic is always inside you. It's in the visualization. It's in the emotions that you felt as you braided the cord and tied the knots and said the prayer. The cord itself is merely a symbol to keep you focused on finding love.

New Moon Love Spell / Wish Spell

Items Needed:

Piece of paper


New moon


On the night of a new moon, write your dream/wish on the piece of paper. Light the candle and simply look into the flames as they dance in the darkness of the room you are in. Close your eyes and visualize your wish coming true. Look to the moon and request that the Lady of the Moon grant you your wish. Thank her. Now take the piece of paper and burn it in the candle. Repeat this 12 nights. If you happen to miss a night you will have to start all over - but not during a waning moon.

Lucky in Love Spell

Items Needed:

Pink, blue, and gold candles


Key (can be real or drawn)

2 red roses

Silk cloth (scarf will do)


Friday evening

On a Friday evening, prepare your altar, light the candles, take all of the ingredients and place in the silk cloth and wrap. Place the scarf in your underwear drawer for 14 days. Take out, and it is a good sign that the roses still look fairly new! Put the petals in potpourri or bury it near your home. Keep the horseshoe and key as a good luck charm.

Easy Love Spell To Capture His Heart

Need: White votive candle

On a Friday evening, light the white votive candle saying:

"May this flame of passion burn within your heart,
 from me, you will not part
 with harm to none
 So mote it be - it is done!"

Allow the white candle to burn out while you meditate upon your love.

To be Showered by Gifts from an Admirer

Items Needed:

Golden candle (true gold color, not orange)

Benzonin oil

White sugar

A string of pearls

Best performed on a Thursday during the Full Moon.

Roll the candle in the oil and sugar and allow to dry hard. Put it in a candle holder. Wind the string of pearls at the bottom of the candle holder and light the candle saying:

Show your love in ways I can see
with harm to none, so mote it be!

Jar Love Spell / Enchantment


Photo of person who wish to enchant or if you have no phone, write their name on a piece of paper.

Jar of lavender or clove honey

Red candle

Take the name/picture of the one you wish to enchant and simply place in the jar of honey or lavender. Seal the jar and place the red candle above, letting it burn completely so that the wax from the candle seals the jar. Place the jar in a secret place until your lover has responded to you. Take the jar to a stream or lake and deposit it there when you have achieved your desire (i.e. you got married to the person or are moving in with them, etc…)

Lavender Candle Love Spell
Can also be used as a Wish Spell


Lavender candle (not in a glass container)

7 small pieces of paper with your wish(es) written on each

For 7 consecutive nights, light this candle and take one piece of paper with your wish and pray for your desire to manifest quickly and with harm to none. Each night burn one of the papers then blow the ashes towards the 4 corners of the outside of your house (in the streets). Snuff out the candle each time after complete and on the 7th night, allow the candle to burn all the way down. Dispose of the wax by a rose bush or on the gates of a church.

Wishing For Love Spell


Pink candle

Coriander oil

Painting or drawing of your ideal partner (you can cut out magazine clippings - remember this is a "representation" of the kind of person you want - example: a honey jar if you want him to be sweet, money sign if you want him to be rich, etc…)

On a Friday evening start this spell by placing all of the ingredients on your "love altar" that you have/will create specifically for the purposes of working love spells. This spell is purely a visualization spell where you and your beloved will be united by the power of the Gods/Goddess for the good of both of you - but you are not binding anyone specifically to you - you are encouraging the fates to bring you love today and are simply specifying what you want in this mate.

Love Spell

This spell seems to draw many people, even if only one person is specified. The targets drawn, are often obsessed with the practitioner for about 2 months and the passion is intense.

Components needed:
a clear mind and focused goal
1 large (7 day) red candle
2 small white votive candles
patchouli incense
rose scented bar soap
about 1 Tablespoon sea salt (best)
or table salt (ok)
purified, fresh spring, rainwater,
collected dew or tap water

Timing: Within the 3 days before the full moon, and not after the full moon. Fridays are good, but not necessary. This will work at any time, but having the full moon does seem to amplify it. This ritual spell is done in three parts and should be executed in one graceful movement:

Begin Part 1: Prepare the ritual area and spell components. On the red candle, inscribe a name or magickal symbols and runes, or place a photograph of the target under it (letters from the person will work as well) Bathe or shower using the rose scented soap. Clarify your mind at this time, wash away negativity as with any ritual bath, and focus your goal. Reinforce your magickal circle. Make sure you know the entire ritual, go over it in your mind. Know your "lines" or memorize the ones included here.

On to Part 2: Go outside or to a window or door. Clear your mind and reinforce your personal protective circle or aura. In your own words, state or think your goal. In a clean container (non plastic or metal) dissolve the salt in about 2 cups (500 ml) of water. Use the consecration, cleansing, or blessing techniques of your choice to charge the water, or use this one:

Hold the container of water so you can see a reflection on it's surface. Try to reflect the moon back to you. Take a deep breath. Draw the energy of the moon into the water by visualizing a stream of white light pouring into the water. Take the salt in your projective hand (usually right, or writing hand) and while slowly letting it fall into the water, move your hand clockwise over the surface three times while saying slowly and clearly: (you can repeat each words of power group 3X if desired)

Water pure and clean
Protect me from all unseen
The love I call I will never wean.

Dip your fingertips, wand, or athame into the water and anoint each chakra point, or use your fingers, a bunch of herbs (patchouli is good) or other tool to sprinkle the water over yourself.

Light the two white votive candles now and say:

Waxing Moon
He/She will be here soon,
morning, night, or afternoon.

Prepare to light the red candle
as you say this:

Burning desire,
will not expire,
passion burn as I light this fire!

Part 3: Hold your focused goal in your mind the entire time you are performing this rite, but double your efforts now, hold the lit red candle (both hands or projective hand) and force everything you've got into it. Do NOT allow any doubt in at this point (if ever). When you've "spent" your energy projecting it into the candle, set down the candle (on top of photo or letters if included) and prepare to light the patchouli incense while saying:

Drawing scent,
will not relent,
in calling forth the one who's meant.

Confirm your goal once again. Allow the candles to burn down (make sure you have a fireproof surface) and close the rite in your own manner or by saying:

So Mote it Be!

You may include the following optional closing, or some variation of it if you wish:

Let all aspect be true and right,
freewill remains with all this night.
Let this spell not turn on me,
and harm no one, so mote it be!

The red candle should take 3 days to a week and a half to burn down, and by that time, you should have some prospects! If not, go over the 4 checklist questions, and try again. Some witches prefer to repeat this entire spell each night for the three nights prior to the full moon. They leave the red candle burning, but refocus the goal and the remainder of the working again each night.

Good Luck Love Charm

Tools Needed:

Rose quartz

Silver dish

Rose petals

Place the quartz on a silver dish in leave it by the light of a new moon. Kiss it and place the rose petals over it and beneath it. Let it sit there for 5 days (the rose petals on top will likely fall off, which is why you put it under the crystal as well.)

After the five days, take the quartz and wear it or keep it with you for good luck in matters of love.

To Draw Romantic Attention Leading To Marriage


Wedding ring (can be fake)

String or necklace

Wear the wedding ring on the string whenever you are going to meet that person and soon their thoughts will be of marriage towards you!

Valentine's Day Card Spell


Valentine's Day card


One Candle - Red (for passion) or pink (for romantic love)

Write the name and your desire onto the Valentine's Day card. Take the candle and drip wax to seal the envelope with the card inside. Place this special spell in the same drawer where you keep your underwear. Within 4 months you should hear from your beloved and of his/her intentions!

Good Deed Beauty and Love Spell

You will need:

5 votive candles

Your picture

Place the 5 votive candles in the shape of a heart and place your picture in the center.

Ask Venus, the Goddess of Love, to make you beautiful/handsome.

Thank the Goddess and do something really nice for someone that you despise, do not know, or don't care much about. The good you do will come back to you!

The Witch Bottle Love Spell

Items needed:

A glass jar

Spring water

Drop of your own blood

Strand of your own hair

Vanilla extract

Rose quartz stone

Other items mentioned are optional

Witch bottles are popular in magic, and, though most often employed for protection, they can be effective talismans for drawing love into your life. In a clean glass jar place some or all of the following while visualizing love being drawn to your dwelling: spring water, a drop of your own blood, a strand of your own hair, vanilla extract, and a rose quartz stone. You may also use any from of coriander, cinnamon, hyacinth, licorice, yerba maté, rue, myrtle, jasmine, lemon, lavender, jasmine, mastic, rose, peppermint, thyme, or plum. Drawings or other love talismans representing your goal of romance can also be included. On a Friday or during a Full Moon, bury the sealed bottle near an entryway to your home. It will work for a year and a day.

Candle Spell for a Passionate Love


Two taper candles (one pink, one red)

Red thread

Jasmine Oil

To draw a passionate love your way, during a waxing Moon gather two taper candles, one pink and one red, and some red thread and jasmine oil. Anoint the candles with jasmine oil using your fingertips, then light them while visualizing the flames of passion growing between yourself and new, but yet unknown, love. Link the candles together by making a figure eight between them with the thread while saying over and over:

“Flames of passion and seeds of romance grow; I open my heart to love. Now the one who seeks me shall come.”

For best results, enact the spell on three consecutive nights.

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