Change the Future

By SEHopeM

440K 11.7K 963

After the devastation of the battle of Hogwarts Aurora Potter decides that her and some of the others need to... More

*Back to 1976*
*PS 1*
*PS 2*
*PS 3*
*PS 4*
*PS 5*
*PS 6*
*CoS 1*
*CoS 2*
*CoS 3*
*CoS 4*
*CoS 5*
*CoS 6*
*CoS 7*
*CoS 8*
*CoS 9*
*POA 1*
*POA 2*
*POA 3*
*POA 4*
*POA 5*
*POA 6*
*POA 7*
*POA 8*
*POA 9*
*POA 10*
*POA 11*
POA 12
POA 13
POA 14
POA 15
POA 16
POA 17
POA 18
POA 19
James and Rory
GOF 10
GOF 11
GOF 12
GOF 13
GOF 14
GOF 15
GOF 16
GOF 17
GOF 18
GOF 19
GOF 20
GOF 21
GOF 22
GOF 23
GOF 24
GOF 25
GOF 26
GOF 27
HBP 10
HBP 11
HBP 12
HBP 13
HBP 14
HBP 15
HBP 16
HBP 17
HBP 18
HBP 19
HBP 20
HBP 21
DH 1
DH 2
DH 3
DH 4
DH 5
DH 6
DH 7
DH 8
DH 9
DH 10
DH 11
DH 12
DH 13
DH 14
DH 15
DH 16
DH 17
DH 18
DH 19
DH 20
DH 21
DH 22
DH 23
DH 24
DH 25
DH 26
DH 27
DH 28
DH 29
DH 30
Rory's first few years
First Year
Second Year
Third Year
Fourth Year
Fifth Year
Sixth Year Part 1
Sixth Year part 2
Seventh Year
New Stories


2.2K 33 2
By SEHopeM

Wedding Planning

Rory was sat at the kitchen table with Molly and Fleur, Charlie and Bill had both headed off to work and Ginny pretty much ran out the moment she saw Fleur. Fleur was currently sitting at the kitchen table, in full flow about plans for her wedding to Bill, while Molly kept watch over a pile of self-peeling sprouts, looking bad-tempered.

"What about you Aurora" Fleur said in her thick french accent. Rory lifted her head from her arm.

"What" Molly smiled at how similar she was to her old self even with the different life she'd had. 

"'ave you started your planning yet"

"I've been engaged for a week, I haven't even thought about plans yet"

"I started the moment Bill proposed"

"We will start planning Rory and Charlies wedding when they have both had a chance to discuss what they want and Lily is free to help" Molly says as Rory sends her a smile which she returns.

"Bill and I 'ave almost decided on three bridesmaids, Ginny and Gabrielle will look very sweet togezzer. I am theenking of dressing zem in pale gold, pink would of course be 'orrible with Ginny's 'air. And Bill also want's you Aurora if you'll accept."

"Me?" Rory looks at her surprised.

"Yes, Bill see's you as his sister. So will you do it" 

"Yeah I'd love to" Fleur smiles at her.

 "So how many bridesmaids was you theenking Aurora"

"Might have Fred and George, I think they'd look good in dresses don't you Mama Bear" Molly laughs at the thought whilst Fleur looks horrified.

"Bridesmaids are girls not boys, they should wear dresses"

"I'm sure I can get them to agree to wearing dresses"

"No zat is not right, bridesmaids should be girls"

"I'm joking Fleur" 

After spending some time at the Burrow Rory floo's to hers and Charlies. She finds Charlie sat on the sofa when she arrives. 

"Hello beautiful wasn't expecting you for a couple more hours" He stands up, putting his hands on my hips.

"I was missing you" He smiles before kissing her.

"I missed you too darling, hate being away from you even for a little while. Just think next week you start working here as well and then soon you'll be my wife as well" Rory smiles before kissing him again. 

"I love you Charlie Weasley" 

"I love you too Aurora Potter soon to be Weasley. So when did you want to start planning our wedding, I can't wait to call you my wife" Rory smiles at him. "So small wedding or big"


"So Friends and close family"


"Sounds good, see we've already dealt with one big decision done"

"See wedding planning's not that hard" Rory says before kissing him.

"I so can not wait for you to be Mrs Weasley"

"That's so weird to hear and it not be aimed at your mum"

"You'll get used to it" He smirks. "Have you thought about bridesmaids at all"

"I mean Ginny obviously, I was thinking about Tonks, Angelina and maybe Hermione"

"So possibly 4"


"How about December"

"What about December"

"Marry me in December"

"Charlie that's like 4 months away how do we plan a wedding in 4 months whilst working"

"With both our mums help, come on Nova. I want to call you my wife and I want to do it soon so marry me in December please. I want to start our life together properly and that includes marrying you"



"Yeah, but you're talking to your mum. Any idea on a date in December"

"How about the 20th"

"So 20th December, sounds good to me" Charlie smiles before kissing her.

"I love you Aurora Nova Potter, did you know that"

"I did and I love you too" The following Saturday was the start of the wedding planning. Rory was sat in the kitchen at the Burrows with Charlie, Lily, James, Molly and Arthur discussing wedding plans. The moment Molly and Lily had been told the date they went into into planning mode.

"We can do it here" Arthur suggested.

"That's a brilliant idea Arthur. We'll need to make sure the tents are heated throughout" Rory zoned out slightly whilst Molly and Lily discussed where to hold the wedding making James smile at his daughter before nudging her and making her glare at him. 

"Right Rory colour scheme" Lily asks looking at her daughter.

"Maybe navy blue" James and Lily smile at each other as well as Molly and Arthur.

"Oh yes that'll be brilliant, navy blue and white with red roses" Molly started writing things down as they went "Okay so bridesmaids"

"We're thinking Ginny, Tonks, Angelina and Hermione" 

"Okay groomsmen?" Lily asks turning to Charlie whilst Rory looks at James who smiles at her.

"Fred, George, Ron and Harry" Charlie answers her.

"And Bill?" Molly questions.

"I want to ask him to be my best man" 

"I'm assuming you want your dad to walk you down the isle Rory"

"Yeah" Molly smiles at James.

"What about Bridesmaid dress colours" 

"Navy blue"

"Any thoughts on groomsmen suits"

"We were thinking grey for Ron, Harry, Fred and George and then black for me, Bill and James" Charlie answers her. She nods writing it down.

"Wedding dress shopping" Lily says looking at her daughter.

"Err maybe in a couple of weeks, we'll have to get the others out of school so we can do bridesmaids and Charlie can do suits all at the same time"

"Okay so say the first weekend of October" Molly says looking between Rory and Charlie

"Works for us" Charlie says to his mother.

"Right guests"

"We don't want too many, only close family and friends" Charlie says as Mrs Weasley nods. I glanced at the time.


Rory apparates to Angelina's place.

"Rory" She screams when she see's her.

"Hey Ang"

"What are you doing here" She pulls her into a hug "I've missed you"

"I've missed you to Ang. I actually came here to ask you something" She pulls Rory in and to the sofa.

"What's up" Rory shows Angelina her hand which she grabs and squeals. "Oh my, finally I'm so happy for you"

"Thanks, now calm a bit" She takes a deep breath.

"Right I'm calm, it's not my fault it's not everyday you find out your best friends engaged to the love of her life"

"Angie, right the reason I'm here. Angelina Johnson will you be my maid of honour" Her eyes go wide.

"Yes yes and yes" She pulls Rory into another hug.

"Ang struggling to breath"

"Opps sorry. So who are your other bridesmaids"

"I haven't asked them yet but I've chosen Ginny, Tonks and Hermione. We're going dress shopping on the first Saturday of October"

"Okay, so when's the actual wedding"



"Charlie want's to hurry up and get married"

"Oh yeah" She winks at Rory.

"Shut up, we've already done that"

"Yeah but not whilst married" Rory starts going red

"I hate you"

"Sorry Ror, love you really"

"Right I need to head back to my fiancé that feels so weird to say"

"I'll see you later Rory"

"Bye Ang" Rory sent Ginny and Hermione letters asking them to be her bridesmaids which they both agreed to before meeting up with Tonks to ask her.

"Hey Tonks"

"Hello Rory, what can I do for you"

"I want you to be my bridesmaid"

"Wait what, are you serious"

"I am"

"Of course I will" She pulls Rory into an excited hug. After meeting Tonks Rory heads home to find Charlie asleep on the sofa as she arrives. She walks over to him and places a kiss on his cheek.

"Hey Nova" He says sleepily as he opens his eyes.

"Long day?" She asks as he pulls her down onto him and wraps his arms around her. 

"Yeah, one of the dragons got loose"

"That sucks"

"Yep how was your day"

"Quiet, I've officially got all my bridesmaids now. Just you left to ask your brothers and Harry"

"I'll send Ron and Harry a letter and I'll go see the others at some point on the weekend" Rory snuggles into him as they both fall asleep on the sofa.


Sunday brought more wedding planning including filling out the wedding invites which they could do this at home just Rory and Charlie. Rory was currently sat beside him on the sofa filling in half the invites whilst he did the other.

"Sometimes I really wish I'd told you no when you asked me to marry you. Wedding planning sucks so much" He laughs at her before filling out another invite.

"Just think in a couple of months you'll be my wife and thankfully our mums have dealt with most of it for us"

"Stuck with you forever, how will I ever cope with that" Rory jokes as he puts the invites on the table beside him before grabbing her and pulling her into his lap. His lips meeting hers as his hand goes to the back of her head to deepen the kiss, she moves so her legs are either side of his. Just as Charlie goes to slip his hands up her sides and under her top the floo network fires up and Fred comes out.

"Oh god" She groans and puts her head on Charlies shoulder.

"What do we have here then" Fred says smirking.

"Why is it you always appear at the worst times" Rory turns to look at him getting off Charlies lap.

"Well I actually came to steal you, we've barely seen you and we want some Rory time" Fred says as he sits down on the sofa beside Charlie, picking up the pile of invites and looking through them.

"Well where's the other half of this we" Rory asks taking the invites off of him and placing them on the table.

"George is back at the flat with Lee and Angelina waiting for me to get you"

"Go" Charlie says looking at her.

"What about the invites"

"I can manage that now go have fun"

"Love you Charlie" She gives him a quick kiss before following Fred back to the flat.

"Rory" George wraps her in a hug as soon as they appear.

"Hey Georgie" He releases her and she gives Lee and Angelina a hug as well. "So what's the plan" Fred goes in a random cupboard and pulls out a few bottles of firewhiskey. "I like the way you think Freddie" The night ended up going the same way as the many before that included firewhiskey, them all passed out somewhere randomly. This time Fred was passed out half hanging out of the armchair he had been sat in, Lee was on the coffee table, George was in the bathroom on the floor whilst Rory and Angelina were cuddled together on the sofa. They were all woken the next morning by Bill and Charlie.

"Morning" Bill shouted, Fred mutters something as he shoots up and Lee screams slightly as he falls off the table that he had managed to stay on all night whilst George hit his head on the toilet, Rory and Angelina look up to see Bill and Charlie stood by the fireplace smirking, Rory reaches for the pillow beside her and threw it at them hitting Bill in the face before putting sitting up and putting her head in her hands. Bill and Charlie both laugh at them all. 

"There's coffee in the kitchen for you all" Charlie says as they start getting up. Rory heads over to Charlie who opens his arms for her as she buries her head in his chest.


It was finally the day of the wedding and to say Rory was nervous would be a huge understatement.

"I can't do this, why did I agree to this, I'm not ready" She said looking at Angelina who was she sat there watching her as she paced around Fred and Georges old bedroom.

"Rory, you're making me dizzy" Rory stops walking.

"Sorry, I'm panicking"

"I've noticed. Rory calm down"

"I can't do this, I'm not ready. What do I do"

"Aurora Nova Potter, take a breath" Rory does as she says "Right, now do you love Charlie" Rory smiles. 

"Yeah I do"

"And do you want to marry him"

"More than anything"

"So what are you doing today?"

"Marrying Charlie, thanks Ang I needed that"

"That's why I'm the maid of honour and that's why it's only me and you, so you can have a little freak out before the others get here" Rory hugged her as Tonks, Ginny and Hermione walked in. Angelina looked at them all before talking "We're on freak out number 1 by the way"

"Thanks for that Ang" Rory mutters.

"Rory it's normal" Tonks says as she goes to sit on one the chairs Molly had put in the room for them.

"Is it"

"Yes, now come on in the chair so we can start working on you" Angelina says pointing at the chair in front of her. Rory sits down as Angelina starts getting the bits ready to do her makeup whilst Tonks starts on Rory's hair and Ginny start's on Hermione's. "Rory stop thinking, I can see the panic on your face"


"Right you're done, Tonks you're next" Angelina says as Rory stands up and Tonks takes her place. Ginny moves on to Tonks hair whilst Angelina does her makeup. It's not long before every ones hair and makeup is done. Rory starts pacing again.

"Rory what's on your mind" Ginny asks watching her.

"Yeah you'll regret that question"

"Come on let it out"

"Does this feel too soon to anyone else, I mean we've only been going out for like 2 years, isn't that a bit soon"

"I'll be right back" Ginny says running out of the room.

"Where's she going" Rory asks and the others just shrug. She reappears a few minutes later with drinks, Lily and Molly.

"How many freak outs are we on" Lily asks as she comes in.

"We are currently on freak out number 2" Angelina tells her.

"Right can you girls give me a minute" Molly asks the others who all nod and leave. "What's wrong"

"I don't know. I mean does this feel too soon for us to get married, shouldn't we be together longer. Don't get me wrong I love Charlie I really do"

"Rory, slow down. You love Charlie and he loves you" Lily says looking at her daughter.

"It's definitely not too soon when you've been in love for as long as you two have. I could see it from the start with you two even if you couldn't" Molly says as Lily nods. "You both want this and that's all you need to think about. Just think about marrying the love of your life and nothing else"

"Thanks Mum and Mama Bear" Rory hugs them both as the others come back in.

"We finished?" Tonks asks as Rory nods.

"Right we need to start getting you in your dresses, it starts in 30 minutes" Mrs Weasley announces. Rory stands there staring at her dress as the other put theirs on.

"Come on Rory, let's get you dressed" Ginny says handing her the dress. Rory puts it on with Ginny's help before Hermione grabs her shoes, which were converse much to Fleur and Angelina's protests. Rory stands in front of the mirror and looks at herself fully.

"Wow, you look stunning" Angelina says as she comes over to her.

"Okay 5 minutes everyone ready" Molly says as there's a knock at the door. Lily opens the door slightly before fully opening it to reveal James. Lily opens it fully before letting James in whilst she leaves along with the others giving the father and daughter a moment alone.

"You look beautiful Rory" James says smiling at him daughter as she turns to face him.

"Thanks dad" She looks at him and smiles. "I love you dad" 

"I love you too Rory. Just remember that you'll always be my little girl" Rory hugs him as he kisses her on the head. "Now shall we" He holds out is arm for her as she takes it before walking downstairs. The others were stood by the tent waiting to start.

"You look gorgeous Ror" Fred whispers as he sees her, Angelina at his side.

"I agree" George adds before taking his place beside Tonks.

"You really do look beautiful Rory"

"Thanks Harry" He smiles before standing with Ginny. The music starts as Harry and Ginny walk in first followed by Ron and Hermione, then George and Tonks before Fred and Angelina.

"You ready" James asks as she takes his arm he's holding out for her.

"Yeah" He kisses her on the head before they start walking in. Rory looks up and the only person she sees is Charlie, all her concerns about it being too soon disappear as her eyes meet his. James continues to walk his daughter towards her soon to be husband before placing her hand in his and walking to his seat. Sirius and Remus both smile at James, happy he got to see his daughter get married this time.

"You look beautiful" Charlie whispers as the officiant starts.

"Ladies and gentlemen, We are gathered here today to celebrate the union of two faithful souls These two have come together with you, their family and friends, to celebrate their love and commitment they will make to each other today. As we all know, it is impossible to manufacture or imitate love; love is at once more wonderful and more terrible than death, than human intelligence, than forces of nature. The union we all witness today is built on a true love that runs deep. Charles and Aurora as you both know, you are protected, in short, by your ability to love. As you make your wedding vows, remember this truth and honour it each day of your marriage. Charles, please repeat after me:

I, Charles Weasley, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"I, Charles Weasley, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end"

"Aurora now would you please repeat after me:

I, Aurora Potter, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"I, Aurora Potter, vow to honour and cherish you, to support you and celebrate you, until the very end."

"Now do you Charles Septimus Weasley take Aurora Nova Potter to be your wife"

"I do"

"And do you Aurora Nova Potter take Charles Septimus Weasley to be your husband"

"I do"

"Then I declare you bonded for life." The wizard waved his wand high over their heads a shower of silver stars fell from it, spiralling around them as they kissed. Sirius, Fred and George started cheering as Lily and Molly shook their heads both smiling. "Ladies and gentlemen! If you would please stand up!" They all did so, he waved his wand again. The seats on which they had been sitting rose into the air as the centre of the tent changed to form a dance floor; the hovering chairs groped themselves around small white-clothed tables, which all floated gracefully back to earth around it.

Charlie linked his hand with Rory's before they walked through the group of well-wishers. Charlie placed his hand on her waist.

"I can't believe I get to finally call you my wife"

"I can't believe you're actually my husband" He kisses her again.

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