True Love Minsung Hyunin Chan...

By AiYunaHime

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Seungmin looked down in frustration, his big eyes filled with tears of sorrow. Because of Chan's actions' Seu... More

New Friends?
Good Idea
You can
keep it as a secret pls


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By AiYunaHime

The moment Minho dropped Jeongin infront of his house Mrs.Yang came out of the house.

"Mom, this is Lix's hyung Minho. Minho this is my mom." Jeongin introduced them to each other. Mrs.Yang looked at Minho and smiled tenderly. In return Minho smiled and started his bike to go, but stopped when Doyun called out from a nearby shop.

"Let's go for coffee. I have something to say to you." Minho said as Doyun came and stood near him. Doyun nodded getting on the back of the bike, and Minho said 'goodbye' to Jeongin and drove off. Jeongin tried to enter the house. However, Mrs.Yang grabbed his hand and stopped him.

"Why did Lix's hyung come to drop you off?" Mrs.Yang teased him, wiggling her eyebrows with mischievious eyes.

"Mom, it's not what you think it is. I was coming home alone and he insisted to take me home." Jeongin was super shy since his mom never talked to him like this.

"Oh I thought..." Mrs.Yang stopped talking when Jeongin interrupted.

"Mom, it's not that kind of relationship. he's just Lix's hyung and just a friend." Mrs.Yang laughed as Jeongin said, emphasizing his words.

"I see. Since such a thing never happened before I thought you were..." Mrs.Yang said with a laugh.

"If you talk like that, I'm not going to talk to you anymore mom. I'm going. I'm very hungry." Rubbing his stomach while pouting, Jeongin entered the house. Mrs.Yang couldn't help but laugh at his embarassed behavior.

* * * * *

"What kind of scene did I just see?" Doyun asked as he entered the cafe and settled in a chair. Minho just laughed and told him what happened.

"Then have you thought about what we said?" Doyun asked, ordering coffee. Minho asked what he was talking about.

"Asking Innie to be your boyfriend." Doyun reminded him.

"I'm thinking about that. Actually I came to talk about something else." Minho said and Doyun looked at him as if he was asking 'what do you wanna talk about?'

"To talk about Sungie." After a moment of silence, Minho said. Totally amused, Doyun asked what about Jisung.

"How's your and Sungie's relationship?" Minho's question made Doyun more astonished. 

"good." Doyun replied simply, without thinking much.

"Don't get mad at me for telling you this, Doyun. Although you think your relationship is good, I don't think it's good. I know Lix, Minnie and Sungie very well because I've seen them grow up. Lix and Minnie are very happy about their relationships with their boyfriends. I think you aren't sparing enough time for Sungie. When you come here, you're always busy with friends or playing sports." Minho said what he wanted to say straightforwardly.

"you're right Minho. Actually I haven't cared much about Sungie. I've been a little careless. Minho, I've also noticed that Sungie is sad lately. But it won't happen from now on. I'll give him enough time." Doyun finished talking and Minho smiled. No matter how heartbreaking it was, Minho was ready to make a sacrifice for Jisung's happiness, even if it meant putting a rock on his own heart.

* * * * *

"Aunty. Where's Minnie?" Sana, who came from outside, asked Mrs.Kim who was watching TV in the living room. Mrs.Kim looked at Sana and said that Seungmin went for a walk with his friends. 

"So what our neighbour said is correct. I just met her in the store and she said she saw Minnie on the beach with a boy." When Sana said this, Mrs.Kim turned off the TV and thought about what she just said.

"Sana. That might be true. I heard him talking to someone on the phone last night saying they should go tomorrow night. I got suspicious and asked him about it multiple times. But he said there was no such relationship. Do you know who was with Minnie?" Mrs.Kim asked for further clarification.

"Mr.Bang's, son. His cycle was a little farther away. But since it was dark she doesn't know who was sitting next to Minnie." Husna explained.

"Ah I know. His name is Chan. He only saw my son out of this big town? Sna, let's go to the beach. If she's right, I'll show Seungmin hell tonight." Mrs.Kim got up from the sofa and walked outside, Sana following her.

* * * * *

"So what our neighbour said is correct? Look, there's Chan's cycle. A couple is sitting on the bench. But I can't tell who they are because of the darkness." Sana said, pointing to the two on the bench with their backs facing them. Mrs.Kim gritted her teeth in anger.

"Last night I asked nicely yet he lied to me. Just wait." Mrs.Kim walked towards them.

"Seungmin." Mrs.Kim called out loudly, stopping behind them.

"Mom." She heard Seungmin's voice in the distance and looked in that direction. Her eyes widened when she saw Seungmin coming out of the hut not far from the bench. Jisung and Jeongin was behind him.

"Minnie is there. So who's on the bench?" Sana said softly yet Mrs.Kim heard her. Sana and Mrs.Kim looked at the bench to see who was sitting on it. Felix and Yejun were standing near the bench, shocked by Mrs.Kim's loud voice. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that it was Felix. In the next second, she felt ashamed that she doubted her own child.

"What are you doing here, Mom?" Seungmin asked, going to Mrs.Kim and looking at their faces. She looked at Sana.

"We... We're not doing anything here. We went out to shop and thought we'd take a walk. We came to the beach and aunty saw Seungmin so she called you, right?" Sana quickly made a story. Mrs.Kim nodded in agreement.

"But you called so loudly. I thought something terrible happened." Jisung said.

"I called twice and he didn't response so I called louder." Mrs.Kim said, showing calmness.

"Whose cycle is that?" Sana asked, pointing to Chan's cycle.

"It's Channie's. I came on it." Yejun who was next to Felix, replied.

"When are you going home Minnie? We're going home." Although ashamed of what she had done, Mrs.Kim tried not to show it.

"We'll go after a while." Seungmin answered. Saying 'let's go' to Sana, Mrs.Kim once again looked at Felix and Yejun and smiled at them, before walking away.

"Ah almost got busted to Minnie's mother." Felix let out a sigh of relief as he sat on the bench.

"I wonder how Jun knew my mother was coming here? You came out of nowhere and sent Channie away while we're on the bench. Then you sent me to the hut and sat on the bench with Lix. I don't know how to thank you Jun. You literally saved me tonight Jun. I can't imagine what would've happened if I got busted. Mom is feeling suspicious." Seungmin sat down next to Felix.

"Same her. When Jun came here so suddenly without even telling me, I was in shock. Anyway, tonight Jun saved Minnie." Felix gave Yejun a grateful look.

"It's not me who deserves Minnie and Lix's thanks. It's someone else." Yejun said very calmly, his hands in his pockets.

"Who?" the four asked at once.

"This mischievious guy." Hearing Chan's voice behind them made everyone look back together. Seeing Sunwoo next to Chan, Seungmin and Jisung stood up immediately. Even Minho and Doyun stood behind them.

"Tonight we didn't get busted thanks to Sunwoo. because." Chan said causing Felix and Jeongin to laugh while Seungmin was incredulous at what Chan had said.

"Is this the same Sunwo who helped Minnie?" It's super hard to believe." Jisung asked, his eyes widening in surprise, pointing at Sunwoo. It would be so. He was the one who saw Sunwoo teasing Seungmin most closely. He would only do something if he gets paid for it in return of the favour, or if Seungmin does something in return. Jisung has also learned that he is blackmailing Seungmin. So how could he believe so easily that such a person would help Seungmin?

"Explain to us clearly about what happened. How did Sunwoo knew that Mrs.Kim and Sana aunty were coming here?" Felix asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I went home to change my clothes to play. While I was changing my clothes I heard my mother and aunty talking. So I stopped to listen. One of our neighbours saw Minnie and Channie were here together. I immediately called Yejun and  told him what's going on briefly. Then I told him to send Channie and Minnie away and to sit on the bench with Lix." Sunwo explained what happened.

"Oh Sunwoo you're so sweet." Jisung pinched Sunwoo's cheeks.

"Thanks Sunwoo. Thank you so much." After being surprised this whole time, Seungmin finally snapped out of it and shouted loudly as he hugged Sunwoo. He was indescribably happy to have received such help from Sunwoo.

"Leave me alone Minnie. I might fall." Sunwoo said, forcing Seungmin to pull away and everyone started laughing together.

"Don't you dare think I did it for free. I'll take the reward later." Sunwoo said in his usual sarcastic tone, and Seungmin slapped his shoulders saying 'you'll never change."

"Love birds. There's not much time to talk anymore tonight. We won't even meet again soon. So finish what you have to say soon without wasting your precious time. The game is canceled and we'll be guarding for intruders." Pointing to Seungmin and Chan, Yejun said walking away with Minho and Doyun, and the others went inside the hut again.

Since Chan had to go to the faraway where he wouldn't be able to see Seungmin for a long time, they both shed tears. That night they both parted, promising to be faithful to each other until they met again.

* * * * *

It was a sunny afternoon. After finishing tutoring, the four children headed to the scoop to buy ice cream. The sun's heat felt like it will burn their skin. It was also difficult to open thier eyes. Sweat shone like pearls on their faces.

"It's so hot. I'm feel like going home and pouring something cold on my body." Jisung said, pulling the blue shirt away from his body.

"I want to jump into a well." Felix said to tease Jisung and both Jeongin and Jisung started laughing. The three friends looked at Seungmin as there was no sign from him.

"Come on don't be so moody. I know how much you'll miss Channie. I miss Jun when he's in Australia too. But I'm trying to be patient. I can't even describe the joy of seeing him after so long. Anyways, Channie is trying to get up on his own feet. So instead of being sad like this, try to be happy for him." Felix spoke trying to cheer up Seungmin.

"Oh no I've forgotten to tell you all something." Suddenly remembering, Jisung hit his own forehead. 

"Lix is going to get a brother-in-law soon." Jisung said teasingly. Felix who was very pleased asked who it was. Instead of answering, Jisung pointed at Jeongin with his eyes. At that, Jeongin's eyes widened as well as Felix's and Seungmin's.

"Do you even know what you're saying Sungie?" Jeongin lightly slapped Jisung's arm. Felix and Seungmin asked for details and Jisung shared what Doyun had told him about Minhoi and Jeongin.

"There's no such relationship between me and Minho like you think. Yesterday I was going home alone and he insisted to take me home so I got on the back of his bike. Doyun is so bad." Jeongin pouted his lips as if complaining.

"Oh Innie is sad. We also know there's no such relationship. But when Sungie talked about it, I thought Innie and my hyung looks good together." Felix pinched Jeongin's cheeks, while Jeongin glared at him. 

"Since, both of them are single let's set them up." Seungmin said, supporting Felix's words. Jeongin saying no, pinched Seungmin's arm. Jeongin was embarassed due to his friends' teasing, his face turned red.

* * * * *

Jeongin, who was eating ice cream with his friends, coming out of scoop stopped on his steps when he saw Iseul and Yeji coming out of the shop infront of the scoop. The two of them also saw the four friends and started coming towards them. It didn't take a second for the other three to become bored the moment they saw the two of them. Even though he was also bored, Jeongin was a little nervous as usual.

"You think that just because you're beautiful you can hit on my brother?" Iseul whispered something in Yeji's ear, and Yeji addressed Jeongin in a rude manner. Unwillingly, Yeji admired Jeongin's beauty, albeit in the form of disgust. Since Yeji said his 'brother', Jeongin was confused not understanding what just happened. Felix realized what happened to Jeongin, and explained to him that Yeji is Hyunjin's noona.

"The person who wants him is over there. So afraid of losing him." Seungmin held Jeongin's palm and pointed to Iseul sarcastically. Iseul gave a look at him, her eyes burning like fire. Seungmin smirked at her to make her even angrier.

"Especially Innie doesn't want Hyunjin. Is Hyunjin the only man in the world? Is that the reason both of you're so obsessed about him?" Jisung said, joining Seungmin.

"Oh really! He's the one who can't help but stop and stare at him whenever he sees Hyunjin." Iseul gritted her teeth in anger.

"It's funny that you're so jealous. Are you so scared of losing Hyunjin? Even you know yourself that seeing a beautiful boy like Innie can change Hyunjin's heart." Seungmin said, Jisung and Felix started laughing. Jeongin was still a little nervous.

"Innie can get Hyunjin if he wants to. But he's my hyung's boyfriend. So what's the need to get Hyunjin?" Felix said, shocking Jeongin. Jeongin grabbed Felix's arm, widening his eyes. Felix eyed him to calm down. Even if it was for fun, Jeongin didn't like the fact that Felix lied.

Yeji heard Felix's voice like thunder. She looked at Jeongin with wide eyes, and the brightness on her face disappeared. Yeji has been crazy about Minho since she was a teenager. Yeji can't even count the number of times she asked Minho out. However, Minho wouldn't even spare a glance at Yeji on his own will.

"Why did you've to steal the man I love? I won't let you succeed in what I didn't." The sudden shock disappeared, and Yeji looked at Jeongin, whose shivered in fear. At that moment, Jeongin wished he could dig a pit and get burried.

The news of Jeongin and Minho's relationship was such a relief to Iseul. She no longer had to be afraid of Jeongin stealing her boyfriend. She doesn't care about Yeji's feelings being hurt due to their relationship. Overwhelmed with selfishness, Iseul took Yeji's hand, pretending to sympathize her. yeji yanked Iseul's hand away and gave Jeongin a warning look. Then she walked away, with Iseul following behind her.

Please read my new story "Say You Love Me", I've published the 1st part of the story. You can click on my profile and you'll be able to see the story.

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