Vader's second chance

By DarthAsh18

187K 4.9K 1.1K

An incident on Malachor sends Darth Vader through time and on the path of redemption. Will he use this chance... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Temple system
Sith Order code
Empire system
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33 (x2)
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 35

2.5K 89 24
By DarthAsh18

With Jango now acting as a general, Vader's army was growing both in size and strength, and soon, notoriety. A necessity, especially with the Clone Wars in full swing now. With the war quickly growing in scale, Vader invited everyone out for drinks. From his experience , they'll need it.

Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Vader, and Ahsoka were all in a bar. That sounds like a set up for a bad joke. Ahsoka had a non-alcoholic beverage for legal reasons. After introductions were over, everyone started drinking and talking. "So, wait, how many times have you saved Master Kenobi?"
Anakin smirks and leans on the table. "Ten times."
Obi-wan corrects him from his spot at the bar. "It was only nine. Cato Neimoidia doesn't count."
The Padawans both snicker. "Whatever you say, Master." Overall, it was a good time, although Ahsoka gave Anakin and Vader strange looks every now and again.

Ahsoka addresses it at one point. "Ok, I have to ask. Are you his dad or something?"
Vader looks at her. "What makes you say that?"
She winces. "It's just... you both look a lot alike."

Vader and Anakin look at each other. And it's actually true. Anakin had filled out since the war had started, and their hair was similar. While Vader knew the reason for the similarities, Anakin did not, and his eyes widened in shock at the realization. Obi-wan throws around a few disapproving looks while Qui-gon looks mostly unaffected. Anakin looks at the Sith Lord suspiciously. "Are you my father?"

This entire situation was completely absurd. His former apprentice thought he was his own father, and now he thought he was his own father. He couldn't help but... laugh. It started out small, but his hysteria grew to the point he hit the table with a mechanical hand. Wiping a mirthful tear from his eye, he shakes his head. "No, I am not your father. The first time I met your mother was the day I met you."
Anakin seems to almost deflate at that statement. "Oh. Right, that makes sense."
Ahsoka gives the padawan a suggestive nudge. "Skyguy probably wouldn't complain if you were though."
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

The rest of the night was uneventful, aside from Obi-wan's suspicious stares. Damn Ahsoka and her observation skills. When all was said and done, everyone opted to go home, if slightly tipsy. Anakin was the last to leave alongside Vader. He turns to the Sith Lord with a serious expression. "Can I talk to you, for a second?"
Vader nods. "Of course."
Anakin, mustering his courage, speaks. "I'm going to go through my Jedi trials soon."
Vader remembers his knighting ceremony. "That's great. I hope you do well."
Anakin rubs the back of his head. "Yes, but instead of the traditional trials, I'm being sent on a mission due to the war effort. They're going to send me to Geonosis to shut down the droid factory there."
That was the last thing Vader expected to hear. "What?"
"But," Anakin smirks, "they said I could bring along a companion of my choosing. And they never did set any specific parameters."
Vader smirks with his younger self. "Cunning as a Sith Anakin. What would Master Windu say?"
Anakin shrugs. "Probably something along the lines of betraying the Jedi code. But I never really liked him."
"Good. I never liked him either."

"Absolutely not!" With Anakin's choice of companion made, he brought Vader to the council chambers. "He is a Sith Lord and he has no place here."
Plo Koon shrugs. "A Sith Lord who has helped the galaxy more than we have in the last few years. And Ahsoka likes him."
Yoda hums. "No ill intentions, I sense from him. Wise beyond his years, he has proven himself. Trust him, I do. More faith, you should have."
Windu is left grasping for a retort, but how do you deny the logic of a being with almost a thousand years more experience than you? "Yes, Master."

It's a good thing Vader had his respirator active for this meeting, because watching Windu get owned by a 900 year old dyslexic frog was amazing and he couldn't stop smiling. "You won't regret this decision, Master Yoda."

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