Change Your Life (Jam Fanfic)

By ThirlzJauregui

65.2K 1.1K 180

Jade has had trouble with trusting guys in the past, but what happens when Sam Craske drops into her life une... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 5

2.7K 43 3
By ThirlzJauregui

1 month later

Jades POV

It had been a month since Sam and I started dating and I couldn't be happier but there was one down side he was leaving for tour in two days and me and the girls are heading on our UK tour in a week.

"Baba are you ready for tour?" Perrie asked folding up some of her clothes

"I feel ready I'm nervous though how do you and Zayn do the whole long distance thing?" I asked concerned

"Baba when you love someone you can make anything work" she smiled walking over and giving me a hug

"I do love him I've just never told him, it was only a month ago when we started dating and I wanted to go on tour with him but our management decided we should go on tour too" I explained hugging her back

"Why don't you spend the night with him tomorrow night before he leaves and tell him then? I know I'm going to be seeing Zayn before I leave I can't go a whole 2 months with out his touch" she smiled pulling back

"I should spend time with him but I don't want to distract him from his packing" I said nervously

"Baba he would pick you over packing any day your his beautiful girl why wouldn't he?" She said sitting down on her bed

"I know I just don't want to be without him I guess and saying goodbye is the hardest thing to do" I sat next to her

"It's not goodbye though Jade, it's ill see you soon. I know this is your first time to deal with being apart from him for a long time but you can do it" she said as I rested my head on her shoulder

"I guess you're right" I smiled

"And don't forget Jesy is in the same position as you she is staying with Jordan the next two nights. I know Jesy never says anything but she finds it hard" she explained

"True well I guess I shall text Sam and see if I can go over tomorrow night" I smiled slowly standing up "thank you pez"

"It's okay baba I'm always here" she slowly gave me a big hug before letting go and continuing to fold her clothes.

"Ill be in my room love you Perrie" I smiled before I slowly walked out and grabbed my phone, I then made my way up stairs to my room crashing onto my bed. I focused my eyes on my screen and began to type

Me: baby I really want to see you before you leave can I come over tomorrow or you can come over here? xxjadexx

He replied straight away


Me: aww Sam :') tomorrow come over about 6 okay xxjadexx


I couldn't help but smile at the screen. I put my phone on my bedside table before rolling over in my bed, it wasn't long before I began to slowly close my eyes, it wasn't long before my eyelids one over and I was asleep!


I awoke to my phone buzzing on my beside table I rolled over and looked at the message


Me: I just wish you were here now tomorrow is going to be so hard xxjadexx


I quickly got up out of bed and ran to my window, I couldn't believe what I was seeing Sam was standing outside he was early much to early and I was so happy he was

I ran down stairs and out the door racing into his arms and placing my head in the crook of his neck

"Baby please don't go tomorrow" I said holding him tight as he held me tighter

"I wish I could stay beautiful I don't want to be without" he said into my hair as he picked me up and carried me inside

He placed both my feet back on the ground and let me go slowly

"We have the whole day and night to spend together. It will be okay" Sam smiled wiping a few tears from my eyes I knew that this was going to be the last day I'd be able to just be with him for a while

"Come with me Perrie and leigh are in the lounge watching a movie" I smiled intwining his fingers in mine and leading him to the lounge room

"Girls Sam is here" I smiled as the all turned to face me

"Hey Sam how are you?" Leigh asked smiling

"Good thanks Leigh how are you?" He replied

"Good" she said turning back to the tv

"And how are you Perrie?" He smiled as he sat down on the couch and I cuddled up next to him

"Good thanks Sam" Perrie smiled at him and then at me I know she could see how much I really did love him

"Are you girls excited for tour?" He asked

"Oh very but more importantly are you because you leave tomorrow?" Perrie asked, I just drew circles on his chest as I held him tight I hated knowing he was going away tomorrow

"I guess so but I don't want to be away from this one" he smiled poking me, I just cuddled him tighter and rested my head on his chest

"You should Skype it's the best way Zayn and I keep In contact when he is on tour" she suggested smiling uncontrollably

"That sounds good I think we should do that! Don't you think beautiful?" He asked kissing my forehead

"I love the idea" I smiled back I just didn't want to think that in less than 24 hours he would be gone


"Right Baba I'm off and I'm going to drop Leigh-Anne at Jordan's so you and Sam have the house to yourselves" she winked as she stood at the door with her bag "Leigh-Anne hurry up"

"Alright what time you going to be back tomorrow?" I asked

"I'll be back around lunch time I think" Leigh shouted rushing down stairs with her bag she was always last one out the door

"Bout time leigh, and ill be back tomorrow night " Perrie smiled

"Sorry I had to fix my hair" she gave a slight smile

"Alright you two ill see you tomorrow" I smiled over at them

"Let's go then" Perrie said finally opening the door

"Bye girls have a good night" Sam shouted out

"Love you both have fun" I said to the girls

"We will, you have fun too love you" Perrie said as she walked out and closed the door behind her

"Finally it's just me and you" Sam said walking up behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist

"I know just me and you" I smiled as he kissed my neck softly

"What are we going to do tonight" he asked as I slowly turned in his arms and wrapped my arms around his neck

"Did you have something in mind?" I asked placing a soft kiss on his lips

"I want to show you something" he smiled proudly

"What is it?" I asked with concern

"Just trust me dress warmly because it's cold out tonight" he said letting me go and walking towards his jacket

"Alright ill just go get my jacket then" I turned quickly and raced up stairs searching for my big jacket and my phone and racing back to Sam

"Come on beautiful" he held out his hand I grabbed it as he lead me outside into the bitter cold but instead of going to his car to get out of the cold he walked right past it.

"Aren't we driving there? It's to cold to walk isn't it?" I shot him a look of concern

"Nope, it's not far from here and plus this way I can hold you close I can't do that and drive" he smiled as he pulled me in close to him I wrapped one arm around his back and the other round his waist as we walked I could feel the heat coming of his body

"Do I get to know where we are going?" I asked squeezing him tighter

"Just wait and see its not much further" he said placing a gentle kiss on my head I just kept walking along side him as he held me in his strong arms

After walking for like what seemed forever we were finally there

"Alright here it is" he slowly let me go and pointed to the run down building in front of me

"Seriously Sam all the way in the cold for this I'm sorry but this isn't really romantic it's an old rundown building" I said looking at it disbelief

"I said trust me didn't I" he grabbed my hand again and lead me through the door and into a long corridor "okay close your eyes beautiful" he said I didn't even questioned I just did it I felt his hands hold mine tighter as he lead me through the building

"Are you ready?" He asked I just nodded my head "alright open your eyes" I did as he said and found myself standing in a huge room.

"Where are we?" I asked looking around

"This is where I took my first dance lesson and I trained here with Mitch this is where it all began" he smiled proudly

"What happened to it?" I asked concerned

"Well the owner passed away and I tried to keep it running but we got shut down due to missed rent" he took a seat on a few of the mats in the corner of the room

"Where you close with him?"

"The owner?" He raised an eyebrow

"Yeah? Like you must have known him for a long time"

"Very long time actually he was my" he took a deep breath "he was my father" a tear rolled down his cheek

"Oh my gosh Sam I'm sorry I didn't know" I rubbed his back as I sat down next to him

"It's okay beautiful" he said placing a hand on my knee "that's why every time I perform I'm doing it for him I still dance here right before I do a show or leave for tour cause its where he taught me and I grew up" he explained looking up at me

"I see why this means so much to you" I smiled resting my head on his shoulder

"The boys and I normally train here like I pay for the power on days we need it but it's not what it use to be" he explained resting is head on mine "plus this is my last night before tour and I wanted to spend it the place I love with the girl I love" my eyes grew wide he had never said love before

"You love me?" I asked in shock

"Yes, Jade Amelia Thirlwall I Love You! Everything about you, your eyes, your smile, the way your hair falls so perfectly and how your heart always beats with mine! I wanna scream it out till my words dry out!" He said turning to me he just confessed his love for me and all I did was stare at him in shock we were in the most important place for him and he was confessing his love for me!

"Beautiful I don't expect you to say it back you say it when your read okay I love you now and ill love you forever" he slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss on my lips

"Your amazing you know that" I smiled as he pulled back

"I know I try to be" he gave me his cheeky grin "one more surprise beautiful wait right here" he slowly stood up and walked over to a CD player on the desk on the side of the room and clicked play I heard the first few notes and knew it was make you feel my love by Adele.

He slowly slipped his jacket off and laid it on the table and rolled up his sleeves of his sweater and walked closer to me

"May I have this dance?" He held out his hand and smiled at me

"Certainly" I giggled taking his hand and standing up

"Let me lead you trust me" he placed his hand on my waist and held my other hand, while I put my spare hand on his shoulder.

He pulled me closer and I laid my head on his shoulder as he began to lead me around the room slowly.

"I can here your heart beating fast?" I said softly

"It's because your with me and I don't ever want to let you fall" I could feel his smile grow as he turned and spun me out slowly before spinning back into him. He slowly leaned me back and placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"I love you Sam" I whispered finally saying it as he slowly stood me back up

"I love you Jade" he said wandering both his hands down my back finding my waist as I wrapped my arms tight around his neck. We continued to just dance around slowly nothing could of been more perfect than that moment right then and there with him!


After dancing we made our way home and nothing felt more right. I intwined my fingers in his and rested my head on his shoulder as we walked.

Once we made it back to the apartment and went inside I don't know what came over me but I placed my lips on his, they were soft and warm, I just knew that this was it I loved him more than anything and tonight was the last night to be with him for two months

He slowly brushed his tongue along my lip I granted him entry as his tongue fought for dominance over mine I felt his hands wander down my body to find my waist, he pulled me closer to him

I began to lead him to my room without losing contact with his lips as we walked in he closed the door with his foot and turned me round pinning me against the door. I slowly unzipped his jacket, he threw it off making sure to keep his lips on mine. I slowly felt for the bottom of his sweater and slowly drag it up over his head revealing his perfectly toned abs.

I felt his colds hands on my body as he slowly pulled my shirt off he picked me up slowly and found my bed laying me down so carefully. He undid his jeans and let them fall to the floor before holding himself above me letting our lips meet again

"Are you sure Jade?" He asked being the gentleman he was

"I've never been more sure about anything or anyone" I smiled pulling his lips back into mine, I ran my fingers through his perfect hair before he slowly left wet kisses down my neck as he unbuttoned my jeans and pulled them off slowly this was it and I was ready.

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