You're Hot

By jaydenkingg

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[BoyxBoy] In a supernatural world where humans are ruled by mutants, Eighteen year old Benjamin Miller lives... More



541 36 19
By jaydenkingg

The sky was draped in a cloak of dark grey, a gloomy shroud that hung heavy and low. The sun had fled, the clouds had come to stay, and in their wake, a chill began to grow. The wind picked up, a mournful howl it made, as if to mourn the loss of light and cheer. The leaves rustled, a sad and somber serenade, a dirge for the day that had disappeared. The world was cast in shades of grey and black, a monochrome landscape, devoid of life. The rain began to fall, a steady, mournful attack, as if to wash away the remnants of strife.

Yet, that didn't stop the crowd of protesters that were currently blocking traffic. At this point Benjamin was so familiar with protestors, that he didn't even bat an eyelash at what they were saying.



Benjamin just passed the group and played them no mind, he was in no way in support of the HLA (Human Liberation Army) and their agenda to take over the continent. He had a vague knowledge of the story of how humans and mutants came to be in the same place, and why mutants are in charge, and he respected that.

Just as Benjamin was about to make it unnoticed through the group, a man holding a picket sign with the words, 'Fuck the king, he's an ass.' written on it. Benjamin couldn't help but laugh to himself at what the sign was saying.

"Why aren't you protesting kid?" The man asked getting all up in Benjamin's face.

Benjamin scrunched up his nose. "I'm not protesting because I don't want to," He stretched his hands in front of him so that he could distance the man away from him. "And back up before your breath makes my eyes water." Benjamin started backing away.

"You're going to regret not taking sides with the HLA!" The man yelled.

Benjamin scoffed. "If your goal is to be intimidating, you should really think of changing that sign of yours, because I don't think you wanting to fuck the king because he's an ass is very scary." Benjamin said causing the man to shoot him daggers before continuing with his protest.

By the time Benjamin made it home, he was soaked from head to toe, his clothes clinging to his skin and his brown hair plastered to his forehead. His shoes squelched with every step he took, and water droplets dripped from his nose and chin. He shivered with cold, his teeth chattering as he rubbed his arms to try and generate some warmth.

"How many times do I have to warn you about walking with your shoes inside?"His mother scolded.

"But mom, it's raining outside, do you want me to stop to take my shoes off in the rain?"

"You're already soaking wet. What difference would it make?" Dorothy challenged.

"I could get sick. Do you seriously not care if I get sick?" Benjamin questioned.

Dorothy sighed. "Benjamin I'm really not in the mood for your tantrum right now. If you want to live in my house, you're gonna have to follow my rules. What is it with you these days? First you bash my opinions and insult the HLA by calling it a terrorist group, then you argue with me about my house rules." She said disappearing into the kitchen.

Benjamin shook his head and sighed. He really did need to get out of his parents' house.


After a few minutes of flipping through channels, Benjamin finally settled on a news channel, and as expected the news was about the most famous people in Solara. The Royal Family.

"That's right George, and it's really important that we know the history of the Whitlock family." The female anchor said.

"Yes, I agree because there is so much misinformation going around these days. It's important to get the facts straight," George replied.

Benjamin rolled his eyes and sighed. He was tired of hearing about the Royal Family and their endless dramas. He wished the news would focus on more important issues, like climate change or poverty. But he supposed that was wishful thinking. The Royals were a national obsession, and it seemed like everyone was always eager to hear the latest gossip about them. He switched off the TV and picked up a book, hoping to find some escape from the endless chatter about the monarchy.

It's true that Benjamin was in favour of the Royal family, but he didn't need to hear about what was going on with them twenty-four seven. There were three types of people in this continent. There were those who hated the royals, like his parents and the Human Liberation Army. Those who worshipped them, like the majority of the continent, especially the mutants, and there were those who simply supported their reign, like Benjamin.


The next day at work was much like the previous one. The only difference was that people were much more excited, because of the news that people from the Royal palace was coming to the restaurant to recruit new workers.

Because of that, Jerry's restaurant was very busy, because people wanted to stick around to get a glimpse of the people from the palace, even if it was not the Royal family. That also meant that Benjamin had twice the amount of tables to serve than he usually did.

"Hi, good afternoon, may I take your order?" Benjamin asked a woman sitting at a table.

She looked up from her phone. "Oh, I'm not here to order, I'm here to see the people from the palace." She said with a cheeky smile.

Benjamin sighed. 'I seriously don't get paid enough for this shit.' He thought to himself. "I'm sorry ma'am, but you can't be occupying a table if you're not going to place an order. There are actual customers that have been waiting outside for almost an hour to get a seat."

The woman gave Benjamin a look as if to say:

'Who the fuck do you think you are.'

"Excuse me human, but I don't appreciate you telling me what to do. This is a free country, and I will do as I please. And I will especially not take orders from a human." She said sternly.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. He seriously didn't have time for that kind of drama. He didn't care that the woman was a mutant, and had enough strength to rip his head off of his neck with very little effort. He was going to stand his ground.

"Okay then, how about you go practice your freedom somewhere outside and not in a private business place."

The woman sized Benjamin up and down. "They invade our space, and now they want to tell us what to do? Be careful of your next words human, because you're one move away from being snapped in half." She said in a threatening tone.

Benjamin sighed, he knew that the woman was totally capable of doing what she was saying, after all, she's a mutant. "You know what, I'm just going to report you to my boss."
Benjamin said walking away from the table.

"That is a really good idea. I would love to speak to him to have your ass fired." She chimed in.

Benjamin shrugged and walked in the direction of Jerry. "Jerry, there's a woman at table six who is refusing to pay and stealing condiments." Benjamin said loud enough for the woman to hear.

"What!" Jerry screached.


The day continued with the restaurant being very much over crowded, so that people would get a glimpse of whoever was coming from the Royal palace.

Benjamin was nervous. If he got the chance to work at the palace, he would definitely take it, because it meant more money, which could get him out of his parents house.

As Benjamin was looking out of the window, he noticed three slick black SUVs come to a halt outside. The cars had a flag on the hood, which contained the head of a dragon, the symbol of the Royal Family. Despite the attention that the vehicles were attracting, the drivers looked unphased, and Benjamin could tell that they were highly trained professionals.

Despite his initial excitement at seeing the three SUVs with the dragon flag, Benjamin knew that it was unlikely that the Royal Family was inside. As a highly protected group, the Royals rarely made public appearances, and their security detail was much more extensive than three vehicles. Benjamin realized that the vehicles were likely being used by high ranking officials, but he still felt a sense of excitement at the thought of being in the same vicinity as any high ranking official.

As the men exited the vehicles, people began to take out their phones to snap pictures of the cars. Paparazzi were also on the scene, trying to get information about what was happening within the palace walls. Despite the attention, the men remained professional and focused, and they gave nothing away about what was going on in the Royal Palace.

Benjamin and the rest of the staff in the restaurant, especially the mutants, were excited. It was truly an honour for anyone having anything to do with the Royal Palace, to be in their presence.

"Ok guys, let's try to look professional." Jerry said.

"That would be a first." Benjamin snickered under his breath.

"I heard that." Jerry looked at Benjamin.

Benjamin nudged the guy next to him. "I heard that too, you should really not speak out of turn." He tried blaming the other guy for his actions.

Before the guy could answer, the doors of the resturant was opened, and in came four men in black suits and shades. Two of them were standing at the door with very advance looking guns that Benjamin had never seen before. When Benjamin looked outside, he saw that there were six other men in black with very advanced looking weapons in their hands. They had surrounded the restaurant so that no one could go in or out.

With groups like the Human Liberation Army around, high ranking officials needed to take precaution.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen, my name is General Gaston Peters, and I am here today as a representative of the Royal Family." One of the men said.

"As I'm sure you've been informed, the King and Queen has requested that we get some chefs and servers from different restaurants from around continent to come to the castle to work for them, because of an incident that occurred." He continued.

As Benjamin listened intently as the man introduced himself and explain the reason for his visit to the resturant, he he wondered what could have possibly happen at the palace that would cause the need for new hospitality staff, so like any normal person would do, Benjamin raised his hand to ask.

The man, Gaston, looked over at Benjamin. "Put your hand down, human." He seathed. "This is not a question and answer. When someone important is talking, you listen and keep your mouth shut."

Benjamin was taken aback by the man's response. All he wanted to do was ask a question.

Benjamin scoffed. "Who pissed in his sippy cup?" He asked the guy next to him, and immidiately, the men in black that were standing by the door with their highly advanced guns pointed them towards Benjamin.

"Woah!" Benjamin held both of his hands up in the air. "No need to take a life over a few words." He said.

"You disturbed the general while he was speaking. We have every right to shoot you." One of the guys holding the advance gun said.

"How the hell is a general so important." Benjamin mumbled under his breath.

"What did you say?" One of the guys asked him.

"I said that I'm sorry for speaking out of turn." Benjamin lied.

"That does not sound like what you just said."

"Well, maybe you should clean your ears out." Ben mumbled once again.

"What did you say this time?" Asked one of the men.

"I said forgive me master." Benjamin lied once again.

"He is trolling us. What should we do with him general."

General Gaston looked Benjamin up and down. "Nothing, he has been selected as part of the wait staff at the castle." The general announced.

"What!" Benjamin screached out. "But I'm no longer interested in doing that."

"I here by select you on behalf of the Royal Family to come work at the palace as a waiter. You cannot deny a request made on behalf of the Royal Family." Said General Gaston.

The general then walked closer to Benjamin. "You're going to be my personal guinea pig."


So, that was chapter two.

I really hope you guys enjoy reading this as much as I enjoy writing it.

Love you


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