Born to Die (Winx Club x Oc)

By jminniexs

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Alethea is a kind-hearted girl who holds the weight of the Magic Dimension on her shoulders. Read as she trie... More

⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ Intro ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
Season 1. Chapter 1.
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 7.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.
Chapter 14.
Chapter 15.
Chapter 16.
Chapter 17.
Chapter 18.
Chapter 19.
Chapter 20.
Chapter 21.
Chapter 22.

Chapter 4.

574 15 7
By jminniexs

⑅ ♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ

Alethea's POV:

I rubbed my forehead as the balmy rays of the sun caressed my skin, turning my lungs to paper and my feet to lead. I shifted my weight as we all stood gathered in the Black Mud Swamp for our Magic of Nature class.

"Welcome class, to black mud swamp and to a- ACHOO. Right, as you can sneeze I mean as you can see I'm slightly allergic to the sap. It's Igglethord vine. Now this is your first field exercise for the magic of nature." He rambled and I just couldn't take him seriously, it was hard to pay attention to his words because of his clumsy actions.

"Professor! I'm in the wrong class! I'm from an urban realm!" A student called Dahliah whined and my classmates grumbled voices of agreement.

"Alfea is known for its all-round education." Professor Palladium pointed out, looking over at her in confusion as to why she would think she was in the wrong class.

"But a mosquito bit me." She complained, pointing a finger to where she got bit to see a small lump on her leg.

The Professor spluttered in surprise. "A mosquito? Well quicker we bit on with, I mean get on with the exomite, uh, exercise."

"For a nature professor, he seems rather squeamish." Bloom whispered to me as she raised an eyebrow with obvious amusement.

"Shut up Bloom, let him bite on with the exomite." I couldn't help but joke and she erupted into fits of laughter at my not-so-good joke.

The Professor seemed to get over his squeamish behaviour for now and continued, "Now. For this field exercise, we're gonna test you on your natural ability to listen to nature. Each group must navigate their way through the black mud swamp and reach the clearing in Gloomy Wood forest, also you can't use your magic and remember listening to the voice of nature and its advice"

"Let's get going." Flora seemed to burst with excitement but I didn't get why. I winced in disgust as I stepped into the stagnant water and looked around to see the fallen trees that sang together as the vines twisted beautifully around the infected trunks of decay and moss.

"This is so disgusting," Stella complained as she tried to push the sleeves of her pants up to avoid getting wet by the dirty water.

"Didn't you say that; 'mud does wonders for your skin?'" I teased her and Stella huffed while others burst into fits of laughter, finding amusement in my teasing.

"Just so you know these bubbles could indicate that we're standing on the back of a Subterranean and let me tell you they aren't friendly." Tecna informed us and she said it so casually that I simply wondered what exactly would scare her. "..But don't worry I'll take care of this." Tecna raised her hands as her aura started glowing and a sudden panic blurred my vision, I quickly grabbed her hands, breaking her concentration and stopping her from almost killing us.

"Tecna wait! We can't use magic remember?" Bloom reminded her in a matter-of-fact tone, not all too fazed that we almost basically died. "We have to listen to the voice of nature." We all sniffed the air. A malodorous smell filled my senses and I immediately held my hand to my nose to block that nauseating smell that caused revulsion.

"It's some kind of gas! let's run." Musa yelled as the bubbles in the water started to grow bigger and we quickly ran to hide behind a log. Our hearts were thundering in our chests as we panted, trying to regain our breath.

"What's that?" Stella asked as she looked at the bubbles with a slightly put-off expression on her face.

"Let's find out.." I looked at the ground to see if there was something useful and beamed upon seeing a single twig on the ground. I picked it up and threw it toward the bubbles and just as it made contact with the bubbles it started to release some kind of gas and turned a tree into stone to our horror.

"That's Medusa gas!" Flora exclaimed in slight shock but didn't seem too scared about that revelation, unlike me who was ready to run off, far away from the Medusa gas. "It would have turned us all into stone."

"Happy I didn't turn into a statue." My shoulders slumped in relief as I leaned my head on my arms that were resting on the log.

"Talk about statuesque." Stella joked and my lips curled up in a small smile as we continued our way when in the corner of my eye I could see a ship falling toward the ground like a cosmic fireball.

"Check it out!" Bloom gasped and pointed toward the falling ship. "It's a Red fountain ship! They might need help, let's go." The ship created a jarring impact. The harsh wind it created hit me with full force and I raised my arm to shield myself as my heart sank and I wasted no time to run toward the ship that crashed, desperately hoping that no one got injured.

We all sighed in relief when our friends from Red Fountain walked out uninjured, only disoriented and Flora was the first to ask about their well-being, "Are you guys okay?"

"We saw your ship crash." Tecna pointed out with a neutral expression on her face as if not fazed that the ship crashed.

"It wasn't a crash." Riven scowled and I frowned at his impulsiveness. Riven always seem to put up an act of blind aggression and envy but he's thin-skinned just like me.. the thing we have in common the most is how sensitive we are to what people think about us so maybe that's why I think he's still redeemable. I've always believed in second chances. "It was an emergency landing."

"We were transporting a-" Sky stuttered as he got cut off by none other than.. my eyebrows shot up in surprise when I noticed a familiar tan-skinned guy with his glasses. Unlike his friends who were nervous or agitated, he seemed to hold a sense of calm to him as his eyes observed the ship with calculating eyes. My face flushed when I recalled the time we spent dancing during the night of the gala, my attention shifting to everything else but him.

"Transporting a very important something to Magix." Silas finished, folding his arms over his muscular chest and grabbing my attention. He was so.. flirty and outgoing during the gala and now.. he carried a hint of seriousness and diplomacy, making him seem like the most mature one out of the friend group.

"The troll.." Sky breathed out as a tense silence followed, making it seem like he said something he shouldn't have which was probably the case. "It's gone."

"Sky!" Brandon snapped at him for revealing confidential information while Silas remained unfazed yet there was a hint of annoyance dancing in his eyes.

"You let a troll escape?!"

Riven glared at us for even claiming such a thing. "We didn't let anyone escape. We just had an accident, the ship malfunctione-"

"Mechanical failure." Timmy corrected immediately in a matter-of-fact tone.

"He has shackles on so it's fine." I looked around and spotted the shackles that Riven was talking about and Sky was the one who picked it up and showed it to his friends with a grim expression on his face.

"Uh.. the shackles are right here." He winced and if a troll wasn't released I would've found amusement in how uncoordinated this situation was.

"What are you guys doing here anyways?" Brandon asked us, wondering why we were in the middle of a swamp and I was honestly wondering the same thing.

"It's a field exercise for class." Bloom decided to answer for us and also wanted desperately to talk to Brandon.

"Why don't you little Fairies head back to your exercise and leave this to the Specialists." Riven snapped, uttering the word 'Fairies' in disgust and I felt my blood boil at the blatant insult toward Fairies. I don't know where the sudden anger was coming from insulting my friends like that left a bad taste on my tongue.

"Girls! I don't see any specialists. Do you?" I mused while mockingly looking around. "Nope! no specialists here. Just a cocky jerk."

Musa snapped her fingers as her lips curled up in a shit-eating grin as if proud of the obvious mocking I did and not noticing how Silas was watching my every move with a hint of amusement. "Snap!"

"Listen you bi-" Riven came marching toward me, raising his hand as if to slap me and I felt my heart thundering in my chest as I watched with wide eyes but all was luckily interrupted by a firm hand on his shoulder. Riven turned to look at the person who stopped him with a glare and was met with cold golden eyes glaring back at him but what surprised me the most was the obvious respect Riven held for Silas as he huffed and turned away. "..Whatever."

"What Riven meant to say is that we can handle it and that you can get back to your class." Sky stopped the situation before it got worse, not before laying a hand on my shoulder to silently ask me if I was okay and I nodded with a smile at the sweet gesture.

"I can tell them to bug off on my own." Riven hmphed and still held a glare on his face. His indigo-colored eyes connected with mine and it was like electricity sparked and not the good kind of electricity but the electricity of obvious dislike.

"What if the troll runs into other girls from our class?" Tecna asked and I soon grew worried along with the rest. I felt a pang in my heart at the thought of that ugly blue troll running around and reeking chaos with my classmates when we were just trying to ace our class.

"Just stay out of our way and we can get the troll." The guys all ran further into the swamp to find the troll, leaving us behind to our own thoughts.

"Maybe we should come with them?" Bloom suggested looking all the more worried about the troll that's now wandering about.

"You mean after that crummy tudd Riven gave us?" Stella asked, her eyes widening in disbelief that Bloom would even suggest that.

"Yeah, he was rude." Flora frowned as she crossed her arms, showing obvious displeasure. "-Definitely when he tried to hit Alethea."

"More like a jerk." I mumbled to myself with a huff, still feeling slightly upset that Riven was about to actually hit me and I couldn't deny the fear I felt. The feeling of dread clenched at my heart at the thought of getting hit, all too familiar with that kind of violence.

"I think Flora is right." Stella grabbed my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze to give me some kind of comfort. "If Riven wants to get eaten, I say bon appetite."

"Something's strange here did you guys notice the hole in the ship?." Tecna asked and I nodded, gesturing for her to continue. "The patterns of the burned marking surrounded the perimeter indicating that the hole was created by magic that came from outside the ship."

My eyebrows shot up as sudden realization hit me like a bucket filled with ice-cold water because last time I checked trolls can't cast spells. "So someone shot the ship down?" Tecna nodded and that alone brought more worry. My eyebrows were drawn together as I clutched onto the light brown jacket of the uniform made for this field exercise with great discontent.

"Then we should investigate."


"If I ever say 'Hey let's go hang out in a swamp' remind me that I really hate swamps." Musa broke the tense silence as we trotted through the dark swamp. The silence was eerie and I watched as the dark shadows of the trees loomed over the murky water, only a few would dare to venture deeper yet here we were.

"Remind me to hit someone when they ask me to hang out in a swamp." I mumbled softly, trying to lighten the damp mood along with Musa.

"Dully noted." Tecna bluntly stated, seemingly actually taking note of what I said and I couldn't help but let my lips curl up in a small smile at Tecna's obliviousness to our jokes.

"Hey!" Bloom suddenly called out while pointing at big footprints that seemed to resemble a troll. "Check out the troll's footprints, notice anything?"

"Yeah, they're like size thirty." Stella eyed the footprints with obvious discontent. "Poor thing must have a hard time shopping for shoes!"

"It's like he found a way to levitate so that he could shake up our follow." Musa commented as she made a sound from the back of her throat and that alone brought more confusion.

"But that's impossible because trolls can't cast spells." I remembered as I peered intently at the footprints.

"Which means someone else is here." Bloom concluded, now bringing all the more confusion. She held her chin with her index finger and thumb as she paused and thought for a moment.

"Someone who is helping the troll escape." I hummed as I tried to think about who it could be. I tilted my head quizzically because the theory that made the most sense was that the ones who sent the ogre and the troll back on Earth must be aiding the troll as we speak. "Somebody who has been watching us all along and that someone might have also been the one that shot down the ship."

"So how do we find them?" Flora questioned, trying to form a plan that we desperately needed.

"Maybe listen to the voice of nature." Bloom suggested as if it was obvious and I pursed my lips, not necessarily sure how to access the voice of nature.

"What do you mean voice? I can't hear anything." Tecna grumbled and we all tried to listen to the voice of nature, suddenly I felt something and Tecna seemed to notice. "Well did Mother Nature give you any advice?"

"The troll went that way." My eyes followed the footprints and I soon raised my finger, pointing toward the dead thicket. "Through there."

"Are you sure?" Stella asked looking rather horrified to even go through there because it was all decayed and it smelled awful plus it wasn't necessarily hygienic to go through and Stella, who sanitizes her hands every hour and would spray perfume everywhere made obvious how unsatisfied she was that we had to go through the thicket.

"I can feel it too." Flora stated and so we headed into the dark thicket and I pushed the dead leaves away as it brushed against me, irritating me with a tickly feeling. "Be very quiet, I recognize these plants. Quietus Carnivores, they hate noise."

"Really?!" Stella suddenly screamed and I felt my heart sink at Stella's antics, doesn't she know that she was endangering all of us including herself and that she should listen to Flora who specializes in nature magic. "Hah! nothing happe- AH." A vine grabbed onto Stella her leg and pulled her upside down and she seemed to fling in the air.

"Stop Screaming Stella!" I tried to shush her since she was making it worse but unfortunately, she didn't she listen to our nature expert Flora. Moments passed as we desperately tried to calm Stella down until we finally succeeded.

"I told you." Flora 's lips curled up in a smug smile, her hands resting on her hips with deliberately raised eyebrows. "No sudden noise." We heard sudden screaming from up ahead and we exchanged glances before running toward where the sudden screaming came from to be met with the Quietus Carnivores having the Specialists trapped.

I watched with a nervous expression on my face as the Specialists struggled when I shifted my gaze and noticed Silas calmly leaning against a tree, silent and not daring to move as the Carnivores didn't pay him any mind to my obvious surprise. Golden connected with green-gray eyes and I couldn't help but melt under his gaze. His aura held a certain dominance that I could barely explain and we had yet to approach each other.

"Stay back!" Riven shouted in fear as the plant wrapped around his neck. "These vines belong to a dangerous eating plant."

"Maybe if you shut up for once." I snapped at him that got returned with a hateful glare. I don't know where that hatefulness of mine came from but I always seem angry when it comes to Riven and if I got a penny for every time he would glare at me I would certainly be rich.

"There there! it's okay." Flora comforted the plants and they soon faltered and calmed down at Flora's warm aura and finally dropped the boys to their relief.

"Let's get away." Bloom rushed and we ran away from the Quietus Carnivorous as fast as we could. "I think we should all look for the troll together."

Flora paused for a moment since we were still in the middle of a field exercise before nodding at her idea, "Sounds good to me."

"No way am I teaming up with these girls." Riven scoffed and I glared at him that got immediately returned with a hateful one.

"Whatever we don't need you anyway.." I huffed and all of us started walking, leaving him behind. Riven sighed in defeat and reluctantly followed after us and I couldn't help but smile in triumph, knowing that I'd tempted him into following after us.

"It looks like we have to jump across." Tecna informed us as we arrived at a brown river that looked really deep but fortunately for us, there was a bridge made out of small boulders that would lead to the other side.

"Be careful." Timmy warned as Tecna almost missed the rock but Timmy managed to catch her and glanced at them back and forth when they did nothing but stare at each other.

Ah, young love.

"Alethea.. you're sixteen, like us." Musa nudged my side with a teasing smile on her face and I felt my face flare with embarrassment. Did I say that out loud? "..You did."

My shoulders slumped in defeat.

"Thanks!" Tecna smiled and skillfully jumped over the rocks. "Come on it's fun."

I followed her lead and jumped on the rocks, finally reaching the end after some time and Tecna was right, it was actually fun in a way, like going hiking. Though, Riven slipped and fell into the water and Silas tensed, an alertness in his eyes behind the glasses that sat crookedly on his nose. Tecna caught him since she was standing the closest to him and tried to help him up but he seemed to be really heavy for her smaller form and pushing my resentment that I had for him away, I decided to step in.

"Don't let go of me." Riven shouted as he desperately clung onto me and Tecna and I winced as his nails were digging into my skin, creating crescent moons on the back of my hand.

"You're slipping." Tecna retorted as she started slipping and so was I and I desperately clung to Tecna in hopes of pulling her back to safety but to my horror, my hands started slipping and it didn't help how my friends were panicking, raising my own panic in my throat as my arms started to feel strained when I suddenly felt two hands on my shoulders, steadying me before I could fall forward while Timmy helped Tecna, I turned to see Silas who decided to save me. Our eyes connected and I felt my face flush at the contact. It was just like back in the gala and the warmth started spreading throughout my body, my lips parted as he turned away with a huff.

"..I got you."

I shifted my gaze to Riven, finding an excuse to turn away from Silas, not wanting to reciprocate his gaze before he actually managed to make me melt under his hold seemed to make me feel things I'd never felt before. "Still think it was a better idea to go alone?"

"Whatever." Riven scoffed and I huffed at his hot-headed personality and cold front that he seemed to put up but I could notice the way Musa kept stealing glances at him with a hint of curiosity and my lips curled up in a knowing smile, perhaps Musa could melt the cold front he always puts up. "Would've gotten out of my own anyways." He then strutted off.

With sass of course.


I dragged my feet over the ground, feeling my eyes droop with drowsiness as the sun beat down on me like a hot embrace while the sun here made me exhausted, the sun back in Solaria gave me energy and vitality but what took me by surprise was the way Silas gave me those brief touches as he walked close to me. My stomach churned with a fluttery feeling and I felt my face flare and quickly shifted my gaze elsewhere.

I tilted my head and wondered if I should break the silence yet he gave no sign to start a conversation of his own and maybe that's because he's on a mission and has to stay concentrated but.. I shook my head, being brave was always a conscious choice for me and when I see a tidal wave of fear all I want to do is run but now.. I glanced at all of my friends and smiled, now I want to run toward it.

I took a deep breath and was about to speak up only to be taken by surprise when his deep yet soft, almost featherly voice did. His voice was so euphonic that one could barely hear what he had to say but I heard it loud and clear. "..I didn't expect you to be associated with them."

We both watched as our loud friends were talking and laughing at the topic at hand and my lips curled up in a small smile as my heart warmed at the sight of them. "..Neither did I." I turned to him, my head tilting in wonder as I eyed his taller form, my head barely reaching his shoulders but what struck me the most were those golden eyes that seemed to light up under the sun making my heart flutter.

We continued our way in comfortable silence but I kept stealing glances at him could you really blame me? There was a beautiful guy standing next to me who I danced with during the gala and made it magical and unlike I've ever felt and he actually seemed to show at least a little bit of interest in me.

"That's him." Silas broke the silence again but this time it was directed to all of us. I shifted my gaze to where he was looking and to our horror the troll with dark blue skin and a heavy set of yellow eyes with long black hair was raising its four-fingered claws at a few of our classmates.

"..That's Amaryl." My eyes widened and I felt my heart thundering at the sight of my fear-stricken classmates who were cowering in the looming shadow of the troll who was ready to attack them. "We have to do something!"

"And we will." Silas retorted in a calm voice as his arms were folded over his muscular chest while his eyes followed the troll's movements. "-But first, we need a plan."

"I have a plan. First girls distract the troll." Sky instructed and we nodded attentively but my stomach churned at the thought of approaching the hunting troll. "Two: Brandon, Timmy and Silas will pin him down while I and Riven will put on the shackles."

"You.." I spluttered when I couldn't find an insult to call out to the troll. I took a deep breath and raised my voice, "Ugly beast! Remember us?!"

"Long time no see." Stella continued, waving mockingly at him. "Come on don't be shy pass us some hugs." He charged at us while roaring loudly but before he could attack us: Brandon and Timmy jumped onto him and Sky and Riven tried to put the shackles on but the beast was too strong, causing them to get thrown off and unfortunately the troll escaped yet again.

"You guys okay?" Brandon asked, looking over to his friends in concern but it soon disappeared when they all nodded to show that they were. I glanced at Silas who never made a move to trap the troll when I realized how lost in thought he seemed, he had the same calculative glint in his eyes and I felt realization wash over me.

Silas knew that the plan would fail.

"I thought you guys were the school of bravery, not botchery. Bye, losers." She scoffed and ran off with her friends while I sighed in relief, despite their harsh words I was glad that they were okay and that no harm was done to them.

"I'm not the one who shackled Timmy." Riven defended when we all turned to him upon noticing that Timmy was shackled instead of the troll.

"Bro. you had the shackles." Sky argued, getting fed up by his behaviour and wasn't we all? Riven did nothing but get mad during their whole mission. Sky's eyes held clear frustration that you barely see in him when he was normally calm and collected and would throw jokes here and there to lighten the mood.


"Knock it off you two.." Silas let out a sigh, his eyes glistening with obvious signs of annoyance. "We all messed up, can you at least agree on that?"

"Silas is right." Sky turned away with a huff but I couldn't help but admire the obvious respect his friends had for him and how they would listen to him to whatever he had to say. "And we should agree to that point you guys don't you agree?"

Riven released a small smile,

"Come on guys we have a troll to catch."


The evening sun along with the looming trees were casting shadows on the ground, indicating that it was turning dark and I couldn't wait for a hot shower and to snuggle into my cozy bed. The feeling of the swamp water made me feel icky.

"Do you hear something?" Brandon asked Bloom when she noticed the way she seemed to be looking around with an aura that was filled with nothing but concentration.

"Well.." Bloom hesitated, not too sure how to explain it to them but frowned when she couldn't find the right words to. "It's not really a sound."

"It's like a feeling." I added, my eyebrows furrowing in concentration as I tapped my chin with my index finger to form the right words to explain to them. "..It's like a warm feeling."

Flora smiled and placed her hand on her chest, where her heart is. "It's something you feel on the inside."

"Well I've been trying but I don't feel anything at all." Sky retorted and I couldn't help but giggle, not noticing the way Silas was looking at me with a hint of curiosity.

"I can't hear the voice of nature either since I'm from a wired realm." Tecna admitted and my lips formed into an 'o' shape, now realizing why she didn't believe in this voice of nature when she grew up to believe in the magic of technology that surrounded her instead. "But we can trust Alethea, Bloom and Flora on this." We followed the feeling of the voice of nature and the further we went the darker it got stars now filled the dark marble that we call the sky like snow-flakes, glistening in the moon and showing the true beauty of the pale crescent moon that shone like a silvery claw.

"The feelings stop here." Bloom frowned as she looked around for the troll but to no avail. only the chirping of birds and brief noises of crickets were heard but I couldn't help but feel relieved that we wouldn't have to face the troll, how selfish that may sound.

Stella suddenly shivered as the cold dark wind hit her skin or that's what I thought until the positive energy of the voice of nature was replaced with a negative one that would make us Fairies filled with positive energy miserable and sad. "There is a negative energy in the air."

"I can feel it too." Tecna frowned as she rubbed her arm, trying to get rid of the negative emotions she felt because of the almost excruciating energy that filled the air. "Singed ions indicate dark magic."

"So someone used dark magic to make the troll vanish." Silas spoke up as he traced his hand along the claw marks that were etched into one of the trees.

"But who?" Timmy questioned and we were all wondering the same thing.

"We know that the troll works for Knut." Musa pointed out as she started reminiscing what happened up until now. "-And Knut works for those three witches."

Sky's eyebrows shot up in surprise as his eyes widened, showing signs of the disbelief he felt. "You think the Witches were in on this and the cause of our ship crashing?"

I looked around and spotted something on the ground, my chest tightened as I crouched down and found a familiar-looking feather. "Guys look what I found." I picked the feather up to show them what I found. "A feather. From a duck to be precise."

"Duck feathers." My friends chorused except for the boys who were out of the loop and didn't know that Flora spelled an egg with one of the spells listed in the teen Fairy magazine and had replaced Stella's Solarian ring with a duck.

"And isn't there someone we know who is getting stalked by a duck because we put a spell on her?" I hinted in a matter-of-fact tone and their eyes widened as their expressions morphed into one of realization.


"But what are they up to?" Bloom tilted her head in wonder as her lips pursed, pausing as she took a moment to think. "We have to find out."


The boys brought us back to our class with their now slightly fixed ship with the help of Silas and Timmy. Golden connected with green-gray eyes and I couldn't help but beam happily when he gave me a nod, his eyes dancing with the same amusement that brought me comfort during the gala. We waved them goodbye and headed back to our class where Professor Palladium along with our other classmates was waiting for us.

"Your group is by far the last to arrive. So you unfortunately get zero points for punctuality." Professor Palladium informed us and I felt my heart sink at the thought of failing one of our first classes of the year. "-However thirty points for generosity, thirty-five for initiative, forty for courage and fifty for your ability to listen to the voice of nature which makes your score the highest of the class."

"That's not fair! they were the last to get here." Amaryl complained but I paid no mind, barely able to conceal the happiness I felt and it seemed to have lifted the moods of my friends too. My feet felt like they were barely touching the ground as sunshine flooded my soul.

"I never said it was a race." Professor Palladium scolded and Amaryl huffed and shifted her gaze elsewhere. "Sometimes the journey is what is important than the destination."

This field exercise wasn't so bad.


I sat on Bloom's bed as her bunny snuggled close to me and quickly fell asleep and I couldn't help but smile and stroke the blue bunny's fur. The feeling of relief hit me like a mellow when finally being able to relax after walking through the swamp the whole day. I closed my eyes tightly and then opened them when I struggled to keep myself awake.

"I've been thinking.. I love our friend group and I feel like our group should have a name!" Bloom beamed and I tilted my head in wonder, a name?. "What do you think?"

"I actually think it's a pretty good idea." Tecna surprisingly was the first to agree with Bloom her idea.

"The right name would give us that certain something, we could be called something like the Wonder Five! or the Stella five!" Stella ranted as she started to list possible names for our friend group. "The power troupe or the A.S.B.M.T.F!"

"A.S.B.M.T.F?" I repeated, tilting my head in confusion and wondering what it stands for. "..Isn't that.. I don't know.. too long? I can't imagine someone calling out 'A.S.B.M.T.F is here!' or something like that.."

Musa turned away, trying to suppress her laughter but was unsuccessful when the rest of my friends burst into fits of laughter I couldn't help but smile softly at them and it's now that I realized the true meaning of friendship. My friends were like the stars and the black velvet on every dark night, bringing comfort within whatever reality I found myself in.

"Check it! attractive, style, beauty, magic, taste and flair! plus it's the first letter of our names." Stella chirped and I shook my head while smiling in amusement.

"Nah that's way too cheesy." Musa cringed immediately and I had to suppress a laugh at the weirded-out look on her face, showing obvious discontent. "Anyone else got an idea?"

"I came up with something! I even drew a logo!" Bloom pulled a sheet of paper out of her drawer with 'Winx' written on it in big coloured and designed letters.

"Uhm, so our name is Winx?" Tecna asked, tilting her head as her eyebrows were drawn together a hint of confusion glimmering in her teal-blue eyes.

"Even better.." Bloom paused as silence filled with anticipation followed,

"We're the Winx Club!" 

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