By JaneNola

76.6K 2.9K 2.8K

All Rémy Miller has ever known are lies until someone is able to give him the life changing truth. When study... More

✨ Lie nr. 1
✨ Lie nr. 2
✨ Lie nr. 3
✨ Lie nr. 4
✨ Lie nr. 5
✨ Lie nr. 6
✨ Lie nr. 7
✨ Lie nr. 8
✨ Lie nr. 9
✨ Lie nr. 10
✨ Lie nr. 11
✨ Lie nr. 12
✨ Lie nr. 14
✨ Lie nr. 15
✨ Lie nr. 16
✨Lie nr. 17
✨ Lie nr. 18
✨ Lie nr. 19
✨ Lie nr. 20
✨ Lie nr. 21
✨ Lie nr. 22
✨ Lie nr. 23
✨ Lie nr. 24
✨ Lie nr. 25
✨ Lie nr. 26
✨ Lie nr. 27
✨ Lie nr. 28
✨ Lie nr. 29
✨ Lie nr. 30
✨ Lie nr. 31
✨ Lie nr. 32
✨ Lie nr. 33
✨ Lie nr. 34
✨ Lie nr. 35
✨ Lie nr. 36
✨ Lie nr. 37
✨ Lie nr. 38
✨ Lie nr. 39
✨ Lie Nr. 40
✨ Lie nr. 41
✨ Final Truth✨ the Epilogue

✨ Lie nr. 13

1.6K 70 84
By JaneNola


He fucked me so much better

No, I don't

Shoes on, jacket on.

Hockey rat as a personal bodyguard.


Stick to the plan.

Or don't stick to the plan.

Matter of fact the plan failed before it could start.

"Rémy walk away." I tell him as soon as my sight sets on Eli sitting on the floor against my door. I gave him a wary look, but something tells be he's not going to do whatever I tell him, especially not since Eli staggers to his feet at the sight of us.

"Not a chance." Rémy mutters and he grabs my hand, leading the way to a collision with that other trouble ridden boy at the other end of the hallway.

I tug at his hand, trying to stop a disaster from happening. "Rém, please." I beg, my voice strained. "He's going to hurt you."

He turns around and I nearly crash into his shoulder. "He can try, but I won't let him hurt you." He peers down at me while squeezing my hand.

"It's not me I'm worried about!" I grit through my teeth, irritated he's even more stubborn than I am.

"What the fuck is he doing here with you!" Eli's voice suddenly sounds too close, because it is. He's standing behind Rémy and he looks like he's about to commit murder. "I was right wasn't I." He huffs as he pushes past Rémy and forces our hands to let go. "Really Céline, him?" He gestures towards a visibly stoic Rémy, but I can tell he's about to lose it.

"What are you still doing here?" I angerly step towards Eli.

"Oh I don't know!" He throws his hands and I have never seen him this upset. "Maybe I'm trying to figure out why you're ignoring me or why you blocked my fucking number?"

"I told you! You lied to me!" I can't control myself anymore and shove my hands at his chest. My brewing anger suddenly explodes right in my face. "I asked you multiple times if anything happened at that party, because I didn't remember!" I shrug. "You said no! You lied and you continued to fucking lie to me, I even fucking slept with you!" I shove him again, but he's not letting me move him around. I could just as well shove a wall at this point. "You could have told me we kissed at the party, but you chose to lie! I thought we were friends, but friends don't lie Eli!"

At the end of my charade Eli rolls his eyes and I don't know what hurts more, the way they roll or the way they look at me next. "Oh, come on, don't act like a five-year-old Céline. It was just a kiss." My jaw drops.

"You fucking-!" I clench my teeth because I can't even come up with a word that fits this guy and his actions. I don't think I even recognize him right now. I take a deep breath and step into his personal space. "Let me guess," I bite. "It was just a silly little date, just sex too, right?"

He looks completely taken aback by what I said, but to me nothing can save this friendship. Nothing. It's over. "No, that's not what I meant." He shakes and his gaze suddenly turns desperate. "Maybe it was to you huh," the muscle in his jaw moves and his gaze wavers towards Rémy. "It has just been a few days and you're already going from one guy to the other." He cocks a menacing brow before wetting his lips. "Don't be the freshman that goes around to fuck all the older guys at campus. It's not a good look Céline. I don't think your squeaky-clean image can take it."

Petty mode activated.

"I could care less, because he fucked me so much better."

I nod towards Rémy, and his eyes instantly fly wide open, shaking his head at me as he mouths a very obvious "what are you doing?"

"Nice," Eli's evil laugh fills the narrow hallway. "I can't even be mad at you Cé, he probably talked you into it." He's taunting me with a smirk. "It's not that hard either, you're so naïve. I would know. You believe anything, as long as you throw in some compliments." And now he kills me with words too. My suspicions were spot on, it was just all about sex , maybe that's why I felt sudden disgust as soon as our clothes came off. I knew somewhere deep down, but I was too deaf to listen to that feeling. I fall silent as my thoughts wrap around my throat and there's one person that notices me struggle.

"If you had told her the truth, I wouldn't have to pity fuck your girl." Rémy suddenly expels while throwing his tall and broad body between Eli and me. His hand reaches back pushing me out of Eli's sight, his fingers caressing my hand. It's only for a brief moment, but it's enough to pull me out of my head. "I do wonder. Do you even know what she sounds like when she's enjoying herself."

My eyes are as wide as they can get, while my gaze strikes Rémy's back.

What the fuck, he's petty too.

"You're done." Elijah mutters under his breath while I suppose he pushes Rémy and his body suddenly jolts back. "She's just using you too." His voice is raw, filled with disgust and it makes my stomach turn. Rémy now loses balance as I guess Eli once more gives his chest a harsh push.

I shake my head, because I know Rémy is trying to protect me, but I don't want anyone to get hurt over me. "Eli, back off." I step out and put myself between the two guys.

"So, you're on his side now, you little bitch." Eli's scowling, towering over me and why did I think it was a good idea to bring Rémy, knowing Eli could be here.

Right, the hockey rat didn't leave me a choice.

I should have kept my foot down on this one.

I regret a lot at this point but what I regret the most right now, is ever crushing on Elijah motherfucking Wren.

"I'm on the side that doesn't lie to me." I step forward, trying to intimidate him but as expected that doesn't work. "Back off." I grit.

"Guess she likes me better now." I want to kill myself when Rémy taunts Eli. Even though he's not wrong, he shouldn't have said it out loud because now Eli is swinging his fist at Rémy and I'm stupid enough to catch it with my face.

I feel like I'm being swallowed by a vanilla scented cloud of softness. I know that scent. It's the distinctive smell of Rémy. It's probably his bodywash or laundry detergent, however only he can make vanilla smell like a handsome whip of manliness.

Yup, that hit made me lose my mind.

And self-worth.

I'm swooning over a hot walking scented candle, with a short fuse, but then again who wouldn't. This candle's hot.

Anyway, time to wake up.

My gaze starts off blurry, only a soft shape hovering over me until the outlines become sharp and pretty and... Rémy.

My head is resting in his lap, while he carefully studies my face. "There she is." A soft smile spills from his lips while his whispers fully awakes all my senses.

"What happened." I mutter, the last thing I remember being Eli's face.

Rémy shakes and only now I realize his hand has disappeared into my hair, the pressure on my scalp divine. "Something you should never do again." He clenches his jaw before his thumb slowly swipes across my bottom lip and I can feel it sting. Nibbling down on it next I can taste the blood and wince at the cut. "That was stupid." Rémy looks away and I'm left to observe his perfect jawline. "Céline, you stepped in front of a fist." He looks me right in the eye next and a shiver spreads throughout my entire body. I don't care about you stepped in front of a fist, not when he says my name so beautifully.

"He was going to hit you." I whine and pout and it visibly makes his dimples show.

"So," he shrugs and tilts his head at me in pity. "You didn't have to act as my human shield."

"You didn't have to taunt him like that." I press my lips because I know I'm just as guilty.

He rolls his eyes while his fingers tangle through my roots. "You started it." The sound of his laugh manages to make my heart swell. I feel it in my chest as it skips one precise beat. "I just followed your lead."

"Don't ever follow me when I'm in petty mode." I disagree. "She's pretty ugly."

As soon as the words leave my mouth his gaze softens on me, his eyes lingering on my lips. The way his fingers continue to stroke through my locks and how his other hand rests at my hip, it's thrilling and it's taking me back to last night. "She could never be ugly." He finally whispers with a smile, and it's the kind of smile that makes coal melt and turns them into diamonds.

"What happened to Eli?" I whisper back and lower my gaze. "Did he just leave?"

"He didn't want to at first, but I was pretty convincing that if he wanted to walk to his graduation, he walked away now."


No, he deserved it.

Rémy's hand lightly puts pressure on my hip as he grabs on to it. "What did you ever see in him by the way?" His brows lace into a frown.

"Trouble," I admit faster than I should.

"You should stay away from trouble in the foreseeable future."

I press my lips together but quickly decide to spill the first thing on my mind. "I'm not so sure." I mutter. "You're trouble too."

His gaze collides with mine in a knowing crash. He knows he's trouble; I know I won't stay away.

We both know it.

"Are you okay though?" It's a soft smile that meets me next, while his middle finger feathers the cut on my lip again, this time I'm fully aware of every spark his touch ignites. "That punch left a nice little cut."

A smirk appearing on my lips makes him pull away, while I reach out for his face. My own fingers now swiping across the cut and bruise on his lip. "Look at us, we're matching."

He playfully swats my hand away. "It's not funny."

He's laughing and I want to join him, but something in my head clicks.

Match... Math... Oh no!

"I need to go." In a frenzy I get up but Rémy grabs my hand and tries to pull me back.

"No, no, no. You're not going anywhere. You spend the last ten minutes being passed out."

"I have to." I pull away from his hand. "I have math. Last Friday, it sounded like Chinese. If I don't go today, it's going to sound like German, and trust me that's some Scheisse!"

My sudden panic seems to be funny as Rémy's laugh sounds through my dorm room. "Céline,-"

"No." I shake my head while making my way to my desk and desperately try to get my stuff together. "I can't fail, it's my only class for today. I promise I'll rest after." I swoop my bag from the floor but when I come back up a black smokescreen pulls up in front of my eyes and a ringing sound deafens anything Rémy says. I desperately grab the corner of my desk in an attempt to keep myself up, but who needs desks when you have a vanilla scented body to keep you from face diving towards the floor. The ringing sound and the black spots are being pushed away by the feeling of Rémy's arms swinging around me. He pulls me into his warm chest and his breath tickles behind my ear. "You're not going anywhere Céline." His husky voice is enough to pull me out of a daze. Instantly, brutally, exhilarating. "Here sit." He whispers into my ear once more as he rolls my desk chair back. I pout because I don't want to sit, it means he has to let go of me. Worry sharpens his features, before demanding me to take a seat. "I'm serious. Sit." I sit down and look up at him with a sad expression on my face. I'm so going to fail math. However, pleasure slams into me when his hands settle on top of my thighs and his face aligns with mine. "Let's make a deal." He mutters, giving me the puppy look of doom.

"What kind of deal?" I narrow my gaze at him.

"Since this is kind of my fault for taunting him, and that fist was obviously meant for me..." He slowly licks his lips as he tries to come up with some deal I can't resist. "I'll stay and we'll start Friday's class first and then we'll look at today's class."

I instantly frown at him, my eyes heavy. "We'll do what?"

He leans back against my desk, crossing his arms over his chest. "Math is my gig Céline. Not to sound cocky, but I'm very good at it too." He titters and amusements floods his gaze, his tongue disappearing into the corner of his mouth.

"Just so you know, that does sound cocky." I roll my eyes at him. "And smart." He chuckles and I'm sure I just blew up his ego. "So, you're going to tutor me?"

He offers a shake, playfully biting his bottom lip so subtly, however it's all I can think about until he speaks. "No, we're just going to role play." He shoots. "You're going to play this innocent little freshman who has a thing for her extremely hot math professor." He scores.

I scrunch my nose at him. "I don't have thing for my math professor."

"But you do have a thing for me." He flashes me a grin and tingles erupt inside my stomach.

"Ha!" I crack and playfully push at his arm. "No, I don't."

"Yeah you do." His chuckle is fueled with mischief, even though he's fully addressing the truth. "Look at you," He nods at me and ruthlessly checks me out as he has done many times before. "You blush every time I'm near." No, I don't, the temperature just goes up whenever you walk into a room, that's all. "You can try all you want, but you can't hide it."

My gaze flicks towards a very obvious area, one that's right at my eye level now and hiding the Loch Ness monster I met this morning. "You can't hide it either my friend." I press my lips when he's obviously a little turned on by the teasing trip we went on.

"What can I say," he cocks a knowing brow. "First year Math equations turn me on." His gaze swipes over me, too slowly to keep me sane.

Good God, All this sexual tension is making me feel dirty.

"Fine," I give in. "Is it okay if I take a shower first?"

"Sure," His smirk is making me feel all sorts of things and if I don't get out of this room now, I will resort to kissing all the tension away. "You're not dizzy anymore?" Once more worry dawns upon his gaze when he carefully watches me get up, ready to get me if he needs to.

"I'm good." I wet my lips as he takes my seat behind the desk and grabs my math textbook from the neatly stacked pile. "Chapter eleven was Friday's class."

"Positively though?" He flips open the book but his eyes linger on my lips. "I could come with you." He offers with another daunting smirk.

I see you, Miller.

I get where you're going with this.

"Negative." I mumble. "I think you tutoring me is enough torture for one day. Let's safe scrubbing my back for another one."

He leans back into the chair as he throws both hands in his neck. "I wasn't talking about scrubbing your back, I was thinking something more, you know," He can't seem to get enough of the teasing, as he looks me dead in the eye and licks his lips.

I don't let him finish as I grab a pillow of my bed and throw it right at his face. "I'll be right back."

✨ oh oh they are definitely into each other. I would love to get tutoring from Remy dammit. Also screw you Eli. You're done.

✨ do you like where this is going?

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