Till We Meet (Complete)

By ElenaImaginator

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A struggling 21-year-old young woman who got in a car accident while coming from college back to her apartmen... More



17 4 0
By ElenaImaginator

Deal or no deal? 2.

I, sit on my bedroom window looking outside the streets of New York City, these are the most favorite parts of my life.
most favorite thing I do almost every day when I get the chance, it just reflects my life. I start thinking of my life and what the fate has for me. Karen and Amanda are not around either and the house is so quiet without them, it's not like we live in the same place by the way but I like their company and the silly sleepovers we make,  they live a perfect life in the school dorms but with a different roommate, now I regret that I have never got the chance to be on the school dorms, at least I would have somebody to talk to now that heldan is no more, I see our both memories all over the house. The more I try to forget, the couch goes against me and reminds me of every single move we made on that sofa, I don't know what to do with it, throwing it out won't make anything forgettable.

not just that but the picnics how he would get me out of the house, how he put me to bed, and when he stood on the kitchen counter smiling at me while chopping up those onions and vegetables. The last person I expected to help me in my critical situation was when I got injured in an accident.

I hate to say it for one reason; I miss him, now the whole energy and light are gone, But also I love quiet places more than noise every time. And maybe that's why I never went to college dorms and shared a dorm with a foreigner, here it's Heldan who assured me wrong of how fun they are . . .

The thought of Chris comes into my mind in a dart. And I started to remember yesterday.
I feel peccant for destroying another girl's happiness, Just because of the handsome pretty face of her boyfriend.

Maybe one day, they might be together after my fake dating contract is over.
I shouldn't be so sure. Neither do I have the right to do that.
But still, I am wondering if  Chris is going to accept my ridiculous contract.

A lot of things happened in one day and seeing Kristino fucking a college student made me see his true identity and what kind of a person he truly is _ I get up and make my steps to my kitchen as I take out his magazines and photos, maybe I'm not a fan of him but someone who used to get obsessed of him.

I hate men.

I go back inside my room and I look at one special sketch, still, though I am incensed these drawings make me smile more even, the only thing that can make me angry is that it was drawn by him.

And every scene ends up coming up into my head of him and the blonde girl fucking in front of my eyes.

A knock from the door abruptly brought me back to reality, I went to the door and looked from a slight window speck and I saw that it was heldan.

I open the door and he comes inside.

"What do you want ?" I ask, he
Heeds me from behind as I move Kristino's things that he had bought and place them  into a large box
"I came to check up on you if you still alright ."
Lier, you came to fuck me.

"Heldan we ain't friends and we not in good terms ."
I take a box of matches go over to the balcony and place the box down I sit next to it and watch it burn, he stands behind me, totally thinking I'm crazy or devasted over Kristino. I watch my beautiful sketch of me burn as my eyes get damp threatening me to cry; I don't want to cry in front of him.
I regret burning that sketch.

"Baby girl, I know that Kristino rejected you ."

"And how did you know that? Did he tell you?"

"the past few weeks I was so jealous that you have found yourself a boyfriend and I was hurt so I uhm. . . . Confronted him ."

How come did I not know any of these?

"I'm sorry Hannah the thing is I only want to be with you and I won't stop following you, I won't give up on you because I love you ."

"You know what heldan, you not gonna change. what I want from you now is to focus on that girl you were kissing with at college the other day ."

His eyes begin to dart in awe. I know that he did not notice me.

"I can explain that ."

"Forget about it ."

"please ."

"Just leave my house ."

"Okay at least just take a look at me and tell me in the eye that you don't have any feelings for me ."

"What if I don't ?"

"Then I won't stop."

I stand up and look him in the eye with my hands crossed together, he gets closer to me I commence to breathe heavily as he gets closer to me.
His eyes are so callow and there is no way to tell if he is lying or neither telling the truth. But I find myself stuck with him again.
His scent and his lips and everything
about him, it's like it's all new to me.

I don't want to think about anything else than to get undressed by him, he already undressed me with his eyes, it's like getting some ice after experiencing a hot day on a long highway.

I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready.

I kiss him.

he grabs me into his arms and puts me in my bedroom.


The next morning I woke up and Heldan was already awake as always. But the smell of bacon and whatever that is in the kitchen makes me skip to brush my teeth.
I don't bathe my teeth every day, though I'm a lady but it never makes me feel like I wasn't taking care of myself.

I go to the kitchen still in my frocks and I catch Heldan preparing breakfast

"Remember those days ?" he tells me as I chuckle.
"What would make me forget? and how I used to be so mad ." I added as I sat on the counter.

I'm more triggered that he is preparing something he never did while I was still injured.
He always had to cook healthy greases and protein food, though to me it was a diet but always simple and delicious.
Those are just some of his talents, I'm not surprised because his dad is a chef and owns a restaurant in Los Angeles he also made an appearance on TV.
Heldan started to learn cooking when he used to come to his parents for the holidays and he would also learn a new recipe from his father.
I've never seen him preparing fries and bacon in person.
And I remember that he stole Karen's last breakfast dish.

"I know where these are coming from ."

"Oh yeah, well I thought I could do it much better than that man ." he says as he giggles I glare at him without a smile, "Why are you looking at me that way, he is a man."

I burst into laughter but I also feel bad because that's our best friend we talking about and it is very wrong since I love him so much. I love gays a lot.

My phone rings while we still feasting our first meal, I reach my hand to it and I open the message that pops in.
It is Chris, hopefully, Heldan doesn't see these or everything is going to be ruined.

Shit! Why this kind of way, why now?
I don't want to do this. . .after having a good night.
My heart starts to thump in my chest, I look back to Heldan and see how happy he looks and back to the message.
At that very moment, I don't know what was happening, I don't know what to call; my lips parted my jaw dropped and my eyes with hidden feelings and emotions.
"It is a deal ." what made him to agree my idea?




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