You're Hot


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[BoyxBoy] In a supernatural world where humans are ruled by mutants, Eighteen year old Benjamin Miller lives... Еще



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"In other news, His Royal Highness Prince Vlad Whitlock, has finally turned the age of eighteen, meaning that he will soon be searching for his soulma-" Dorothy turned the TV off before the news anchor could continue with what she was about to say.

"Talking about the freaks again?" Her husband asked.

"Yes." She said sighing."I don't know why people think that it's okay for us to be ruled by a bunch of freaks." She continued.

Benjamin rolled his eyes as he was making his way down the stairs. He didn't understand why his parents, and so many other humans hated the royal family. Yes, they were mutants, but they were fair to the humans. They ruled better than humans ever would, and they were just. All humans knew how to do was wage war with each other. The world was much more peaceful with the mutants incharge.

Benjamin sat at the table in the kitchen. "Talking ill about the royal family again? You know, you should really watch how you talk about mutants, don't want the next door neighbours hearing you talk ill about their kind." He taunted his mother.

"I'm not scared of these freaks." His mother huffed.

"Wow, you're not scared of someone who can throw you around like a rag doll? I definitely didn't get my bravery by you." Said Benjamin with amusement.

"Why are you so against mutants being incharge anyways?" Benjamin continued.

"It's not right Benjamin, humans are capable of ruling themselves." Said Dorothy.

"But are they though?" Benjamin questioned."All humans care about is power. I'm sure if they were incharge, a nuclear war would have already broken out. And you speak as if all mutants are the same, my boss is a mutant, and he's one of the nicest people I know."

"That's not true." Dorothy argued. "You're talking like we aren't intelligent beings."

"Trust me mom, most humans I know are definitely not intelligent beings. I know dogs that are smarter than them." Benjamin argued back.

"I don't get you, Ben." His mother sighed in frustration. "Why are you like this? Your father and I raised you better than that. It seems that you can't tell the difference between what's wrong and what's right."

Benjamin sighed. "Mom I think it's you who don't know right from wrong. Why can't you see that the Royal family being mutants is a good thing?"

"Alright, that's enough from you young man. I don't like the way you're speaking to your mother." Said Paul.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. "I'm eighteen years old, dad. I'm allowed to have my own opinions."

Benjamin was tired of his parents telling him what he should do, how he should act, what he should say, what he should think. He was tired of all the what's and how's. He was an adult, and could make his own decisions.

"As long as you're living in my house, under my roof, you have no opinions. Whatever opinions your mother and I have, are going to be your opinions. And right now, our opinion is that we do not want these freaks in charge of us." His father said.

"Well if you think that I'm going to share your opinion by supporting that terrorist group, you're dead wrong."

Without saying another word, Benjamin stood up from where he was seating. He no longer had the appetite to eat breakfast. He grabbed his bag and started making his way to the door.

"Where are you going? You haven't eaten breakfast yet." His mother told him.

Benjamin turned to look at his mother. "I'm going somewhere where my opinions matter."

"Ben! Get back here. You can't go to work on an empty stomach." His mother said, but he played her no mind.

"Let him go." His father said to his mother.

Benjamin stepped out of his house and was immediately hit by the cold wind. He shivered and pulled his coat tighter around himself. The sky was overcast, and the clouds looked like they could burst at any moment. The trees along the road were bare, and the grass was brown and crisp. The only sound that could be heard was the rustling of the leaves as the wind blew through them.

Benjamin walked down the road, his breath visible in the cold air. He passed by a few houses, but there was no sign of life. It was as if everyone was still asleep. Benjamin continued walking, and soon he reached the main road. Cars zoomed past him, splashing water on him as they went. Causing him to flip them off.

The sidewalks were slippery, and Benjamin had to be careful not to slip. He walked past a few shops, but they were all closed. It was still early in the morning, and people were probably still getting ready for the day. Benjamin finally reached his workplace, and to his disappointment, it was still closed, meaning that he would have to stand in the cold for an extra ten minutes until someone with a key comes to open up.

It was dangerous for humans to be out on their own, there have been reports of mutants attacking humans lately. It was in an effort to send a message to the Human Liberation Army that mutants are still superior to humans. So Benjamin was feeling a bit uneasy standing there by himself.

After a few minutes in the cold with Benjamin constantly looking over his shoulder, his boss finally came and opened up the restaurant.

"You're early today." His boss observed. "That's a first."

It's true, Benjamin was not the type of person to be on time. Ever. He would norally snooze him alarm multiple times, and wake up about ten minutes  before he starts work. He would then proceed to rush to do everything, and halfway through his morning routine, he would stop rushing because he was going to be late anyways.

"I have finally decided to be punctual." Said Benjamin.

His boss laughed, knowing that that was not the case. "You will decide to be punctual when cats can fly."

"Yeah? Well my cat has been flying all morning." Said Benjamin with slight amusement in his tone.

"Do you even have a cat?" Jerry asked him as they made their way inside of the warm restaurant.

Benjamin shook his head. "No, but I'd like to believe that I have one that can fly. Are there mutant cats?" Asked Benjamin.

"How should I know?"

"Well out of the two of us, you're the mutant." Said Benjamin as the two made their way deeper into the restaurant.


"Oh my god, did you hear? The prince is finally eighteen."

"No way really? I thought he had a couple more years until then."

"Imagine being his soulmate. He's so hot."

"Don't get your hopes up, the prince can only be mated to a mutant."

"Thats not true, there are mutants with human soulmates. Those lucky bastards."

"Yeah, but it's really rare. And the prince is an A level mutant, so I don't think it's possible in his case."

Benjamin finally cleared his throat, disrupting the conversation the two girls were having. This has been the main topic for the entire day. Everyone in the northern continent of Solara, and possibly even in the world was talking about Prince Vlad Whitlock finally being of age to find his soulmate. Even Benjamin was getting tired of hearing about the Prince.

After getting the order from the two girls, Benjamin made his way to the kitchen, and as expected, even the chefs were talking about the prince.

"Dude has been around for eighteen hundred years and is just eighteen? How does that even make sense?" Said a cook.

"We mutants don't age the same way that you humans do." Said the head chef.

"Honestly I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse."

"Definitely a blessing. Imagine all the things you would be able to do in your lifetime." Said the cook dreamily.

Once Benjamin got the orders, and was back in the main dinning room of the restaurant, he over heard more conversations about the Royal family.

"Didn't you hear, the prince is finally eighteen." Said one old lady.

"I heard that mutants from all over the world will be making their way to the castle to see if they are mated to the prince." Said a middle aged man.

"Mommy, what's a soulmate?" Asked a little girl.

"I have never even seen the Royal family in person." Said a young woman.

"I heard that the prince is fine as hell." Said a teenage boy.

Benjamin wanted to scream. As much as he was in favour of mutants ruling over humans, he was not a fan that that was the only topic he heard wherever he turned.

When work was over, Benjamin was relieved. Finally, he didn't have to hear about the Royal family for the rest of the day. Well... at least thats what he thought to himself.

Just before anyone could leave the restaurant to go home, his boss calls an emergency meeting.

Benjamin could literally cry at this point. All he wanted to do was go home, lie in his bed, and eat junk food while watching his favourite TV programme. Was that really too much to ask?

Benjamin drags his feet to the room where his boss was having the meeting. Everyone stood restlessly, awaiting the beginning of this so called 'emergency meeting.'

When everyone was in the room, his boss began to speak.

"Ok, thank you all very much for coming, I know that you guys are really tired and all you want to do is just go home and rest, believe me I want to do the same, but I just got some news." He said, and the room became a buzz with chatter.

Benjamin's boss raised his hand in the air, and the chatter dies down."I'm just gonna get straight to the point. I know I have joked in the past about my restaurant being one of the best in the continent, but it turns out that this was really not a joke." He continued.

Benjamin rolled his eyes. 'This guy just said that he was going to get straight to the point, and here he is giving his entire origin story.' Benjamin thought to himself.

"Basically, what I'm trying to say is that, His and Her Grande Majesty the King and Queen, has taken note of my restaurant, and has made a request that some of my staff come work in the royal castle as part the restaurant staff." Jerry said with excitement.

That caused Benjamin's full attention to focused on what Jerry was saying. Working at the Royal castle? He didn't know if he should be excited or scared.

"Only a few individuals will be selected by the hospitality management team from the Royal castle." He continued.

"Why would you give up some of your staff to work for the Royal family?" Asked the head chef.

"Because they will be paying more money than I will ever make in my entire life, and whoever is selected will also be making morethan double what they make right now. Also you can't deny a request fron the Royal family." Answered Jerry.

Benjamin raised his hand."Do you know who they will be choosing?" He asked. Benjamin desperately wanted to be among those that got selected to work at the Royal castle, because he definitely wanted to make more money so that he could move out of his parents house.

"No, I don't know who will be selected, but the process will be happening tomorrow. People from the palace will come here, and based on certain criteria, you will be chosen." Said Jerry.


So this is the first chapter of this book. I really hope that you enjoy it enough to stick around for chapter two.

If you did enjoy this first chapter, please be kind enough to vote.

Love you


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