Supernatural Beings: Strive S...

By MangaStoryFan

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The world as we know it has come to an end... The human race has fallen to its dismay... There's zero hope of... More

Heads Up!
Strive 1: The light Within The Dark
Strive 2: The Beginning
Strive 3: Cherish
Strive 4: I'll Protect You.
Strive 5: Despair
Strive 6: Expressive
Strive 7: Escape!
Strive 8: Question And Choices.
Strive 9: A Short Break.
Strive 10: Invincible monster.
Strive 11: Supernatural Form.
Strive 12: Going Berserk?!
Strive 13: Tao Is Tao.
STRIVE 15: Quiet Moment.
Strive 16: Getting Comfortable
Strive 17: To The Meeting!
Strive 18: A Second Chance
Strive 19: Questioning
Strive 20: Oh hey, The Tour!
Strive 21: Oh Dear, The Tour...
Strive 22: The Daily #1
Strive 23: Sorrow
Strive 24: Building Up
Strive 25: Come Back!
Strive 26: Tao's Resolved
Strive 27: The Ambush
Strive 28: Another Supernatural?!
Strive 29: Broken Minds, Innocent Souls
Strive 30: Going 100%! Kuma's Saved!
Strive 31: 101%! I'm Saving Tao!
Strive 32: The Next Step!
Strive 32.5 Part 1: Tao's Event #1
Strive 32.5 Part 2: Tao's Event #2
Strive 33: The Wall!
Strive 34: Discovering
Strive 35: The Angel and The Children.
Strive 36:Being Desperate
Strive 37: Struggle
Strive 38: More Questions, Little Answers...
Strive 39: Let's Chat In The Meeting!
Strive 40: Opinions.
Strive 41: A brief Rest.
Strive 42: Reviewing Before Daily #1
Strive 43: The Daily #2 Part 1
Strive 44: The Daily #2 Part 2
Strive 45: Kibishi's Emotional Dilemma
Strive 46: Taogeta's Emotional Dilemma
Strive 47: The Devil's Body Parts?!
Strive 48: To The Meeting Again!!!
Strive 49: One Shot!
Strive 50: Looking Closer
Strive 51: A Clue!
Strive 52: Theories Without Facts?
Strive 53: The Plan Moving Forward
Strive 53.5 Part 1: Tao's Event #3
Strive 53 Part 2: Tao's Event #4
Strive 54: Check Upon
Strive 55: To The Meeting #3
Strive 56: Two Tunnels
Strive 57: Creepy...
Strive 58: Going Deeper
Strive 59: Surprise!
Strive 60: De-Stress The Stresser
Strive 61: Planning The Next Move
Strive 62: I'd Rather Be Weak Than Cold
Strive 63: The Move
Strive 64: The Holy Tree
Strive 65: Detecting The Traps
Strive 66: It's Hidden!
Strive 67: It's Coming!!
Strive 68: Red Tide!
Strive 69: Plan And Counter!
Strive 70: Thank You
Strive 71: The Upper Tunnel Final Struggle
Strive 72: Humanity First Victory
Strive 73: Day Off Babe!
Strive 74: Akuma's Hobby
Strive 75: Strange, Isn't It?

Strive 14: H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y.

12 1 68
By MangaStoryFan

Kibishi's POV

Akuma, Tao, and I was walking for about an hour and a half now. It's a bit of a drag but we got no choice but to keep moving. But still, I got something in mind I wanted to say...

"Um, Kuma. Did the group make it okay?" I asked.

"Hmm...yeah?" Akuma said.

"Why did you make it sound like...-" Tao began saying in a worried way.

"Oh, most of them are fine. The thing is...four of them got killed off by that monster back there." Akuma says with a frown.

"They what? Who?!" I panicked. I stop walking and held my stomach "Who got killed?!"

" dark skin with braids, his friend with white hair. There's a former hunter who was helping us until getting captured and finally, a nurse who was working with us..." Akuma said.

"Dark skin..." I frown.

"White hair...Kishi..." Tao frowns.

"They're...gone..." I narrow my eyes in sadness "How can that be?! We were talking just yesterday and-...!" I held my head with my free hand "Damn it..."

"You know them?" Akuma asks while carrying me once more.

"Yeah, Shuan and Mary. They're our cellmates next door. We always laugh together when times get tough."   I mentioned.

"They're best friends just Kishi and me. It's...very upsetting that they didn't make it..." Tao looks at me "I'd imagine how tough it is to see someone close to you dying in your arms. Then you follow them afterward..." 

"....Oh...." Akuma frowns "If only I knew...I would've made sure to tighten our group more...sorry..."

"No, it's fine..." I look at my right hand "...We have to stay strong. It's heart aching but- I can't let this slow us down." 

Scratch! Scratch!

"Kishi...?" Tao call out my name.

"Come here, Tao. Let's send them to a better place." I asked while bending my knee and writing their names. Tao joins and claps her hands and closes her eyes. I join in and do the same.

"Please guide them to a better place," I said.

"Guide and protect them in the other life. We'll live for them and achieve our goal. Let us thank the people who save us, let us thank the people who guide us. I pray that you teach the ways. Ahem." Tao closes the prayer.

We both stand up.

"You guys pray?" Akuma asked.

"Well, I don't always but Tao does. Every night before we go to sleep and before we start the day. It's just last night she didn't do it." I explain to Akuma.

"I see. Religious, Tao?" Akuma asked.

"...Not sure. It sorts of just...feel right praying, is all. Like I have to do it every night and day. It kept me a bit sane. Of course, Kishi does 95% of that." Tao states.

"Interesting," Akuma looks forward and then smiles "Ah, look! The end of the tunnel!"

"Ooh!" I shouted in excitement.

"The exit! It's bright!" Tao says with joy.

"C'mon, Tao! Let's head to H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y.!!!" Akuma shouted in excitement. 

Tao nodded then look at me "Kishi...!"

"Yeah, we're taking the first step to freedom!" I smiled.

The light was bright. It felt warm. I can feel the excitement from within my heart. This new world from the shadow of this dark one. I wonder what awaits us. What will we see? What will we face? 

Well, whatever it is, it's way better than being tortured. 

H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y., huh? Sounds like an interesting name for a group of people to be called. I wonder what's the meaning behind it. Why the name "humanity"

Why they're trying to find people like us? Are we really that special?

I understand Tao but why me? Nothing I did major impacted anything. Or at least I don't think it did. 


I can ask all of my questions to them. They do have the answers, right? I wonder why this world is underground. Hmm...

"So many questions...yet so little time..." I whisper softly.

"Hmm? Are you okay, Kishi?" Tao asked.

"More or less," I smiled "Probably thinking too much here. Forget about it, Tao."

"Are you sure? Want me to carry you on my back?" She asked.

"That's sweet of you but no. You're tired and hurt just like the rest of us. I don't want to burn you out." I said.

"Okay then," Tao take out the mashed meat from earlier "I know it's mashed but try to gather the strength to walk, Kishi. I won't sleep tonight without knowing your health conditions."

"Thank you, Tao." I take a bite and chew on the meat.

I look forward. 

The light is getting closer. This feeling...this place. I have a feeling that our answer will be beyond this point. Ready or not, we will have to answer all of our questions with "H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y.'s" help.

The light...shines all over our bodies...

Our story...begins...

Arc 1: The Hopes for Humanity 

We walk past a couple of buildings and houses. I briefly see stores and whatnot, but my focus was to rest myself and get some sleep.

Once we walk a couple of blocks, we stop at the center of the streets. We saw a large building with a sign on it. Or, at least that's how Tao explains to me.

"Here, we are!" Akuma let go of me "I would carry you more, but Kibun will lose it if he sees me with a boy! I would totally do it if you weren't hurt, Kibi!"

"Why wouldn't he want you with a boy? I don't get it?" I asked.

"Hmm...I think I understand but- nonetheless, you're helping the injured and not some random stranger you met 5 minutes ago." Tao said.

"Right?! Anyway, I'll get the door for you two!" Akuma runs towards the door with excitement. 


"Uhuhu!~ We found them, we found them! ~ Kibun's mind will fucking explode! ~" Akuma sings at the end of her sentence. 

"Kuma looks excited," I said.

"Yes, but a little "too" excited for me..." Tao bluntly says while closing her eyes.

"H.U.M.A.N.I.T. Y's last hope hotline, what's your- huh?! Akuma return Kibun!" A man shouted in excitement from the small box.

"It's about time that fucking brat returns here! She's such a pain in the ass!" A scary man shouted from the box.

Akuma rolls her eyes "Look, man. You can chew me out later but can we please get Mato to check on three patients right now? It's been a looonnnggg day..." 

"That's what you get for sneaking away before following instructions...AGAIN!" The kibun person yelled out. "Ah, shut up and just let us in, old man. You might be my "parent", but you aren't my dad! You didn't birth me!"

"Why you no good-!" 

"Now, now." The first voice appears once more. "Those two are Kibishi and Taogeta, correct? Let me take care of them, Akuma! I am a doctor after all!"

"Wait..." Akuma's eyes widen "Mato?! Holy shit, my dude! I didn't know you were in the front task today?!"

"Well, I wasn't here for long. I just walk by and hear your ringing. Anyway, I'm opening the door now. Welcome, Kibishi, Taogeta!" This Mato person greets us. "Tch! We're not done here, Akuma! After this, you and I will have a very long talk..." Kibun says in a deadly tone.

"Oh no... dad mode already? Such a pain in the ass, that Kibun! ~" Akuma complains.

"...." Tao and I look at each other.

This is...welcoming...

Supernatural Beings


Mato's office...

A green hair with a phony tail and a doctor's outfit was patching my wounds after finding Tao's. Well, the ones outside like the face, arms, and neck. The others were left alone. Same with my treatment.

"Damn, these wounds are too deep, I can't treat them all. Those scars were there for 10 or so years. I can't do anything about it, sorry." Mato apologies.

"It's fine! Thank you for treating us, Mato!" I smiled.

"Indeed! You help Kishi feel better! I'm in your debt! Akuma's own as well!" Tao cheerfully says. 

"Haha, no worries. And debts? Are you sure you want to say that to total strangers?" Mato asks while putting away the gloves he put on earlier.

"Yes. Kishi's life is saved thanks to you all. I have to repay you somehow!" Tao blushes "I was worried sick when I saw Kishi in such a state. I thought he was too damaged to heal fully. My heart aches whenever I saw Kishi's face when he's in pain."

"...Oh?" Mato blinks.

"Uh-huh..." Kibun narrows his eyes "I can see where this is going..."

"Right, right! She's so cute when she goes full moe for Kibi! So cute! ~" Akuma says while holding her face while laughing.

"Ahh!" Mato chuckled "Now I understand!"

"Geez, teenagers these days..." Kibun says with a small sigh.

"Hmm?" I tilt my head.

"Hehehe! ~" Akuma was staring at Tao and me with a silly grin. "Okay then..." I softly spoke.  "I see we have guessed!" a female yet playful voice says while footsteps were heard. It reveals a female with purple hair, a t-shirt, black jeans, and black boots "Hello!~" 

"O-oh, hello there..." I greet the woman.

"*Gasp* Is that the girl who went crazy over a boy she-!" The woman covers her mouth "Whoops, don't want to say anything. We have to let it bloom on its own. Hehe! ~"

"Please to meet you. I'm Taogeta, but you can call me "Tao" for short." Tao greets the woman. She bows towards the woman "Thank you all for saving Kishi. I'm in your debt." 

"Oh...OOOH MY GOSH! SO CUTE! ~ IT'S LIKE THAT?!" The purple hair girl asked.

"It's like that!" Akuma says with a wide grin.


"You should've seen them in the cell! They! Were! Hugging!" Akuma fangirl, I think.

"NO WAY!!! WHY DIDN'T YOU TAKE A PICTURE?!" The girl asked.

"I was in the moment! I never saw such passion before in my life! My heart sinks with the wholesomeness of those two! I was ready to die for them!" Akuma said.

"KYA! THAT MISSION WAS WORTH IT!" The girl screams.

"I know right?!" Akuma agrees. 

I blush for some reason. I don't know why but those two are embarrassing to watch. Why they're so excited to see us?




" girls are too loud. Stop reading those romance novels late at night..." A male's voice appears. Then a man with short yellow hair, a junk suit, and brown boots walk in "We all had to give the survivors who came to her shelter, damn it. You two need to be a bit quieter around here.

"Yo, Mark! How are ya' man? Got a chick to have intercourse with yet or are you still on the hub?" Akuma asks bluntly.

"Nah! Still on the hub. It is free after all. And I can use one hand!" This Mark guy commented.

"True!" Akuma agreed.

"That's gross..." Kibun commented.

"It is normal though Kibun. Course, talking about it near strangers is not." Mato comment. "Yo man, chill. We're all family here. There's no need to hide things from one another." Mark said. "That would be true if you didn't have guessed, Mark. You ruined the wholesome mood here!" the purple hair girl complains. 

"Hmm? Oh hey, it's them, right? The ones that Akuma hunts down for, Ashely?" Mark asks Ashely who was the purple hair girl's name.

"Yuuuppp! And we hit the jackpot! ~ They're wholesome! ~ They're not as bad as the report gives us! ~" Ashley sings in between her sentences.

"Oh, hell ya'! We need some of those after the shit we have been through over the past few days!" Mark smiled.

"U-um..." I was shaking, not going to lie. So. Many. People!

"Hmm? Kibi?" Akuma looks at me with concern "You're shaking all of a sudden..."

"Kishi!" Tao look at me in a worried way and rush to my side. Once she makes it to my side, went close to my face and place her forehead with mine. I blushed. "U-um, Tao-"

"Sheesh..." Tao closes her eyes for a bit. "Hmm...not sign of fever or any sickness. Though you're a bit hot now." she backs up a bit and held both of my hands "Kishi is okay! Thank goodness, I was so worried that you would've been ill due to all of that walking around we did!"

"Y-yeah..." my eyes swirl.

"Hmm? Oh no!" Tao held both of my cheeks with a frightened look "Your anxiety is kicking in! I'm sorry for not realizing it sooner!" 

"It's fine...T-Tao! I c-can still talk, haha..." I tried to comfort my friend.

"Kishi..." Tao frowns.

"Oh shit. I guessed because he was crowded all of his life that it made him shy whenever there's a crowd near him." Akuma suggested.

"No, Kishi just shy in general. He's only like this to new people. The reason for not showing that all the time was that he cares more about my life than his social skills. That, and he's learning to talk to more people. I find that sweet!" Tao said. This made me snap out of my anxiety a bit "Tao..."

"He was never like that when I treat him though," Mato said.

"I think it's only girls he's nervous around. For the most part. That's why I suggested not being around them unless you're sure you can handle it." Tao said.

"Um..." Ashely frowns.

"Ah...I just figured out why Tao's personality type when it comes to Kibi." Akuma says softly.

"Yandere, right?" Mark said.

"Mm." Akuma, Mato, Kibun, Ashely, and Mark grunt in a union.

A what?

I look at Tao as she giggles softly while closing her eyes. Ah, whatever. It's probably not important!

"Anyway, let's finish this in the morning. Kibi and Tao need the rest tonight." Akuma suggested.

"Right, right. As a doctor, I'm more concerned about their body so resting is the top priority above everything else." Mato smiled. "Good idea! I'll go make room for them as the maid of the house! ~" Ashely says while walking away from us. "And I'll hook up the ac for them to keep cool day and night! Oh, maybe a flat-screen tv for each room! Better get to work!" Mark runs out of the place. 

"I'll prepare their new uniforms for missions," Kibun says while rubbing his neck. He started to walk a bit but then stops. He stares at Tao "..."

"Hmm?" Tao looks back "Is something wrong?"

"No... it's just...nothing. Welcome to H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y. Tao..." Kibun says with a bright smile. Hmph. For some reason, this sort of made me a bit angry. I don't know why though. Kibun walked off.

"OOh!!~ Someone's jealous, huuuhh?" Akuma says with a bit of tease.

"I'm not jealous!" I say with a surprised expression.

"Hmm?" Tao tilted her head at me while resting her body on my legs "Kishi?"

"Hmph..." I smiled "It's okay. *pat* *pat* There's no need to worry." 

Tao giggles at my head pats.

"I'm going to invent a few things down at my shop! Akuma, remind Mark to meet me there before the leader arrives!" Mato commented and then walk away from the area.

"Hmm..." I frowned.

"What's wrong, Kishi?" Tao asked.

"I wanted to ask some questions, but everyone left," I said.

"Oh well. We can do that tomorrow, Kishi." Tao suggested.

"Righto! Let me cook you two up something! Brb!" Akuma started to run out of the room. But she stops and looks back "Oh, by the way, don't be afraid to ask questions if you need to about "H.U.M.A.N.I.T.Y."! I'll help any way I can too, of course!" 

Akuma ran out of the room.

I blink.

Hmm...well, aren't they something. For people that meant a group of people to help humans, they're more so a friend group than an organization that's the last hope for humanity. 

Hehe...I suppose I prefer it to a super serious one at any time!

To Be Continued...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! Later!

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