ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

By DCLGalloway

452 232 126

Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... More

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7

11 8 2
By DCLGalloway

Act 2

As Sky, his crew and the Straw Hats looks down from their ship, marines, as well as Fukitsu's crewmen begin to crowd the docks outside the compound. They aim their guns high and prepare for an imminent attack. Surrounding the compound, Fukitsu's fleet encircles the dock area, while a hundred more Navy ships are positioned in a ring, surrounding the outer layers of the complex. 

As the ships begin firing, wasting no time in bombarding the lighthouse fleet, one of Sky's crewmen rushes toward him. "Sky! They've already begun the attack. All nearby vessels are firing!"

Sky nods. "And what is the positioning of the rest of their fleet?"

"Fukitsu's fleet is stationed right outside the docks. And there's about 100 Navy ships creating an outer ring around the compound."

Sky thinks for a moment. "Alright. Tell the main ship to return fire immediately, don't disembark yet. We'll take care of the rest."

"Right away!" The crewman runs off toward the bridge. 

 Sky then turns to his crew. "Okay, this is it--everyone ready?"

Tydal steps forward confidently. "You know we're ready! What's the plan?"

"Tydal and Tiff--take your ships and run through the left flank. Bara and Chong--you take the right. Plow them through, and don't stop until every ship is sunk."

"Got it! Let's go!" Tydal, Tiff, Bara and Chong dash away, making their way back to their own ships. 

Sky turns to the Straw Hats. "Straw Hats, all of you follow...wait, where's Luffy?" Sky looks around, realizing that Luffy is not with the group.

"Oh no!" Nami whines.

They run to the tip of the bow and look over the side. Sure enough, Luffy is flying down through the air, heading straight into the soldiers. When he lands, he quickly begins to blast a series of powerful shots, sending the crewmen flying in all directions.

"That idiot is at it again!" Sanji exclaims. 

Sky faces them and grins. "Let's join him!"

The Straw Hats smile and prepare themselves. Moments later, each of them leaps from the bow, falling through the air together, avoiding bullets as they whiz past their heads. They land gracefully on the docks, and join Luffy in his fight. Robin clutches, Nami electrocutes, Zoro and Sanji take turns slashing and kicking, and Sky sends energy bursts of blue air slicing through the crowd. Before long, the entire dock has been cleared.

High above them, in the chamber room, Fukitsu watches the battle on the docks swiftly come to an end. "So, the Straw Hats are here." He then shifts his eyes to Sky's fleet. While the center ship remains still, firing from both sides at Fukitsu's fleet, the other two ships on each side begin to make their way around the ring of Navy ships, plowing into them with the ship's massive bulk.   

And officer steps beside Fukitsu. "Sir, the Navy ships won't last long. Seven ships have gone down already, and your fleet is under heavy fire as well."

Fukitsu nods slowly. "That's fine. The Navy is only here to provide a distraction to break up his forces. Divided they will fall much faster." He shifts his gaze to Lunya and Aiku, who remain dangling by their arms in the line of prisoners. As he watches them, the machine shifts and the girls fall one more rung down. "Desperation will soon take control of his mind." 

"Your next orders, sir?"

"Open the wall. Let him see his family. And deploy the Drakens."

"Yes, sir!" The officer turns and runs over to a large lever located near the front of the room. He pushes the device down, then steps back to watch. 

With a series of mechanical groans, the entire upper front wall of the complex begins to swing open, revealing the top layer of prisoners to the open air. Their screams for help can be heard by the crew below, who all gaze up toward the sound.

The Straw Hats look on in shock. "What the hell is that?" Zoro barks. 

"Are those his prisoners?!" Robin wonders. 

Sanji jumps forward. "That's not a prison--that's a torture chamber!"

Sky examines the structure. "Yes. This is Tomb Aqueous. I've never seen it in person myself, but I've heard it's nightmare."

They watch as another set of prisoners on the bottom layer are plunged into the ocean.

Nami gasps. "What the--did he just kill them?!"

Sky nods sadly. "This is not a place of punishment or purgatory. It's his own personal death row."

"That's insane!" Sanji comments, disgusted.

 Robin covers her mouth. "He's a devil..."

"Now you're really asking for it!" Luffy shouts, slamming his fists together.

Sky faces them. "Now you understand who this man is. And why we have to--"

"Sky, look!" Nami interrupts him, pointing up at the tower. 

Sky spins around and followers her finger, suddenly discovering that Lunya and Aiku are trapped in the device with the rest of the prisoners. "...Aiku! Lunya!" He screams. He runs forward, but is quickly stopped by Zoro.

"Just wait a minute!" Zoro commands. "You can't go rushing in by yourself. We have to think this through."

Sky hesitates, but soon relents and takes a step back. "You're right."

"Perhaps I can help you make a decision on that matter..." A sweet, angelic voice rings out from the border of the docks. 

The groups turns to see a young girl, about fifteen years old, hovering above the waterline next to one of the docking areas. She is clad in all white, from her thin robes, to her snowy hair, to her ghostly eyes. She is barefoot, with a pair of long silky sashes wafting in the breeze behind her back like wings. 

"A Draken!" Sky announces. 

Nami is confused. "Who, her? She's just a little girl."

Sky turns to them. "Never underestimate a Draken. It will be the last thing you do." Sky faces the Draken again. "Her name is Ga. And she is a monster. She's responsible for the deaths of hundreds of my men."

Ga floats silently, watching them with cold eyes. 

Zoro smirks and steps forward, holding the hilt of one sword. "Hm. Sounds like an interesting challenge..." Zoro narrows his eye and shifts into a fighting stance. "Head inside. I've got this."

Nami agrees. "That's right, remember the plan! You and Sanji take care of this. We have to get inside the compound."

"What?! I didn't think you were serious about that!" Zoro stammers. 

"Of course I was, now get to work so we can go!" Nami scolds. Zoro fumes.

Luffy chuckles. "You got this guys! Give'em hell!" He runs toward the entrance of the compound. The rest of the group follows.

Ga giggles softly. "No matter. You won't get far."

Nami looks back at her. "Get ready to have your ass kicked, little girl!" Ga giggles again. 

Sanji lights a cigarette and comes beside Zoro. "Look, this isn't exactly a fantasy of mine either..." He blows out his smoke and looks to the sky. "So there's only one thing we can do."

Zoro nods and draws his swords. "End this quickly."

Zoro and Sanji stand confidently in front of Ga. Zoro places a sword in his mouth, Sanji sticks his hands in his pockets. 

Ga smiles evilly. "My...aren't you eager. This will be fun."

As Sky and the rest of the Straw Hats come inside the first floor of the tower, Sky stops and looks up, seeing a narrow spiral staircase leading to the top. "Here--this stairwell will take us right to the top."

"We have to climb all those stairs?!" Luffy protests.

"No, look..." Sky pulls down a small lever on the side of the stairs. The group watches as the steps begin to spiral upward, like a giant corkscrew. "They're mechanical."

"That's a relief!" Nami remarks. 

"Let's go!" Luffy shouts, running forward.

But just before he can reach the first stair, one of his legs is wrapped and pulled backwards by a line of red liquid. Luffy stumbles to the ground and looks around. "What happened?"

The group follows the red line to the center of the room. There, they see a dark red blob emerging from a small, circular drain. They watch as it takes shape, forming into the figure of a man. When he is fully formed, his appearance resembles a vampire. With a white face, pointed ears, sunken dark eyes, and two fangs jutting out from his two front teeth. He is dressed in black, outlining the shape of his body, which is large and bulbous at the top, and thinning as it reaches his skinny legs. His screeching cackle fills the room.    

"Who the hell is that?!" Nami wonders, studying his bizarre figure.

Robin steps beside her. "I believe that's our second Draken." 

The man smiles and licks his lips. "Io is the name, my ladies. And blood is my little game." He cackles. 

Nami's face wrinkles with frustration. "This is the guy we have to fight?!"

Luffy steps forward. "Whoa, he looks like a crazy vampire! Hey guy, are you Dracula or something?"

Io cackles again. "I suppose I've been called worse. But at least I'm not a child clinging to foolish hopes and dreams." He glares at Luffy.

Luffy's anger boils. "What did you say about me?"

"Are you deaf too? Must be an intelligence issue."

Luffy growls and shakes his fist. "How about I end you right now!" He swings his arm back. "Gum-gum--PISTOL!" His hardened arm flies toward Io at full speed. But when it reaches him, it passes straight through, splatting blood against the wall behind him. Luffy is shocked and quickly retracts his arm. "Did I get him?"

Nami shakes her head. " went straight through him."

"But where did the blood come from?"

Io laughs. "I can do anything I want with my blood, boy. It's easy when you can control it." He lifts a hand into the air as it turns to red liquid.

"The blood-blood fruit..." Robin remarks quietly. 

"Good! It's fortunate my reputation has proceeded me. Now I don't need to waste anymore time with you."

Robin's look of surprise changes to determination. "Luffy, Sky. Time for you to go."

Sky looks to Robin. "Right! Come on Luffy." He starts to make his way up the stairs. 

"You sure you got this?" Luffy asks.

Robin nods and smiles. "We'll figure something out. We always do."

Nami jumps beside her in a panic. "That's easy for you to say, miss big hands! Are you sure we can't switch with Zoro and Sanji? There's still time isn't there!?"

Luffy laughs at her. "Relax, Nami! You might be able to do something."

"Thanks for the confidence, captain!" She quips. 

Sky looks back to Luffy. "Come on, Luffy--hurry!" 

"Right!" Luffy runs up the stairs as the spiral begins to rotate.     

Robin and Nami face Io again. Confidence returns to their posture. 

Io smiles. "Oh, what a treat. Fresh blood." He licks his lips again. 

Meanwhile, across the sea at Lighthouse Empire, the Straw Hats and the security guard begin to launch their first attacks. 

"FIRE!" One of the crewman calls out. 

With a thunderous sound, multiple shots ring out from the city, launching cannon balls into the first Navy ships. A few of the shots are successful, landing crucial blows, yet it is not nearly enough to thwart the onslaught of ships.

Tydus comes beside the cannoneers. "Keep firing, boys! Don't let up until we run out of cannon balls!"

"Right! Fire again!"

More cannons fire rapidly. 

Franky equips his eye scope once again, and focuses on the front line of ships. Moments later, he sees the light from their cannons. "Return fire incoming!" He calls out.

"Everyone behind the wall!" Tydus commands.

The guard and the Straw Hats run forward and crouch behind the curved wall. The Navy's attack is swift and precise, and as the cannon balls impact, they strike a few vital points on the side of structure, blowing holes above the water line and destroying a few of guard's cannons.  

Tydus peeks his head over the wall. "Clear for now!" The guard rises to their feet and return to their stations. Tydus then pulls one of the men aside. "Send a few men down to the impact points! Make sure they repair any damage as soon as it happens. Send as many as you need."

"Got it!" The crewman orders a few of his men to follow him, then runs below deck. 

Tydus turns back to the cannoneers. "Keep firing! Return fire until--"

"Incoming!" Franky calls out again, as more cannon balls arc through the air above them.

"Take cover!" Tydus yells. 

The guard stays hidden behind the wall as the Navy's cannons impact again. This time the attack is more severe, destroying sections of the wall and blasting many crewman into the rubble.

Usopp looks through his goggles to take note of the Navy's position. He turns to Franky. "This is getting us no where. The marines are only getting closer, and we haven't taken out any of their ships yet. At this rate the entire city is going to be sunk in minutes!"

Brook agrees. "I don't think the guard was even prepared for something like this. They won't be able to hold out much longer."

"Yeah, and not to mention if they get close enough, they'll start to board and invade the city. We have to find a way to stop them before they get a chance to do that."

Franky thinks for a moment. Then an idea pops into his head. "Alright. I've got an idea. Didn't think I would have to use it in a situation like this, but here we are."

"What is it?"

Franky abruptly turns and dashes away. "No time to discuss--I'll be right back!"

"Wha--where are you going!? You can't leave us here!"

"Hold them off for just a few more minutes!" Franky calls back to them, then runs below deck.

Brook sighs. "And...he's gone."

Usopp worries for a moment, but soon steadies his emotions and stands tall. "Alight then, we're on our own for now. So let's make them proud!" He strikes a pose. "It's time for Captain Usopp to shine!" He brings his giant slingshot in front of him and digs in his bag to find the right item. He removes a big blue ball and loads it into his sling. "This should buy us some time!" He pulls the sling backwards and aims. "Special attack--FLYING FISH STAR!"

With of burst of speed, he fires the blue ball into the air. As it nears the Navy ships, the ball explodes, releasing a flurry of flying fish, raining down on the first line of ships. The sharp fins of the fish slice through the sails, disabling the speed of the vessels, and sending the sailors into a panic.

"Splendid!" Brook exclaims. 

Usopp chuckles. "That will teach them to mess with mighty Usopp!"

Some of the guard respond to the event by calling out praises for Usopp, who stands tall and smiling, bathing in the excitement.

Brook steps beside him. "Um...maybe we should tell them to keep firing."

Usopp snaps into reality again. "Oh right--keep firing!"

The guard cheers again and continues to fire their cannons.

Below deck, Franky enters Aiku's chambers, running down the stone hallway until he comes to the room which houses her giant robot. 

Franky comes into the room and examines the machine. "Huh. This thing isn't as fragile as I thought, it's actually well made. Iron body, steel reinforced limbs--it just needs a power source." He reaches into his chest and pulls out a small cylinder, filled with electric energy. He places it into the robot's chest, then watches with delight as the machine's eyes come to life. It slowly rises into the air, adjusting it's balance, then stands straight. "Super!" He yells. 

Just then, Chopper appears behind him. "Franky!" Chopper calls to him.

Franky spins around. "Chop-man, what are you doing here? I thought you were at the hospital."

"Well, I was, but then..." He gestures Muskers, who is waiting for him at the top of the stairs. 

"Hm? What's he doing? Shouldn't he stay safe below deck?"

"That's what I was expecting, but believe it or not, he's a fighting cat!"

"What? Are you sure? He looks too fat and lazy to fight!"

Muskers releases a series of angry mews at Franky.  

Chopper speaks for Muskers. "You better watch your mouth, or I'll use you as a cat toy next--he says."

Franky is stunned for a moment, but then shrugs and accepts the notion. "Well, I guess we need all the help we can get right now."

Chopper nods, then looks to the robot. "What are you doing in here?"

Franky smirks and gestures to the machine. "Just going to borrow this baby for a while. Wait until you see what I have in store."

Chopper's eyes light up as he waits with eager anticipation.

Above deck, Usopp, Brook and the guard remain active on the front lines. After each impact from the Navy's cannon fire, they quickly reemerge from the wall and return fire. Usopp launches a several fire stars, successfully landing a few hits on the sails, and starting a fire on one of the ships.  

"Nice shots, Usopp!" Tydus praises.

Usop smiles. "Why, thank you! That's why you should expect nothing less than the best from a true master." He thumps his chest. 

Seconds later, a loud burst erupts from the Navy ships, sending what appears to be a hundred cannon balls straight toward them. Dismay and shock fall over the crew.

Usopp shifts his emotions, his fright overtaking him again. "Oh god we're all going to die!" He exclaims. 

Tydus jumps in front of his crew. "Everyone take cover--now!"

As the guard runs behind the wall, the cannon balls impact with great force. This time, a large section of the wall is completely destroyed, sending several crewmen flying backward, and others into the sea below. 

The guard gathers themselves, brushing the rubble away from their clothes and coughing dust. 

Tydus struggles to his feet and looks around, bleeding from his head. "We...We won't survive another attack like that!" He struggles to stay standing. 

Usopp prevents him from falling. "Tydus, you're hurt! You need to head blow deck and--"

"No! I won't leave. I have to...stay with my men!" He protests. 

Usopp stops him. "You have to! You can barely stand! Don't make it worse on yourself!" He calls a crewman over to him. The crewman arrives and takes a hold of Tydus. "Get him to the hospital quickly!"

The crewman nods and lifts Tydus off the ground, taking him below deck.    

Brook turns toward the Navy ships. "We have to think of something fast. We're in serious trouble now."

Usopp agrees. "I know. And the closer the ships get, the harder their attacks will become."

"Incoming!" A crewman calls out again.

The group turns toward the sea in horror, as they realize another line of cannons has already fired. A hundred more cannon balls are heading straight for them.

A spike of fear runs through Usopp. "Oh, crap! Too late!"

As the guard readies themselves for the inevitable end, a tall figure steps in front of them. Machine gun fire rings out as many of the cannon balls are destroyed mid air. The group lifts their heads to see Franky standing over them. 

"Franky...?" Usopp wonders. 

As Franky turns toward the crew, they can see that only the top of his body is visible, and his bottom half is attached to Aiku's giant robot. His legs connect to the robot's shoulders, with the robot's head set into his chest. The guard is stricken with awe.

"What the hell is that?!" Brook exclaims. 

Franky smiles. "Sorry I'm late, guys! Had to give myself a few battle adjustments! You like it?" He shows off a few poses for the crew.

"What did you do to yourself?!" Usopp inquires, shocked at the sight. 

Brook steps toward him. "Is that Aiku's robot?"

Franky nods. "Sure is! I call this one my--FRANKYTRONIC!" He displays a super pose.

The guard cheers him on.  

While he is posing, the Navy fires off more cannons, relentlessly continuing their heavy attack. 

"Look out!" One of the crewman calls to him.

Franky turns to see more cannon balls arcing through the air. "Damn! I haven't reloaded yet!"

But just before the cannon balls reach the wall, another figure leaps through the air. Furry black cat feet kick two of the cannon balls, sending them sideways into the others, exploding all of them together. Muskers lands on the deck in front of the crew, his big belly rumbling the ground with a big thump. On top of his neck, little Chopper sits and waves to them. "Hey guys!" 

"Is that Chopper?!" Brook shouts in disbelief.

Usopp's emotions overtake him. "This has to be a dream!"

Franky chuckles. "No dream, my man! We're here to kick some marine ass!"

Brook turns to Usopp. "I have no clue what's happening right now. But this is awesome."

Usopp huffs. "You know at this point, there's no use arguing about reality. We've clearly passed that point." Usopp turns to Franky and Chopper, raising his hands into the air. "Okay Franky transformer and Chopper cat thing! Let's do this!"   

"Super time!" Franky yells into the air.

Chopper pats Muskers on the head. "Alright, Muskers! Time to show them what you're made of!" Muskers roars.  

"So what's the plan from here?" Usopp wonders. 

"We're going to have to take them head on!" Franky insists. "They're too close now. I say we invade them before they invade us!"

"You mean we're going to fight on the ships?" Chopper wonders. 

"That's right! We'll go ship to ship, and take them down before they can reach the city!" 

Chopper pumps his hooves. "Sounds good to me! Let's do it!"

Usopp turns toward the fleet. "Well sure, but who's going to lead the guard with Tydus gone?"

Franky thinks for a moment. "Well, how about you Usopp?"

"Me?! I can't do something like that!"

"Why not? You're the most experienced Straw Hat we have here now!"

Chopper agrees. "That's true!"

Brook grabs his shoulder. "Do it, Usopp! This is your chance!"

Time slows around Usopp's reality as a sudden realization begins to dawn on him. He looks at the guard with anxious energy. "Me...? Could it really be me who leads them...? Is this truly my chance...? Do you you actually mean..." He thrusts both of his hands into the air and arches his head toward the sky, as tears flow freely from his face. "I FINALLY GET TO LEAD 8 THOUSAND MEN!!"  

The guard and the Straw Hats cheer in excitement behind him. 

Usopp continues to cry tears of joy. "This is it! This is really it!"

"You can do it, Usopp!" Chopper calls out.

"Show'em how we party, bro!" Franky concurs happily.

"Just follow me, men! Captain Usopp will lead you to victory!" Usopp cries. 

The group cheers.  

Brook turns to Usopp. "So do you have anything in that bag of wonders to get us across to the ships?"

Usopp thinks, then realizes his does have one trick for this situation. "Ah ha!" He reaches into his bag and removes another big ball, this one green in color. "Here it is!"

Brook studies it. "What's that thing?"

"You'll see!" Usopp fits it into his slingshot, then pulls back and aims. "Been saving this one for just such an occasion! Special attack--LILY PAD STAR!"

The green ball flies over the sea for a short distance, then bursts into a hundred small green leaves. They expand in size as they fall into the waves, changing into giant lily pads. 

"Nice!" Franky yells. 

Usopp ushers his crew forward. "This is our chance! Come on--go! Quickly before they wash away!" 

The guard swiftly jumps from the city, readying their weapons and hopping and dashing across the pads, onto the nearby ships. Franky follows, then Muskers and Chopper, and Usopp after. But just before Usopp jumps, he notices that Brook is staying behind.

"Come on, Brook, let's go!" Usopp orders.

Brook stands still, pondering some new idea. "Hm. I won't be coming with you for this one."

Usopp is stunned by this. "What? What do mean? We need all the help we can get right now!"

"Oh I know...and you're going to receive it. Trust me!" 

Usopp hesitates, but then decides his trust in Brook is enough. "Okay--don't let us down!"

Brook nods. "I never do!"

Usopp leaps across the lily pads and joins the crew in their fight. Brook watches him go, then slowly turns toward the city. He gazes up at the main lighthouse and narrows his eyes confidently. "Time for a show."

End of Episode 7

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