Wandanat/ Scarletwidow onesho...

By Lesbinsanity

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This ship is fucking amazing. I will defend it to my last breath. If you disagree I will fight you. More

Long night Part 1
Wake Me When It's Over
Truth Serum
Truth serum part 2 ( Smut )
Show Them ( Wandanat and Stony )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 1)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You (Part 2)
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 3 )
I Don't Know Why I Can't Kill You ( Part 4 )
Mine ( Smut )
Lamplight ( stars part 2 )
Pistols And Revolvers
Fire and Dreams ( Pistols And Revolvers part 2 )
writers block
It's Okay Now
It's Okay Now ( Part 2 ) ( Smut )
It's Ok Now ( Part 3 )
Truth serum ( Part 3 )
Its Ok Now part 4 ( smut )
It's Ok Now ( Part 5 ) [Smut]


422 10 13
By Lesbinsanity

Trigger warning:
Stalking, murder, mutilation, obsessive behaviors, overall dark themes

Natasha knew she was screwed from the first second she layed eyes on her.

Long silky hair that glowed red in the sunlight, bright green eyes that danced and sparkled, and a body that made her mouth go dry and her brain shut down.

" Hey, I'm Wanda. I'm a little new here, do you have any advice for surviving the collage life?" Her eyes were warm and inviting. Her smile made the Russian's heart flutter, and her skin was soft and smooth as they shook hands.

They had talked.

They had laughed.

Natasha had given her a somewhat useful tour without tripping over her own feet.

In the beginning it was just your average schoolgirl crush.

Innocent and aw worthy.

But it soon evolved.

Natasha found herself watching the brunette from afar. Listening into converstations she had. Swiping pencils and pens from her desk when she was'nt looking.

She would replay every encounter they had in her mind over and over until it became unbareable.

She knew it was getting problematic when she found herself following the girl home one night.

She had her hood up and her head down. Boots claping quietly againt cement as she watched her from afar. Set aglow like an angel in the lamplight.

Her body moving on it's own.

Her mind clouded yet perfectly sharp.

She didnt feel like a person, but a spectator. Like someone watching a movie. Her eyes a camera, filming and filing away every step the Sokovian took.

Eventually they had reached a brick house. Not fancy but not shabby.

It was when the brunnete opened the door and slipped inside that Natasha had finally realized what she had done.

She ran home as fast as she could that night.

Winding down backstreets and narrow allyways until she got to a street she recognized.

She closed and locked her door behind her, letting herself slide down until she was sitting on cold tile.

She dropped her keys and put her head in her hands.

One thought disturbing and pushing through.

I wonder what her house is like on the inside.

Wanda slipped quietly into her house, closing and locking the door behind her. She let herself slide down until she met itchy carpet.

She slid her backpack off her shoulders, grinning to herself as she unzips it.

She had always had an affinity for photography, taking pictures of landscapes and sunsets. But these days her pictures have been a little different.

A little less tastefull.

She took a small pouch from her backpack and smirked to herself as she unzipped it.

Pictures spilled out, old polaroid style squares.

And they held images that numbed her mind.

Her sweet, precious Natasha didn't always remember to close her blinds, or even lock her windows for that matter. It took no effort at all to scale the lattice and swing them open.

She looked so beautiful when she slept.

Eyelids gently closed. Mouth slightly agape. Deep soft breaths.

She pulled out pictures of the redhead. Some of them tame, simple photographs of her from a distence. But others were a little more scandelous. Natasha changing, pulling on a pair of black lace panties. Her back facing Wanda, giving her the most mouth watering veiw of her ass.
She could tell it was soft and supple even from her perch atop the lampost across the street.

Some of the other pictures were only possible thanks to her friend Tony. He had always been a bit of a tech wiz, to the point that he was virtually the neighborhood technichion.

He had enhanced her camera, making it almost completely silent and added a inferred flash that was harder for the human eye to sense.

She had gotten him to do this under pretences of taking pictures of her dog sleeping.

" Mallow is always so cute when he's sleeping! But when I try to take pictures it always startles him awake..."

Sure enough a week later her camera was complete with sleeping subject technology. ( or SST as Tony called it.)

This allowed her to get up close and personal with her favorite subject.

She flipped through some of the images, small sparks shooting through her body.

Smooth creamy skin setting her body on fire. Soon enough she could feel a slight throbbing between her thighs.

She sighs. As she weighs her options.

Should I wait it out, or should I give in to it?

Natasha is panicing.

Where did that thought come from? Why did it overshadow everything else in her mind? Why did it excite her?

She knew this was wrong. She knew it was demented. But she couldn't deny that it felt right. It excited her.

She followed the girl home unseen.

Maybe it was luck, but maybe it could be taken furthur.

Natasha got up then, grabbing a peice of paper.

She mapped out the streets she knew, frustrated when she had to leave some blank.

Closing her eyes, she tried to remember.

Leave the school, main entrence

Follow main street, take first left.

Followed by first right.

Then left, or straight?

She cursed herself.

This was hopeless.

She decided that if she could follow Wanda home once she could do it again.
But this time she'd look at the street signs.

She hid the map in her room, under her bed, deciding she should map out what she knew for certain without taking any chancy liberties.

Why did this excite her so?
The knowlage that Wanda had no idea she was following her.
Her beautifull rose staying untampered in the glass.

For her eyes.
Her eyes only.

Wanda giggled, tracing the inked form of her love with her finger.
" You're just perfect, you know that?"
" so beautiful..."
She bit her lip, eyeing the still of Natasha reaching to undo her bra clip.

" Who knew under such an inncocent little uniform, you were wearing something so naughty." Wanda breathed, delighted.

" All that lace... naughty, naughty girl. Making me so wet." Wanda hummed darkly.

" Oh but I know Steve has been looking too. Looking at whats mine." Wanda furrowed her brows.

" Iv'e seen him trying to hide his hard on, jacking off in the bathroom. What a sick creature."

" We'll have to teach him a lesson, won't we?"

It was 5:08 when Natasha's parents burst into her room.
Her mother, trying to hide the tears that trickled down her cheeks, her father sollemfaced and sadeyed.

" Whats wrong?" She asked, instantly worried.

" Its Steve. Hes dead."

" You better not be late again, we're not waiting 3 hours to start the movie!" Sam warned Steve, pointing a finger, but also smiling brightly.

" Don't worry man, my only goal in life right now is to see Rattatoulie with the boys." Steve smiled back, drawing  a laugh from Sam.

" Alright man, seeya!"

As Sam left Steve was left alone in the changeroom.
Football practice was fun, but sweaty, and unless Steve changed right after, he'd feel gross for the rest of the day.

The blond was pulling his tshirt off when he heard the door open and fall shut again.

" Forget something Sam?!" Steve called rustling his hair a bit.

But he was met with silence.

" Sammy?" Steve called, slightly disconcerted.
This worry grew when he heard the lock click.

" Listen man, I'm sorry I was late last time! Coach took me aside to talk about the team," this however was a lie.
In fact, he hadn't left the locker shower room.
" It wont happen again."
He had had his hand stroking his member, crying out the name of Wanda's beloved.

" Oh, Stevie boy, we all know thats a lie." Wanda's voice filled the room.

" Wh- hey arent you that Sokovian girl? You are'nt allowed in here!" Steve was confused, but decided to push his ground.

" Oh don't worry, no one knows I'm here." The smile could be heard in her voice.

" What do you want?" Steve asked, remaining out of sight.

" Trying to act tough, huh? You think puffing up your chest and deepening your voice is gonna scare me away? My dear, just because you think like a monkey, does'nt mean it's acceptable to act like one." Wanda taunted in the sweetest voice possible.

The sound of Wanda's boots slapping against the tile filled the room, leaving Steve to wallow in silent fear.

" Listen, I don't know what you want, but maybe we could talk about this?" Steve brushed off his tough demeanor.

" I have no reason to listen to the likes of you. You think you can control everybody with a smile and a wink, you think you can take whatever you want.
But you can't."

" What the fuck are you talking about?"

" God, you really are stupid." Suddenly the footsteps stopped, Wanda standing just before the row of lockers Steve was hiding behind.

" Iv'e seen the way you look at her. All dark-eyed and wanting. You just can't stop yourself can you? Jerking yourself off in the shower, imagining it's her sweet fingers wrapped around your cock instead of your own."

Steve raised his eyebrows.

" Huh, you want a little peice of Stevie too eh?" He smirked.

" Oh don't make me throw up." Wanda then rounded the corner, showing off her steel blade in the dim floresent lights.

" It's Natasha I want you to keep your eyes off of. My sweet girl doesn't need you eyeing her everytime she passes you by." Wanda switched her gaze from the knife to meet the boy's eyes.

" I'm going to need you to understand something. She's mine. I can't have a sick twisted perv looking at her like that."
Wanda started approaching Steve, slowly. Savoring this moment.

Steve started backing away, before bolting for the door.

" Now what are you doing that for?" Wanda giggled.

Wanda was quicker than Steve, pinning him against the door.

" Oh Stevie boy, why are you trying to run? We both know I'm faster than you." Wanda smiled.

Steve tried to break free, but could'nt, a mysterious force held him in place.
Maybe it was the panic, but the room tinted a faint red.

" What are you gonna do to me?" Steve asked, his tough facade slipping.

" You know, everyone at this school considers you the height of masculnity.
I'm just gonna do a little surgery.
I'd give you anesthesia but, oh well, I can't seem to find any.
I am going to completely and utterly emasculate you.
Nobody is going to consider you the alpha male of this school anymore, that is, if you survive the procedure."
Wanda laughed.

" Now, bite down on this." Wanda grinned, shoving a towel into his mouth.

" This might hurt a bit."

" What happened?"

" He was found by the janitor. He was in the locker room, completely nude.
And uh... he had been... castrated."
Natasha's dad put a hand on her shoulder.

" He bled out from his wound long before the janitor had arrived."
Natasha's mother elaborated.

" They don't know who did it yet, but they're still looking."

" Oh my god."

Natasha honestly didn't know how to feel.
The two had been friends for the longest time, until he started looking at her.
Really looking.
Staring in a way that made Natasha's skin crawl, especially because she really cared about him.
She trusted him.

He thought she hadn't noticed the slight buldge growing in his pants before excusing himself to the washroom.
It made her feel sick.

There was only one person she'd ever want to look at her like that...

And she'd let her.
Shed show her everything.
Maybe she'd even let her take a stroll behind the velvet ropes and cop a feel.

Her train of thought was broken when her mother burst into tears.
She and her dad both comforted her.

Eventually Alexi convinces Melina to go back to her room.
" School will be shut down for awhile while they conduct a proper investigation. You may be staying home for awile." He said.

" Ok." Was all Natasha replied with.

Her father gave her one last hug before retiring to Melina and his bedroom.

Natasha started to wonder if maybe she was glad Steve was dead.

He'd become a real jerk after highscool started.

She smiled.
Something Wanda rarely saw happen.
Not a smirk, but a real, genuine smile.
She snapped a picture, gently retreiving the photo as it was printed out and placing it inside the leacher satchel that hung lazily at her side.

She knew what just happened.
Her teary eyed parents.
And Wanda caught it all on video, using her secondary camera.

Yes, she had modern more techy cameras, but she just loved the poloroids, it felt like she was holding a little bit of the past in her hand.
A tangible snippit of time.

She wanted to reach out, to know what was going on inside her head.
But if she tried it might alert her to her presence.
After snapping a few more pictures she made her way down the lampost, her boots making a quiet slap against the pavement as she reached the bottom.

Wanda entered the house silently, slipping off her boots and sneaking up the stairs to her room.

'Tonight was a good night' She thought as she crawled into her bed.
Tomorrow would be even better.

Important note:

I dont want to romanticize behavior like this too much.
I dont condone or encourage any of this behavior.
If you are doing any of this, just, stop.
Also thats fuckin weird mate.

I think stuff like this is interesting to read or write about in literature, but should remain fiction.

If any of you are expiriencing any of this please talk about it with someone you trust.
If any of you get urges to do some of the stuff mentioned in the chapter, you should talk to someone about it, maybe a theripest, or a friend, or even me.
( just make sure to check the confidentiality rules )

Also i would like to note that i think anyone can be masculine or feminine no matter what genetailia they have.

Might get a chapter 2, who knows.

Thanks for reading maties.

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