till 2 moons break apart

By perfectgirl12

17.9K 96 40

what happens when the one you love comes back? and he dates your daughter? for bella when Edward comes back h... More

till 2 moons break chapter 1
Chapter 2 leave me alone
chapter 3 talking to the Cullens
having some fun with my friends Chapter 4
bad news
chapter 6 bonding
Chapter 7 unexpected
chapter 8 regrets
Chapter 9 tanya's secret
Chapter 10 Ignorance
chaper 11 what was that?
Chapter 12 mission: keep him away
chapter 13 Sleepover War!
Chapter 15 surprise!surprise!
Chapter 16 Confusion
Chapter 17 The Truth
chapter 18 Stubborn
Chapter 19 Sleepover
Chapter 20 Leader
Chapter 21 Answers
Chapter 22 Adventure
Chapter 23 Savior
Epilogue: Happy Ever After

chapter 14 Trouble Ahead

652 4 4
By perfectgirl12

the next day i was the first to wake up so i decided that i should play with Christy but not the you know play play way i mean the other way it's called a prank so i got off the couch and checked the time 5:55 A.m. which means it's early oh well i only need like 4 hours of sleep.

I sneaked up into Christy's room then i put my head against the doorway and heard her friends snoring so i opened the door slowly and then i went back downstairs into the garage to get rope ,and some whip cream also a bucket then i tiptoed into Christy's room and tied the piece of rope to the side of her room and left a piece on the floor hidden by clothes then i put milk in the bucket and tied the bucket to the rope.

Next i put a whip cream mustache on Christy and a whip cream bra on one of her friends and the rest of them got mustache's made of whip cream i was almost done until i heard a woosh sound i quickly turned around ,and no one was there so i just shrugged it off and i almost had my hand on the door knob until i heard an annoying voice "That's not very nice Nessie" he said i rolled my eyes and turned around to face him

"well you're not very nice either" i said then he just chuckled "what are you doing?" he asked then i just stared at him like he got hit on the head with a rock "what does it look like im doing?" i said then he sighed

"like you just covered your sister and her friends with whip cream and tied a bucket to rope" he said then i glared at him Stupid mind reading vampire

he just chuckled "someone i used to know called me that" he said then he looked at the floor looking sad i just spoke icily "tell her what i did and i'll kill you Edward" i said with my hand in a fist

"i can't promise that" he said then i just grinded my teeth together "i hate you" i said then he sighed "i know" then i walked over to him "you irittate me" i said then he just rolled his eyes

"i do that to everyone now these days" he said in a glum voice i felt really bad for making him sad but still he did something unforgivable that he'll never know- i stopped once i knew he'd be hearing my thoughts

"what did i do that was unforgivable?" he said confused then i just bit my lip "that's for me to know and for you to find out" i said in a harsh voice then i dashed out of Christy's room holding the bucket of milk so it wouldn't fall on me

then i just walked down the stairs looking at the time it was 6:14 A.m. i sighed when will they all wake up im getting bored over here

I felt lonely i mean look at me im just some girl who doesn't give her father a chance maybe i'll give him a chance........Eventually.

i read a magazine and my favorite book until it was 8:00 A.m. then i shook all my friends "wake up!" i screamed a little too loud because then Annie just spoke "1 more minute mom" she said then i spoke annoyed "im not your mom Annie,im your friend" i said then she jumped up in surprise

"oh!i forgot i was at your house sorry" she said blushing then i laughed at her face she could lighten up a place just because of her smiling

i was about to respond until as if on cue i heard Christy scream and i laughed out loud then my friends stared at me until i calmed myself down "i didn't do anything if you're wondering" i said then they all stared at me and just laughed "this is so like you ness always trying to pick on your sister" said Annie then i just smiled

About 10 minutes later Christy came donwstairs with a whip cream mustache which made me and my friends laugh but then i realized she wasn't wet so maybe he tookm off the bucket trap damn you!!!!!!

she stared at us like we were crazy then she spoke"what's soo funny?" she said crossing her arms then i just laughed and spoke trying to keep a clear voice"you.....have...a....hahaha"i laughed at the end she looked so confused then Annie spoke "you have a whip cream mustche" she said chuckling a little then Christy just blushed and ran upstairs which made me laugh you mess with him then you mess with your sister

then she came back downstairs 2 minutes later and said "Nessie im going to kill you" i smiled evily "ummm you can't sorry it's impossible" i said smirking then she just glared at me and then Annie just got up "so what do we do now?" she asked then i was thinking of something

"let's watch a movie in port Angeles"i said suggesting then they all just agreed meanwhile christy anounced that her and her friends are going to the mall i just rolled my eyes "you're sooo preppy" i said then she just tried coming up with a comeback

"oh yah well you're sooo weird" she said just flipping her hair with her hand then i just got up and made breakfast for all of them and then we went to the movies but sadly Annie wouldn't shut up about how hot the actor was i had to say 'i know right' and 'yah' alot which got annoying until we finally hugged and said goodbye then i went into my car and saw a note

'Renesmee Carlie Cullen' it said on the front in blue ink i was confused until i opened the letter i dropped it on the floor because inside it said 'i know where you are' but it didn't say who it was from so i have to assume it can be the Volturi which means mom has to be home quick

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