It's about You & I

By Tiyurin

391K 10.2K 743

Niklaus Mikaelson is the infamous hybrid whose name sends others shiver down their spine. He calls himself 'T... More



8K 327 20
By Tiyurin

Klaus walked back to the place where the coffins being kept and saw Rebekah isn't in the coffin.  Klaus called out for his sister.

"Rebekah, it's your big brother. Come out, come out from wherever you are." He tutted. A blur of blonde sped to him and  tried to slab him with a dagger but a powerful force pushed her away. Rebekah was looked at him shocked that she couldn't slab her brother.

Lyra's lips twisted.

"It was you wasn't it? It was your magic that stop the dagger slabbing Nik , right Ly?" Rebekah asked. She got quiet surprised when that happened. She honestly thought that her brother must have forced a witch to do some kind of spell.

"Yeah. I learned my lesson when Elijah tried to kill Nik. So, I cast a spell to protect him." Lyra smiled.

Klaus looked appalled by the sudden display of magic but quickly composed himself knowing his wife must have to do something with it. He smirked at Rebekah.

"You saw that sister? It seems your methods don't work anymore."

"What was that?" Rebekah questioned obliviously stunned.

"Magic" Klaus replied with a 'duh' tone and continued. " I know that you are upset with me Rebekah. So, I brought you a little peace offering." He called Stefan. " Come in"

Stefan walked in with a blank look in his eyes. Klaus walked over to him and compelled. "Now you remember". Stefan closed his eyes feeling his past memories coming back.

"Rebekah" He stated before turning to look at Klaus.

"I remember you. We were friends. " Stefan told him. As Klaus went to say that they are still friends, heard Lyra's voice 'yes. You were friends. As in past tense.' So, he closed his mouth without saying anything.

"You know everything. But you keep your mouth shut, don't you?" Bonnie asked Lyra.

Lyra stared at Bonnie as if to decide that she is worth of speaking to Bonnie. She smiled a little and answered. "I have been trained to do so Bonnie. Even when I was little that was what I did. I know a lot, I see a lot but I show a little. It's easier for me to use those as my advantage when I want to."

"Did you know Elena was alive back then?"

"I had my doubts. But when I heard Gloria's words I knew I was right". Everyone looked at Lyra shocked. That was the first time she called Bonnie by her first name instead of spatting Bennett. Bonnie also noticing this looked at Lyra curiously. Lyra winked her. Elena frowned seeing this. She doesn't need Lyra steeling the attention more than she already has.

  "Gloria told me you know how to contact the Original witch. What do you have that she needs?" Klaus asked.

Rebekah touched her neck but panicked when she felt nothing. "Where is my necklace? What did you do to it? I never take it off."

"I didn't touch it"

"We need to find it" Rebekah flipped her coffin looking for it.

"Tell me what she needs Rebekah!" Klaus yelled.

Lyra slapped back of his head. "You are gonna give me a headache with all those shouting"

"Sorry love. I won't do it again." Klaus cheekily smiled at her.


Klaus was lounging on a long chair with a glass full of champagne. Stefan sat next to him looking around when Rebekah yelled, "There has to be more to this dress!"

"There is not" Klaus stated with an eye roll. He has being thinking of buying something for his Lyra but Rebekah has to interrupt him. 

"So, women in the twenty first century dress like prostitutes then"

Klaus nodded annoyed.  "Find something red. It may look better on you". Klaus said making Rebekah stop dead in her tracks. "Since when did you start playing attention to women clothing?"

Klaus muttered something which neither Stefan nor Rebekah could hear.

"Never mind my past self. I know the answer now." Rebekah said making everyone laugh.

"Seems like my lessons have finally proven their value." A voice stated from behind making Klaus jump.

"YOU WERE THERE!" Both Rebekah and Stefan  examined.

"So, my brother wasn't going crazy back then"

"No" Lyra answered while laughing Klaus shock his head.

"I don't understand"

"Keep watching Kol. You'll see" Rebekah told him.

"What are you doing here love?"

"Why? Can't I come Beasty?" Lyra rolled her eyes.

"I thought you don't want to revel yourself yet, love"

"Don't think about it." Lyra wrapped her hands around Klaus's neck and kissed his cheek. "I missed you." She mumbled against his neck.

Klaus kissed her forehead. "I missed you too love. So so much".

Lyra smiled against his neck. "Good"

"Nik" Rebekah hesitantly called for her brother.

"Yes, sister" Klaus looked at Rebekah only to find both Stefan and Rebekah looking at him dumbfounded.

"Are you alright?"

Now it's Klaus's turn to look surprise. " Why wouldn't I be?"

"Umm. you see". Rebekah tailed off.

"Darling" Lyra called out with a sheepish look, "I think now it's a good time to tell you that I'm pretty much invisible for everyone other than you"  

"Oh my god! This is funny. I wish I was there to see that". Kol snorted. "You forget everything around you when you see Ly brother. Talk about whipped." Klaus growled at him. "Shut up Kol"

Klaus turned to look at her so fast that Lyra thought he would break his neck. He glared at her but if you look close enough you would see there is no heat in it. Lyra looked down biting her lips to hide her smile and vanished letting her husband handle his newly awaken sister.

"Nothing Rebekah. Are we done?" He snapped.

"Don't be grumpy" Rebekah continued to tease her brother.

"I needed one thing from you to find why my hybrids are dying, one thing. Your necklace. And you lose it"

"I didn't lose it. It has been lost for ninety years." Rebekah showed her dress to Stefan. "What do you think?"

"I like it" He replied. Rebekah gave him a look.

"What? I said I like it"

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan" Rebekah stated. Klaus got up.

"I have something to do. Continue on your shopping sister". He then left the store.


 Klaus could be seen in a jewelry shop. He was looking at some necklaces.

"No. This is ridiculous. She is not gonna wear this. Bring me another one". He ordered the shopkeeper.

"Too flashy. "

"The color is not right"

"It's so ugly. Don't you at least happen to have something good" He snapped fed up by unable to find a perfect one for Lyra. A small necklace caught his eye. "Bring me that". He pointed it.

It was a simple yet beautiful necklace. A golden Maple leaf. Klaus smiled knowing this would be an excellent choice for Lyra.

"You are right Beasty. I love it" Klaus looked at his life line who is sitting on his lap snuggling to his chest. He kissed her forehead and whispered "I love you " to her ear. Lyra raised her head to look at him and smiled at him with her eyes twinkling brightly.


Rebekah gave Gloria her hand as Stefan walked to Klaus.

"She isn't looking for the necklace, huh?"

After few seconds Gloria said " I found it"

" So where is it?" Rebekah asked.

"It doesn't walk that way. I get images, there is a girl with her friends"

"A dead girl with dead friends . If I don't find my necklace"

"Well, I'll have to dive back into get the details." Gloria stated.

"So, dive". Klaus said walking in.

"I need time ans space. You're harshing my ju ju"

"We can wait." Klaus was annoyed at the lack of Gloria's response. He tried to call her wife but the call went straight to the voice mail which happen to displease him more .

"I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked."

Stefan put his hand on Klaus's shoulder. "Why don't we just come back later? I'm hungry anyway. I'll pick something to eat." Klaus nodded his head and left with Rebekah.


"There you are" Gloria said as she saw Stefan.  "Well, now this is very interesting. You know the girl is with the necklace."

"You didn't tell Klaus. Why?"

"Because I wouldn't help that hybrid half-breed with anything"

Lyra's eyes glowed in gold. She glared at Gloria so hard and Raka was hissing dangerously feeling its companion's anger . Klaus felt nothing. They weren't the worst he had ever heard. But when he heard his wife's heart beat speed up and her body starting to shake he tightened his grip around her.He tried to calm her by Kissing her temple multiple times, rocking her back and forth. Lyra calmed down and curled to his chest listening to the sound of his heart beat.

"The necklace is a talisman from the original witch. I want it."

Stefan shrugged. "Sorry, I can't help you"

"Don't be difficult. I'd hate to tell Klaus what a liar his sidekick is"

When Stefan didn't response "Guess I gotta get it out in the hard way huh?"

Stefan was laying on a table  while Gloria  prepping a bunch of tools.

"What is this? Why  can't I move"

"Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell." As Gloria took a knife to make an incision in Stefan's forearms someone cleared their throat  from behind.

They both turned to find Lyra was sitting on a table  with a bored expression. She was wearing a ankle length  blue dress with long sleeved and a plunging neckline that revealing her cleavage and a pair of cut out heels.  Her black hair was down but decorated with small hair clips.  She was wearing a pair of gold chandelier earrings. She looked both gorgeous and intimidating at the same time.

Klaus looked her up and down. "You are going to make it very hard for me to control myself, love" He whispered huskily into her ear. She smirked looking pleased about her choice of clothing.

"Who are you?" Stefan asked. But Lyra ignored him.

"Hello, Gloria" She asked while twisting a dagger from her fingers.

"You" Gloria asked surprised .

"Me" Lyra laughed.  "I told you that I would see you again. Now I heard the fact that you happen to know about my sister-in-law's long lost necklace"

Gloria tried to be brave. "I don't know what you are talking about?" Just then she realized what she said about Rebekah. "Wait. Your sister-in-law"

"Mmm hum" Lyra hummed.

"Who is it? Whom did you marry?" Gloria calculatedly asked almost afraid of the answer.

"Your guess is correct. I'm Cassiopeia Mikaelson. I'm Klaus' s wife" She stated proudly. Gloria paled.

Lyra got up and started walking towards Gloria. Gloria tried to use her magic against Lyra.

"Don't use your energy love. Your magic is nothing" Gloria tried to move but she couldn't.

"What is this?"

"Relax. It's just a little paralysis spell. " She repeated Gloria's words for Stefan earlier. "Now, where' re we?" Lyra continued circling Gloria. "Oh yes! You didn't tell my husband the truth.  Fine. The truth you found is useless anyway. I told you not to work against my husband didn't I. But fine. Since I'm feeling lazy I'll give you a quick death." Lyra waved her hand and Gloria's body turned in to a fire making her burning alive.

"Well. What are you waiting for? Get up" Lyra ordered Stefan who was looking at her horrified.

"You are truly his wife?"

"Why" Lyra raised her eyebrow.

"Now are you gonna tell me your little secret?"

"What secret?"

"Don't play dumb with me Stefan. I know the doppelganger is alive". Stefan tried to lung at Lyra but she freeze him. "How arrogant are you?" She then tapped her fingers on his forehead and took the memory of her from him and vanished from his side.

"That was, I have no words to explain sister". Kol commented.

 Lyra smirked.      

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