ROTTMNT oneshots/ headcannons

By bootyshaker8999

6K 69 43

"You're so cute but so mean! Why do I always go for your type?!" -Donatello "And who doesn't love my one-line... More

Rules, Request and more
impatient | Leo x Reader
The month after March| April x reader
touchy touch | Donnie x reader
Jealousy headcannons 🐢
how do they show affection? 🐢
Leo Relationship HC with Shy!Female!Reader (RQ) 💙

Cheater | Donnie x reader (RQ)

724 11 4
By bootyshaker8999

Donnie x reader
Pronouns: she/her
request from @Dwatk16

Donnie was working in his lab late at night, he had just finished his latest invention and was ready to knock out for the night. That was until his phone started ringing.

He became agitated almost immediately, 'who could be calling me so late at night?' he ponderd as he picked up his phone.

"y/n? That's weird, wasnt she on a date with her boyfriend..." he answered the phone, confused and even a little worried.

"chello ther-" He immediately dropped his friendly, happy demeanor when he heard you hysterically sobbing on the other side of the phone.

"y-y/n?? what happened? are you okay?" He became incredibly worried right away, asking to questions after questions. "Where are you right now???"

"He c-cheated on me.." you whaled, he could hear the embarrassment and pain deep in your voice. "Then when I told him I was leaving he...he broke up with me... he refused to drive me home and im 15 miles from my house.." Donnie couldn't believe this. Well, actually he could. You boyfriend was never the best person, and gave all your friends the ick, especially donnie

"Just send me you location, ill get you home, okay?" He eagerly waited for your response, tying his mask around his head for the second time today. "m'kay... please, hurry up.." you sniffled. Hearing you sorrowful, filled him with a sympathetic feeling, that quickly change to rage. How could anyone do that to you??

"...donnie? a-are you there?" He realized hs hadn't responded to you, he quickly brushed off his anger and continued to comfort you rushing out the door to fly around the city to find you.

Only minutes later he finally saw a glimpse of you, sitting on a bench with your head tilted to your sparkly heals that you had bought just for this date.

You never normally dressed up like that, but your now-ex-boyfriend had complained that he didn't like the way you dressed and that all your clothes were ugly. Donnie was so upset that you took that jerks meaningless judging to heart, especially when made fun of the geeky tees that you adored.

He cautiously landed next to you and when you noticed him you stood up and started breaking down again. Your makeup was smudge all over your face and your eyes were red and puffy from crying so much.

On top of that in was almost 50 degrees outside and you only has a thin black dress on, that stopped at your mid thigh, It didn't even have sleeves. Donnie was comfortable assuming that you were probably freezing your ass off.

You feel into his arms and he held you as close to him as he humanly could. After a few moments of you 2 just holding eachother, he pulled away slightly expecting you to do the same, but you didnt. You just kept clingly on to him and letting all your feelings out on his purple hoodie.

"y/n?" He muddled, trying to be extra sensitive to your fragile state. You peaked up at him, your make up even more messed up then before, he could even see the future mascara stain that was developing on his jacket.

"please, let me take you home." He tried his best to keep a soft expression on his face, as to not make you anymore anxious. "alright." Your voice was so quiet, that if he hadn't seen your lips move he would have mistook it for the sound of the wind.

You detached from him and wiped your tears, trying your hardest to not blink and make it worse. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Donnie taking off his hoodie.

"you must be cold." You turned to his direction, and he was holding out his hoodie to you. It was true, you were very cold. Your feet also hurt awfully bad, but complaining about that to him would feel childish so you held it in. "thank you, so so much dee. thank you for coming here too." Your words were breathy, and you honestly werent sure how you got them out without starting to cry again.

You put over your head and shuffle your arms in the sleeves. it smelled like donnie. it was rather over sized, although it was also quite big on Donatello, you knew that your size different definitely had something to do with the largeness too.

He picked you up and took you back to your apartment. He made sure to stay quiet incase your parents were home, and the 2 of you slid into the almost still bedroom. The fan was left on and the lamp next to your bed was letting out a slight buzz glow.

He set you down and you akwardly stood there in silence for a few seconds before donnie spoke up "so uh, you wanna talk abo-?" he was cut off with you basically tackling him into a hug. You were no longer crying, but he could still feel your gloomy aura lingering in form of body language and facial expressions.

He hugged back and put his nose to you forhead, basically cradling you. You felt like the luckest girl on earth to have such an amazing friend. so then, why does thinking that feel so wrong?

He was amazing after all, and you did feel luck to have him. You had thought about your feelings twords the soft shelled mutant many times, but always pushed it off because you wanted to stay loyal to your boyfriend. Thinking about it now seems rather silly though.

"You must be in need some rest, would you like me to accompany tonight?" He sounded so gentle, in a way your ex-boyfriend hadnt sounded in a long time, and as much as you did want him to stay, you knew that his your parents came in and saw him they would freak out.

"i think...i wanna be alone tonight, if thats okay?" you say, resting your head on his shoulder. "but of course! i wouldn't be asking if I wasnt okay with either!" he sounded strangly optimistic, although you knew he probably just intended to sould friendly.

"before you leave though," you mutually pulled away from eachothers grasped, "can you unzip the back of my dress?" Maybe some would be embarrassed by this request, but you and donnie were at a point in your friend ship were you didn't feel awkward in these kinds if situations.

But this still felt different.

As much as donnie lothed how you changed yourself for that cheating prick, he had to admit, you looked like an absolute beauty in that dress. So much so, that he felt himself get semi-excited when you started taking his jacket off. The other half was anxiety.

You turned around and he unzipped your dress quickly, and when you turned back to him you gave him a small weak smile. "thanks." your voice sounded tired, he could tell you'd been through it tonight. "Please, try to get some REM. I dont want you to feel bad in the morning"

"i think its a little late for them..." You mumbled, making the atmosphere tighter. "goodnight, y/n." There was a small pause of silence and then you spoke up "goodnight, donatello. I love you a lot, and thank you." You said hold his hoodie comfortably in your arms.

And just like that he slipped back out into the cold night. After he left he realized he had left his hoodie with you, and had thought about going back to get it. After thinking about it for awhile he decided if would probably do better for you right now then it would for him.

The farther he got from your apartment, the more he could feel the return of his anger twords that stupid guy who broke your heart. He had to do something about, he had to teach that monster a lesson.

Donnie decided to pay your ex-boyfriend a 'friendly' visit. He knew where he lived because he had been there before to pick up when he was to lazy to drive you home, what a gentleman.

As he made his way deeper into the city, he concocted a plan of revenge in his head. Whatever donnie decided to do to him, he had it coming.

Finally, he had reached his apartment building. It was an old, tall, brick building, with a fire escape on the side. Donnie climbed to the apartment he recognized to be his, from the time he locked you out of his room in the middle of a snowy winter because you were 'taking to long to text april'.

He landed on the metal with a thump and creeped his way over to your exes window. He wasnt there. Donnie checked to see if the window was locked, and low and behold, it opened with a small click.

He snuck into his room and looked around at they posters on his walls. They were all shitty bands that he hated, now he loathed him even more.

Donnie took out an empty hard drive from inside of his battle shell, and he attached it to the computer that was sitting on the desk. He opened the computer and began typing a password.

You had told donnie before that you had used his laptop to want movies together so you knew his password by heart. However, he got really defensive when you went on his computer alone, guess you knew why now.

He logged into his computer and let the flash drive begin to download all is personal information, search history, chats, and documents. And now it was time for the more physical part of his revenge plan.

He started absolutely trashing his room, it looked like somebody had used the room as a holding cell for a tiger. While he was sawing
the bed in half, he saw some distasteful magazines hiding under the mattress. So on top of being a bad, cheater of a boyfriend, he was also perverted. Thank atoms you were done with this guy.

After he riped the closet doors off the hinges and threw it half way out the window, he decided that that was 'good enough'. He went back to check up on his download and it was at 100. perfect timing!

He took the chip and placed it back into his battle shell and preceded to smash the laptop over his knee. He was just about to exit through the window when he realized the closest door was block the way. He rolled his eyes and place his tech bo to the wall, and it started charging up.

Suddenly the end of the staff let out a burst of energy that was aimed at the wall, creating a giant donnie-sized hole. He smiled at his work and finally left his bed room.

After a long day of working, comforting, and smashing, donnie came home to his empty, yet comforting bedroom. He collapsed on his bed and began to think about you. He regretted not telling you to break up with him sooner, maybe if had knocked some sence into you, you wouldnt have been played the way you did.

He wanted you so bad, to hold you, to compliment you, to treat you better then your ex boyfriend ever did. Not that he ever thought he was really boyfriend material, nor worthy of being your boyfriend. But he did know he would never let himself treat you with the same disrespect that he did.

His last thought in his day was you, and when he woke the next morning, you were lingering in his mind. He wanted to check up on you, just to make sure you were doing alright after last nights ordeal.

He groggly got up out of his bed, and got ready for his day. He decided he would check up on you later that day but, he was so anxious about how you were feeling that he decided to go extra early.

He exited the sewers and carful snuck his way into the city, making sure to stay hidden amongst the shadows and large crowds. Eugh... How he hated large crowds...

He saw a small flower shop, with a bouquet of flowers he recognized to be your favorite. He took the flowers but still left the money for them on the cashiers table, who was leaning against there hand asleep.

After what felt like forever, he arrived at your apartment building and eagerly climbed the fire escape til he got to your floor. He gently knocked on your window, it was cover but a black curtain but he could still her you moving inside if the bedroom.

The curtains parted, revealing your makeup free face. You looked tired from crying about you didn't exactly look sad, especially when you saw that your bestfriend was at your window.

You opened your window and immediately pulled him inside. Donnie was confused why you were so excited, until you started speaking.
"Before i thank you i just wanna say, the next time someone hurts me dont destroy there stuff, but like... THANK YOU FOR DESTROYING HIS STUFF!!" you tackled him into a hug, which caught him off gaurd. "so your just going to assume i did it?" he teased.

"Should i be thanking someone else??" "no ma'am." he said politely but still in a vague mocking tone. "oh and uh i got these for you." He said holding out the bouquet of flowers he had bought. You looked down at the flowers, and realized you hadn't even noticed them, how oblivious.

You didnt say a word, you just blinked in amazement. How did he treat you better then your actually boyfriend? Well, ex-boyfriend. You felt butterflies rush down your throat and into your stomach, and when you took them from his arms you swear everything around you because warmer.

"Donnie," You felt so nervous yet, you were completely comfortable with him. "hm?" he hummed, while starring at the pretty flowers he had bought for you. "Do you remember last night, when I said goodbye and uh.. i love you?" You felt like your heart was going to jump out of your throat.

"affirmative." Donnie didnt pick up on what you were trying to say, so you immediately got embarrassed. After a few moments of one sided akward silence, he continued to speak "y/n? what about it." You could tell he was genuinely confused so you decided not to push it any more.

"N-nevermind!! it was nothing." You defended, waving your arms around trying to mask your anxiousness. "okay, ill be taking my leave now. have a good day, y/n" he said backing up to leave the apartment. "yeah, ill see you later hopefully." You smiled at him, but you felt like a big idiot. Maybe you weren't being clear enough.

After he was gone you had a sigh of relief and sat down on your bed a little disappointed, still craddliny the flowers he had got for you. It was silent, but not for long, as a very exicted donnie came scrambled back in through the window he had just left out of.

"i get it! ow-" he said falling through your window onto your bedroom floor like a dork. Your eyes widened as he look up at you with an adoring expression. " I feel mutual!! incredibly much so! I like you alot y/n"

You felt your face become warm once more and you hid your face in the flowers. You could here him standing up and rushing to your front. He overlapped his hand over yours on the bouquet and lowerd it to see your face.

"ill treat you right, you have my word." his words were soft, and you have never trusted someone so much in your life. You dropped the flowers and sprung up to hug him. You must have been more excited then you realized, becus before you knew it you had both legs rapped around his waist and were basic toppling him over.

He held you up to keep you from falling out of his arms. "and if your ex comes around ever again, ill upload his browser history to the internet." he said. "donnie, thats so evil!" you gasp leaning your head back to face him with a smile. "youll get used to it" he shrugged his shoulders and smirked.


2767 words

I got my first request out!!! feeling very good. this one is alot longer then i thought it would be its honestly better that way. hope you enjoyed ^^

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