The Wilted Rose

By Zach42799

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Y/N Rose was the son of Qrow Branwen and Summer Rose, and the oldest child of the Rose family. Due to Qrows'... More

Character Bio
Prologue: Beyond Repair
Chapter 1: One tiny problem
Chapter 2: Forehand or Backhand?
Chapter 3: Not without a fight
Chapter 4: Revival
Chapter 5: Initiation
# FUCKIN 3!!!
Chapter 6: Lonesome Road
Roy Winchester/Arsenal Bio
Chapter 7: Indebted
Chapter 8: Welcome to Mantle
Chapter 9: Uncovered
Chapter 10: The Rescue
Chapter 11: Outlaws At Last
Chapter 12: Tremors
Chapter 13: Trust
Chapter 14: Sticks And Stones
1K! Thank You Guys
Chapter 15: The Foundry
Chapter 16: Premonitions
Chapter 17: Death
Chapter 18: Rebirth
Chapter 19: Too Far Gone (Vol.0 Finale)
Chapter 20: Train Ride (Vol. 1 Prologue)
Chapter 21: Sisters
Chapter 22: The Lucky Ones
Chapter 23: Ghost
Chapter 24: Quiet Night
Chapter 25: Protector
Chapter 26: Calm...
Chapter 27: ...Before The Storm
Chapter 28: Lifeline
Chapter 29: Who I Am (Vol. 1 Finale)
Chapter 30: Costly Mistakes (Vol. 1.5 Prologue)
Chapter 31: Critical Care
5K reads!!!
Chapter 32: Testing
Chapter 33: Your Greatest Failure
Chapter 34: Guess Who's Back
Chapter 35: Progress
Chapter 36: Fix Me
Chapter 37: A Silver Bullet
Chapter 38: Should've Known Better
Chapter 39: The Road To Hell Is Paved In Good Intentions....
Chapter 40: Closeness
Chapter 41: Back In School
Next Red Hood Outfit Vote/Closed
Chapter 42: The Much Needed Talk
Chapter 44: Prophecies (Vol. 1.5 finale)
Chapter 45: The Bookstore (Vol. 2 Prologue)
Chapter 46: You Atlesian Joker
Thank you Wattapad....
Chapter 47: Keep It Simple
Chapter 48: What's the plan?
Chapter 49: Fatherly Love
Chapter 50: Something I Cant Let Go Of
Chapter 51: I Hate When I'm Right....
Chapter 52: Takedown
Chapter 53: Goodnight Princess
Chapter 54: Too Much To Lose....
Chapter 55: Between Wants And Needs
Chapter 56: Concept Of Subtilty
Chapter 57: End Of The Line
Chapter 58: Nothing I Wont Do
Chapter 59: You Have Achieved Nothing
Chapter 60: Three Simple Words (Vol. 2 Finale)
Bonus Chapter: Your Scars Are Beautiful *Lemon*
Chapter 61: Demon (Vol. 3 Prologue)
Chapter 62: Round One
Chapter 63: I've Got Nothing For You
Chapter 64: Round Two
Chapter 65: We're Talking Aren't We?
Chapter 66: The Vault
Chapter 67: Breaking Point
Important Notice/updated
Chapter 68: Firing Squad
Chapter 69: Nightmare
Chapter 70: Better Tomorrow
Important Notice Pt. 2
Chapter 71: The Easy Part
Chapter 72: Do Or Die
Chapter 73: Failure
Chapter 74: Two Options
Chapter 75: Bad Joke
Chapter 76: House Of Cards
Chapter 77: Bid Farewell
Chapter 78: Everything That Came Before
Chapter 79: Recovery
Chapter 80: Someone's Got To Stay (Book 1 Finale)
Book 2 is out now!

Chapter 43: The Company We Keep

520 16 14
By Zach42799


3:42 PM

188 Days to the Fall

Y/n Pov

A Sunday afternoon and not a damn thing to do. The last ten weeks have been simple. It was almost boring how quiet and uneventful it's been. Hearing the police radio go off was euphoric because I was mostly hanging around my room maintaining my gear over and over and over again. I had another two weeks with team JNPR before I would be switched to another team. 

Jaune was getting better at combat and Pyrrha was cranking his training up to eleven. It was amazing to see how far he's come. It used to be that he couldn't fight for shit, now he could stand in a fight on his own. Ren and Nora were still doing their typical routine of Nora going batshit crazy and Ren reeling her in. It was as entertaining as ever. 

Finally there was my relationship with team RWBY. It was pretty obvious to all of them that something happened between Weiss and I. Yang wanted to get nosy but all I had to do was pull up her grades for Weiss to see to get Yang to run for the hills. Ruby was the literal definition of a "cracked up rooster". She didn't dig as hard as Yang did but she bounced off the walls knowing well enough just by watching Weiss and I interact following that Friday night two and a half months ago. 

That only left Blake.... We were still on rocky ground. The most our interactions would be I would try and talk to her and she would just glare and walk away. She barely spoke a word to me unless it was something important. At least as important as schoolwork can be, that is. She did break into my room to get ahold of my scroll after I let it slip to them that I got my backups to the files that I lost in the warehouse explosion. What I didn't share to them was that my scroll meant one of the two scrolls that I bought and kept hidden. 

The first one actually had everything on it. The second had a lot of.... lets just say "Adult entertainment" on it that also concealed several trojan virus' that would transfer to whatever it was hooked up to. It was funny to see how infuriated she was when she said that she had "Bought" the files containing all the information they needed from "a friend". Sorry, what I had meant was information they WANTED. 

It didn't take long for Blake to not only be humiliated but for the truth to come out. The trouble I got into for having such a malicious trap set up was worth it. It was also worth trashing Blakes scroll with all the homosexual gangbang and chicks with dicks porn that now resided on her hard-drive. Funnily enough, that leads us to now. After I got the scroll back, my ass-kicking for nearly shattering Rubys' innocence and Blakes tongue lashing at breaking into a dorm room and stealing, She and I were then forced to go to Vale together to buy her a new scroll. 

We walked down the road in the commercial district. Blake still refused to speak to me and I was getting annoyed with each passing second. We only just got to Vale and I was already wanting this to end. We entered the scrollholics, the one of only scroll store that actually sold decent ones in Vale. I had a feeling that Blake just walked us to this one because it was a name brand store. The clue being that the instant she walked in, she looked helpless. 

I stayed a little ways away from her as she walked around aimlessly. I sat there waiting for her to pick something. After a few minutes of watching, I started to notice the other costumers and employees. All of them were giving Blake a wide berth. I started paying more attention to them and noticed that everyone here was human. I started walking around, pretending to look at the scrolls as I started listening to what people were saying. 

Customer 1: Who let the animal in the store? It's disgraceful!

Customer 2: I thought this was a animal free store!?

Customer 3: Disgusting thing, should be taken outside and shown its place!

What I was hearing was getting my blood boiling. Blake made her way to me. She saw how pissed I was getting and for the first time since the scroll incident, she actually spoke. 

Blake: You hear what their saying?

Y/n: *Gritted teeth* ...Yes...

Blake: This is what Faunas deal with on a daily basis. The leaders and headmasters of the kingdoms claim that we're free and welcome....

Y/n: It's a funny definition of "welcome"....

Blake: ...Why do you care? You've been hunting and killing any White Fang you see, why do you care what we go through now?

I looked at Blake completely taken aback. Does she think that I target the White Fang because their "Helping" Faunas? It would make sense, since she always makes jabs at me for going hardline against the White Fang. Blake was expecting an answer and I was about to give her one.

Y/n: Just because I take out the White Fang doesn't mean that I hate what they stood for.

Blake: Then why-

Y/n: Because the White Fangs values have been perverted and twisted beyond recognition. If the old leader was still in charge, things would be different. Instead we have Sienna Khan as the leader and to say that I'm not a fan of her is putting it mildly.

Blake shut up, weighing my words. I told her as clear as I could what I thought of the White Fang. It's not like I go out of my way to specifically kill anyone wearing the mask, only the leaders who have a extensive rap sheet. Any of them that get in my way after that shouldn't have been trying to shoot me or otherwise attack me. 

Blake never got a chance to finish before a employee walked up to us and asked me a fatal question....

Employee: Excuse me sir, is this "thing" bothering you?

I took a slow, deep breath to keep myself from snapping. I knew this type of shit happened. Seen it plenty while I was out working but I've never been brought into it like this. I took a quick glance at Blake to see that she was still standing tall, glaring at the employee. She was about to say something when I spoke up. 

Y/n: No, she's not bothering me but could you help me?

Employee: Of course!

I pulled out the trapped scroll. It was still brand new so it would fetch a good bit of money as well as teaching these assholes a lesson in respect. I took another glance at Blake to see her amused by what I had in store. looking at the scroll they had in selection, it was a slightly older model than the one I was trading in so it would be covered for the most part by store credit. Might as well kill three birds with one stone. 

Y/n: I'd like to trade this in and get this one. 

Employee: Wonderful choice, sir! It's one of the older models but its durable and reliable!

We walked to the check out, I handed in the trapped scroll and got the new scroll. I still had 200 Lein of credit left but they can use it for their therapy bill. Blake had walked out ahead. Walking out of the store, I made it to Blake.

Blake: W-why would you do that!?

Y/n: Because those kinds of people give us a bad name.

Blake was stunned for a moment before we heard on the loud speaker the sounds of a dude getting stuffed by womans' meat and very shrill screams from the people inside. Blake looked at the shop, then back to me before the dam finally broke. Blake and I nearly fell over laughing. I had to guide Blake down the road because she was laughing so hard. After a solid ten minutes of laughing, we both managed to calm down enough to catch our breath. 

Blake: T-that made this whole trip worth it! *Laughter*

Y/n: Agreed! *Chuckles*

Blake took a deep breath to get herself right. 

Blake: *Exhale* So I guess that's my scroll?

Y/n: Nope~

Blake: But the whole point of us coming out was to replace the scroll YOU destroyed.

Y/n: Actually you destroyed it yourself but no, this scroll is mine. I'm going to trap it, same as the last one.

Blake was about to retaliate when I continued.

Y/n: Besides, you don't want this scroll. It's a overpriced piece of shit. We're going to get yours now. 

I started walking with Blake still processing what was happening. She snapped back to her senses and caught up. It felt like I was finally getting somewhere with her. I didn't care if she likes me or not, hell I still don't. But I do want to start finding common ground with her. 

Walking to the other side of the commercial district, we entered a pawn shop. It was a hole in the wall shop where I bought all my electrical equipment. Scrolls, PCs, components, software as well as some under the table goods. Blake looked skeptical at first but I paid it no mind. Walking up to the counter, I looked over and saw the lazy ass who owns the shop. Someone who I had known since I was first brought into Ravens camp.


Fredrick: Aaaah! Damnit boy! Do you know how hard it is to get comfortable around here!?

Y/n: Well maybe don't sleep on the damn floor you senile old coot! Better yet, don't sleep during business hours!

Fredrick: Bah, your the only one who ever comes in. 

Y/n: Well todays your lucky day because I brought you a customer.

Fredrick looked behind me and squinted. I stepped out of the way and let Blake step up to the counter. Fredricks' eyes practically bulged when he finally realized that I brought him business. It was a funny sight seeing a sixty year old man practically jump for joy at the prospect of having someone other than me in his shop. 

Fredrick: Why hello little lady! What has this lug dragged you in for? 

Y/n: I resent that, old man!

Blake: I-I'm looking for a scroll.

Fredrick: I have just the one!

The old man hobbled to the storage room. Blake just looked over at me, clearly confused. The question clear on her face. "Who is this guy and how do you know him". 

Y/n: I've known him since I was nine. He was pretty much the crazy uncle for all the kids back in the tribe. Taught us how to maintain weapons and modify them. Hell, he helped me rechamber my pistols into a higher caliber.

Fredrick: And I helped him to learn how to survive.

Y/n: Raven did that well enough....

Fredrick: Forgive this old mind, but I remember that you would come running to me every time you got hurt instead of going to the medical tent since the doctor, whatever her name was, fucked off and left!

Y/n: I was ten, and Martha died Fredrick....

Fredrick: Same difference! If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't know how to maintain both your equipment or your body. More than likely, you'd be dead in a gutter if it wasn't for me!

Y/n: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Can you just give Blake the scroll so we can get out of here or are we going to have to wait until age takes you?

Fredrick: HAHA, no respect as always you little shit.

Fredrick put the box containing a scroll. In fact, it was one of the new models that come from Atlas. I hate everything about Atlas, but damn if their tech wasn't a thing of beauty. Blake was completely dumbfounded by our exchange. Not surprising since I don't go this hard with anyone else. I poked Blake and snapped her out of her shock. I was starting to get a kick out of how easy it was to throw her for a loop. 

Blake: This looks new... How much is it?

Y/n: Doesn't matter because I'm paying. 

Fredrick: Damn right you are! You didn't bother letting me know you were still alive after your safehouse exploded then come to find out your a student at Beacon! Trying to leave me behind, ain't ya!?

Y/n: Yup, been trying for the past year and a half since you got here.... 

Blake: Ok, I'm sorry! What is going on?

Fredrick and I looked at Blake confused. 

Blake: You trash my scroll with porn-

Fredrick: HE DID WHAT!?

Blake: And then you stand up for me in the Scrollholics and now this! What is going on here!?

Y/n: We are the company that we keep, and I like to think that I've been in good company the last few months.

Fredrick: Don't be going soft now, Y/n....

Y/n: Fuck off, old man.

Blake just gave up on trying to understand what was going on. It was hilarious how many times I've fried her brain now. I payed for the scroll and was about to say my goodbyes to the old coot when I realized that Blake had drifted toward the back of the store. I found her looking through a book that looked rather familiar. I managed to get a look at the cover and confirmed that it was indeed the book I thought it was. 

Y/n: The story of Zorro, the nobleman hero.

Blake: He would always protect the people who couldn't protect themselves. He was a real hero. 

That last bit was pointed but I let it go. We made so much progress and I didn't want to throw it away. I started looking through the bookshelf with Blake. She would find a book she found interesting and would open it to a random page, presumably to see if she liked what she was reading. While she was reading, she started to pull other books out almost as fast as she was putting them back. 

I let Blake do her thing while I looked through the selection. I doubted that there would be anything I would find interesting. I noticed Blake about to put back a book that she had in her hand. I don't know why I started having a gut reaction to it. Before she could put it back, I asked to see it. Blake simply handed it to me, paying little mind to anything else. 

I looked at the cover of the book and noted the title. "To He Who Remains". It was a odd title but other than that, I couldn't pick up why I felt the way I did about it. It looked like a folk story, which at this point may as well be a history book. I opened the book to the first page and started reading. The more I read the sicker I felt. Not because the story was vile but because of what the story was as a whole. 

It was about a boy who died protecting his family. That same boy was then given a choice by the Brother Gods. Go back to remnant as their champion or remain in the afterlife. The boy accepted and was then brought back to life, tasked with defeating a evil queen. What I read next shocked me. 

It was a spot on description of a Lazarus pit. The boy was revived in the Lazarus pit and trained to be a warrior who had a strong sense of right and wrong. The God of darkness felt that his brother, the God of light had too much influence over the Warrior and cursed him to fail and fall. The Warrior fell in love with a woman who was quickly slain leaving the Warrior broken. The Warrior dies shortly after by the same man who killed his love...

The God of light, aggravated at his brothers interference then further cursed the Warrior and the woman he loved by making them relive through the events of their lives until they finally overcome the curse. They would lose their memories of past events but would get flashes and dreams, warning them of impending danger. These dreams were fragments of old memories, linking the two. The Warrior.... He wore.... T-this is too much....

-St p r ading-

-Your m nd  c n not ha dle the str in-

I started to shake, unable to continue reading. My head was starting to throb painfully, the same way as when I first released the lazarus energy. I clutched at my head, holding onto the book for dear life. All my senses were dull, but I could hear.... whispers.... the only thing I could feel was the pain in my head. It felt like my mind was tearing itself apart. It felt like hours before I had any relief. 

-Yo r tas  must b  c m leted -

Blake had put her hand on my shoulder. The pain disappeared as if it never even existed. I was breathing heavily and sweating. The concern was clear on Blakes face. I looked at the book and felt ill. 

Blake: Are you ok!? What's wrong!?

Y/n: I-I'm good.... Look.... We should get back to Beacon.

Blake: ....Ok.

I turned and hobbled away. Before we left, I tossed some Lein on the counter without stopping. What the fuck is this book? Thing's don't ever really make sense when magic gets involved and if there's one thing I can bet on, this fucking thing is magical. Whatever the hell it is, I'm going to find out. I don't know if it would be a good idea to bring this to Ozpin. Fuck it, I'm keeping it to myself. Maybe I can make sense of it without him. 

The way back to Beacon was quiet. Blake kept a eye on me the whole time. I felt perfectly fine now, but not once did I ever loosen my grip on the book. The instant we set down, I bolted back to my dorm room. I didn't care about checking the tape or about observing the room to make sure everything was still in place. I threw the book down on my desk and tried to go back to reading it. 

The second my fingers came in contact with the pages, the pain came back ten fold. It felt like I was dying. Then I started to have flashes. A woman with Black hair. A woman with red, on her knees. The woman with Black hair materializing a bow and shooting the redhead. Followed by a shrill scream and a bright light. I couldn't make out any of it because of how fast it was going. Something was very wrong with this book. 

I was about to try again when I got a knock on the door. I picked up the book and pulled out my equipment box, hiding it under everything. Quickly pushing the box back under the bed, I stood up and walked to the door. Opening it, I saw both team RWBY and JNPR at my door. It was quite the crowd. 

Weiss: Y/n, are you ok? Blake said you were acting strange, then you just ran off.

Ruby: Is something wrong?

Y/n: ....Everything is fine....

Pyrrha: Your looking rather pale-

Y/n: I'm fine....

Nora: Are you sure?

Ren: Your sweating quite a bit.

Y/n: I'm fine....

Jaune: You don't look fine at all.

Yang: If somethings wro-


They all reeled back when I shouted. Lazarus energy was starting to leak out. I was trying my best to hide it and keep myself together. I clearly wasn't doing a very good job... 

Pyrrha: ...Ok... If you need us we'll be in our room...

Ren: Right. Come on you two....

Nora looked sad and Jaune sad and confused. I felt bad about sending them away like that. They've been nothing but nice to me since we've met and I go and do this. Team RWBY stood their ground. Out of all of them, Weiss was the one who knew that this wasn't normal. I wouldn't just blow up like that.

Weiss: Can we come in?

Y/n: No- Look, just give me a little time and I'll be ok...

Ruby: We just want to help you, Y/n.

Y/n: I don't need help, Ruby. I need space and time to clear my head.

The group couldn't argue. It's not like they could force me to accept their help and if they tried, they knew it would end in disaster for everyone. Blake was the first to go. Despite the progress we made today, it apparently wasn't enough. My head throbbed and flashed. Blake on the ground with a man standing over her. The flash ended along with the pain. 

Ruby had to be goaded by Yang to go. Both of them wanted to help but Yang was the one who recognized that it wasn't going to happen. Ruby looked lost as she left, leaving me with Weiss. She looked upset that I was sending them away but right now, I needed time to process what the hell I found. 

Weiss: Are you sure your ok.

That wasn't a question. She knew I wasn't doing good and also knew that I was going to say I was fine. It was something that I've always done when I'm struggling with something. The only difference is right now, the thing I'm struggling with is magical in nature so there was no way in hell I was letting any of them get mixed up in that. 

Y/n: I'm fine. I'll come by when I'm feeling better.

Weiss: Well you had better, making us worry about you.

She managed to get a smile out of me which was a definite win for her. Weiss smiled back, proud that she managed to cheer me up, even if it was only a little. After leaning in and a quick kiss, she returned to her room. I shut the door gently and pressed my back to the door. I couldn't comprehend what was happening to me. This was completely new grounds. I had thought about keeping this from Ozpin but honestly, the more I thought about it, the worse a idea that seems.

I'd have to talk to him but it sure as hell wasn't going to be right now. I moved away from the door, heading straight to the bed. I didn't bother to strip or change. I just flopped down onto the cushy bed. Normally I have hell sleeping because I prefer harder beds but after THAT, I was out like a light with my final thought being about the Warrior...

...It Said He Wore A Red Hood...

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