Told You So

By A_stronot

1.1K 115 32

After taking in children Leigh-Anne finally sees the damage her childhood has caused. It's only when she real... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 2.5
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 7.5
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
🚧Impromptu Interactive Part?🚧
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5?
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 1

148 6 0
By A_stronot

"I want these two to fight for their spots here. I don't like either of them" Perrie pointed to two of the new boys in Claude's gang. They were both quite disrespectful to the female workers and she didn't like that.

"Okay" Claude agreed. He took their word for it.

"Why does she even have a say?"

"She has a say because this is her organization. Now go get ready for your fight. Bitch boy" Leigh-Anne spat from her seat in Perrie's lap. She wasn't having a good day.  She found out that some of the new workers have been stealing from her. She was upset about that and she also got into a nasty fight with her mom which was pretty unlike her. So that had her in a pissy mood. . . Almost all the time.

"Relax bub. Stop being like that" Perrie wrapped her arm around her wife.

"Everyone out. All of you, get the fuck out!" Leigh-Anne swore at all the trainees and new workers.

Perrie kissed the back of her neck softly.

"Be nice, why are you doing that?" Perrie held her hand. It wasn't often that Leigh-Anne really lost it but when she did, it wasn't pretty.

"Leighhh. I've got some bad newss-oh. I'll come back" Brenda tried to back out of the room when she saw Perrie swipe under her neck.

"What is it?"

"No, that's enough bad news for one day"

"What is it?" Leigh-Anne asked again.

"Amina wants you to pay."

"What!? For what!?" This sent Leigh-Anne over the edge. She stood up pulling on her jacket. She took the piece of paper and left her office. Perrie followed knowing it wasn't going to end well.

"Ma. What the hell is this?" Leigh-Anne barged into her mother's office.

"Have you lost your mind? Stand outside and wait I know you see a client here." Leigh-Anne kissed her teeth closing the door.

"Is she serious?"

"What is wrong with you. Don't curse at her. Do you want your life?"

"I don't care. This is so ridiculous.  She knows I can't afford this shit. 2.2 million!!"  Leigh-Anne grumbled angrily.

"Your space is huge babe."

"Its one floor"

"You have a penthouse, if penthouses are in the basements."

"Why are you always on her side?"

"I'm not baby. I'm on your side. But I told you not to let this get out of hand and now it's out of hand. That and you really need to watch how you speak to her, Seriously. "

"Thank you so much, I will look into your case as soon as I handle this unruly daughter of mine."

"is she interning? She looks quite young"

"Yeah. She is" Amina lied through her teeth.

"Its adorable that she wants to follow in mama's footsteps."

Amina smiled and hugged the man. Leigh-Anne watched through the window as the man got closer.

"Back up before I tell my dad." She tapped on the glass making the man move away with his hands up.

"I'm sorry about her" Amina sighed, escorting the man out.

"Its alright. Call me"

"Will do. Thanks for stopping bye" He nodded leaving the firm. Once out of view, Amina grabbed their upper arms pulling them into her office. 

"Oww. I didn't even do anything" Perrie whined rubbing her arm.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"The hell is wrong with me!? The hell is wrong with you!? I cant afford this. We get into one little fight and you want to charge me 2 million for my space.

Perrie watched the scene unfold with wide eyes. She was surprised that Leigh-Anne didn't get back handed. If she would've mouthed off like that she would've got the taste slapped out of her mouth.

"I'm so fucking tir-" She may or may not have spoke too soon. Leigh-Anne backed away from her mother with her hand over her mouth.

"She's sorry, Momma. She hasn't gotten a lot of sleep, Are you okay?" Perrie apologized before checking on her wife.

"No, I'm telling daddy you hit me!"

"What is he going to do Leigh-Anne? I told you to watch how you speak to me. You did it to yourself. Don't come in here cursing me like you've lost your mind. I'm not one of your little friends. Now leave my building."


"Leave my building, until you have your money you're not allowed to step foot on this property. Goodbye."

"Mommy. . ."

"No, next time I see you here without at least a quarter of your payment I'm calling the police."

"Please" Leigh-Anne knew she was about to lose money.

Amina shook her head pointing at her door.

"I'm telling my dad!"

"I don't care." Leigh-Anne sighed, walking out of her mother's office. Perrie grabbed the door handle to make sure she didn't slam it and get in any more trouble.


"Daddy" Leigh-Anne unlocked the door entering her childhood home. Perrie followed close behind.

"What's wrong Mimma, are you okay?" Jamie stood up looking at his daughter's slightly swollen lip and tear filled eyes.


"Aww, What's wrong, bambina?" He asked looking between Leigh-Anne and Perrie.

"Your wife hit me."

"Are you two still going at this? You both are being so immature" He sighed.

"Seriously. That's what I told her" Perrie chimed also tired of getting in the middle of their fights.

"She hit me and. . . And now she wants me to pay for the basement and parking lot space."

"How much is it?"

"2.2 million"

"I'll take care of it. You two need to stop this. I'm not getting in the middle of this."

"Daddy, look at my lip. She did it infront of everyone!"


"No she didn't babe. It was only me and you." Leigh-Anne glared at Perrie before hugging her dad.

"She's being a bully, daddy." She whined into him.

"Jamieson, Your daughter." Amina sighed, closing the garage and laundry door behind her.

"What did she do?" he asked, holding his finger to his lips telling Leigh-Anne to be quiet.

"She barged into my office while I had a client and cursed at me twice. The audacity. I can't belive that girl." Jamie pushed his daughter and her wife out the kitchen sitting at the island, waiting for Amina to come in the kitchen.

"I should've hit her on her bum. I didn't mean to smack her but she's been so disrespectful to me lately. She's not a disrespectful person and I know we didn't raise her that way. Everyone is afraid of her and walks on eggshells around her. I don't know what she does down there but I want you to get her out please. I want my baby back. This is not her. I watched her pistol whip a man, mercilessly. A grown ass man, Jamie"

"You have cameras on her?"

"Yes, I have no clue what she does down there so I put some cameras."

“See!” Leigh-Anne hissed but was quickly silenced by perrie.

"I made dinner. Everyone sit down and we'll talk over dinner. You two are getting out of hand with this."


The following week came around and Leigh-Anne was finally able to return to work.

"You go in first" She pushed Perrie into her mother's office first.

Perrie knocked, waiting for a response.

"Come in"

"Hey momma. How's it going this morning?" Perrie walked over to her mother in law, hesitantly reaching to hug her.

Amina stood up and hugged Perrie.

"I'm fine. What are you doing here?"

"I'm here with Leigh"

"Where is she" Perrie turned around looking for her wife.

"Haha, she must've had to use the bathroom"

"I know she went downstairs. I'll come down there in a minute."


"Oh and Perrie"


"Make sure there's no contraband down there. I have a good friend at the precinct. I know they'd love a good search"

"I'm sure she just went to the bathroom"

"You want to join her on my bad side?"

"No ma'am I dont"

"Then don't lie to me. I saw you two walk up to my door. I have cameras covering every square foot of this place."

"Yeah. I'll go tell her now"

"Good. I'll order some food later and send it down"

"Okay. Thanks. Love you"

"Mhm" Perrie didn't like the sound of that. She ran downstairs to her wife's ring. Leigh-Anne smiled, pulling her into her lap.

"Can we have the room please?" Leigh-Anne's workers continued to talk over each other lingering around her office.

"Hey!" Everyone turned to Leigh-Anne. She nodded for Perrie to speak.

"Can we please have the room?" Everyone left leaving the married couple.


"Hm" Leigh-Anne kissed her neck.

"Stop. Stop"


"Your mom is upset. She said if she sees anything out she's going to the police. So help me put everything up"

"Oh my fucking God!"

"Shush. Where do you put this stuff?"

"In my drawer. I don't know." Perrie began to tuck the packages wrapped in masking tape.

"She's starting to get on my nerves and I'm so tempted to work under my dad. She's acting like such a bit-" Leigh-Anne grumbled angrily.


"My representative. What's it to you?"

"Leigh-Anne.  This will be my last time telling you to watch how you speak to me. You're never to old, do you understand?"

"What are you going to do? Call the cops?"

"Stop." Perrie pulled Leigh-Anne away from her mother. Amina didn't seem to be in the mood today. 

"No. I'm starting to get tired of this. I'm not your little girl anymore, Mama."

"Perrie. Can we talk please"

"Yeah." Perrie left the room. She really wanted them to work their relationship out. She hated seeing them like this when she knew they were super close.

"What's your problem?"

"You're getting to be a little overwhelming mama. You are charging me and putting cameras in my personal space. I have no room to do anything."

"Then leave."

"I will"

"Go pay the white man rent every month and when they call the cops on your ass you better call your father because I won't pick up my phone."

"I will. I'll go work at daddy's spot!"


Leigh-Anne walked past her mother.

"And I'm not coming back" She was waiting for Amina to beg her to stay but it wasnt going to happen.

"I don't care, Leigh-Anne. I'm not losing anything."

"Except your kid. But obviously you don't even care about me!"

Amina rolled her eyes with a smile. Leigh-Anne was just like Jamie, Hella dramatic.

"Don't laugh at me! Im telling my daddy" Leigh-Anne slammed her office door and began making her way to the parking lot. She wiped her face as she sat in the car waiting for Perrie.

"Go get your little cry baby wife before I really hurt her feelings." Amina stood by the door talking to Perrie who was playing with a child she found in the corridor.

"Is she okay?"  Amina shrugged going back up to her office.

"I wanna come."

"Okay. Hold my hand so you don't get lost" the little girl held Perrie's hand as she made her way back to Leigh-Anne's office.

"I don't want to go there? I wasn't bad"

"No, you weren't bad. Don't worry, you're not in trouble."  Perrie opened the door and saw that it was empty. Her next stop was the parking lot.

"Baby, what's wrong. Why are you crying?" Perrie opened the passenger door crouching beside her.

"What's wrong?"

"Get your hand off me before I break it" She threatened the little girl without looking at her.

Tears welled in Jesy's eyes  as she backed away from Leigh-Anne.

"Dont cry, baby" she tried to comfort Jesy but she ran off. 

"I'm not crying!"

"I was talking to- nevermind. What's wrong?"

"I'm never fucking coming back. Take me home"

" say please baby, stop being so demanding" Perrie wasn't surprised, she knew that her wife was a brat.  She learned to accept her for who she is.  Leigh-Anne crossed her arms over her chest refusing to ask properly.

Perrie got in the car and put on her seatbelt but didn't drive anywhere. 

"I'll sit here all day" She said after a while.

"Please" Leigh-Anne grumbled quietly.

"And give me a kiss"

"I hate kisses"

"And you love me" Leigh-Anne leaned over kissing her wife before facing the window. Perrie shook her head, pulling off. 

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