Emerge the Dragonborn | The H...

By evenstar_

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"To fight evil; you must first understand the dark." From the blood of Dragons, a child shall rise, Born of... More

The Prophecy
The Cast
- An Unexpected Journey -
Chapter 1 - Songs of Spring
Chapter 2 - A Choice
Chapter 3 - Mister Boggins
Chapter 4 - A Burglar
Chapter 5 - Home Is Behind
Chapter 6 - Braids and Bows
Chapter 7 - Troll Supper
Chapter 8 - Warg Chase
Chapter 9 - Rivendell
Chapter 10 - Night Stroll
Chapter 12 - Moon Runes
Chapter 13 - The White Council
Chapter 14 - Thunder Battle
Chapter 15 - The Fever
Chapter 16 - The Emergence
Chapter 17 - Down in Goblin Town
Chapter 18 - Daylight
Chapter 19 - Through The Flames
Chapter 20 - The Great Eagles
Chapter 21 - To The Skies
- The Desolation of Smaug -
Chapter 1 - The Journey Goes On
Chapter 2 - Santuary
Chapter 3 - House of Beorn
Chapter 4 - Threshhold of Shadows
Chapter 5 - Dark of Mirkwood
Chapter 6 - Arachnophobia
Chapter 7 - The Wooldand Realm
Chapter 8 - The Young Prince
Chapter 9 - The Feast of Starlight
Chapter 10 - A Fate Inescapable
Chapter 11 - Barrel Riders
Chapter 12 - A Bargeman
Chapter 13 - Laketown
Chapter 14 - Welcome
Chapter 15 - Ruins
Chapter 16 - Kingdom of Erebor
Chapter 17 - A Dragon Hoard
Chapter 18 - Blood Bound
Chapter 19 - The Will
Chapter 20 - Revenge
- Battle Of The Five Armies -
Chapter 1 - Firestorm
Chapter 2 - Dragons Demise
Chapter 3 - Reunited
Chapter 4 - Clouds Now Gather
Chapter 5 - Burdens and Bonds
Chapter 6 - The Calm Before
Chapter 7 - Alligence
Chapter 8 - War
Chapter 9 - A Soldier
Chapter 10 - The Last Stand
Chapter 11 - Loss
Chapter 12 - Final Exit
Chapter 13 - The Journey Ends
The End
Book Two

Chapter 11 - A Life in Imladris

529 11 0
By evenstar_

Third Age, 2856
Anaynah at 6 years of age,

    Amid the gardens, the fresh snow had coated the courtyards of Rivendell.

A small child, no older than the age of 6, walked alongside a beautiful brown-haired Elleth. Their footsteps trailed behind them in the snow as they walked hand in hand through the gardens.

Perched up on a balcony, Lord Elrond intently watched his daughter walk alongside a young Anaynah across the snowy paths.

"It is kind of Arwen to comfort the child." The Lady Galadriel spoke as she too watched the pair from above. They smiled at the sight, "much she had lost that night, and I do believe she cannot comprehend a single thing."

"I am proud of her, she appears to be quite fond of her." The Lord replied as he stepped into the chambers from out of the cold, the warm heart of the fire instantly soothing his icy skin.

"As you should be." Galadriel sighed as her eyes stayed fixated upon the child, "Poor soul, her life before, now nothing but a memory, with naught any knowledge of what will become of her." her voice solemn as she spoke.

"And what is your wish to become of her?"
Galadriel did not answer.

It had been a week since Lord Elrond and Gandalf had brought Anaynah to Imraldris after finding her in Bree after the burning of the village near Sarn Ford.
After a lengthy journey, they returned with the girl to Rivendell, hoping to provide her with sanctuary.
The Lady of the Light had arrived just that day with her niece from Lothlórien, eager to finally see the child with her own eyes and to determine her fate.

Galadriel continued to examine the girl who now watched in wonder as snowflakes began to dance around her. Elrond huffed at his mother-in-law's secretiveness.

"Elladan and Elohir have sent word from their search as you know, unfortunately, their efforts to find Ahriman were in vain if that was indeed him. They say it is as if he has vanished but once again."

"We know not how nor why Ariman has risen."

"Do we not?" Elrond asked quickly, causing Galadriel to pause on the thought for a moment.

"We shall not dwell on what knowledge we do not possess, but rather focus on the chance we have before us." Galadriel nudged her down below to Anaynah. Elrond paced across the room in angst.

"Even if this is the prophesied one-"

"She is."

"Even so, there is no telling the path she shall choose. A child she is. She is not knowledgeable, she is blind to this evil nor is she aware of the power she will possess one day-"

"Which is why it is of most importance that she is showered with guidance and knowledge. Young Anaynah must be trained in the ways of Elven battle, she must be knowledgeable about our world and when the time comes, she must be told of her destiny." Galadriel finally turned to Elrond, stepping back inside the warm room.

"You mean to you wish to keep the truth from her?" Elrond frowned as Galadriel made her way into the middle of the room to where The Prophecy sat on the wooden table.

"She will not understand right now. The last thing we want is for her to be frightened off. Gain her trust, her love. One day when the time is right, you will tell her."

"Me, my Lady?" Elrond was confounded.

"Yes, it is my decision that she shall remain in Rivendell. She will be raised here under your protection. Do not tell her of her fate. All she must know is her parents perished in an Orc raid upon her village and she was brought here to be given sanctuary. Anaynah must be hidden from the harsh evil of the world," Galadriel decided as she traced the words upon the parchment, "Anaynah shall grow in grace and beauty, she will be one of your strongest and fearsome soldiers." Galadriel beamed as recalled her vision of a most elegant and powerful woman.

"If that is the will of the Lady Galadriel, then I shall see it done. The child shall be well protected. I will see to it that she is cared for and given a proper upbringing and training." Elrond accepted Galandriel's decision humbly as he raised his hand to his chest, lowering his head.

"Do not forget, we cannot control what will become of her. What she will become," Galadriels eyes darkened, "But know this; if she succumbs to the corruption, a new evil shall rise."

Elrond nodded in understanding. His footsteps lead him once again to the balcony. He watched closely as Arwen pointed to a falling snowflake, Anaynah reaching up to catch it in her palm with the brightest of smiles. Arwen too grinned at her with deep affection in her eyes.
Elrond was in disbelief, his heart however warmed at the sight.

How can one so innocent be fated for such evil?


Three Years Later,
Anaynah at 9 years of age

    A summer's day in Rivendell is typically warm and sunny, with a gentle breeze blowing through the trees. The air was filled with the sweet scent of flowers and the sound of birds singing. The sky was a deep blue, and the sun shone down on the lush greenery that surrounded the Elven city. The river Bruinen flowed peacefully through the valley, and the sound of its waters was a soothing backdrop to the peaceful atmosphere of Rivendell.

As the years went on, Anaynah's troubled mind strayed away from her trauma as she grew up surrounded by love. Nine winters she had experienced, and three had been under the care of Lord Elrond. Her knowledge of the world was vast, and often she would meet Elrond to be tutored to broaden her knowledge.
He did well to keep did word to Lady Galadriel. He would keep Anaynah safe and train her in the ways of good.

It was the end of their week, which meant Anaynah and Elrond would meet to teach her new topics and tales, for always she was eager to learn of the world and the ways of the Elves.
However, Elrond had noticed that her demeanour was not what it usually was. Her usual cheer was not present, in its place gloom. Her eyes dull, her shoulders slumped and her voice sombre. Something weighed down upon the child's mind.

Elrond closed his book once their time was done.

"Hannon le, Herdir Elrond. [Thank you, Lord Elrond.]" Anaynah stood up to leave, her eyes not meeting the Lords.

    "May you spare me a moment longer, child?" Elrond requested quickly before she could make a run for the door. The girl nodded slowly before sitting back down in her seat. Elrond gave her a comforting smile, trying to understand what was on her mind,
"Anaynah, is there something that heavys your heart today?"

"It is nothing." The child said quickly as she continued to stare down at her feet. Elrond huffed, he knew she would not tell so easily.

"Do not be afraid, you know that you may confide in me. I know that something is burdening you," Anaynah looked up to meet his soft gaze, "now, tell me, my dear."

Anaynah bit her lip as she thought hard about the words she wanted to say.

"Well, the Elven children..." she trailed off, hesitant to speak her mind. Elrond tried to not frown to allow her to be more comfortable in confiding in him, however, he had a feeling he knew what she was about to say, "They- well they treat me... Different."

"Different?" Elronds heart sank.

"Yes, they do not- have not been treating me as they treat the other Elleths and Ellons. I know I am different to them. I know I am a mortal, but they call me cruel names and taunt me." Tears welled in the child's eyes as she recalled the recent events. Elrond stepped closer to her upon hearing this distressing news.

"What do they say to you?"

"They jest of my appearance. They say I have no name. I come from nowhere. That I have no ada nor naneth, that I am a filthy orphan with no one to call my family."

Anaynah's words struck Elrond hard.  He knew her true parents were killed on that night Anaynah fled her village, he had told her this. But to hear that she was tormented for such a thing she could not help was heartbreaking.

"And is that how you feel? Do you believe you have no family?"

"I do not really, do I? I have no one to return to at the end of the day. No one to call my own."

Anaynah spoke with a sadness that broke the Elven Lord's heart. He realised that in his duty of his promise to care for her, he forgot to bestow her with the greatest duty of all.
Something that Ariman did not have.

Elrond moved around the furniture he stood behind and quickly paced in front of the girl, kneeling in front of her and taking her delicate hands in his own.

"Anaynah, if you wish it, it will be so." He spoke with urgency. Anaynah's tilted her head in confusion.

"My Lord?"

"If it is your heart's desire to be a part of a family, it would bring me the most happiness for you to be a part of mine." Elrond squeezed her hands in contentment. The young girl gasped, "I have watched you grow the past three years, and in this short time I've spent with you, you bring a light that has been gone a long time. It would truly be the greatest honour to be your father."

Anaynah's eyes brightened. Could this be her chance to have a family? She could not remember much of her parents, it was as if her mind locked away all her old memories after the horrific night she lost them. And now she longed to have that again. Around Elrond, she felt most safe, what an amazing father he would be to her.

"But you already have a daughter."
Elrond chucked at the innocent comment.

"And I would be thrilled to have another. Arwen has always wanted a sister, and Elladan and Elohir too have always been charmed with you, finally, they have someone that matches their mischievousness." Elrond spoke with a smile and he reached out and tickled the girl's sides causing her to pull away and giggle.

Their hearts were full, Elrond soon would take in Anaynah as his own child, his filling a void in his heart that had long been emptied since his wife Celebrain had sailed to the Undying Lands with a broken soul.
A different love filled the hole, and though it was not the same, it was enough.

Often he thought of how long he would have with her. He knew not of her parent's background. He did not know whether she had any Elven blood, however, it was highly unlikely as she did not possess the obvious Elven features, nor did she age slowly like Elven children.

Whether she had the Gift of Men or the blessing of Valar. He and the rest of his children knew that they would make the most of the time with her.

9 years later,
Anaynah at 18 years of age

    Autumn in the Hidden Valley was a magical time indeed. The air was crisp and cool, and the leaves on the trees turned brilliant shades of gold, orange, and red. The gardens were bursting with late-blooming flowers, and the sound of the nearby waterfall was especially soothing. As the days grew shorter, the elves of Rivendell began to prepare for the long winter ahead. They harvested the last of the crops and stored them away for the colder months, and they spent more time indoors, gathered around the fire, telling stories and sharing meals. But even as they prepared for winter, there was a sense of joy and celebration in the air. Autumn was a time of reflection and gratitude, a time to appreciate the beauty of the world around them and the love and companionship of their fellow Elves.

On an early morning of this cool autumn day, Arwen was found lounging in her room, reading a book and sipping at a warm cup of tea.

A knock at her door pulls her eyes away from the words on the pages in her hands.

"Galu! [Come in!]" She called out for them to come in, a small figure of her handmaiden opening her door.

"Guren le i-aur ned, nîn hîr, Arwen. Tolo na i annon, boe i adar a cherdir. [Forgive me for disturbing you, my Lady Arwen, but I've come to inform you that your father and siblings have returned.]"

Arwen's heart leapt with joy at the news. She hadn't seen her family in weeks, and she missed them terribly.

"Thank you for letting me know," she said to the maid. "Please inform the kitchen to prepare a feast, and I will make my way to the courtyard to greet them."

The maid curtsied again and left the room, and Arwen was quick to follow, jogging through the halls of her home.

As she descended the stairs to the courtyard, she could hear the sound of laughter and chatter growing louder. When she reached the bottom, she saw her family members all gathered around their horses in conversation.

The young female soldier caught sight of her sister, running down the stairs with a most bright smile.

"Arwen!" Anaynah cried out, running over to embrace her sister as she reached the bottom, "Oh, I have missed you so!"
Arwen hugged her sister tightly, feeling tears of joy prick at the corners of her eyes.

"How long you were gone! You must tell me everything!"

Arwen then greeted her brothers and father, feeling a sense of warmth and love wash over her.

"So, what did you find out there?" Arwen asks, eager to hear all the details.

"We found a group of orcs that were scheming an attack on one of the nearby villages," Elladan explained, "We were able to intercept them and drive them off before they could do any harm."

"That's amazing," Arwen said, impressed by their bravery. "You're all so skilled."

Elohir chimed in with a story about a beautiful waterfall they discovered while on patrol, and Anaynah shared a humorous anecdote about a mishap that occurred during their journey.

"There is much to share indeed," their father spoke, stepping forward to stand next to Anaynah, placing a heavy hand on her shoulder in pride. "Your sister has proven herself to be a most skilled soldier," he said to Arwen. "She led her team with courage and wisdom, and I am proud of her accomplishments."

Anaynah's siblings beamed with pride at her achievements, feeling a sense of admiration for her bravery. It was Anaynahs first task and she indeed proved to be an asset to the Rivendell Guard.

Elrond stared down at his youngest daughter with a warm smile who in return looked up to him in most admiration.

"Come! Let us not wait any longer. Elladan and Elohir have been complaining incessantly of their hunger and I cannot stand it much longer."

Anaynah smiled at her father's jest, linking arms with Arwen as she pulled her up the steps.

At the feast, Elladan and Elohir regaled the family with tales of their adventures, including a humorous story about a run-in with a mischievous group of Hobbits. They had been tasked with escorting these half-lings back to Bree to avoid any more run-ins with Orcs, but the hobbits kept playing pranks on them along the way.

"Fascinating creatures, they are. Would you believe, Arwen, they have TWO breakfasts!" Anaynah exclaimed in bewilderment.

"We had to keep a close eye on them," Elladan said, chuckling. "Otherwise, who knows what kind of trouble they would have gotten into!"

"I had suggested that Elohir simply travel back to the Shire with them, goodness knows he eats as much at those Hobbits." Anaynah chimed in as she taunted her brother.

The family laughed and enjoyed the rest of the evening, savouring the time they had together. As the night wore on, they made plans for future adventures and reminisced about past ones. It was a night filled with love, laughter, and memories that they would cherish for a lifetime.

These blissful years were fleeting, and the darkness that lay ahead loomed like a spectre, waiting to pounce upon its unsuspecting prey...

Hope y'all liked this easy-paced chapter.
Would you like more of Anaynah growing up in Rivendell? I just wanted to give a brief description here so you understood how exactly she fell under Elrond's care and the relationship between her and her siblings.

- I <3

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