LMK x Child Reader (FEM) [ON...

FlowerFall5 tarafından

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(This a very old book and contains grammar errors, slight cringe and some other stuff normally found in a 12... Daha Fazla

A Hero Is Born Part 1
A Hero Is Born Part 2
Bad Weather
Coming Home
Noodles or Death
The Great Wall Race
Impossible Delivery
The Lotus Prince
Skeleton Key
The End Is Here!
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 1
Revenge Of The Spider Queen Part 2
Sleep Bug
Dumpling Destruction
Ping Pong Panic
Sweet'n Sour
Minor Scale
Game On
Shadow Play
To Catch A Leaf
72 Transformations
This Is The End!
On the Run
Y/N Art
Underverse story?
Christmas Special!
More Y/N Art
Happy Holidays!
Animation thing I did
First headcannon- Yandere LMK and child reader
Sorry I havent updated!
Redson last words trend thing-
Future Books + Poll
Lego Set
Y/N Season 3 redesign!
Season 3?
Random Doodle
New Book Announcement!
You guys please read-
Ask Anything!

Ask Anything Answers!

973 19 25
FlowerFall5 tarafından

The empty room laid silent, before lights overhead revealed it's contents. There was a large stage taking over most of the room, with a single table and spinning chair in front of it. A single blue microphone was laid on the table, and leaning on one of the table legs was a dark grey backpack. Red curtains hid what was behind the rest of the stage. The walls had a dark blue paint, with some stars decorating the area.

The red curtains suddenly opened, revealing a single chair silently sitting in the middle of the stage. A poof of smoke appeared in front of the chair, as spotlights above the stage roamed around the floor before landing on the smoke. A shadow could be seen from in the smoke, standing idly, before speaking.

"Greetings my fellow audience!" The smoke cleared, revealing a person with their arms extended into the air with one leg in front of the other. They wore a grey sweater, and darker grey shorts, revealing their scarred legs and a single bandaid on their knee. They had dark blue winter boots, with a lighter blue fluff. The strangest thing about them was their face. It was completely black, like some kind of void. Only their right eye and mouth outline in white could be seen within the dark face. Short dark brown hair hid their face as they bowed deeply. One arm into the air while the other was held to their chest. A single small top hat floated above their head.

"It is a pleasure to see you all here, especially after such a long time. I haven't updated this book for months!" They rose from their bow, and jumped off of the stage. "You may call me N, and I will be your host for this little question show." The person, now known as N, made their way to the table, and hopped onto the chair. They used their leg to push off of the table to spin the chair. "I don't know about you, but I am very excited to get this show on the road!" N picked up the blue microphone on the table, and stopped the chair from spinning any longer.

"Now, as you may know, I asked you lovelies for some questions to ask our wonderful cast. I, however, have added some based off the comments seen on some of my earlier chapters. Now, let's give a round of applause for our first guest, MK!"

The spotlight landed on the single chair, and a moment of silence played out as no one came onto the stage. "Uhh... Does anyone know here MK is?" N asked into the microphone, as Mei and Sandy peaked out from the curtain. They shrugged, confusing N. "He was here when we started though." N muttered, before a far away scream sounded. It got louder as time progressed, before MK crashed through the roof, staff in hand as he landed face first on the hardwood floor.

"Well, that's one way to make an entrance!" N laughed, as MK stood, stumbling a bit, before sitting in the chair. He still looked a bit dazed from the fall, but quickly snapped out of it by shaking his head. "Hello MK! I've got a few questions from the audience I would like to ask, if you don't mind." MK nodded, a bright smile on his face. "Great! Let's start off with this one."

"MK: Why did you leave Y/N with the Demon Bull King family first meeting them? I'm surprised Pigsy hasn't murdered you yet."

MK sweat dropped, and smiled nervously. "I didn't mean to! I didn't know the staff was going to throw me into the air! As for the second question..." MK started shaking as he looked to the side, seeing Pigsy glare at him with a rolling pin in his hand, hitting it against his other open one. Y/N stood next to Pigsy, tilting their head innocently. MK scratched the back of his neck. "Pigsy still hasn't forgotten about that."

"Interesting answer. Now to the second question"

"MK: You act like a protective big brother to Y/N. Would you consider yourself as such?"

MK chuckled, glancing at Y/N before responding. "I don't know. I mean, me and the others care about Y/N a lot, and she's normally dragged into our battles and fights. I just want to make sure she's safe, while also making sure we keep her purity and innocence, which has proved to be easier said than done."

"MK: Are you a platonic yandere towards Y/N?"

"A what?"

"A yandere. This question is kinda connected to the last one."

"Uhh... No? I don't know what that is..."

N grabbed the backpack next to the table, and looked into it and pulled out a phone. "I'll look it up to give a better explanation. Yandere: Yandere is a portmanteau of two Japanese words. The first is yanderu, which means "to be sick," and the second is deredere, used here for "lovestruck." A yandere is often sweet, caring, and innocent before switching into someone who displays an extreme, often violent or psychotic, level of devotion to a love interest."

MK's face was plastered with confusion, as let out a confused hum. "I wouldn't consider myself one."

N put down her phone, shrugging. "Some yanderes even kill other people because they were too close to their love interest."

Mk's face paled, as he stared at N with a flabbergasted look. "Kill!? I would never ever ever ever ever ever EVER take someone's life just because they got close to Y/N! Who would even do that!?"

N shrugged again. "People who would do anything to protect who they love. Anyways, here's the last question."

"MK: Why do you think LDB wanted Y/N if you had any guesses?"

MK visibly tensed at the name and diverted his eyes to his hands. "I don't know..." He clenched his open hands tight, looking up with a determined expression. "But I won't let her touch Y/N."

N nodded. "Understandable. That's the last question I have for you MK. You can hang out in the back with the others."

MK nodded, before standing up from the chair walking off the stage.

N sighed, pulling up the next questions for the next guest. "Alright, let's bring out our next guest, Redson!"

The red haired male walked to the chair, before sitting down with his arms crossed. "Well, get on with it. I don't have all day." He glared at N, who nodded.

"Redson: Are you going to adopt Y/N into the Demon Bull King Family?"

Redson tilted his head with a smirk. "Well, if she'd be willing to join us. She would make a perfect addition and a rightful heir to the throne once she's old enough." His smirk fell, and was replaced with a scowl. "But she insists on staying with the peasants."

"Redson: Some also consider you as an older brother to Y/N. How do you feel about that?"

Redson blushed in embarrassment, and cleared his throat. "I have to make sure the child is safe." He put a hand to his chest. "As her protector, I have made an oath to protect her from any harm."

N snickered, whispering to the audience. "Considering what happens to him in Season 4, I don't think he can fulfil that oath for long."

Redson growled, a shadow casted over his face as he summoned fire in his hand. "What was that."

"Nothing you need to know now."

"Redson: You know Y/N is probably traumatized right? I mean, after all the times she's been kidnapped, stalked, and put in danger."

Redson sighed, a troubled look on his face. "Yes." He looked over at Y/N, who was giggling as she sat on Sandy's shoulder, petting Mo. "She's been through so much, I'm impressed she's handling it quite well."

"Redson: Don't tell the others, but you're one of Y/N's favorite friends. What do you have to say about that?"

"No wonder she does. I'm obviously the best person here." He gloated, a smug smirk spread across his face. Loud objections from everyone backstage could be heard, as Redson glared back at them.

"Alright, that's all for Redson!" N yelled, as Redson stood from his seat, bowed, and left. "Up next is Wukong!" Monkey King flew to the stage on his cloud, before hopping onto the chair, and grabbing peach chips from who knows where and started chewing them loudly.

"Monkey King: Why would you leave Y/N with the Demon Bull King Family when MK first got his staff?"

Monkey King hummed, throwing another chip into his mouth. "I knew DBK wasn't cruell enough to stomp on a kid, and his son and wife looked like they had taken a liking to peaches, so I knew the kid going to come out unharmed. I totally didn't have second thoughts about leaving them." Monkey King laughed nervously, as Pigsy gave him the same glared he gave MK. MK deadpanned at Wukong, and Nezha sent a dangerous and threatening glare towards Wukong.

"Monkey King: What do you think about Y/N?"

Monkey King smiled, his tail swaying behind him. "She's a good kid. Though I don't like her getting dragged into all the dangerous fights and situations. Especially now." Monkey King frowned, his tail stopping its swinging.

"Monkey King: Why do you call Y/N peaches?"

Monkey King shrugged, eating a peach chip. "I like the nickname. It was actually a nickname of mine, given to me by a great kid with a terrible fate-"

"Alright, no spoilers." N interrupted, as Wukong shrugged with a smirk.

"Monkey King: How did you feel after Y/N broke her arm?"

Wukong sighed, a frown on his face. "It was.. Hard watching her be in that much pain."

"That's all for Monkey King. Now, for Macaque." N said, as Wukong stood from the chair. A pool of a purple shadow materialized next to the chair, and Macaque emerged from it. The two monkey demons glared at each other, before Monkey King started to walk off the stage. A shadow clone tripped Monkey King behind the curtain. N deadpanned as Wukong's yell could be heard from where they sat. Macaque glanced at her, giving a mischievous smirk.


"Whatever. Let's get this over with before you decide to cause more trouble."

"Macaque: Are you aware that Y/N broke her arm after that fight you had with Monkey King and MK?"

Macaque tensed, his tail frozen. He sighed, sitting back in the chair with a troubled glare. "Yeah." He drew out, obvious guilt in his voice. " I didn't mean to, but at least she's better now."

"Macaque: Why were you stalking Y/N at first? And why are you so nice to her?"

"Well. I could sense something weird about em, so I decided to follow them for the first couple days. Turns out my suspicions were correct."


Macaque sweat dropped, shrugging awkwardly. "...Magic?"

"Macaque: What did you think about Mystery?"

Macaque huffed, grimacing at the name. "I'm glad that thing is away from Y/N. I could tell something was off about it."

"Now, to out last individual questions, and they're all to the one and only Y/N!" Macaque chuckled, stepping out of the chair and hopping into his shadow portal. Y/N walked to the chair and sat down, waving to the audience.

"Hello!" N smailed, waving back. "Hello, Y/N. You ready for your questions?" Y/N nodded happily.

"Y/N: You are such a gem!"

Y/N smiled, heat rising to her cheeks. "Thank you." She replied shyly.

"Y/N: How did it feel breaking your arm?"

Y/N glanced at her arm, free of the bandages. "It hurt. A lot." Y/N then shrugged. "But that's expected."

"Y/N: How does it feel to be adopted by Pigsy and The Demon Bull King family, AND Macaque at the same time?"

Y/N giggled, showing a toothy smile. "It's been fun!"

"Rogue_Riot9 asked: How does Y/N feel now that she got dragged into all the drama?"

Y/N sighed, sweat dropping. "Let's just say, I didn't expect to be constantly meeting demons while my parents were away." A frown made its way to her face, as a lump in her throat formed. "I wonder when they're coming back."

"Y/N: Where are your parents?"

"They're on an important business trip." Y/N mumbled. "At least, that's what they told me. They said they would be gone for a couple of months. They know I'm able to take care of myself." Y/N smiled sadly, fiddling with their sleeves. Nezha appeared next to Y/N and pat her head, comforting her.

"Alright, now we have two more questions for Pigsy before we move on to group questions."

"Victroria_200 asked: Question for Pigsy, did you find Y/N another child for you?"

"No. Though, it would be good for her to have a kid her age to spend time with."

"Pigsy: How do you feel about taking care of Y/N while her parents are away?"

"I don't mind watching over Y/N. She's a good kid. Her parents are just very busy people." Pigsy frowned deeply. "I don't know why they think they're work is more important than her. Y/N normally only sees one parent because the other is working someplace else. It's rare for her to see both of them together." Pigsy glanced at Y/N, who was sitting on the floor, talking, and laughing with the Golden Sliver demons.

"Now, we have some extra people who are going to join us for the rest of the group questions!"

"liyanabatrisiya asked: Question for everyone, how would you feel about Y/N having a potential s/o?"

"AST3R_TH3_UNKN0WN asked: question for everyone (except y/n and writer): what would you think if y/n had a possible s/o? And if so also- what if that s/o were to hurt y/n??"

MK spit out the water he was drinking, getting it all on Redson who grimaced and snatched a towel Sandy offered to him. Mei's jaw hit the ground, and Tang froze. Wukong's eyes widened, and Macaque glared at N. Pigsy only sighed at the group.

"The kid's too young to have a partner now. I'd give it a couple decades, but it ain't my choice to make." He calmly stated, as MK shook his head vigorously.
"No no no no no no no! Y/N is not getting a partner!"

Redson grudgingly nodded. "As much as I hate to agreed with the noodle boy, I must. I will not allow the young one to have a significant other. Once they willingly agree to be apart of the Demon Bull King family, we will choose an heir we see fit for them. With their consent of course."

Mei glared at Redson.

"Wait a minute! Who said Y/N was going anywhere near you!?"

"I did, dragon horse girl."

Mei and Redson glared at each other, as Sandy and Pigsy tried to break them up. Tang chuckled nervously, pushing up his glasses. "Well, I want Y/N to be happy, but I don't think she's ready for dating yet." Sandy nodded with Tang, agreeing with his statement.

"No." Macaque stated with no emotion.

Wukong shook his head. "Yeah, no. Y/N's too precious to have a partner. They'll ruin her purity."

N turned to the spider demons, raising an eyebrow. "You guys have been awfully quiet."

"What is there to say about this? The answer is obviously no, and will stay no." Spider Queen snarled, as Syntax and Huntsman nodded with scowls. Strong Spider only shrugged, sweat dropping.

"I must agree that it would be better for Y/N to wait until she is old enough to make her decision." Nezha said, calmly.

Just as N turned to the demon twins, a bead of sweat rolled down their face as they gulped when they saw the demon twins standing behind Y/N with threatening glares. Y/N only looked at N innocently with a tilted head and a smile.

At the second part of the second question, everyone glared dangerously at the camera. N laughed nervously, quickly flipping to the next question.

"1-800-sheepchild asked: Can you put MK, Mei, and Sandy in the "OuR tAbLe Is BrOkEn~" meme???"

"Hey I'm back!" MK yelled, bursting through the door to Sandy's home on his boat. Mei and Sandy, who were sitting on the couch, perked up at MK's greeting. "Hey MK!" Mei said, waving. She and Sandy were drinking tea, while Mo was laying on Sandy's lap. Mei placed her tea down on the wooden table in front of the couch. MK smiled, walking over to them, but tripping on his feet. He slammed head first into the wooden table, breaking it in half.

"Oh no! Our table! It's broken!" Mei yelled, as MK lifted his head as comedic stars floated in front of his eyes.

"justlininda asked: If you put a French fry into a electrical cord will it explode?"

"Let's find out!" Mei hovered the french fry in her hand over the closest electrical cord." Redson slapped the food away from her hand. The french fry landed on Nezha's head, making him grimace in disgust as Mei and Redson fought in the distance.

"StAr_Dem0ns asked: If Milly ate three apples and I slaughter her whole family, how many bananas are left? 🧐🧐🧐"

Everyone looks visibly disturbed, and was silent. N scratched her chin. "7?" They answered, shrugging. Syntax slowly tped on his wrist keyboard. "According to the information, I would guess the right answer if...9."

N sighed, and nodded. Looking through their notes, N spent a moment examining every question, before smiling. "Well, that seems to be all the questions! Alright, now I'll all of my questions!" N turned to the camera, holding a paper. "Let's see what you guys have for me here."

"mahamedkingming asked: Question to writer :{Why does LDB need strings attached to the kid? Is there like a secret source in the kid?}"

"Hmm. Who knows? Maybe there's something about Y/N that not even she knows."

"Detectiveangel asked: Are you going to update another chapter? If so I'm excited."

N nodded happily with a smile. "Once I complete 'The Hero, The Warrior, and The Legend' I will come back and finish this book." N put a hand to their chin, pondering. "I'm still debating whether I do Season 4 in this book, when I do come back to it."

"Amidaxd2 asked: Can we have something with the beach scene that shows up in S4 in special?"

N shrugged. "Maybe. I haven't watched the complete english dub of S4 yet. Even though I have 'HappyKids' to do it. And I want to wait for the english version of the S4 special to come out so I can watch that first. I am aware there is a chinese dub somewhere, but I would rather watch the English version so I can understand it better. (And also because I'm lazy.)"

"kawaiibish000 asked: Will we get any powers in the future?"

N shook her head. "Nope. Not planning on it. I wanna keep Y/N human, with no powers. (Except the power of cuteness and making everyone friendly to her) But she will have something about her that doesn't make her entirely normal either.

"Alex_the_weirdo45 asked: Hii. Will you make another LMK book? Cause I have an idea :]"

N beamed, sitting up and placing her hands behind her head while slowly spinning in the chair. "You have an idea? Please feel free to tell me! I'm all ears for hearing ideas!" Stopping themselves from spinning on the chair, N placed their foot on the floor. "And to answer your question, yes, I am planning another LMK book. The most I will tell you about it is that it will start on the first episode of the first season."

Putting the notes back with a sigh, N looked into the camera at the audience. "Well, that's all from me and the others. I'll see you whenever I finish my book and publish the next chapter here!" 

Okumaya devam et

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