ONE PIECE : Lighthouse Empire...

بواسطة DCLGalloway

452 232 126

Hello, my friends, and welcome to my ONE PIECE fanfiction! The Lighthouse Empire Arc takes place after the F... المزيد

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode I
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 2
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 3
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 4
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 5
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 6
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 8
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 9
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 10
Lighthouse Empire, Episode 11
Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 11

Lighthouse Empire Arc, Episode 7

13 12 6
بواسطة DCLGalloway

A Fatal Countdown Begins! Fukitsu Makes His Move!

Far behind Sky's fleet, the rest of the Straw Hats begin to form their own plans on Lighthouse Empire.

As Usopp, Chopper, Franky and Brook run along the deck of the city together, they observe the last of the townspeople making their way below deck, hastily hiding themselves from any potential danger.

"Boy, these folks sure can pack up quick!" Franky comments.

Usopp agrees. "You're telling me. It's like a ghost ship now!"

"Now I truly feel welcome!" Brook quips. 

Chopper, who has transformed into strong point, looks to Usopp with concern. "So what's the plan now? Where are we going?"

"Why are you asking me?! I'm just running with the rest of you!"

"Whaa--you mean you don't have a plan?"

"Chopper, what in our history together would ever make you think I have a plan!?"

Franky stops himself. "Alright, let's just hold on for a second and figure this out." The rest of the group slides to a stop beside him. "The first thing we need to do is find the local security force."

Brook looks around. "Do they even have one? Everyone is gone!"

"Are you kidding? A city this large has to have a guard."

Chopper nods. "That's true. Sky did mention they've had many attacks in the past, and they seem to be well prepared for it."

Franky then looks above him and spots a lookout tower directly over their heads. "Alright--I'm heading to the top of that tower." He points to the lookout. "I'll be able to spot any ships much better then they can." One of Franky's eyes suddenly transforms into a very large scope.

Usopp pumps his fist. "Right! Then just leave finding the guard to us!"

"Meet me back here as soon as you find them." Franky begins to climb the tower.

Usopp watches him for a moment, then runs forward again, waving the crew to follow.

After covering a bit more distance, they soon spot a large group of people gathered around the base of the main lighthouse. Many have swords and large guns strapped to their backs. 

Chopper points them out. "Look there! That must be them!"

As the group arrives in front of the guard, one of the older men immediately recognizes them. "Hey, Straw Hats!"

"Are you guys the local security force?" Usopp inquires.

"That obvious, huh?" The older man jokes. He is dressed in blue and gray light armor, which hides his barrel chest, and sports a short salt and pepper beard with matching hair. On his back is a large blue sword, similar to the one Tydal carries. "You here to help?"

"You bet!" Chopper confirms happily. 

Usopp's nervousness quickly surfaces. "Well, not me so much. I'll supervise, of course. But I'm sure most of you already have this under control, right?"

Chopper turns to him angrily. "You're wimping out already?!" 

The man chuckles. "Sounds good to me! We need all the help we can get."

Brook steps forward. "We're ready to work our fingers to the bone for you, sir!" He quips. 

"Glad to hear it! The name's Tydus. Good to finally meet you all."

Usopp comes beside him. "We're glad we found you, we were beginning to think the city didn't have much of a guard, seeing as it's so well fortified."

"Are you kidding? You're looking at the best guard on Grand Line." Tydus gestures to his crew. "We've defended more Navy attacks than we can count!"

"Really--at your age?" Chopper wonders.

Tydus punches him into the floor. "Have some respect, deer man!"

Chopper rubs his head dizzily. "Well, at least he called me a deer..."

"The beard may be gray, but the sword is still sharp! Know what I'm saying?"

"How encouraging!" Brook remarks. 

Usopp crosses his arms and looks around. "So what's the plan, old timer? We'll follow your lead on this one."

"Well, first things first. We need to establish a--"

Just then, Franky's voice calls out from behind them. "Hey--Hey guys!" 

The group turns to see Franky jogging toward them with a panicked expression. 

"Franky--what is it?" Chopper asks. 

Franky stops in front of them with labored breath. "They're here...They're here already!"

Usopp is confused. "Who's here?"

"The marines! I just saw about 20 ships heading right for us!"

Usopp's eyes bulge. "20 ships?!" 

Tydus steps toward him. "20? Are you sure it was that many?"

Franky nods. "No doubt about it. I counted at least 15, and there were still more behind them."

Chopper quivers. "That's insane! So many!" 

Tydus rubs his beard. "We've never faced a fleet that large before. This is truly concerning."

"The Navy must be pulling out all the stops on you this time." Franky comments.

Tydus turns to his crewmates. "You hear that? This will be the largest force we've faced yet. If any of you have any objections..."

"No way!" One of his soldiers calls out. "We're not afraid! Let's do it!" Cheers of support and gusto accompany him.

Tydus nods confidently and faces the Straw Hats again. "Well, you have our answer! Ready to fight with us?"

Franky pumps his fists. "Super ready!"

Usopp melts with fear. "How do we keep getting ourselves into these situations?!"  

Chopper looks between his friends and Tydus. "So what's the plan? What should we all do?"

Franky raises both his arms in the air. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm heading straight for the front lines! I'm ready for battle!" Two machine guns pop out from his forearms.

Brook agrees and poses with him. "And I as well! Been a long time since I had a good fight!"

Usopp hides himself among the guard, attempting to disguise his voice. "Awesome! Go Straw Hats! Fight until the bitter end! We'll be supporting you all the way!"

Franky reaches out and grabs his long nose out of the crowd. "Yeah right, quit fooling around! You're coming with us!" He places Usopp beside him forcefully.

Chopper steps beside Tydus. "How about me? Should I go fight with them too?"

Tydus looks to him. "You're a doctor, isn't that right?"

"The best!" Chopper grins.

"Good! Then would you mind providing your services to our hospital? I know it may sound trivial, but if things get really bad, we will need your help."

Chopper hesitates for a moment, but soon realizes that is his place. "Sure! Of course I can do that! You can count on me."

Tydus places a rough hand on Chopper's shoulder. "Good man! I appreciate your help!" He then turns to the rest of his crew and raises his sword high in the air. "Alright, let's go! Everyone to the west side of the city! Arm yourselves and prime the canons!"

Chopper watches as the group runs off, following Tydus to the front of the city. He watches on with pride, then quickly scampers below deck to find the hospital.  

But just before his head drops below the surface, his eyes catch something. In the near distance, he sees a large, black figure running toward him on all fours. He immediately recognizes that it's an animal, and not just any animal, it's Aiku's big black cat.

"Huh? Muskers?" Chopper wonders aloud. 

The giant cat comes to a stop beside him, releasing a fury of mews and chirps in different tones. Chopper listens to every word. 

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous, you should be inside!" Chopper orders. Muskers mews and chirps again. "Huh? What do you mean?" More mews. "You want to fight? You must be crazy, you can't fight! Can you?" Muskers spins in circles, then stands on his haunches, flexing his paws proudly. Chopper gets starry eyes. "Wow! You're a fighting cat?!" Muskers nods vigorously. "That's so cool!" Muskers mews again, Chopper listens closely. "Huh--you want me to fight with you?" Muskers nods. "Well, I suppose I won't be missed much at the hospital unless anything bad happens. Even if it does I can just come back to the ship." He looks to Musker's happy face and grins. "...Okay then, let's do it, Muskers!"  

Across the sea, onboard Fukitsu's ship, Aiku and Lunya remain in their cell. For now, their conversation has faded. Lack of rest and stress floods their emotions. Lunya sits upright on her knees as Aiku leans into her, resting her head on Lunya's shoulders with tired eyes.

Lunya then notices that the ship seems to have stopped. She gazes out the window, then looks down to Aiku. "...Do you feel that?"

"What?" Aiku lifts her head. "I don't feel anything."

"Exactly. This ship has stopped moving." 

"Have we arrived somewhere?"

Lunya sighs. "That's what I fear."

The door to their room opens abruptly, and several haggard crewmen stride in. They smile at the women sadistically. "Time to go, ladies." 

Moments later, Lunya and Aiku are led onto the upper deck, still handcuffed and chained together with a rusty cable. As they come to the front section of the ship, a haunting sight unfolds before them. 

There, directly in front of the ship, is a tall, thin rectangular structure with no ornamentation or decoration; a solid block of cubic iron. It reaches high into the air, cutting through the clouds above, and disappears into the sea below. Behind it, a gargantuan giant's sword sticks into the ocean floor, as if someone had stabbed the ocean. It's blade slicing through the white caps. 

"Welcome home." One of the crewmen remarks, as Lunya and Aiku stare at the compound gravely.

Soon after, the two women are led across a bridge and through a square opening near the bottom of the structure. Once inside, the crewmen bring them to the middle of the room and attach chains to their handcuffs. As the chains tighten, Lunya and Aiku are lifted into the air by their arms, and slowly begin to rise.

"Lunya!" Aiku cries out in fear. The crewmen laugh. 

 "It's okay, Aiku! Just hang on! Grip your cuffs so the pressure isn't on your arms!" She instructs. 

After a long moment of agony, the women are raised to the top floor of the building and dropped forcefully onto the floor. The chain remains attached, draping onto the metal surface in front of him. They breath heavily, recovering from the pain, until evil laughter begins to fill the chamber.

As they attempt to locate the sound, a light appears near the back of the room, shining down on a shadowy figure seated at a cubic desk. A flame sparks, reflecting on the metallic wall, as smoke rises from the shadow and turns to a ghostly mist in the dim orange light. 

"How wonderful to see you again..." The figure grumbles. 

Aiku immediately recognizes his voice. Her face fills with rage. "Fukitsu..." She snarls. 

Fukitsu's face leans into the light, illuminating his weathered face and thick black beard. "I am so pleased you remember me. No doubt I have been a ghost haunting your dreams."

"My nightmares." Aiku corrects.

 Fukitsu laughs. "With each word you speak, my pride grows. You honor me."

Aiku jumps forward. "You snake! Why can't you just leave us alone!"

Fukitsu leans back in his chair. "You know the answer already. So why ask?"

"I didn't want this! You made me who I am!"

"Precisely. And that is why you belong to me."

Aiku grimaces and looks to the floor, her eyes tearing. "I don't belong to anyone...I am free."

Fukitsu laughs again. "Still in denial? Even as you stand before me in chains."

Aiku looks to him. "My body may be in chains. But you will never chain my heart, or my soul!" She exclaims.

Fukitsu's expression alters, forming into disdain. He blows a thick plume of smoke from his lips. "Interesting. That sounds like a challenge to me." Suddenly, a white glow begins to form around his body, as if his internal energy is set ablaze. His aura burns. "Let's see if you're ready to accept it..."

With a flash of energy, the white glow of Fukitsu's body leaps from his frame and attaches itself to Aiku. Instantly, she is cast in the same white energy, now formed and burning around her body like a bubble. Aiku screams, but no sound can be heard. She pounds against the surface, but cannot break free; trapped inside a wall of pure energy.   

Lunya turns toward her friend in desperation. "Aiku!" 

Fukitsu chuckles and rises from his chair. "This is the power of the aura-aura fruit. Kick and scream all you want. You can never break free from the body's energy."

Lunya faces Fukitsu. "Stop this now! Vegapunk wants me, doesn't he?! Just take me and leave her alone!"

"Is that suppose to be a bargain? You must be joking." Fukitsu scoffs. "What makes you think I would release either of my prizes? One does not come without the other. Both of you are mine. Now, and forever."

Lunya grits her teeth as anger courses through her. "It doesn't have to be this way!"

"Giving me orders now? Shut your mouth!" He commands. He settles himself and slowly makes his way in front of both women. "...But I have a bargain for you, Lunya." He takes a long draw from his pipe and blows smoke in her face. "Either I keep her in my aura spell, causing her great pain through torture. Or, you can join my prison."   

Lunya looks to Aiku. She can see her writhing in silent pain. "Aiku..."

Fukitsu smiles. "Just say the word."

Lunya looks to the floor helplessly. "...Fine."

Fukitsu steps closer to her. "A little louder?"

Lunya meets his eyes. "Do it! We will join!"

Fukitsu laughs. "And so it shall be done."

Lunya lunges toward him. "You vile pig!"

But before she can make contact, Fukitsu raises a hand and places her inside of his aura spell. "Pitiful." He remarks. "For that, now both of you will suffer."  

As the chains tighten, Lunya and Aiku are lifted into the air once again, their screams silenced by the wall of energy incapsulating their bodies. Beside them, a doorway opens, revealing a long, vertical shaft with several other prisoners also chained by the hands, dangling over the open space. As Lunya and Aiku are moved into position above them, they can see the line of hanging people stretches far below into the sea, with each set of prisoners stacked one on top of the other.

"Welcome to my sanctuary: Tomb Aqueous!" Fukitsu bellows. "With each passing minute, another set of rats is drowned, lowered into the sea below. To their righteous death!"  

They watch in horror as the line of prisoners shifts, lowering by one level. The two men located at the very bottom are suddenly plunged into the sea. As the locking bars rotate, making room for Lunya and Aiku, the women are strapped into the device. Now the top set of prisoners, they cry out in fear as they await their certain doom.

Fukitsu grins with pleasure as he watches. "Don't think I need you alive. All we need is your precious blood. With the filth of your rebellious spirit finally washed away, your essence will be the fuel for our future experiments."

Meanwhile onboard Sky's ship, Sky dons his new clothes, swapping his old blood stained sleeveless captain's coat for a worn brown leather one. He ties on his blue sash, tightens his belt, then turns toward the exit. 

Moments later, he emerges from the stairwell and returns to the main deck, much to the delight of his crewmates and the Straw Hats. Tydal comes to his side, placing a firm hand on his shoulder. 

Sky smiles at him assuredly, then walks forward toward the bow. "What is our situation now?"

Tydal and Tiff walk behind him. "The paddlewheels are still in rough shape, but repaired well enough to sail." Tydal informs.


"And the portal spheres are warming up as we speak." Tiff adds.

"And Bara?"

"Right here!" Bara's voice calls out.

Sky and the crew turn toward the side of the ship to see Bara climbing over the railing, returned from his scouting mission. Sky jogs over to him. "You're back!"

Bara and Sky grasp each other's arms as they meet. "I'm back. And you're awake!"

Sky grins brightly. "I am."

"Are you well?"

"Well enough."

Bara pats his shoulder. "That will have to do."

Tydal steps beside them. "I hope your mission was successful. Did you locate Fukitsu's fleet?"

Bara nods. "I did. And not only that, we're much closer to his compound then we thought. The fleet didn't travel far."

Sky crosses his arms and stands tall. "Good. Mark the location on the map and set the coordinates. Let me know when the ships are ready to portal."

"Got it!" Bara turns and runs toward the entrance of the lighthouse. 

Nami steps toward him. "And what should we do?"

Sky takes a moment to study the faces of the Straw Hats. He can tell they are determined and ready for anything. "...Prepare for battle."

Luffy grins and laughs, pounding his hand into his palm. "Alright! Time to party."

Sanji blows out a stream of smoke. "Thought you'd never ask."

"Are you sure all of you are ready?" Sky asks.

Zoro smirks. "Are you kidding? After that first battle I'm itching for more action."

"Time to kick some marine ass!" Luffy exclaims. 

Nami holds a hand in front of him. "Hold on, Luffy! We don't even know what the plan is yet."

Robin agrees and turns to Sky. "Yes, what exactly is the next move?"

Sky thinks for a moment. "...We're going in full force. If his compound is really nearby, we'll bring every ship right to his front door."

"Are you sure he won't be expecting a full force attack?" Tydal inquires. 

"Fukitsu is prepared for everything and anything, no matter what we do. But if we strike first and strike hard, we can at least catch him off guard."

Tydal smiles. "Right! Tiff, Bara, Chong and I will take care of his ships." He turns to Chong. "Right, Chongy?" He slaps him on the back. 

Chong shrugs. "...Whatever."

Nami turns toward her crew. "Well, I guess that leaves the Drakens for us."

"Should we take them on together? One at a time?" Sanji wonders.

Robin shakes her head. "Better not. From the sound of things we probably don't have much time."

Bara concurs. "True. I'm sure Lunya and Aiku have been captured by now, and no doubt they're being held in his prison. Death isn't far from the front doors of that place."

Nami ponders the situation. "Hm. Okay, well then let's split into two groups to fight." She faces Robin and smiles. "Shall we?"

Robin nods happily. "Let's."

Sanji's cigarette falls as his mouth hangs open. "What? How come I can't fight with Nami!?"

Nami waves at him dismissively. "Because that's what I've decided."

"But that means I have to work with moss head!"

Zoro's eye flies open. "Wait--what?!"

"That's right!" Nami grins. 

Sanji turns to Luffy desperately. "Come on Luffy, help me out here!" 

Luffy jumps forward aggressively. "No way! I'm going to kick that Fukitsu guy's ass!"

Sky smiles at him. "Want some company, Luffy?"

"Be my guest!" He winds his arm up. 

Sanji an Zoro look at each other hopelessly. "Oh, man!" They cry in unison. 

Sanji huffs. "I can't believe I have to drag you around with me. Why don't you just go take a nap until it's over like usual!"

Zoro presses his face against Sanji's. "Why don't you go back to the kitchen and do your damn job!"

"You want to step outside, wannabe samurai?!"

"We are outside, dumbass!"

Nami knocks their head's together. "Both of you shut up! Save it for the battle."

Just then, Bara's voice calls down to Sky from the lighthouse bridge. "Sky! We're ready to portal anytime!"

Sky looks to him and waves. "Okay, Bara! Hit it!"

"You got it!"

Nami turns to face Sky again. "Hey Sky, that reminds me--there's something I've been meaning to ask you about these portals you can create on the ship."

"Ask away!" Sky says happily. 

"I can understand you being able to portal, and I can understand devil fruit powers being fed to inanimate objects, but how does the ship know what to do--or where to go?"

"Well, you remember the blue sphere placed in the wheel, right?" Nami nods. "That's actually just one of two spheres located on the helm. The other is the map section itself."

"The entire map is a sphere too?"

"That's right. They're connected. With Aiku's alchemy lines combined with the lineage factor of my blood--and the intelligence of our scientists--all you need to do is set a location on the map and give it voice command, just like I do. And then..." 

Suddenly, the air begins to vibrate with an electric energy. Five giant blue rings appear in front of each of the ships, and gradually, they make their way through the openings. The Straw Hats are amazed and look on in awe.  

In front of Fukitsu's compound, the five ships abruptly appear out of thin air, their massive hulks dwarfing the other battleships floating around the prison. On board the enemy ships, the crewmen react, yelling and running around the decks frantically, trying to prepare for an unannounced battle.  

Inside Fukitsu's chamber, one of his officers rushes to his side as he reclines in his chair. "Sir! Sir!"

Fukitsu turns to him. "What is it?"

"Sky's fleet...they're here!"

Fukitsu's eyes grow wide, startled for the moment. He rises from his chair and strides over to his rectangular window. His eyes narrow as he spots Sky's ships, sailing toward his compound at full speed. He smirks. "Daring, Sky. Very daring." He turns to the officer. "Tell the fleet to surround them. They have permission to fire at will."

"Yes, sir."

"And bring the Drakens to the front of the compound. Go!"

"Right away!" The officer runs out of his chamber and down the stairs. 

Fukitsu keeps his eyes on Sky's ships. "Time to see how brave you truly are."

On board Sky's middle ship, he stands tall and proud at the very tip of the bow. The Straw Hats line up beside him, arms crossed, determined, and ready for battle. The wind blows through them as his fleet draws closer to the ring of battleships. The time for their ultimate showtime has arrived. 

End of Act I 

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