Bad boy Choi Soobin ||Choi So...

By _straychu_

57.4K 1.6K 1.2K

"He's staring at you." My sister whispered, wide eyed. Now that I realised, I could feel someone's eyes burni... More

31 F I N A L E


1.4K 44 37
By _straychu_

"Aera, wake up!" a voice shouted whilst shaking me alive as I could feel my eyelids flutter open on their own. I groaned and tried kicking the person away, wanting to hold onto sleep but eventually, I felt it slip away.

"What do you want?" I asked as I rubbed both of my eyes and sat up straight.

"You leave in two days," I heard Maki's voice start. "We want to spend as much time with you as possible."

"Great, let me sleep," I said, going back under the blanket until I felt a cold wind settled on my body as the blanket was suddenly ripped away from the surface of my body. "If I was naked, you would be dead."

"You don't sleep naked," Taki replied with a snort as I snapped open my eyes and threw my pillow at him aimlessly only to find myself throwing the pillow at the door.

I looked around my room to find out that it was a bit of a mess. Yesterday when Soobin had confessed that it was him in the picture, I couldn't believe it as I got him to tell me our adventures to test him and to my absolute surprise, he had named each and one of them as if he never allowed the memories to disappear even after finding out that I had lost my memory. He could've given up on hope. But he didn't. It was absolutely overwhelming for me to get all my memories back at the same time but it was worth it.

"Where's Soobin?" I asked with an arched eyebrow as I looked around the room to see only Taki and Maki leaning against the doorframe with a smirk playing on both of their lips.

"He's talking to Eomma," Maki answered.

I shrugged casually.

"About yesterday," Maki started with concern. "I didn't want to tell Soobin but there was something about him and-"

"I understand Maki," I replied, lifting my hand up to stop him in the middle of his sentence. "At least I got my memories back."

The twins looked at each other, their smirk dissolving and a smile replacing as they both nodded and saluted me before leaving me in my peace. I walked to my study desk where I had left the picture of Soobin and I on the table. I smiled at the picture before making my way to the bathroom that was just on the opposite side of my room.

After finishing my morning routine, I walked to the kitchen to find Soobin, the twins and Eomma sitting down at the dining table and already eating breakfast. I inhaled the delicious smell and realized that they were eating pancakes. I pouted as I made my way towards the table and took a seat next to Maki who was munching on his breakfast without even lifting his head up.

"Good morning, Aera," eomma chirped happily.

"Morning eomma," I replied, not realising Taki had risen from his seat to fetch me a plate.

"What are we all doing today?" Eomma asked
with the widest smile I have ever seen as her eyes danced around the table, Taki placing a plate of pancakes in front of me before returning back to his seat.

"Taki and I are going out," Maki answered, raising his fork up high as my eyes shot to him whilst stuffing a pancake in my mouth. Didn't he say he wanted to spend time together?

"I'm taking Aera out," Soobin answered next, placing his fork down on his plate before sending me a dimple smile as a blush crept towards my cheeks.

"I thought I was going to hang out with the twins today-"

"Plans changed," Taki interrupted me as I sent him daggers with my eyes but he only shrugged.

I looked at each and one of them suspiciously, including my mother, to see if they were planning something but they only munched on their pancakes and talked to each other like a family. I sighed heavily and stuffed a piece of pancake in my mouth.






"Are you ready yet?" Soobin whined outside my door.

I laughed as I looked into the mirror, staring back at my reflection to see myself wearing a white off the shoulders top with checkered brown sweater, grey baggy jeans and white converse. I arched an eyebrow at a creamy brownish colour handbag that Harin had packed for me to go with the outfit. I then fixed up my hair, applied a tinted lip balm before walking towards my door and opened it, already seeing Soobin already looking very attractive.

My fingers automatically reached up to my lips to see if I was drooling. (That sound weird)

"I'm impressed," Soobin said, nodding at my outfit with one of his boyish grins that could send a million girls to heaven, including me.

Soobin was wearing a a dark blue hoodie that said 'PEACE', with brown baggy jeans, with a black cross bag and wore Air Jordans white shoes. He also styled his hair with his bangs in the front topping it off with a beanie the same colour as his jeans. He looks cute rather then hot.

"What happened to black?" I dared to ask.

Soobin's eyebrows narrowed as he looked at me suspiciously. "I don't want to show my bad boy side in an unknown neighborhood."

I rolled my eyes and placed a smile on my lips before he led me outside. His car was waiting for us in the driveway as I noticed that the twins and their friends were hanging just outside the gates. Soobin unlocked his car with his beep key thing then opened the passenger door for me.

"Have fun, Aera!" Taki shouted with a wink just before I got into the car.

I waited for Soobin to close my door and round the car, quickly slipping into the driver seat as he waved goodbye to the twins and their friends before driving off. I observed my surroundings before looking up at the plain, blue sky with a smile on my face.

"Where are we going?" I asked after a few minutes of silence.

"To the park," Soobin answered as he kept his eyes trained ahead.

"You mean the park we used to go to?" I questioned, a smile settling on my lips. Soobin nodded, a ghost smile playing on his lips.

No later than ten minutes, it was like Soobin had a map in his head for we arrived at the small playground in no time. A smile instantly lit up on my face as I quickly got out of the car, not wanting to waste any more time as I ran towards the park bench and inhaled the fresh air. I sighed in content, memories in my mind appearing by themselves as my eyes glazed over the playground to find small children running around with their friends.

"Remember how I chased you around like that?" a voice whispered into my ear as I could feel my hair stand on end.

I turned around to see Soobin standing behind me, now leaning against the tree with his hands in his pockets as he watched the children play together happily. The sun was just behind him, making him look like some kind of angel as I bit my lip and stopped myself from wanting to throw my arms around him like yesterday. An idea lit in my head as I stood up and cautiously approached a group of children, not wanting to scare them until a hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

Bemused, I turned around to see Soobin with a blank expression as I arched an eyebrow at him. I released myself from his tight grip and looked around before noticing that his eyebrows were quickly narrowing.

"Damn, I thought there weren't any gangs around here," Soobin muttered, loud enough for me to hear.

"Mwo?"(what) I questioned, wanting him to repeat himself.

Before he could answer, I could see his lip purse as his eyes suddenly morphed into a glare as I turned around to see a gang of black leather jacket guys, practically wearing the same thing. I arched an eyebrow as the guy who was standing in the middle was crossing his arms, his eyes scanning the area.

The guy who I assumed was the 'leader' made eye contact with me, a smirk settling on his lips as he whispered something to his friends before they all looked over to Soobin and I before approaching us. I gulped, not wanting to get involved with any gang business but it was already too late because right before my eyes, the gang was right in our faces. Two large hands were placed on my shoulders, squeezing them tightly to reassure me that everything was going to be okay.

"Choi Soobin," the leader said with a sneer. The leader had blonde hair, his eyes were pure brown and a piercing in his eyebrows. My eyes found their way towards his neck where a dragon tattoo was visible.

"Sunghoon," Soobin replied curtly.

"And who is this?" the said guy, Sunghoon, asked with an amusement glint in his eyes. "She has good taste in clothes." It looked like Sunghoon wanted to glaze his finger on my exposed skin by the way he was looking at my collarbone.

"This is someone who you don't need to know," Soobin answered harshly, my shoulders were already suffering under Soobin's tight grip.

"You are so selfish Choi," Sunghoon said, clicking his tongue. "Never sharing any women with us."

"You can have every other woman, just not this one."

Sunghoon plastered on a fake shocked expression, quickly looking at his friends who have positioned either side of him. "Are you... attached?"

Soobin said nothing.

Sunghoon let out a sarcastic laugh as his eyes looked at Soobin from top to bottom. He shook his head. "Aw, Choi Soobin must have softened up because this girl. Look at his pathetic outfit." Sunghoon said as he laughed with his members.

Then his eyes met mine. I felt a cold shiver already running up my spine as he eyed me with a frightening smile. "Looks like I just found Soobin's weakness." Sunghoon reached a hand towards my left cheek, my heart beat increasing it's beats.

Suddenly, his hand flew away along with a twist of his body as I realized that Soobin must've slapped his hand away before he could even touch me.

"If you dare lay a finger on her, I'd be sure to come after you," Soobin threatened with a menacing glare that could send him six foot underground.

I looked around Sunghoon's gang and realised his people was already backing away slightly, fear written across their faces from the slap Soobin had given to Sunghoon's hand. As Sunghoon regained his posture, holding both of his hands up in the air before slowly backing away, his fearful eyes made contact with mine. "You, girl, stay away from him."

"Why?" I asked, curiously.

"He's dangerous, Sunghoon warned cautiously, keeping his cold eyes on Soobin. "So I suggest you don't hang around him unless you want to be harmed."

And with that, Sunghoon and his gang quickly scattered off in the same direction. I gulped as Soobin's hands fell from my shoulders whilst I looked around the small playground to see a small group of children already running off to their parents as they took their kids away when they saw what was going on. I sighed heavily as I turned around to face Soobin who held a blank facial expression, his eyes seemed distant.

Then Harin's words rung in my head, the words that she had said to me on my first day of school.

"They have gotten into deep shit and they might have gone to jail a few times for doing some illegal things. I mean they are dangerous for God's sake".

Dangerous, huh?

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