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Yawning, I rubbed my eyes lazily and sat up, leaning against the head board of my bed as I squinted at the bright light that was coming from my window.

"I'm dying," Harin said as the blankets started moving on their own. I looked to my left to see Harin laying under my blankets, groaning at the sun ray that was distracting her from sleep.

"I'll close the curtains for you," I replied, feeling more awake than before as I got out of my bed and closed the curtains, shutting out the light as Harin sighed in satisfaction.

I went to my bathroom and did my morning routine, not bothered to get changed out of my pajamas which consisted of a unicorn onsie as I headed downstairs. I made my way into the kitchen, passing the fridge but when something caught my eye, I walked backwards till I was standing in front of the fridge again, seeing a bright neon, yellow note.

Aera& Harin, your father and I are going on a little vacation for his birthday and we'll be back Monday morning, love your parents xxx

I cringed at the thought of Jiah and my father on vacation. Sighing, I scrunched up the note and threw it in the trash as I opened the fridge and took out a jug of orange juice. When I closed the fridge door, I almost immediately screamed at the sight of a tall figure, looming over me with a sleepy facial expression. A hand flew to my beating heart as I slapped Soobin's chest.

"Gosh, You're lucky I didn't drop the orange juice or my life would be ruined," I hissed, not wanting to wake up the others that were crashed on the leather couch.

"Pour me some?" Soobin questioned in his sleepy voice that had my eyes widened and the butterflies in my stomach fluttering.

Soobin and the boys decided that they were too tired to go home last night so they asked permission from our parents if they could crash a bit and Jiah immediately agreed, not letting my father have any say in it, most likely because he was drunk.

I grabbed two empty glasses that I could find and poured some juice in it before giving a glass to Soobin as I watched him gulp it all down.

"That was fast," I commented with a shake of my head, a smile playing on my lips as I sipped on the juice.

"Orange juice wakes me up," Soobin informed as he walked towards the bathroom that was just right around the corner.

"Why are you all so loud?" a lazy voice asked from the living room as Taehyun tried walking into the kitchen but he only ended up falling so he crawled towards me like  a toddler.

"I'm not your mother," I said. "Just putting it out there"

Taehyun only scoffed and hurriedly got up, snatching his phone from his back pocket then looked at his screen.

"Oh shit."

And with that, he ran out the door.


Soobin emerged from the bathroom with his hair, slacking off to the side, making me chuckle at the unnatural sight. Soobin arched an eyebrow in confusion before heading off to the living room, with I, in tow as I watched him grab a pillow and slammed the pillow on Yeonjun and Kai's face. Just as he was about to slam it onto another person's face whom I assumed was Taehyun, he blinked at the blank space on the ground.

"Where'd he go?" Soobin questioned, confused.

"He rushed out the door," I answered with a shrug.

"Something's going on with him," Soobin muttered under his breath as he looked at Yeonjun and Kai who was now fully awake.

"Want me to check it out?" Yeonjun questioned.

Just as Soobin was about to nod, Kai offered to go.

Yeonjun and Soobin looked at each other with confused facial expressions before they both nodded in approval. I rolled my eyes as I looked behind to see Harin rubbing her eyes lazily and tucked her upper lip behind her bottom lip.

"They're still here?" she questioned with a yawn in her pink pyjamas.

Yeonjun only chuckled and ran to her side. "I'm attached to you."

Harin looked at him disgustedly. "Ew."

Soobin and I let out a light laugh at their conversation.

Just as I turned around, my face met a black t-shirt and just as I was about to look up, I felt soft lips connect to my forehead as a blush crept onto my face.

"I'll see you later," Soobin whispered as I nodded.

He grabbed Yeonjun by the wrist and practically dragged him out the door like he was a dog on a leash. The two doors closed behind the boys as Harin plopped herself on the couch and cuddled with a pillow. "What are your plans for today?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

Just before I could clean up a bit, the door bell chimed around the house loudly as I looked at Harin who looked back at me, confused. I shrugged, approaching the front doors and opened it slowly before it revealed the person who I last wanted to see.

I frowned.

"How the hell did you find me here?" I asked, sending him my best death glare at the man right in front of me.

"Guess I didn't abuse you enough," my step-father answered with a scoff. "Do I need to hit you more till you learn how to respect your Otōsan?" (Father)

"You are not my father," I replied, emphasising the 'not' word. "You never will be."

My step-father referred to as Osamu now sighed as he looked at me.

"Does my eomma and the twins even know you're here?"

I asked, backing away from the door with steady steps.

"Aera, who's that?!" Harin shouted from the living room as I heard her footsteps grow.

Osamu instantly panicked as he took a huge step forward, grabbing me by the wrist and dragging me out. I gasped, screaming as I tried scratching his hand from my wrist, my heart rate increasing quickly. I looked behind to see Harin who looked very shocked before she practically screamed at the top of her lungs for him to stop but that only made my Osamu fastened his pace.

"Let me go!" I screamed, attempting to bite his hand but failed to do so.

Harin came running like a cheetah, dropping her phone just right after she detached her phone from her ears. She screamed whilst running looking like a warrior but before I could see anything, in a blink of an eye, I was turned around so fast that I thought I was the flash. I saw Harin, lying on the concrete as I cursed myself mentally for not taking karate classes when the twins forced me to. Anger was rising inside me as I clenched my hand into a fist, I punched him in the jaw as I could feel a rush of pain course through my knuckles.

"Bitch," Osamu cursed under his breath as his grip on me tightened.

"あなたは私の妹を傷つける必要はなかった!"(You didn't have to hurt my sister)  I shouted before turning around to see if anyone was outside so I could scream for help. Despite that no one was outside, I still screamed at the top of my lungs just like Harin had before she was knocked out cold.

My scream soon turned into muffles as Osamu covered my mouth with his large, disgusting hand. I looked at him as his eyes suddenly turned dark, a smirk forming on his lips before I felt a fist connect with my cheek, the pain bubbling inside of me, an uncomfortable feeling churned in my stomach.

I fought back the tears, not wanting to seem weak before Osamu landed on another punch to my forehead.

The pain was rushing from everywhere and before I could attempt to bite his palm, I felt hard knuckles connect the top of my head, as if he had just punched my skull, my eyes instantly fluttered close.

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