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I didn't realise Soobin and I had came home on a Sunday night because now, I was sitting down on my seat in my Geography class with everyone around me either not paying attention or only daydreaming. I looked to my right to see Harin with a defeated look on her face as she raised her eyebrow and tried to figure out what the teacher was talking about whereas I was part of the daydreaming group.

I was forced to go back to school because I had a lot of work to catch up on even though I had tried to plaster on my best puppy dog eyes, my father was still able to resist it. I sighed, resting my chin on the palm of my hand as I watched my Geography teacher stand in front a chalk board and started writing down some notes.

"I would like you to copy these down," Mrs Jung announced with an innocent smile on her face but her eyes told us something different. "If you don't, you'll be staying in 'till it's all copied down and trust me, there's a lot of notes."

Everyone around me groaned in annoyance, including Harin as they all started opening their books up slowly, dreading every single minute. I looked around, quickly realising that I hadn't seen Soobin at all even though all of his friends were present. Maybe he was just resting at home after the long trip, I mean I wouldn't blame him since he dealt with so many things when he came with me to visit my mother but after what he had said about who his parents were, I couldn't help but question his presence in this school.

I mean he could've went to a better high school or even did some home schooling.

"Aera you better start copying these notes down or the demon over there is going to keep you in," Harin whispered as she tapped on my wrist, bringing me back to reality.

I quickly nodded and started doing what I was told to do.


"Jun, where's Soobin?" Harin asked, capturing my attention as I quickly looked up and shifted closer to Harin who was busy resting in Yeonjun's arms.

Classes had gone by so fast as if it went by in a blink of an eye. We were now in the parking lot with kids swarming around, chatting loudly with their friends and couples, sucking each other's tongues as if thinking it was okay to do those type of things in public. I mean it was but not with a lot of people around.

"Apparently, he called in sick or something," Yeonjun answered, kissing Harin's forehead as she melted in his arms.

I couldn't help but smile at the two of them before moving away to give them some space. I sighed, crossing my arms as I leaned against Harin's car and looked up to the bright blue sky that was patched with plain white clouds that looked as soft as a white fluffy pillow. My mind wondered to the small memories of Soobin and I when we were little kids, a wide smile appearing on my face.

"Long time no see, Aera," a familiar voice said as I felt a presence beside me.

I looked to the left and saw Taehyun smile at me, showing off his pearl white teeth. I returned his smile. "How are you, Taehyun?"

Taehyun scoffed and removed his eyes from mine as he trained it on ahead of us where a group of girls were huddled together and busily taking photos of him. He sighed heavily, crossing his arms as a smile settled on his lips and gave me a sideway smile. "Well, without you and Soobin here, it's been astonishingly quiet."

I laughed. "Isn't that supposed to be a good thing?"

"Well, when it isn't loud, they," - Taehyun pointed to Yeonjun and Harin who were both making out, making me cringe - "get all up in each other's faces which is kind of disgusting."

I let out another laugh, relieved as I felt a heavy weight get lifted off my shoulders. "I'm sure it's very disturbing."

"The next day after you and Soobin had left, we were all at Kai's house to hangout," Taehyun paused with a smile on his face. "And Harin and Yeonjun were actually on the couch, about to do it."

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