Once Upon A Crowned Heart

By shru_du

1.5K 96 7

In a world full of secrets and power games, where enemies are made and alliances crumble, two people find the... More

Twenty one
Twenty- Two
Twenty- Three
Twenty- Four
Twenty- Five
Twenty- six
Twenty- Seven
Thirty- one
Thirty- Two
Thirty- three
Thirty- Four
Thirty- Five
Thirty- Six
Thirty- Seven
Thirty- Eight


45 3 0
By shru_du


Charles seethed with anger as he stared at the screen of his phone, his eyes fixed on the email from her. The audacity of this girl knew no bounds. Despite being cut off from the very thing she loved most, she continued to push forward relentlessly. 

It was utterly exhausting. And now, she was on a plane heading straight to his home, invading his sanctuary. As if that wasn't enough, he would now have to play host and entertain her, all in the name of maintaining his royal image. The frustration boiled within him, threatening to consume his composure.

"Did the file containing her information arrive?" Charles inquired coolly as Reginald stepped into his office, the space where he carried out his daily duties as the Prince of England.

"No, we encountered some difficulties. She was ambushed by reporters on her way out of the office. My men reported that she seemed rattled," Reginald replied.

A wicked grin formed on Charles's face, devoid of any genuine emotion.

"Good. Now she knows how it feels to be on the receiving end of relentless questioning. It serves her right. Perhaps this will teach her not to meddle in other people's affairs." Reginald was taken aback by his friend's callous words. He had never known Charles to be so insensitive, but perhaps this girl had a way of bringing out the worst in everyone.

"Please go over my schedule again, Reginald," Charles requested.

"First, I have a meeting with the Prime Minister to discuss proposed modifications in the education policies," Reginald began. "Following that, I will have lunch with the Duke of Edinburgh. Then, we'll proceed with a tour of local high schools. In the evening, there's a scheduled tea and an interview with the spokesperson from the Daily Mail. Finally, we will reconvene for supper here, joined by our guest, Kavya, who will have had ample time to rest after her journey."

As Reginald mentioned her name, Charles's gaze lifted, capturing a fleeting hint of interest.

"Why on earth does she need a beauty rest? Did those pesky reporters scare her half to death?" Charles asked, a playful twinkle in his eyes. "So, she gets a free pass while I have to deal with all the royal responsibilities? Talk about unfair treatment!"

Reginald chuckled, shaking his head in amusement. "Are you turning this into a personal rivalry, Your Highness? She's just a feisty girl who speaks her mind. It's not like she's committed treason, right?"

Charles raised an eyebrow and pressed his palms together, adopting an exaggerated contemplative pose. "Tell me, good sir, when does the princess of controversies grace us with her presence? I must prepare myself for her grand arrival!"

The bustling airport terminal was a cacophony of noise and anticipation. Passengers hurriedly made their way through the crowd, searching for familiar faces or holding up signs to greet their loved ones. Amongst the throng of people, Charles stood out in his inconspicuous attire, his eyes scanning the crowd with an air of expectancy.

As the arrivals began streaming through the gates, Charles couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement. He knew he had to keep his composure, but deep down, there was an underlying anxiousness that he couldn't shake off. He watched intently, searching for a glimpse of the person who had unwittingly become the focus of his attention.

She was under the NDA, she is now a target.

That is all he saw her as, a pawn in his elaborate game. Charles couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, a somber realization of how he perceived Kavya. She was merely a fragile figure, someone he believed he could manipulate to suit his desires. In his mind, she was nothing more than a plaything, a challenge to be conquered.

Reginald, his loyal confidant, observed the peculiar shift in Charles's demeanor. He questioned his friend's motives and the potential repercussions that awaited Kavya. The weight of the situation hung heavily upon them both, casting a shadow of uncertainty over their actions.

Charles's callous perspective on Kavya troubled Reginald. He couldn't fathom why his friend found such satisfaction in toying with her emotions. It had been ages since Charles had shown any genuine interest in anyone, apart from his brother William. The fact that a commoner like Kavya could evoke such negative emotions in Charles was disconcerting, to say the least. There was nothing to be proud of in his callousness.

Charles noticed it first, an array of guards, his guards surrounding a female. And with him was a male. Reginald noticed them too. "That is her editor-in-chief of the paper she works for. But what is he doing here?" Reginald asked himself. "She is here, why don't we extend a warm welcome to her?" Charles asked and started to walk towards her. But then from somewhere, a swarm of reporters ambushed her.

"Mam, can you tell me your purpose for proposing to Prince Charles?" One of them asked shoving the microphone on her face. 

"Did you always wish to be part of the royal family?" Another one asked and the cameras tried to capture her face. 

"How do you feel now that the prince had agreed to date you?" She didn't answer. 

"Answer us, Miss Bajaj, was it how you were planning to come into the spotlight always? Did you plan the whole thing?"

Charles grew increasingly alarmed as he saw Kavya on the verge of fainting amidst the chaos of reporters. The lack of protection from the guards baffled him. "Reginald," he said urgently, "we need to get her out of there before she collapses."

Reginald was quick to act and pulled them out of the airport. Charles followed them and to his surprise, no one had noticed him in this attire. For them, he is a regular person doing regular things. He escaped the media and the crowd and inside his car that he drove, no royal flags, nothing. "Kavya, are you alright?" She nodded looking at the man who was with her.

"Here, drink some water, it will relax you." Charles grabbed the bottle from his hand and the man shouted "Hey what do you think you are doing? She needs it." He turned to face him. "If you are a member of his PR team then you should have gone through the details, specific ones. She is now considered a member of the royal family, even if it is temporary, which means everything shall be tested before it reaches her. No exceptions to that rule."

"But she needs to drink, she is..." "Having a panic attack," Charles replied. "We have doctors on standby. For now, Reginald if you please give her some water." Reginald handed Arjun a flask containing water. "How do I know you mean no harm to her?" In reply of which Charles laughed. "That is the thing of fun, you do not know it. It keeps things interesting."

Charles saw the man pull her gently to the side and lower the flask over her lips. "Drink Kavya, just a little you will feel better in no time." Kavya smiled at him weakly. "You are the boss." She said sipping the liquid. He shook his head from side to side. "Your sense of humor knows no bounds, even now you are joking." He gently ran his fingers through her hair an action that did not go unnoticed by Charles.

"I think we have missed the turnover there," The man said looking at them wearily. "This is an unmarked vehicle, have you seen any more like this around the royal palace? No, because they would arrest you as soon as you set a site in a vehicle like this." He turned around the corner and Reginald alerted the guards inside. The gates opened and Charles drove in.

As anticipated, a team of doctors stood prepared to examine Kavya, with Reginald leading the way followed by Charles. The identity of the man accompanying Kavya remained a mystery to Charles, yet he possessed an unspoken possessiveness.

Witnessing Kavya's fainting spell, Charles swiftly approached her, gently pulling her into his arms. "Where are you taking her? Who are you anyway?" the man protested; his concern evident. Charles fixed him with an intense gaze. "He is the one Lady Kavya had proposed, the Prince of Wales himself," Reginald intervened, explaining. "So, he need not answer where he is taking his suitor. She had given him written permission to do so when she agreed to become the official suitor for the prince."

Seeking clarity, the man continued, "But..." before being interrupted by Reginald. "I will show you the quarters where you can stay meanwhile. Lady Kavya needs rest. I suggest not disrupting the work of the doctors and letting the prince be with her," Reginald advised firmly. "Instead of seeking answers to everything, remember this is not a news PR show. This is the royal palace, and we have rules that we follow to avoid what happened right there at Heathrow Airport."

Faced with Reginald's unwavering statement, the man named Arjun seemed hesitant. "It is alright," Charles assured him, his voice laced with authority and confidence. "She is in good hands now. Prince Charles knows what he is doing."

Charles had not stopped to watch the exchange between them. He rushed her inside his quarters. The doctors rushed in and confirmed that she had fainted because of excessive stress. And all she needed was little rest and will be alright. That had confused Charles. Why a reporter would faint in the company of others like her?

"Let her rest," he told the doctors. "I need her status report every hour without failure. And get me, Reginald, in my office." He told the doctor in charge leaving the room with more questions swirling in his mind. He cannot put this equation right no matter how much he tried to.

"How?" Charles questioned; his frustration apparent in his tone. "How did they know the precise timing of the plane's arrival? It was a chartered flight, not a commercial one. The information was known only to us. So, how did the media get hold of it?" Reginald could sense Charles' anger brewing.

"Someone within this castle leaked the information. Someone who had access to such privileged knowledge. Can you fathom who would have wanted that? Who would intentionally release such information to the press?" Reginald probed. Charles paused, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Nothing virtuous, I can assure you. And who is that man with her? Is he truly the editor-in-chief?" Reginald smirked subtly.

"Why should it matter? Whoever he may be..." Charles began, frustration seeping into his voice. "...he poses a hindrance to my plans. I cannot proceed with utilizing her as long as he remains by her side." Reginald took a seat beside him, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Because you fear that even as the Prince of Wales, she might choose a commoner like him over you? This is quite the tale, the prince fearing losing a woman simply because he lacks the charm to captivate her heart?" Reginald burst into laughter.

"This is no laughing matter. I need to ascertain if there are leaks within and whether this editor-in-chief will disrupt our connection," Charles retorted. Reginald countered, "His name is Arjun Singhania, and he genuinely cares for Lady Kavya. But that is your responsibility, isn't it? After all, she is your suitor. If she is seen more often with him than with you, it will undoubtedly raise suspicions. Particularly since you are the one, she is expected to be with, not him. Do the math, my friend. You excel at it, excelled enough to secure admission to Harvard for a master's degree, even to teach there if you desired. But you didn't."

"That path wasn't meant for me, Reginald," Charles stated firmly. Reginald shook his head in response. "Then follow the path that was meant for you. Embrace your royal identity, even if it means enduring constant challenges and criticism."

A knock on the office door interrupted their conversation. "Come in," Charles invited, momentarily dismissing Reginald's words. A staff member entered with an update. "Sir, the reports on Lady Kavya are positive. Her condition has stabilized, and she will regain consciousness soon." Charles nodded in acknowledgment. "Ensure she is well taken care of and prepared. Also, inform her PR team and advisor that I wish to speak with them," he instructed. The staff member bowed and departed, leaving Charles and Reginald alone once more.

"You know, I need not prove my worth to you or anyone else," Charles asserted, a touch of defiance in his voice. Reginald patted his shoulder reassuringly. "No, my friend, you only need to prove it to yourself." With those parting words, Reginald walked away, leaving Charles to ponder his thoughts in solitude.

Charles made his way towards his room, intending to find solace within its walls. However, upon reaching the door, he discovered it slightly ajar, indicating someone's presence inside. With a mix of curiosity and apprehension, he raised his hand to knock but was taken aback when he noticed the door was already open. Stepping inside, he was greeted with a sight that stirred a wave of jealousy and anger within him.

There she was, lying on the bed, and beside her sat Arjun Singhania, her editor-in-chief, holding her hand and engaged in a quiet conversation. It was an intimate moment, one that should not have taken place in such surroundings. Even if they were involved in a secret affair, this was not the appropriate setting to display their connection. Charles cleared his throat, and their interaction abruptly halted as they pulled away from each other, their actions betraying a sense of guilt.

Charles entered the room, his regal presence ever-present. The other man respectfully moved away, allowing Charles to take his place by Kavya's side. With a tender expression, Charles looked at her, his eyes filled with concern. "Kavya," he spoke softly, his voice carrying a touch of warmth. "You Brits always manage to maintain your politeness, even amid subtle jabs" "How are you feeling?" Charles asked her.

Kavya managed a response, her gaze locked with his. "I'm feeling alright," she replied, her voice reflecting a hint of playfulness. "But are you alright, Your Highness? How did you remember my name? Am I, not just a commoner?" Her words held a teasing tone, mingled with curiosity.

A gentle smile graced Charles' lips as he reached out to lightly touch her cheek. "Even while lying in bed, you remain as feisty as I remember, tenacious Miss Bajaj," he remarked. His gaze locked with hers, their eyes sharing a moment of unspoken connection. "And to address your question, my dear, I must remind you that you are anything but a commoner. You possess the courage to ask a prince on a date, in front of a room filled with reporters."

Kavya glanced away, her expression tinged with a hint of weariness. "No, it seems that being hounded by reporters every time I step out of my house is not the kind of attention I desire," she confessed softly.

Charles nodded, understanding her sentiment. "No one desires such attention, dear enigmatic princess of words. Not even us, the royals. But it is important to remember that I did not choose this life—it was thrust upon me. However, you, on the other hand, willingly stepped into it. And with the privileges come the hardships as well," he explained, his tone empathetic.

Becoming aware of the prolonged touch, Charles slowly withdrew his hand, realizing the need for propriety. The air between them carried a tender ambiance, laced with a delicate hint of intimacy that lingered, unspoken yet palpable.

Charles addressed Kavya with a mischievous glint in his eyes, his tone laced with playfulness. "Prepare yourself, dear Miss Bajaj, to be introduced to the royal family. Before you join us for supper, I must inquire: do you have any preferences when it comes to food?"

Kavya shook her head, her expression light-hearted. "I'm not a fussy eater, so you can rest assured that anything within the realm of food shall be devoured by me."

A chuckle escaped Charles' lips, his amusement is evident. "Ah, Miss Bajaj, it seems you possess a taste for royalty. Consider it your top priority."

Suddenly, he heard her laughter fill the room, a sound that unintentionally brought a smile to his face. Making her laugh was not his initial intention, but it brought unexpected joy. "I must take my leave now, duty calls, my princely obligations await," he announced, rising from his seat and giving her one last glance.

However, just as he reached the door, Kavya's voice halted his departure. "Wait, Your Highness," she called out, causing him to turn back and face her. "Do you require my assistance, Miss Bajaj?" he inquired.

She shook her head. "No, I simply wanted to apologize for the chaos I have inadvertently caused."

Charles chuckled, a twinkle in his eyes as he regarded her. "Oh, darling, there's no need to fret. Your little mishap has provided me with a delightful respite from the monotonous daily routine. I might even consider attending my birthday ball this year, thanks to the custom-made entertainment you have graciously gifted me."

Kavya's expression turned somewhat murderous as she looked at him. "Here I was, attempting to maintain polite behavior during my stay, Your Highness. But your charm is quickly losing its effect on me. I am not here to entertain you."

Charles laughed heartily, his amusement dancing in his gaze. "Then pray to tell, darling, what other purpose do you serve? If not for my entertainment, I wonder. And I must offer a fair warning: when dining at the palace, I suggest you keep your wits about you. Have you attended your etiquette classes? They are crucial for a royal dining experience," he playfully jibed, leaving her with a teasing smile as he made his exit through the door.

"So, you're putting on a show, brother? How delightful," William's voice cut through the air, surprising Charles. He immediately felt a surge of tension in the room. "You can't simply spy on people like this, William. She is someone I am courting. Stay away from her. If you dare to play with her, manipulate her, or bring any harm upon her in this place, I will hold you accountable," Charles warned, his voice filled with a mix of anger and concern.

"Calm down, dear brother. I merely wanted to get a closer look at the woman who dares to challenge you so openly. It's not every day that someone dares to do so in public," William retorted, attempting to downplay the situation. However, Charles was having none of it. He forcefully pushed William against the nearest wall, his frustration boiling over. "Stay away from Kavya. She is my guest, my responsibility. And I know it was you who leaked her flight details to the newspapers," Charles accused.

William pushed him away, casually straightening his attire. He always adorned himself in the royal garb, believing it added to his entertainment value. "Easy, brother. You wouldn't want to startle our guests now, would you? And if you're so confident that I was the one who tipped off the reporters, why don't you prove it?" William taunted, walking away with an air of confidence.

Charles watched his brother's departure, his emotions running high. He closed his eyes, taking a deep breath in an attempt to regain composure. The tension between them remained, and the weight of the situation lingered in the air.

As Charles approached his office, he couldn't help but feel a sense of triumph. He swiftly pulled out his phone and sent a text message to a specific number, a subtle smirk playing on his lips. As he continued his journey, a pleasant notification sound emanated from his phone. With eager anticipation, he retrieved the device, and a genuine smile spread across his face.

"Amidst all of this chaos, perhaps there are still reasons for me to find joy," he mused, setting the phone aside and preparing himself to face the world once more on the morrow. "So, it has finally begun," he whispered to himself, a spark of excitement igniting within. "The show and tell, and this time, I may enjoy it."

Charles retrieved a stolen picture of Kavya from a newspaper and held it in his hands, studying her enigmatic features. "I wonder, my dear princess of words, if this is all you reveal, or if there is more mystery hidden within you. I long to unravel every aspect of your being, so I can effortlessly counter your audacity for daring to challenge me," he murmured, gently placing the picture back into his pocket. The game was far from over. He would find a way, to gather evidence against his conniving brother, who sought nothing but to undermine him.

However, he would never allow his brother's malicious intentions to succeed. After all, every story needs a villain, and Charles had embraced that role with fervor.

Word Count: 3482 Words

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