The Dark Heir - Nyx

By smplymxlfoy

62.2K 1.9K 188

Theia believed Nyx would come for her, Nyx believed Theia abandoned him. When it's time for Zenova, Nyx's co... More

1. Theia.
2. Nyx
3. Theia.
4. Theia.
5. Nyx.
6. Theia.
7. Nyx.
8. Theia.
9. Nyx.
10. Theia.
11. Nyx.
12. Theia.
13. Nyx.
14. Theia.
15. Nyx.
16. Theia.
17. Nyx.
18. Theia
19. Nyx.
20. Theia.
21. Theia
22. Nyx
23. Theia
24. Nyx
25. Theia.
26. Theia.
28. Theia.
29. Theia.
30. Nyx
31. Theia.
32. Theia
33. Nyx
34. Theia
35. Nyx
36. Nyx
37. Theia
38. Theia
39. Nyx.
40. Theia
41. Theia.
42. Nyx
43. Theia
44. Nyx.
45. Theia
46. Theia
47. Nyx
48. Theia
49. Theia
50. Nyx
51. Theia
52. Nyx
53. Theia
54. Theia
55. Nyx
56. Theia
57. Theia
58. Nyx
59. Theia
60. Theia
61. Nyx
62. Theia
63. Theia
64. Nyx
65. Theia
66. Nyx
67. Theia

27. Nyx

942 24 4
By smplymxlfoy

She was his. Theia belonged to Nyx; he belonged to her, whether they liked it or not. He couldn't fathom how he could let her go, not with how she feels. His jaw was tight, aching, as he thrusted into her. Those beautiful moans sang to him, her body calling to him. Nyx groaned, digging his fingers into her hips and tugging her against his thrust, his head dropping back when he felt her pulse around him.

Nyx had more sex in his life than necessary, and none of it felt as good as it did with Theia. His body fit perfectly into hers, her body needed him. Her arms were stretched out, gripping the sheets as he took her from behind. They'd been at it for hours, the sun was already high in the sky. Once they'd started, he couldn't stop. He could tell Theia didn't want to, either. Their bodies were slick with sweat, legs and arms trembling. Orgasms came quicker, more painful, more intense.

Nyx couldn't help it, as his hips slammed against her rear, he leaned forward. He traced the base of her wings with his tongue, one hand reached around her hips to tease her nerves. Theia cried out, tensing around him at the slightest touch. He grinned, teeth nipping at her soft skin as he thrusted hard again. Her breaths were heavy, moans escaping with each exhale. She was tired, and so was he, but Nyx didn't think he would stop if she asked to go again.

"Good girl, Theia. You can do it, you've done so well," Nyx murmured, kissing a line up her spine. Theia shuddered, squeezing him again. He pulled out slowly, feeling the way her muscles clenched around him. His legs shook, a moan dancing across her skin. Nyx slowly pushed back in, matching the pace with slow circles over her nerves.

"I can't," she whimpered as she pressed her face into the sweat coated sheets. Nyx kissed her spine again. He was already on the edge, and each pulse of her muscles had him ready to risk everything for her. Nyx leaned his forehead against her back, allowing her a few slow thrusts. Theia sobbed out a moan, her entire body tight. With another thrust, he slammed into her. It was just enough and she practically convulsed. Nyx cursed, letting go on his restraint. His hips snapped again, and he was filling her.

"There you go," he whispered, kissing her spine once more before straightening. He couldn't breathe, she'd taken everything he had. His strength was drained.

Nyx pulled out of Theia, groaning at the sight of himself spilling out of her and down her thighs. He caught the liquid with two fingers, dragging it up her skin and thrusting it back into her. Theia yelped, her body tense.

"Fucking take it, Theia," Nyx gritted out, watching his fingers work in her swollen core. So pink, so perfect, so overly worked. She was swollen and sore, each touch having her cry out. He grinned, watching her soak up everything he gave. It was a small chance, but he'd fill her with a child without a second thought.

"Nyx," Theia whined, and he looked up at her through his lashes. She was looking over her shoulder, tears falling down her cheeks. He would've thought she hated it, if her hips weren't meeting his fingers.

"Do you like it, Theia? Do you enjoy it when I play with you? You're sore, but always ready for me." He couldn't help himself, taunting her like this. His grin widened when she let out a sob and nodded, arching her back further. There she was again, clenching around his fingers and crying out his name. He thrusted his fingers a few more times before pulling them out. Her body dropped, legs shaking violently as she gripped a pillow.

Nyx dropped down beside her, lifting his fingers to her mouth. Theia took them greedily, meeting his eyes as she sucked them clean. His cock twitched to life and he groaned, unable to go again. She sucked, and he watched her tears roll down her cheeks. Her eyes were hooded, lips swollen, cheeks flushed, and her hair was a mess. He didn't think she could look any more beautiful than she did in this moment.

Theia let him pull his fingers from her mouth replace them with his tongue. They kissed slow, both too exhausted to be as aggressive as they had been. Nyx rolled onto his back, tugging her onto him without their mouths separating. She straddled his hips, belly and chest pressed against him as they kissed. He didn't want to let her go, he didn't want her to walk away.

"Nyx," she spoke his name softly, and he could've sworn his heart skipped. He pulled back, letting his head drop onto the pillow. Her cheek fell to his chest and for a moment, all they did was breathe heavily. When his fingers began to slide into her hair, she lifted her head. Theia frowned at him.

"What?" He asked, letting his hand drop to the bed.

"Not like that," she murmured. Nyx furrowed his brows, glancing down at his hand and back to her face.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't want you to hold me. I don't want it to be slow, soft. If this happens between us, it's just when we need it. Fucking, not holding, not touching. I can't do it like that," Theia said.

He didn't like that. He wanted to hold her, even though he knew it was wrong. Hearing that made him sad, or angry, he didn't know. Nyx tightened his jaw and jerked his chin to the balcony.

"Fine. If you're not going to suck my cock, get out."

It was rude, he knew that, but he had to hurt her first. She couldn't ask for his touch for hours, and then deny him when he was gentle. If Theia wanted just sex, that was fine, but he wanted to treat her well when it was over. He didn't want to kick her out of his room- she didn't deserve it. If that's what she wanted, though, then he would obey.

Theia frowned, but she pushed off of him. She stumbled slightly as she got to her feet, snatching her torn clothes from the ground. Nyx watched her, her glorious body and mind, walk out of his room and onto the balcony. He wanted to take her somewhere new. To see that first moment of joy again. He'd written a letter the night before, when he made that female leave after she tried to lay in his bed. Nyx originally was going to steal her away after seeing her with those people, but now he wanted to see her happy. He wrote to Tarquin, hoping to show Theia the sea.

Next, he'd take her to Helion, to the Day Court, because he wanted her to feel warmth. She deserved that, from the summer to day, because her entire life had been in the cold. Next would be spring, and if she wanted to, he'd take her to the Autumn Court and the Winter Court.

Nyx rolled onto his side, pulling the pillow down. He wanted to sleep, but he couldn't stop thinking about her. Theia swarmed his mind constantly. He had thought it was simply just desire, but now that he was satisfied, he still wanted to make her happy. He hated it, more than anything. It was wrong to want her after all these years.

Unable to sleep, Nyx climbed from the bed and set for the shower. He cleaned himself, though he wanted to keep her scent on him. When he was finished, he dressed himself again and stood at the vanity, staring off at the balcony as he ate the sandwiches brought to him. He decided then that he'd give her space, wait a few days, and see if she'd want to leave. He would hold onto the letter until then.

The afternoon came, and Nyx heard Elysen's voice coming from Theia's room. He cringed, not wanting to envision her with someone else. He heard mention of the village, and then swimming again. It was quiet for a long time after that, and then her door shut. He walked out to the balcony, leaning over the edge and watching the pathway to the village.

There she was, glimmering in gold fabric as she walked beside Elysen and two others. Nyx watched her until she was a speck in the distance, and his wings spread. He wouldn't follow her, but he needed to fly. He climbed onto the balcony and fell, enjoying the rush he felt as the ground grew closer. He spread his wings, let them take him up.

Nyx observed the lands as he flew, the hills and pastures. It was beautiful, but it all looked alike. It was all green fields, rolling hills, red topped village, and snaking river. He knew there were towns farther down, but they'd look similar. He veered to the right, dropping down until he could reach out and touch the water. He flew upstream, following the river back to the palace.

Nyx dropped to the ground at the waterfall, sitting down on the large rock and letting his feet hang. He didn't know what to do. He'd been so used to spending his time in other courts getting drunk and fucking strangers. He was satisfied, though. He didn't want anyone else.

Sighing, Nyx spread his wings and leaned forward, dropping off of the rock. He followed the waterfall, feeling the spray of it on his skin. When death loomed, he shot out. Nyx rose up the mountainside, aiming for his room. He hit the balcony, knees popping. Nyx groaned, stretching his body out.

His eyes landed on the wine he'd been left, though it was now empty. He frowned and marched to the door, throwing it open. To his luck, a servant was rushing down the stairs.

"Could you have someone send up some bottles of wine?"

The male nodded, moving to step down but pausing. "How many, sir?"

Nyx felt embarrassment threaten him as he muttered, "Five, or however many you can get."

The servant gave another nod and hurried down the steps. Nyx shut the door and leaned against it, his eyes falling to the messy bed. He refused to have feelings for Theia, not again. Nyx had never felt pain like he had when she left, perhaps when his father confessed his lies. He was more angry than hurt then, though.

It was hard to trust her, and Nyx knew Theia didn't trust him. She simply needed release, and he could offer that. He was good at that. Emotions made it complicated. He got into the heat of the moment, almost wanting to whisper his love to her when he forced his seed back into her. He didn't love her, though. He just remembered how it had once been. Fuck, he still wasn't sure if it was truly love or infatuation back then. They were young and naive. He had used her life against her so that he could have someone to take care of.

It was wrong, and he knew that. Nyx had just been desperate. His entire childhood, he was coddled and never given responsibility. Theia had offered him that chance when she had screamed in his face. Sure, he was pissed at first, but then her life had fallen apart. He was able to put her back together; he had more of a purpose than just being a face for an heir. Now, they were older, experienced, and couldn't love each other. It would be complicated, especially with his future and her dislike of the court.

A knock sounded and Nyx turned, pulling the door open. A female servent was beside the male from earlier, both holding bottles of wine. Nyx took them, setting a few on the table and taking the final one with appreciation. He unscrewed the cork with the metal contraption, threw it on the table, and started chugging. He needed a distraction from Theia, and getting drunk out of his mind was the only option.

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