Not That Into You: a Carlos S...

By soup_for_azriel

13.2K 348 73

Carlos Sainz Jr has it all easy for him. The good looks, the secured driver's seat at Ferrari, a loyal teamma... More

Part Two
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One


377 9 3
By soup_for_azriel


Morgan winced as she felt the bright summer sunshine hit her face from the half opened curtains of her window. She groaned at the thought of what awaited her today as she sat up and rubbed furiously at her eyes. Her fingers came back with black smudges reminding her that she hadn't taken off her makeup before she'd gone to bed. With Vienna's mission being a success but rather a grueling job, she had been too tired to shower before she'd gone to bed. Thankfully she'd washed off the little blood she had on her on her way back to London so she didn't have to ring the house-staff to come clean up her sheets.

Running a warm shower, she quickly slipped into the clothes Carlos's management team had picked out to for her and sent. She rolled her eyes at the navy blue midi dress, a matching Fendi purse and white sandals. Did his team really think she's some simpleminded idiot who'd show up for their first public outing in blood covered clothes?

She got dressed and sat in front of her mirror to put on her makeup. Halfway through she decided to call Alyssa and bring her upto speed with what was to unfold.

Alyssa picked up in two rings, "Hey babes how's it going?" her friend asked from the other side of the line. Morgan applied her mascara neatly, careful not to smudge it around her eyes, "Pretty chill, I do have some news for you tho," she said as she almost crossed her eyes to get the mascara on her bottom lashes.

"Uh oh what is it? Did you kill someone? Divorced some husband I have no idea about? I'm sure my dad has a good lawyer,"

"No you doofus. Quite the contrary, I'm seeing someone,"

"What? Who?" Alyssa was practically screeching from the other side.

"You'd be a little surprised, it's this Spaniard Formula 1 driver," Morgan's words were dripped with excitement. Convincing Alyssa was the first test she had to face when it came to her fake relationship with Carlos. Morgan felt like if Alyssa believed her story then convincing the rest of the world wouldn't be that hard.

"You bitch! Who is it? Omg I'm practically dying in anticipation don't leave me hanging!"

"It's Carlos,"

"What the actual fuck!" Alyssa was screaming in excitement on the other side, Morgan suspected that if she went any louder she'd be at a frequency only dogs could hear. "Tell me the deets! I fucking knew that something would spark between you two on your car ride to the hotel. Diane knew it too that's why she's been moping around for the past few days,"

Morgan suddenly felt bad for her bestfriend's step sister, "Oh god she's gonna hate me even more now is she?"

"Nah babes you're good, she's found some distraction with this Greek hot shot. Says he's a prince or something,"

Morgan chuckled, "Well I'm happy for her,"

"Forget about her, now tell me how it all happened,"

And Morgan did. Reading through her file countless times the first time she got it, the story of how she met Carlos was already engraved in her head. They had met at Alexandra's gallery, that much was true. He'd offered to drive her to the airport, that was true too. And from there's when the story was fabricated. They'd sparked a connection, she flew over to Madrid after her work meeting to meet him, she'd not been his date for the wedding since it was still too early to confirm their relationship but they'd gone on several private dates while she stayed in Madrid with him and now they've decided to make it official.

"So tell me. How's he in the sack?" Alyssa asked once Morgan was done explaining.

Morgan almost slammed her lipstick into her teeth, "Alyssa!"

"Oh shut up it's not like you haven't explained the dirty bits before. Remember when you told me how you gave Denny Richards from college hea-,"

"Enough ugh don't remind me," Morgan whined. "I'll let you know once it happens, right now he's being a gentleman," Morgan rolled her eyes as those words left her lips. Carlos was anything but a gentleman. He was an arrogant narcissistic prick.

"Babes I gotta go, I have somewhere to be," Morgan said as she caught wind of time.

"Ooh another date?"

"If the paps find us then yes you'd see it online, I'll talk to you later I love you," Morgan said giving little kissies before she hung up. She quickly straightened her hair and fixed it before grabbing the purse and shoving a few things into it. Thankfully whoever who'd chosen this purse had been smart enough to make sure there was sufficient space for her gun.

Taking one more look at herself to make sure she didn't have any lipstick on her teeth, Morgan made her way out of her room and to the east wing where she was told Carlos would be waiting for her.

The sight that greeted her as Charles opened the door was almost comical. Carlos was on all fours, his buttocks stuck up in the air as he tried to get something from underneath the bed. Charles didn't even look surprised at his teammates incessant swearing in Spanish as he searched for whatever he was looking for. "He's quite the charmer isn't he?" Charles said with a chuckle which Morgan couldn't help but join in on.

"Charles por favor I told you not to open the door yet!" Carlos shout-mumbled from under the bed.

"I can't leave her standing outside like that mate, plus what are you even looking for?" Charles asked as he went over to Carlos who Morgan suspected and hoped was choking on a dust bunny. "My phone, I knocked it off the bed last night and I'm sure- ah found it!" Carlos cheered as he squeezed himself out from under the bed. He stood up, phone in clutch as he dusted off the dust from his outfit. "We can't have Agent Morgan here yelling at me again and this time over forgetting my phone," his tone was light but Morgan detected the edge in those words. She smiled sweetly at him, aware that he can see the threat behind it, "Already proving to be shitty at your part of the job, I guess we'd have to find another candidate," she said as she leaned against the doorframe.

Carlos chuckled without humor, "I doubt anyone else would be willing to volunteer as tribute," he said as he peered into the mirror and removed microscopic pieces of dust from his hair. "Calm down Rapunzel, no one out there is expecting you to charm them with your locks," Morgan said rolling her eyes at his vanity. Carlos grinned, "My hair adds to my charm, you wouldn't get it. Not when you're walking around most of the time with your scalp crusted in blood," he said as he fixed the collars of his shirt.

"That just goes to show you're using your hair to try to cover up for a lack of personality," she said sweetly, "I'll wait for you outside, times ticking Cinderella," and to Charles, "See you later!" she said this time the smile she shot the other driver was genuine as she turned on her heel and made her way to the entrance of the house.

A silver Ferrari was parked outside and judging by the subtle red livery on it she suspected it was Carlos's. She almost rolled her eyes behind her shades, of course he had his car brought here. Spoilt little brat.

"Don't fuck this up, keep smiling at him even if you want to put a bullet in his head," Jenna said appearing beside her.

"Or wring his neck with your bare hands," Hawk said, joining them.

"Gotta agree with Hawk on this. Personal contact makes it even more sweeter," Morgan said as she lit a cigarette and took some much needed puffs from it. Jenna rolled her eyes, "It's not that hard to pretend like you love each other, actors do it all the time,"

"If I was so good at acting you'd see me on a red carpet and not here. And no Hawk don't give me that 'every carpet we walk on is a red carpet cos we love spilling our enemies blood' bullshit"

"You got me there," Hawk said, plucking her cigarette and taking a puff at it.

Just then Carlos walked outside, he gave Morgan a proper once over before cocking his head to the side, "Could've been worse," he muttered to himself and Morgan was sure her eyes were spitting daggers at him as she followed him to the car. Hawk was choking on his cigarette as he struggled to both breathe and laugh at the same time and Morgan caught Jenna swatting his arm with her file. Carlos opened the door for her and she didn't even bother saying thank you as she got inside and fastened on her seatbelt. "This is going to be one long date," Carlos lamented as he got behind the wheel.

"Just smile and wave and then we can go home and never talk to each other until the next one,"

"Oh so you're so confident that there's gonna be more than one date,"

"Your life depends on it,"

"Shame that only a gun to my head can get me to even take you out,"

Morgan was too vexed to speak, she adjusted her shades and focused her attention on the road. They were still in the countryside so no one really focused on them as they whizzed past the fields and little cottages. It was only once they got to the city did Morgan find herself slowly sliding down her seat to avoid the cameras that began flashing. There was traffic too and she couldn't help but silently curse at Jenna for assigning her this task. She hated that they could see her and that her pictures were gonna end up on some tacky gossip magazine.

"You look terrified, sit straight you're embarrassing me," Carlos said as he took a turn down a road.

"Easy for you to say. This entire assignment compromises me, my photos are gonna end up everywhere!"

"It's not that big of a deal,"

"Hope you're gonna keep saying that once we're running for our lives after being tracked down by someone who wants me dead,"

Carlos turned to look at her, "exactly how notorious are you?" he asked.

Morgan sat up and fixed her hair so that some of it obscured her face, "Notorious enough that at least half a dozen different people would rather see me six feet under,"

Carlos raised an eyebrow but said nothing.

She knew that they'd be forced to speak once they get to the restaurant but she pushed that thought aside. Right now they needed to focus on making a good impression with the press. Through expertly released information which couldn't be tracked back to his marketing crew, word had got out that Carlos had been spotted outside the city and soon fans and paparazzi alike had been scouring every crook and nanny looking for him. It had paid off. Fans kept a respectable distance away from his car but were screaming and cheering at him. Phones were pulled out, videos were taken and it took everything in Morgan to not bolt.

They stopped at a red light and she felt something warm on her thigh. "Don't push it off everyone would see that," Carlos said as he smiled at her through gritted teeth. God she hated this man so much. He was arrogant and self centred and stupid in a way she thought he had been dropped on the head as a baby. She looked down at his hand splayed over her thigh, his thumb drawing circles on the inner side of her leg.

"You don't have to have sex with my thigh, just hold it," she snapped although her face was pulled into a permanent smile. Many of the fans had caught on his behaviour and soon they were screaming and cheering for her. She almost wanted to get out of the car and slap some sense into their heads. For fucks sake he's just a man like everyone else, why were they treating him like a God? And her like she was some damsel in distress who had now fallen into his favour? "Ignore them," Carlos said softly as she caught sight of some girls glaring at her, "It's always like that," he said almost to himself.

Morgan shrugged, "I prefer their hate over their swoons, doesn't it get exhausting?" she couldn't help but ask.

The light turned green and Carlos sped down the almost empty road, "It does, but you get used to it,".

Morgan doubted that she'd ever get used to it and for some reason felt a pang of pity for Carlos but she immediately tampered it down. He didn't deserve it.

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