Finding aurora

By sxphyaaa

119K 2.4K 323

Aurora Romano. A three year old girl who's mom sadly passed away in a random shooting . Little does she know... More

[1] the meeting
[2] Theres more?
[3] whos dat
[4] New friends
[5] dont run away now
[6] sit down
[7] After shocks
[ 8 ] huh-?
[ 9 ] rules

[ 10 ] behave

4.9K 147 16
By sxphyaaa


    As Adonis and Aurora walked into the office the lively atmosphere. And as he walked through the lobby towards the elevator the atmosphere changed, as to one that seemed on edge.The aura that he radiated was enough to cause that, and to him it was a good thing. To Aurora not so much.

" donis, why they sad now" and that, made the atmosphere soften.

" zitto tesoro" ( shush)

" huh" she said with with a confused face and head tilted.

   As the doors of the elevators closed, the people in the lobby heard something they never heard before. They heard him laugh.

  While the elevator was rising Adonis was giving Aurora one more mini-rundown of the rules.

" Remember tesoro don't leave my sight, tell me anything you need and i'll get it okay?"

" otay"

  They walk into the office and Adonis sets her down on his couch with her coloring books and dolls from a bag that marie helped prepare. As soon as he sat down he got a call.

" Hello Mr.Romano?"

" Yes Alexis?"

" Mr. and Mrs. Khaled are here."

" Weren't they supposed to come Friday?"

" They sent you an email about how they were coming today instead."

" I can't."

" They aren't taking no for an answer."

" Well tell them to leave."

" .... they may already be in the elevator."

" goddammit Alexis."

  The door suddenly opens and two individuals enter the room. A tall women with long dark curly hair dressed very professionally and an even taller man with his hair slicked to the side.

" Adonis."


" Adonis it's been months, we've been waiting for you to finally come and- oh. Who's this little lady?"  the women seemed to have forgotten what her rant was about when she saw the little girl coloring .

" Dalia, that's aurora"

" Why didn't we know about her?" Zayn seemed to agree with his wife on this.

" She only got here a week ago."

"What do you mean got here? And  Zayn is one of your best friends, he should've known!"

" Yes and i apologize for not updating him about her, she's my sister but we've been trying to keep her a secret." in almost a sarcastic tone. She seems to ignore it with an eye roll and she walks over to Aurora, allowing her husband to take over.

  Aurora suddenly realizes there's more people in the room when a lady kneels down right in-front of her.

" Hi"

" Hi honey. What's your name?"

" Aurora. what's yours?"

" My names Dalia, and that over there is my husband Zayn."

" You have a husband?!" she says with a gasp

" Yep. He's a very good husband."

" I want a husband." and this makes Dalia burst out laughing.

" Someday honey."

" Tomorrow."

" that's a little soon."

" whatever. do you wanna color"

" Of course! "

  And that's how the two bonded. They colored and gossiped and learned stuff about each other. But things weren't going so good with Adonis.

" why did you come so early?"

" so you didn't wanna see your best friend? i'm hurt"

" no. so what happened?"

" the greeks. they tried kidnapping my sisters and making us trade our lives for theirs."

" what'd you do?"

" raided and bombed the place. but that's not the point. the point is that they're getting bolder."

" bolder doesn't mean stronger."

" but it could mean more psychotic "

Zayn and Adonis met in primary school when their dads had a meeting. Adonis wouldn't share his toys and Zayn started to cry, he ended up feeling bad and shared. That was the start of their unbreakable bond.  Adonis still holds that over his head though.

" so what do we do?"

" just keep and eye out. it was to risky to call because you never know."

" well i appreciate it man."

" what are alliances for."

" whatever. now go before her baby fever comes back."

Zayn finally looks back and sees Dalia coloring with Aurora and almost gives into the temptation of having a baby. Just barely does he make it out

" I think it's to late for that."

Zayn looks over and gives her a look that tells Dalia it's time to go.

   " Well Aurora i think i have to leave."

   " Whyyy."

   " Cause Zayn and your brother are meanies ."

   " Yeah."

  Dalia picks Aurora up and carries her over to where her husband and Adonis are and she hands Aurora to Adonis.

" Bye bye aurora."

" bye dali" and she starts to cry.

" do we really have to go zayn?"

" yes baby we have to go."

" but why? you see how we're leaving her?"

As Dalia try's convincing Zayn to stay a little longer she ends up getting dragged out. Leaving Aurora in tears crying in his shoulder.

" It's okay rora, we'll see them again."

  She just ended up crying herself to sleep. The only thing adonis did for the rest of the day was answer emails and some obnoxious calls. Aurora woke up once to eat her lunch. She watched one movie and went right back to sleep. By the end of the day Aurora slept an absurd amount and adonis wanted to get her a treat. ice cream was the way to go because she really likes ice cream, and she didn't throw one tantrum today. Plus he knew it'd be hell for which ever one of his brothers he'd have take care of her for the night.

    He walked out of his office with her sleeping on his shoulder slightly snoring. Everyone stared wondering who the cute little girl was. Was she a kid from a one night stand? a cousin? a niece? a sister? nobody knew about the mystery girl and they were determined to find out.

  As he put aurora in the car seat she woke up for the first time in literal hour. She slept from as soon as Dalia and Zayn left which was around 12 , to 3 and then she went to sleep again and it's now 6. so altogether she slept around six hours.

" Well hi sleepy head"

" Hi"

" How was your nap?"

" nappy" she was still groggy

" I have a surprise." and that woke her up

" oh oh what it is?!"

" you'll have to find out"

" ugh."

A/N hi 😛 how do y'all like zayn and dalia

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