F1 imagines

By love4norris

200K 1.1K 100

Imagines with your favourite drivers! requests closed More

|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| R E Q U E S T S ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| O S C A R P I A S T R I ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| Q U E S T I O N ||
|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| O S C A R P I A S T R I ||
|| L A N D O N O R R I S ||
|| C A R L O S S A I N Z ||

|| C H A R L E S L E C L E R C ||

14.4K 85 7
By love4norris

pairing: charles leclerc x female!reader
warnings: none
part 2

The rain poured down onto my car like a ton of bricks, my throat beginning to close in as the urge to scream climbed violently up it.

The plead from my brain to pick up my phone spiralled around my body. Text after text came through on my phone.

Each one from him.

I shook my head with a roll of my eyes. He really thought apologising to me over text would work? Sure, it had in the past but in the past I wasn't the one who left.

Pettiness overwhelmed me, the multiple ideas on how to get him back flooding me became too much as they began to push me back to shore.

Back to him.



I'm so sorry.

Please come home

I'm begging you

I didn't mean it I swear

I need you

Please answer

You are worrying me

I was wrong


damn right you were


where are you????

I'm worried

Please just tell me

Y/N please                                                                                                                                                                                 read 11:07pm


I threw my head back, the scream finally crawling out, leaving scars and shooting pain.
My first clenched as they hit the steering wheel multiple times as tears followed. All the tension leaving my body in multiple ways just to return seconds later.

Thee questions than stepped in.

Why me?

Does he really love me or is he only doing this to not hurt me?

Does he really care about me?

They never make sense, they just appear and then disappear and then come back with friends.

It's the way it's always been for me, you learn the routine and you figure out ways to argue with it however in certain cases, like today, nothing worked.

At this point, my anxiety was throwing every tactic at me, each time they hit me directly in the face and made me rethink everything.

Normally, this is when Charles helps.
This isn't exactly a normal situation for me to be in.



Y/N it's pouring if you are walking around just let me pick you up.

We don't have to talk.



I'm not.


Are you at Aria's house?




then where are you


sat in my car


can you come home?                                                                                                                                                             read 11:17


Everything but this one piece of my brain  was ready to go back. To jump right back in his arms and accept his apology wholeheartedly.

The part of  your brain responsible for responsibility, logical thinking, reasoning, and managing emotions — also known as the frontal lobe — was fighting with every ounce it had, telling me to  just leave him. To just forget about the good times and to think about the past couple weeks. To just leave the best part of my life behind. I personally didn't find that very reasonable.

"Fuck this." I mumbled under my breath, opening my car door.
The rain immediately started lashing down onto me, leaving me soaked in a matter of seconds.

My body was at war with itself. Some parts ready to go back other parts ready to wait just a little bit longer and of the one part telling me to not go back at all.

I took a deep breath in, ignoring everything else that was going on around me and focused on my steps. They were smaller and slower than usual as a way to buy time to think about what to say.

That's what I liked to tell myself at least.

They were more like a way to contemplate my decision. I'd never made the right ones, always ending up on the wrong past and looking for a saviour to put me on the right track again.

That's what Charles was to me. A saviour.

But what was I too him?


Twisting the keys around in my hand, I shouted affirmations in my head trying to distract myself from the everlasting feeling of anxiety sat stubbornly in my stomach.

Finally, I built the courage and pushed open the door, walking straight into the kitchen for the drink that my throat so desperately needed.

"Do you want to talk to me or?" His soft voice trespassed in my ears. I had subconsciously been wanting to hear it for the longest amount of time and now I had heard it, it's all I wanted to hear.

"Ok." I ignored all my feelings, putting on a harsh front.

He nodded slowly unsure of what to say.

I continued my journey for a drink, opting for water.

My hands disconnected from my brain as soon as I opened the cupboard for a cup. Suddenly that drink I so desperately wanted just seemed appalling.

"Look, I am so genuinely sorry. I feel terrible and I know I shouldn't have said it but truthfully, I don't know why I even said anything in the first place. Taking out any stress on you is not okay and you most definitely don't deserve it. I completely understand your anger though but i'm begging you to just give me one more chance and I promise with every ounce in my body that I didn't mean it. I love you so much and I don't know what I would do without you. I don't know how I could of even dealt with these past couple months without you." He rambled both of us refusing to look the other in the eye.

"Ok." I stated dryly. A pang of guilt ran through my body as I witnessed his reaction. " I don't forgive you fully and you are going to have to work hard for that but I momentarily slightly forgive you." Emotion filtered in and out of my voice as a way to slightly protect myself.

A smile filled his face face. "Can I hug you or is that just a bit too quick?" I could tell he was genuine even if his voice was cheeky.

I shrugged not being able to get a word in before all the oxygen was knocked out of my lungs, my body being held tight to his. His arms wrapped around my waist as he buried his head into my neck.

"Thank you." He mumbled into my neck, seeing vibrations through my collarbone.
"For what?" I questioned confused

"Leaving me."


Authors note:
it's a bit rushed so I apologise for that. I'm going to edit it sometime though so i'm not going to worry too much about that!

I hope you enjoyed!

Please don't forget to vote/ comment!

My requests are open so feel free to send me a private message about that, I have more about that on my introduction.

Have a lovely rest of your day

Beth xx

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