Azur Lane reacts to Movies, V...

By Ninsor

581K 6.1K 15.8K

The Kansens (shipgirls) from all factions/nations are transported into a theater, where they will watch poss... More

Characters invited
Where are we?
Midway 2019 (Part 1)
Midway 2019 (Part 2)
Midway 2019 (Part 3)
Midway 2019 (Part 4)
Midway 2019 (Final part)
Future plans and next reaction (Please read)
More characters in the future? (Please read)
The next generation of warships (Part 1)
The next generation of warships (Part 2)
The next generation of warships (Final part)
Epilogue surprise/Future reaction plans (Please read)
The ship that would not die
Battle of Tsushima
OUR granny Avrora
Young granny Mikasa
Contain the Bismarck
The Falklands Oversimplified
Devotion (Part 1)
Devotion (Part 2)
Devotion (Part 3)
Devotion (Part 4)/Small Update
Devotion (Final Part)/Future Plans?
Epilogue reflections/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 1)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - First half)
Cold War Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
How to Atago (#BigSisterEnergy)
WW1 Oversimplified
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 1
WW2 Oversimplified - Part 2
Genshin Impact
Greyhound Battles
Tank Fish: Dead Ahead
Bismarck Sabaton (I have announcement)
Success or Failure? Germany's Navy in WW2
Battleship Final Battle
The New Order
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 1)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 2)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 3)
The Great War of Archimedes (Part 4)
The Great War of Archimedes (Final Part)/Future Plans
Epilogue of thoughts/Future plans (PLEASE READ)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 1)
Tank Fish: Decaying Winter (Part 2)
Tank Fish: American Blitz
The Chaos Legion of Tank Fish
The Fallen of WW2
Command and Conquer: Red Alert
Command and Conquer: Tiberium
Kantai Collection (Part 1)
Kantai Collection (Part 2)/Message
Kantai Collection (Final Part)
How to Hood/The Kaga Experience
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 1 - Second Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - First Half)
Napoleonic Wars - Oversimplified (Part 2 - Second Half)
The World of Kaiserreich
Kamen Rider and some trolling
"I am a Pole" The Legend of Piorun
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 1-2)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Parts 3-4)
Extra History: Admiral Yi (Part 5)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 1)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 2)
Future/Modern Warships (Part 3)
Future/Modern Warships (Final Part)
Therapy Time with Texas (Special)
How Nuclear Power Works
High Free Spirit/Voting
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 1)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 2)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 3)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Part 4)
All Quiet on the Western Front (Final)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 1)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 2)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 3)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Part 4)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie (Final)
Epilogue (Update)
Tank Fish: Da Hood
Halo (Part 1 / Update)
Halo (Part 2)
Halo (Final)
The Story of Desmond Doss (Simple History)
OC Gangsta (Part 1)
OC Gangsta (Part 2)
Arpeggio of Blue Steel
Genshin Impact (My Money is Gone)
Red Baron & Ghost Division (Sabaton)
SCP-3000: Anantashesha
The Pig War - Oversimplified (First Half)
The Pig War - Oversimplified (Second Half)
WEEB POWER | MUSASHI / How to Tirpitz
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Parts 1 and 2)
Tank Fish: Rise of Nations (Part 3 and Finale)
Tank Fish: Trenches
What sunk the Moskva (First Half)
What sunk the Moskva (Second Half)
Alter-Versions and QnA (Special)
HMS Formidable Launched Herself
Naval Legends: USS Texas / Voting
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 1)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 2)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 3)
The Angry Birds Movie (Part 4)
The Angry Birds Movie (Final)
Transformers 2007 (Part 1)
Transformers 2007 (Part 2)
Transformers 2007 (Part 3)
Transformers 2007 (Part 4)
Transformers 2007 (Final - First Half)
Transformers 2007 (Final - Second Half)
Epilogue: Review, short Beach Episode, etc.
Tank Fish: Space Wars (First Half)
Tank Fish: Space Wars (Second Half)
Life Update and my own Middle-Earth
February the 14th of 2024
Glory 1989 (Part 1)
Azur Lane Cheers
Update w/ Nevada
Tank Fish: Roblox REQUIEM (GONE WRONG)

Lunch, Drama, Gaming (Special)

2.3K 26 96
By Ninsor

Reactions before/after Epilogue: Requests list

(I will be doing alternate history/versions for some of these)

- Tank Fish (Hail our Lord and Savior. Videos will be Trench Warfare, Beach Episode, Napoleonic Wars The Fall of Fort Tillbury, Rise of Nations series, Anime Fighting Simulator or Apeirophobia, SharkBite, Combat Warriors, Build a Boat, Criminality, Space Wars.)

- Max0r Genshin Impact review, An Incorrect Summary of Ace Combat (0 and 7), and Project Wingman review (Ace Combat 7, next reaction)


- How to Hood, WEEB POWER | MUSASHI, The Weaboo Fantasy 2, PORK KNUCKLES | H-CLASS BB, BONGO BONGO KONGO, WORLD OF TORPEDOOS #3 and #4 and #5, How to Scharnhorst, How to Tirpitz (Revi-Sequel), How to Warspite, How to Dunkerque, SPACEBEAT, NTRprise, NUMBER 9 LARGE | MINNESOTA

- Star Azur Wars (A New Hope)

- Transformers 2007 (I'll just do this one for the Bayverse)

- The Angry Birds Movie

- Battle of Jutland, Taranto, Guadalcanal, Tarawa, Samar (Task Force Taffy 3)

- HMS Dreadnought

- Britain's Triumph: The Surrender of the German High Seas Fleet

- Naval Legends: USS Texas

- The Fighting Lady

- Naval Legends: Georgios Averof

- Best US Military Unit in WW2 and 'White Feather' Marine Sniper by Simple History

- The Pig War, Russian Revolution, American Civil War (Oversimplified)

- What if USA joined Axis instead of the Allies

- Bismarck, Akagi, Tirpiz, Prinz Eugen documentaries, USS Eldridge (all by animarchy)

- Naval Legends: Yamato, Yamato (2005) scenes

- What sunk the Moskva

- SCP 3000

- Steven HE

- nerf BISMARCK pls (both parts), nerf KREMLIN pls

- Attack on Pearl Harbor (Crimson Axis history)

- What your favorite warships says about you Pt 1-3

- Venator Class Star Destroyer

- USS William D. Porter

- Naval Legends: Iowa and/or Naval Legends: Missouri

- Sinking of Blucher (Drobak Sound)

- Space Battleship Yamato 2202 with ship breakdown

- Drachinifel (Tillman, The Great White Fleet, Typhoon Cobra)

- Operation Crossroads

- World of Warthunder

- Pokemon (maybe to be accepted)

- TF2 meet them all

- Battle of Midway by Montemayor (maybe), Battle of Coral Sea by Montemayor

- The Italian Navy Massacre at the Battle of Cape Matapan (Dark Seas)

- The Sinking of Repulse and Prince of Wales by Historigraph

- Battle of Kure (Japanese Pearl Harbor) and/or Indian Ocean Raid 1942 (Britain Pearl Harbor)

- Channel Dash; Scharnhorst and Gneisenau Run the British Blockade

- Spartan761 Aircraft Carrier Stuff series and Operation Crossroads

- Hoi4: The New Order Lore and/or What if Germany WW2? New Order, Last Days of Europe lore

- Binkov's Battlegrounds USS Iowa vs IJN Yamato

- 2003 Invasion of Iraq by The Armchair Historian (maybe to be accepted)

- HMS Formidable Launched Herself by History in the Dark

- Squire (War Thunder vs World of Warships, Hunt for the Red Oktoberfest, A Steaming Pile of Ship)

- Midway's Forgotten Heroes

- Operation Squabble, Uncommon Chivalry, BF-109 spared B-17, Lawrence of Arabia (all by Yarnhub)

- Saving Private Ryan Omaha scene

- The REAL story: Kamchatka

- Why History Overlooks How Much the Japanese Actually Feared the Americans in WW2 (maybe to be accepted)

- More Sabaton (Christmas Truce, Ghost Division, Coat of Arms, Red Baron, Unkillable Soldier)

- AlternateHistoryHub (Election that Ruined Everything, History of Fallout)

- Climbing the ranks (War Thunder planes)

- Azur Lane META versions

- Azur Lane: Royal Navy bombards Berlin as Celebration for New HMS Event

- The Greatest Naval Speedrun in History

- Azur Lane: America

- Joshdub: Storming Area 51

- Denarmo World of Warships (FDR, Shikishima, Audacious)

- Shin Godzilla (maybe to be accepted)

- USS Florida: World of Warships

- Main Battle Tanks (Maybe to be accepted)

- Systems Alliance Navy (Mass Effect; from Templin Institute

New characters (you can request):

U-556 to be maybe added in Bismarck animarchy

USS Wisconsin is a maybe

South Dakota-class maybe

New shipgirl to be added. Limit of 100 shipgirls has been reached. If I am to add more, I would have to remove some of the old shipgirls to let the new ones enter. You may choose of which shipgirls should be removed

Chapter starts:

"BUT before you girls cook your food and have lunch. New visitor." Enishi says as a certain kansen comes through

"Oh you've got be kidding..." Texas says

"First things first. Let's get cooking. AND YOU! WEAR AN APRON!" Nevada yells as she points to Texas

"No! I'm NOT wearing the apron!" Texas yells back

"I'm making you and you can't stop me" Nevada says as she walks towards Texas

"You and what fleet!?" Texas yells as she slowly backs away

"The fleet that I need... ME MYSELF AND I!! NOW PUT A DAMN APRON ON!" Nevada yells as she grabs Texas and drags her away to the kitchen

"Nobody commands me!" Texas yells

"Then it greatly PLEASES me to be one of the few who can!" Nevada yells back

"no. No. NO. NOOOOO!!!!" Texas yells as she gets dragged by Nevada

The shipgirls are silent

"At least its lunch time. I'm hungry, and I need something to go down my throat" Howe says

The shipgirls look at her

"What? What's wrong? It's not like what I said can be taken out of context" Howe says

In the kitchen

"This is not what I died for..." AL Amagi says

What she sees:

AL Amagi looks over to another area

Nevada is yelling and Texas tries not to cry from the pressure

"I- I can't cook!" Texas yells

"YOU CAN COOK! Just as long you believe in yourself. Anyone can cook!" Nevada says

"That doesn't even make any sense..." Texas mumbles

At the table

Essex approaches Enterprise

"You need something?" Enterprise asks

Essex fixes her sleeves

"There you go, now appropriate" Essex says

Enterprise makes it go back down

Essex fixes it again

Enterprise makes it go back down again

Essex: 0_0

She fixes it again and Enterprise makes it fall down again

"Don't fix it!" Enterprise yells

Essex tries to fix it again but Enterprise grabs her hands

"Just tell me what's bothering you?! Do you know how uncomfortable and hot it can be?!" Enterprise yells

(These two are bickering like children, so adorable~ At least they're having fun... they don't need to know what I'm going through) Yorktown thought

Back to the kitchen in Iron Blood's area

In the Royal Navy area

"Can you stop telling me what to do..." Prince of Wales says

"It's my duty as a maid" Sheffield says

"I just can't wait to be king... one day..." Prince of Wales says

"Honestly. You'd make a pretty pathetic king" Sheffield says

"Oh just watch..." Prince of Wales says as she stops cooking

"I'm gonna be a mighty king, so sirens beware!" Prince of Wales sings

"Thus far, a rather uninspiring thing..." Sheffield says

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king!" Prince of Wales sings

"You've still got a rather a long way to go, master, if you think-" Sheffield tries to say

"No one saying do this!" Prince of Wales sings

"Now when I said that, I-" Sheffield tries to say

Prinz Eugen appears out of nowhere

"No one saying be there~" Prinz Eugen sings

"What I meant was..." Sheffield tries to say again

"No one saying stop that!" Prince of Wales sings

"Look, what you don't realize..." Sheffield says

"No one saying see here!" Prince of Wales and Prinz Eugen sing

"Now see here!" Sheffield yells

"Free to run around all day!"Prince of Wales sings

"Well, that's definitely out..." Sheffield says

"Free to do it all my way!" Prince of Wales sings

"Your majesty... I think it's time that you and your siblings arranged a heart to heart.." Sheffield sings

"Royals don't need advice from lowly maids for a start~" Prinz Eugen sings

"If this is where the monarchy is headed... count me out! Out of service, out of the Royal Navy! I wouldn't hang about... The Prince is getting wildly out of wing..." Sheffield sings

"Oh, I just can't wait to be king! Because everywhere you look I'm... standing in the spotlight!" Prince of Wales sings

"Not! Yet!" Sheffield yells in a strict tone

"Oh I just can't wait to be king!" Prince of Wales sings

"Oh she just can't wait to be king~!"Prinz Eugen sings

"Oh I/she just can't waaaaaait... to be king!" Prince of Wales and Prinz  Eugen sing

The shipgirls in the area are silent

"We heard the song! Go back to cooking!" Nevada yells in the Eagle Union area


Some of the shipgirls finished lunch quickly and went to their room

Illustrious is eating some waffles, Bismarck tries Asian food and somehow eats three rice balls at the same time

"Am I dreaming... or did Bismarck just eat three rice at the same time?! I've been dreaming how to do that with my tempura!" Zuikaku yells

Bismarck turns her head to look at Zuikaku

The shipgirls gulp

Bismarck walks towards Zuikaku and she stands really close to her. Zuikaku is scared for her life

"I had a dream once..." Bismarck says

Bismarck then grabs Zuikaku's sword and throws it to Shoukaku who gets scared for her life, and then plays an accordion-like instrument (Whatever you call it)

"I'm  distant, serious, and scary! My sneer could frighten destroyers! And violence wise, my hands are definitely the cleanest!" Bismarck sings

(Understatement) Iron Blood thought

"But despite my not friendly look, and my temper, and my coldness! I've always yearned to be a professional pianist! Can't ya see me on the stage performin' Mozart? Ticklin' the ivories 'til they gleam? Yep, I'd rather be called deadly for my killer show tune medley! Thank you! 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream" Bismarck sings as she plays the piano

"She's got a dream! She's got a dream!" The Iron Blood shipgirls sing

"See, I ain't as cruel and vicious as I seem. Though I do like torturing sirens you can count me with the dreamers! Like everybody else I've got a dream!" Bismarck sings

"La la la la la la la la la la la la la" The Iron Blood shipgirls sing

More shipgirls decide to join in (Take note that not all are singing)

"I've love tea, and hunting and drawing! Plus something related to destroyers! And let's not even mention my personality! But despite my love for guns, and my camera, and lolis... I really wanna make nice relations! Can't you see me with a special little loli? Rowing in a rowboat down the stream? Though I'm one weird person, I'm a friend, not a lolicon! 'Cause way down deep inside I've got a dream!" Ark Royal sings

"I've got a dream!" Ark Royal sings

"A stupid dream!" The shipgirls sing

"I've got a dream!" Ark Royal sings

"A stupid dream!" The shipgirls sing

"And I know one day, friendship will reign supreme. Though my personality makes destroyers scared, there's a friend behind it, dreaming. Like everybody else I've got a dream!" Ark Royal sings

"Agincourt would like to retire and be a florist!" Queen Elizabeth sings

"Littorio does interior design" Vittorio Veneto sings

"Georgios is into mime" Mikasa sings

"Nevada's pancakes are sublime!" Arizona sings

"Ning Hai knits, Ping Hai sews" Yat Sen sings

"Algerie does little puppet shows" Richelieu sings

"And Rossiya collects ceramic unicorns..." Avrora sings

Sovetskaya Rossiya shows two little ceramic unicorns and smiles

(What...) The shipgirls though

"What about you Mama Texa?" Pennsylvania asks

Texas stops eating

"I-I'm sorry? Me?" Texas asks

"What's your dream?" Arizona asks while tilting her head

"I wouldn't... sorry girls... I don't sing" Texas says

All of the Eagle Union shipgirls summon guns and point them at Texas

"I have dreams like you, no really! It has some touchy-feely. They mainly happen to be involved after the war! On a small home that I own. Retired and rested and with Vada! Surrounded by enormous piles of whiskey!" Texas sings

The shipgirls smile as Nevada giggles to herself

"I've got a dream!" Blucher sings

"She's got a dream!" The shipgirls sing

"I've got a dream!" Zuikaku sings

"She's got a dream!" The shipgirls sing

"I'm just so happy that all of us are here! And with every passing hour I'm so glad that we're not enemies! Like all you lovely folks, we all have dreams!" Blucher and Zuikaku sing as the shipgirls cheer

"She's got a dream! She's got a dream! They've got a dream, we've got a dream! So our differences ain't really that extreme! We're one big family!! Call us brutal, sick, sadistic or grotesquely optimistic! 'Cause way down deep inside we've got a dream! Yes, way down deep inside we've got a dream! YEAH!!!" The shipgirls sing

In another area

"That song was loud... I like it though... oh f*ck!" Enterprise yells as her burger ingredients fall out of the buns

"That's just sad. Nevada made those right?" Hornet asks as she eats a pizza

"Yes... Texas can't cook for sh*t..." Yorktown replies

Enterprise and Hornet are continuing to notice Yorktown's unusual changes

Yorktown notices that Enterprise and Hornet are looking at her

"What?" Yorktown asks

"Are you fine?" Enterprise asks back

"Yes, just feeling a bit rough" Yorktown replies

"You're rough?" Hornet asks while tilting her head as Yorktown scoffs a little

"You bet I am b*tch.." Yorktown says

Enterprise and Hornet are shocked as Yorktown realized what she just said

"S-Sorry... I need to go" Yorktown says as she gets up from her chair and leaves the table

Enterprise gets up and follows her

(Just what is going on with you...) Few shipgirls like Hornet and Texas thought

"Sis? What's wrong?" Enterprise asks

The other shipgirls are beginning to notice as they watch the situation

"N-Nothing" Yorktown says

"Are you sure?" Enterprise asks again

"Yes I'm sure! Please stop asking me!" Yorktown replies, starting to yell

Enterprise still continues to follow, Hornet is following behind

"What's wrong sis? You can tell us-" Enterprise tries to say as Hornet arrives and Yorktown stops walking and turns around to see her little sisters

"NOTHING IS WRONG! Just... shut up will you! God... you and Hornet.. you two... you two are such a burden!" Yorktown yells as she angrily walks away to her room

Enterprise, Hornet, and the shipgirls nearby are left stunned.

"I... I see..." Enterprise says as she runs away to her room

"Enty! Enty!" Belfast yells as she gets up and goes after Enterprise

Hornet doesn't move, she's too shocked from what she just heard

"Drama..." Victorious mumbles as Illustrious slaps the back of her head

"Should we check on Yorktown?" Nevada asks to Texas

"We should leave her alone... for now... Enterprise and Hornet as well.. let them work it out, if they don't or they don't know how, then that's where we come in" Texas says as she holds Nevada's hand

"I've missed you" Nevada says

"It's only been a few days" Texas says

"But still-" Nevada tries to say until Texas suddenly kisses her

"I know" Texas says as Nevada smiles

A few minutes later at Enterprise's room

Enterprise is crying on her pillow in the bed

"She doesn't mean it... she doesn't mean it... I need to be calm.." Enterprise mumbles to herself

Someone knocks on the door

"What the f*ck do you want!?!" Enterprise yells

"May I come in..?" Belfast asks in a worried tone

"Oh... y-yes you may come in" Enterprise replies

Belfast enters and goes beside Enterprise

"Please look at me..." Belfast says

Enterprise looks at Belfast, clearly a little dark under her eyes

"Oh Enty... come here..." Belfast says as she hugs Enterprise

"You can let it out.." Belfast says as Enterprise starts crying again

"I... I..." Enterprise tries to speak as Belfast strokes Enterprise's head through her hair softly

"She meant it... and I can't blame her, because it's true..." Enterprise says shakily

"No... it's not true... she doesn't mean it... people.. they will say things that.. they think they mean at first, but... they in reality they don't.. Ms Yorktown is probably experiencing things and she doesn't want you involved.. I think it's best to leave her alone for now..." Belfast says

"..I want to help her..." Enterprise says

"I know you do... but we can only be there to comfort and support her.." Belfast says

"I have a question...?" Enterprise asks

"Yes?" Belfast says

"...Regarding to the song earlier... what's your dream?" Enterprise asks as Belfast giggles

"Hey..." Enterprise says

"Sorry~ Well... my dream is that I will be with you and help you all your life, I dream that the people we care for even our allies will be happy, and one day, hopefully see the war with the sirens come to an end. I even sometimes dream of these things at night... I mean it makes sense, after all.." Belfast says

"A dream is a wish your heart makes, when you're fast asleep~ In dreams you will lose your heartaches... whatever you wish for, you keep~ Have faith in your dreams and someday.. your rainbow will come smiling through~ No matter how your heart is aching... if you keep on believing.. the dream that you wish, will come true~" Belfast sings

"That was nice... you have a beautiful voice.. Belle.." Enterprise says

"Belle?" Belfast asks

"..A nickname of sorts... and you are beautiful.." Enterprise says

"I never knew you had this side~" Belfast says

"Can you blame me?" Enterprise asks

"Hmm, maybe" Belfast replies

Enterprise and Belfast chuckle

Then Enterprise pins Belfast to the bed

"H-Huh?!" Belfast yells

"You've teased me long enough" Enterprise says

Someone then enters the room

"Big Sis... I wanna tal-" Hornet tries to say

She then sees Belfast laying down in the bed and being pinned down

"This isn't what it looks like!" Enterprise yells

Sheffield enters and sees the situation, she has a bruh face

"So what does this look like then?" Hornet asks

"Do you need a few moments to continue making love to each other as we wait for an explanation?" Sheffield asks

"Huh?!" Enterprise and Belfast yell

"Well, Enterprise is pinning you and Miss Head Maid, you're not resisting nor letting go which makes what you two are doing VERY obvious" Sheffield says

"I.. I mean..." Belfast says while blushing

"Keep doing what you're doing. Sheffield will leave and I'll check on Yorky even if it's a stupid idea" Hornet says

Yorktown's room

Yorktown was on her bed, she was covering her face with a pillow

"What's wrong with me..." Yorktown mumbles to herself

She then goes and looks at herself at a mirror

"Look at me, I will never pass for a perfect leader, Or a perfect sister. Can it be, I will let everyone down... Now I see, that if I were to reveal how I am, I would break my sister's hearts... Who is that girl I see, staring straight back at me? Why is my reflection someone I should be? Who is that perfect leader? It's not me... though I've tried... When will my reflection show who I am inside?" Yorktown sings as she makes the mirror turn away

"How I pray, the time will come I can show myself, and meet their expectations. On that day, I'll discover some way to be myself, and to make everyone proud. They want a great leader! No one knows how I am... Must there be a secret side I'm forced to hide! Must I pretend that I'm.. calm and well... for all time? When will my reflection show who I am inside?!" Yorktown sings, her voice starting to shake

Yorktown then makes the mirror turn back to her face, as she looks at her reflection

"When will my reflection show, how I am... inside..." Yorktown sings

Yorktown then drops to her knees and starts crying

"My sisters... everyone must not see me like this... I'm so pathetic.." Yorktown says

Little does she know, Hornet was listening in

"Yorky..." Hornet mumbles to herself as she starts walking away from the room. Deciding to let Yorktown slowly recover first

The other shipgirls are simply minding their own business. Most especially gaming

Essex is playing Street Fighter. She got defeated by Oni

"I am not human!" Oni yells

Essex is laughing her *ss of

"No sh*t Sherlock!" Essex yells

Intrepid and Bunker Hill are playing Tekken 7

Intrepid chose Bob, Bunker Hill chose Devil Jin

"Since when did the Devil have laser eyes? The Bible was wrong!" Intrepid yells

"You're also beating me, how does Bob even fight?! Damn overweight piece of sh*t with no diabe-" Bunker Hill tries to say as Intrepid slaps the back of her head

Intrepid won first round

Next match

Intrepid chose Kazuya, Bunker Hill chose Heihachi

"This family has loads of issues they need to fix" Bunker Hill says

"At least Jin doesn't have issues with his mom, unless they fight each other in Tekken 8" Intrepid says

Bunker Hill won second round

Final match

Intrepid chose Devil Jin, Bunker Hill chose Jin

"I can't believe Jin is battling his own demon" Bunker Hill says

"Imagine Heihachi returns in Tekken 8. That would be crazy" Intrepid says

Bunker Hill won Final round

"You're too good" Intrepid says

Tirpitz is playing Resident Evil Village

"This really is a horror game... frightening me with the responsibilities of taking care of a baby" Tirpitz says

She then meets The Duke

"I am but a humble merchant!" The Duke says

"You either have kidney or liver cancer. And your prices are reasonable yet insane like Akashi" Tirpitz asks

Castle Dimitrescu

"First, I must inform Mother Miranda" Lady Dimitrescu says

"Aren't you and your three daughters enough for this man? And you look like a person that all men will simp for believe it or not" Tirpitz asks

"But later... well, there will be enough for everyone" Lady Dimitresu says

"How is there enough? I mean at least Ethan isn't Asian, because everyone will then have low expectations" Tirpitz says (I can't believe I'm even insulting myself)

"Where have they taken Rose...?" Ethan asks himself

"That sounds like a you-problem. And leave the baby, they can take care of her. Problems of parenthood solved" Tirpitz says

"What have you done to my daughter?!" Lady Dimitrescu yells

"Lady, your daughters tried to r*pe the poor man. Did you expect him to not fight back? It is a horror game. I think he will not fight back with you though." Tirpitz says

"Rest while you can, because I will hunt you, and I will break you!" Lady Dimitrescu yells

"Go ahead, do your worst!" Ethan says

"Why is he into this? Isn't his priority saving his daughter?" Tirpitz asks herself

Scene then shows Ethan somehow regenerating his hands

"How is that even possible. I get that its a horror game, but come on" Tirpitz says

Lets check on the other girls with Albacore and U-47 playing the Subnautica games

"I'm a submarine in real life. So this is right up my alley" Albacore says as U-47 sighs

"So basically, the story is, you were on a spaceship until it crashed for some reason and you're on an escape pod and you have to survive under the sea where Leviathans try to kill you and you kill them until are their species is dead" U-47 says

They kill a leviathan and they hear monstrous screaming in the water

"Go ahead and make more kids you Leviathan freaks! We'll kill them all!" U-47 yell


"We have brought peace, freedom, justice, and security under the sea" Albacore states

"We conquered the pesky reapers! The one haunting all our dreams... we watched the light leave his eyes all while his parents screamed! Now look at the sea around us. The water is safe at last! Now we're the ones who's in charge. The fish about to be food!" Albacore and U-47 sing

"Unten im meer (Down in the sea)!" U-47 sings

"Ey! Under the sea" Albacore sings 

"Unten im meer" U-47 sings

"In the blood kelp zone, in the lost river. Baby we're free! Time to commit more genoc*de. No more Leviathans to fear! Now we're just happy, and now just chilling under the sea!" Albacore and U-47 sing

However Albacore and U-47 hug each other and almost got scared to death when they saw a Sea Dragon Leviathan

Then they made the rocket to escape

"WOO! We beat the game! Let's go! I am done with the waters of horrors!" Albacore yells

"Um... Albacore?" U-47 asks

Albacore turns to U-47, and she sees her carrying Subnautica: Below Zero

"Bruh" Albacore says

They then play Subnautica: Below Zero

"We're Subnautica veterans, this should be not scary" Albacore says

They meet the penguins

"Can we eat them?" U-47 asks

"More like we should dance with them" Albacore says

They then encounter a Ventgarden

"The heck is that thing" U-47 says

They are met with a monster inside

Albacore and U-47 scream

"We go up from its butt and a monster greets us inside..." Albacore says

They see a Glow Whale

"I hope you're friendly and can be petted" U-47 says

A few minutes later

"Build our base here. It's friendly and the environment is nice" Albacore says

"After that, we find more things to scan" U-47 says

The more they play, they see a Chelicerate

"Nah. Nein. No" Albacore and U-47 say

They escape then play the jukebox

"The first game should've had a jukebox. If only we knew the lyrics of these songs-" Albacore says

Minutes later

"Bacteria grows, the water feels cold. These aliens know that I'll never get home-" Albacore and U-47 sing

Ning Hai and Ping Hai are playing Sifu

"Yang, of course"

"Are you Yin?" Ping Hai asks

"You've gotten slow, sifu" Yang says

"Oh. His name is probably Oogway or Po" Ping Hai says

Many minutes later

"This game is harder than it looks" Ning Hai says

They then fight the Botanist

"How are we getting beat by a guy who studies plants for a living" Ping Hai says

"I mean we're good at Kung Fu, not biology" Ning Hai says

Later, Ning and Ping finally beat the first boss

"I have spent eight long years preparing for this" Yang says

"You're in your 40s, get it right old man. Unless you have dementia from all that fighting, then I can maybe understand" Ping Hai says

Chapter is done, have a meme:

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