Vampire Ninja -Rory Keaner x...

By yuhgettintooit

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A RORY KEANER X READER STORY Moving In with your Cousin Ethan and Experiencing a crazy first day between a we... More

Info/ Intro


968 26 21
By yuhgettintooit

I sit on Ethans bed reading and I'm haphazardly listening to his facetime conversation with Benny. Ethan keeps fidgeting with his clothes while talking to Benny so I set my book down to fully focus on their conversation.

"I'm not gonna do it, Benny." Ethan exclaims. "Come on I'm trying to he-" Ethan cuts Benny off,  Looking at the camera pointedly, "I don't need help! Look, I have my lucky socks, A clean shirt, and a Fresh bottle of cologne." I sigh at the cologne part because I had gotten my cousin that bottle four years ago.

"Dude you have absolutely no game" Benny says, I hum in agreement. Benny looks at me and we give each other a little wave. Ethan turns around at me and scowls but then focuses back onto Benny. "And you do?" Ethan questions.

"No but-" I laugh at Benny's response but he quickly cuts me off to continue what he was saying."But my dad is currently in the dating scene, Which means I have unrestricted access to THIS! Be a Man magazine!" Benny brags about the embarrassingly, overexaggerated masculine magazine.

"Fine!" Ethan Sighs in defeat.

"Now I'll pretend to be Sarah." Benny starts, but I bring myself into the conversation, "Wait, Why can't I be Sarah?". The boys both look at me and Ethan gags, "Because you're my cousin you weirdo!".

"I didn't mean it like that!" I exclaim while covering my face in embarrassment.

Ethan looks back to the camera and sighs. "This is stupid."

"Just do it!" I encourage him. Ethan mumbles an 'Okay' before relaxing himself. I stay sitting on the bed and watch their roleplay conversation unfold.

"Hey Sarah, What's up?"

Benny makes his voice all high pitched "Oh, Hey, Ethan. I'm just hanging out. You know Shopping and stuff."

"I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go see the new Galactitac movie with me on saturday?" Ethan says nervously.

"You and Me?" Benny asks Shyly "Like on a date?" Benny pauses to think "No."

"Hey! I thought you were supposed to be helping me." Ethan yells at Benny. But Benny argues back "I am! What if she says no? What, Are you just gonna give up?".

Ethan pauses to think "Mmm... Yeah, Probably"

"Wrong Answer! Close the deal! Convince me! Make me feel like I'm the only girl in the world. Be a man!" Benny encourages Ethan. But then Benny ruins the conversation by putting a towel on his head and making his voice go higher again "Be my man!".

Ethan goes back into character, "Well, I'd really like to go on a date with you. You and I have this special connection that's really special. I feel like there is some cosmic reason we were thrown together." I look over to see my uncle standing in the doorway with his hands full of towels. My uncle looks at me with a questioning look and I just smile and shake my head.

"That's beautiful Ethan," Benny says.

"Plus, you are like, really pretty" Ethan finishes.

My uncle drops the towels at that statement making himself known to Ethan and Benny.

"Oh, Shit" My uncle laughs awkwardly, "Uh.. I have, uh, hockey tickets tonight. I thought maybe you, Benny and Y/n would like to come along, so, uh.. I'll just leave them here." My uncle turns around, setting the tickets down onto the nightstand next to me.

"Uh.. Dad. Heh.. This is NOT what it looks like." Ethan defends himself profusely.

Benny smiles and also tries to defend his case "Yeah! I'm trying to teach him how to be a man."

My uncle looks over to me, but i'm currently in the process of holding my hand over my mouth to prevent myself from laughing out loud.

"Okay, uh..Oh, your cage thing arrived from that warlock movie that you love. It's... in the back." My uncle finishes and then walks away.

"Thanks for helping Y/n!" Ethan yells at me.

"The Cage of Eternity? Sweet!" Benny says excitedly. "That thing is a chick magnet!"

I sigh. No amount of help can make these boys any less dorky.

At school I'm standing next to Ethan's locker alongside Benny zoned out. I stopped listening to their conversation after they started talking about the Eternity cage for the fifth time. I'm pulled out of my trance though when my nose gets hit with this disgusting smell.

"Ugh dude what is that?" I ask, Purely disgusted.

Ethan smirks at me, "This? 'Hormonio'. It's Musk. It's supposed to tap into a woman's primal nature.".

"Primal nature my ass! The only thing it makes me want to do is, rip your throat out for spraying that disgusting shit!" I yell at Ethan.

Benny grabs the bottle to smell it " Ugh, It's.. Definitely manly. Like 'Wrestling team laundry bag' manly "

"Okay, Here goes." Ethan says hyping himself up. "I'm just worried she'll laugh in my face."

"She probably will." Benny and I say simultaneously. "But that gives you one less thing to worry about, Right?" I ask.

Ethan walks off from us.

Benny stares at the bottle questioning if it really does what Ethan said. Benny grabs out his spell book and gets to the love potion page.

"Benny, are you gonna do what I think you're gonna do?"  I ask him.

"If you mean make him a love potion and increase his odds by a tenfold then yeah! Mine too!"

Benny goes back to mumbling to himself, "Tannis root, Cumin.." Benny looks up at the group of girls that just entered the hallway. "Uh.. Excuse me? Ladies? Do you know if the biology lab has any sea slugs?"

"Ew. Why don't you go ask one of your loser friends?" The girl asks him, eyeing me up and down in the process.

I just so happen to accidentally slip my foot out and she just accidentally falls face first into the floor.

"Oops." I say grabbing Benny's arm, ushering him away while the girl is sending threats my way.

" I don't need the slugs! Just their urine." He defends himself.
"Yeah, yeah. I understand Benny."


Benny had successfully made the Love spray and we were waiting at Benny's locker for Ethan.

"Strike out?" I ask.

He sighs, "No, Chickened out"

"That was my second guess, don't worry" Benny comforts Ethan. "Dj Benny B's Spinnin' mad spells all night long."

"What are you talking about?" Ethan questions.

"A simple concoction of your dad's cologne. Some of our Pheromones, and a pee of a couple of ticked-off slugs. Viola! Love Potion number Ben." Benny presents to Ethan the bottle.

"You can't always resort to- Wait, How did you get my Pheromones?" Ethan questioned.

Benny shushes Ethan when He sees Sarah walking down the Hallway. "Shh. Target's Acquired. Babes are in range."

"Hey ladies, What do you say?" Benny asks Sarah and Erica.

"Drop dead geek?" Erica Questions.

I get up from my place at the locker and join the girls. I lock arms with Sarah and whisper to her "Thank god you are here." She smiles at me

"Easy babe. Easy." Benny says, Ego hurt.

Erica throws her hands up, "Hey nothing personal, I just don't hang out with Dorks."

"Just wanted to see if you wanted a sample of this new Dusk perfume." Benny baits Erica.

Erica took the bait, "Yeah it's supposed to make even undead people smell like flowers and other girly stuff. Wann try it?"

"No thanks" Sarah and I say while Erica screams "Yes!" Nearly combusing with excitement.

"Yes! Oh please! Just one little spritz?" Erica pleads with us.

"Okay" Sarah Gives in. Erica sprays the three of us and Sarah immediately goes to Ethan While Erica runs to Benny. I just stand there.

"Hey there, handsome." Erica says, Flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"You're talking to me. In school" Benny says.

"There's other things I'd like to do in school" Erica says, grabbing Benny by the collar and having a full on make-out sesh.

Ethan and I stand there shocked.

"Ethan! Stop paying attention to Erica! You're going to make your girlfriend jealous" Sarah Says.

"Girlfriend?" Ethan asks Excitedly.

"You know I love your striped shirts! They just scream ' I am so good at calculus" Erica confesses to Benny.

"He is good at calculus" Ethan says to a shocked looking Erica. "That is so hot." Erica says going back to stroking Benny's arm.

"And your hair is like the cutest hair I have ever seen on any boy, Ever! Does your mom cut it? I love your skinny little arms" Sarah says to Ethan while hugging him.

The Bells rings.

"Aww. Pooh! We have to get to class" Erica says with a pouty face. "Will you miss me?" Erica asks Benny. Benny nods profusely.

"I'll see you later cuddle bear!" Sarah hugs Ethan and then links arms with Erica. Leaving me still standing there.

"What just happened?" Ethan asked.

"I kissed Erica!" Benny says excitedly.

"Sarah called me cuddle bear"


While sitting in class the only sound that can be heard is the teaching writing on the chalkboard. Sitting directly behind Benny I see a girl pass a paper onto his desk.  The girl motions him to 'Shh' and she looks back at the board.  I keep my head laid on the desk until I hear knocking at the door and see Erica waving at Benny and then making out with the door while looking at him.

I turn my head over to the seat next to me and see Rory laughing and I kick him.

'Ow' he mumbles. Rory continues on looking shocked.

"Excuse me? Miss fine? May I go to the bathroom?" Benny asks the teacher.

Miss Fine whips around and answers, "No".

"Okay" Benny says.

A girl behind me taps my shoulder and points to Benny while handing me a slip of paper. I sigh and Pass him the paper. Another girl from the other side of the room gets up and passes him a piece of paper.

We all go back to doing our work and then the teacher starts passing out papers.

"Some of you have very well thought out eloquent papers"  She says looking into my eyes, smiling.  "However there are exceptions to the rule, and I would like to talk about one paper in particular." Miss Fine says, Holding Benny's Paper right in front of his face. She was going to continue until someone knocked on the door.

A mail man hands Miss Fine flowers and she smiles before reading the card and her whole face drops. She shoves the flowers onto Benny's desk.

"Hugs and Kisses from the cheerleading squad?" Benny asks with a big smile on his face. "Nice". The Mail man comes back into the room and has a full cart of flowers for him.  Miss Fine looks at the pile of flowers and sighs.

"Well here's my gift to you. Next time try reading Pride and Prejudice. You'd be amazed how much you don't have to make up. Like the part about aliens. I may have to assign you a study partner." Miss Fine scolds Benny.

All the girls except me in the classroom raise their hands wanting to be chosen. You can hear faint "Me! Pick me" and "Ooh! Ooh! I'm smart, choose me!".

The bell rings and Miss Fine Sighs again, "Class dismissed. Go play on your xbox or Wiis or whatever." Benny gets up to leave class and Miss Fine is hit with Bennys scent and immediately starts to follow him out along with the other students.

Rory turns to look at me, Looking kind of hurt. But I don't know why he would be looking upset.


I am hanging out with Ethan at his locker until Rory comes marching up to Ethan. "Hey Ethan, Since when are Benny and Erica a thing?". Ethan looks at me but I continue to stay behind Ethans back. Rory must have not seen me there and I want to see why Rory was so concerned about Benny and Erica.

"Oh look, there's the McCutie!" One girl says, Running up to Ethan with a tray of Cupcakes.

"Not you!" The girl says pushing Rory out of the way.

"Hi Ethan! We made these ourselves".  Another one says excitedly, Handing him a rose and putting it on top of his already full hands.

"Thanks," Ethan says, Shocked. " Wow, Heh.. Isn't Valentine's Day still a few months away?"

The two girls look at each other, "Oh yeah well we didn't want to be late, You know? Okay Ethan. Byee." And then the two girls walk off.

Rory grabs one of Ethans Cupcakes and says "You guys, are on fire today"


When we got home from school Benny and Ethan had completely covered the table with all their gifts they had received.

"That was the best day ever. We're like movie stars!" Benny says, Out of breath.

"No, More like rockstars" Ethan replies back just as excited.

I sit at the table looking bored as ever, just feeling lost.

"Hello Boys.. oh and you too Y/n" Benny's Grandma says. I look up and smile at her.

"Grandma." Benny quickly grabs a box of chocolates "Sweets? Sweets for the sweetest grandma ever? Take two!"

Benny's Grandma Laughs, "Drop it, Drake. Tweedledum has told me what you did.". Benny looks around innocently until grandma raises her Finger in his face and he confesses. "I made a love potion and accidentally dropped it and now all the girls in school love us."

"Love potion? The one on page 72?" Benny's Grandma asks, Concerned.

"You know it?" He asks, confused. "Grandma Rocked the Potion too!" Benny says excitedly to Ethan. Benny turns back to his grandma, "Is that how you bagged grandpa?". Benny's Grandma pulls out a yoyo and starts to lecture them.

"Here's the thing, boys. Nature is all about balance. Brainiac here upset the balance. You swung the pendulum ALL the way to goo-goo eyes and giggles."

"So far so sweet" Benny smirks. Grandma continues on," But when the pendulum swings back.." Grandma hits Benny in the forehead with the yoyo.

"Ooh! Ow!" Benny Says.

"That's what I'm talking about. The more those girls loved you, The more they're gonna hate you. Now how strong was the potion?" She asks.

Ethan lets out a breathy laugh, "Well... Sarah Bought us matching cardigans.".

Grandma Smiles, "Yep, You're toast!"

Benny sighs, "Ugh, Please don't punish us again, Grandma."

"Oh you'll get yours" Grandma says, Wagging her finger in his face.

"But come on!" Ethan Pleads, "We're used to girls not liking us. What's the worst that could happen?".

As soon as Ethan says that, The Doorbell rings.

The boys get up to answer it, While Benny's Grandma tries to fix whatever magical problem occurred when the potion hit me.

"Are you Ethan and Benny?" A strange voice asks.

Ethan whines in pain before answering, "Y-yeah..".

"You dweebs stole our girlfriends." Another voice says.

"Wait, Your girlfriends dumped you, For us?" Benny asks, confused. Benny looks to Ethan "The potion really was strong!".

"We're gonna break every bone in your body!" The second voice said. All you could hear was Ethan and Benny whining in pain.

"Grandma, Y/n. Someone call the police." Benny screams at us.
Grandma slowly gets up from her spot barely looking for the phone. "Oops, I can't find the phone!". She looks at me and smiles.

The intruders start to get more aggressive with the boys, "I'm gonna snap you in half like a popsicle stick!".

"Wait! I have a proposition." Ethan tries to bargain. "Make it fast" The main intruder says.

"Okay" Ethan says running off.

A few minutes later, Ethan runs back and hands the boys the tickets for tonight's hockey game.
"Here. These are tickets for tonight's hockey game. If you leave us alone, They are all yours." Ethan sighs.

The group of boys takes the tickets, "Sweet. Hey, Thanks guys." The guys start to walk off until Ethan stops them.

"Wait, what about your girlfriends?"

One of the guys laughs before replying, "We can get new girlfriends. These are platinum seats. Hasta la vista, Dorks!" And then he leaves and slams the door.

The boys sigh in relief.

Benny's Grandma and I stand there looking at them.

"That wasn't so bad" Ethan says laughing.

"They're not the ones you need to worry about," Benny's Grandma says, Looking at me. She then goes to the door, "Have a nice evening." she says leaving and shutting the door behind her.

"You gave away my goddamn ticket? You asshole!"  I say, walking up to Ethan and shoving him into the door before storming up the stairs. I ignore all the commotion that is going on behind me.

I get to my room and I hear both of the boys screaming outside my window. I open up the window and see Benny being chased by a girl with a shovel and another girl with a jump rope. Ethan is getting swung at with a baseball bat. They are the same girls who gave them the cupcakes.

I shift myself onto the ledge making myself more comfortable to watch more of the scene unfold.

Ethan manages to knock the girl with the baseball bat out. And now two girls are fighting over who hates Benny the most. But then Ethan comes to Benny and It becomes an even fight. The boys start to run away until Sarah and Erica Step in to claim Ethan and Benny as their own, so they can get revenge on them.

While all the girls are distracted Ethan and Benny start to run away. " Hey guys, They're getting away!" I hear a voice behind me say, before I feel arms wrap around my waist. The Girls stop fighting and charge towards the boys.

I turn around and am met with a mop of blonde hair. "Rory? What are you doing here?" I asked him, surprised to see him, but happy. "I thought I would pay my girl a visit!" He replies, Burrowing his head into my neck and peppering it with soft kisses. "Rory, why are you really here?" I ask him, a serious expression on my face.

"When I found out the guys had love potions, I thought maybe you were under the influence of one." Rory admits. "I came to Ethan earlier because I thought maybe you were also acting the same way towards Benny and I got really jealous."

"Rory, The love potion didn't work on me." I say with a calm expression on my face. "Why not?" He asks. I take a deep breath and look Rory in the eyes.

"Because I'm already in Love with someone."

Rory's breath hitches and he freezes for a moment. Then he turns to me and smiles.

" I think I love you too"

Word Count:  3148


Soo it's been a while... okay maybe a very long time. But N E Wayz I hope you liked this chapter! I tried to include More Rory so I hope you are satisfied with its ending. I wont update it this week or next week because i'm gonna be on vacation #Wisconsin :p

I'm really grateful for all the support this book has been receiving and I'm thankful for all of you who have taken the time to read this cringe book. Honestly if some of you hadn't urged me to post more or hadn't shown interest in more i wouldn't have even updated. So thank you for being so patient with me and not giving up on me.

I love you!!! <3

Vee :)

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