Dirty Deeds


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Mature 18+EXPLICIT CONTENT She was innocent and pure and he was going to make damn sure he would change... More

Last Night
Fast Car
Go! Go! Go!
Reality Bites
Dead to Me
What is Truth?
Pandora's Box
Mixed Signals
Little Lost Beings
Heart of Glass
Later Days
Love Birds

Fly Away

12 1 0


I let her think I was asleep before allowing her to escape. I knew she was going to get herself into trouble so when Glenn and Donnie came back, I begged them to follow her.

"She's going to get hurt," I told them, "Someone's tried it twice and I need her to be protected."

They agreed to tail her and keep me updated.

I was in some pain, but I wasn't expected to stay in the hospital for more than another day.

How crazy was it that she told me she loved me, especially when she thought I couldn't hear her?

God, the things I'd done. The things I couldn't even tell her I'd make people do to her. She must have known and yet she was saving me from myself.

My thoughts were interrupted by yet another round of interrogation.

This time, Officer Ray was there with some macho detective.

"I told you," I said again, "I watched the Honda drive by a few times and I knew it was going to be bad. I was raised in this shit. I don't know who it was."

"We've checked out your graveyard," Ray said, "A car by that description was seen leaving the lot a few hours ago."

"It's everyone's graveyard on that side of town," I shrugged, forgetting the pain in my shoulder, "If you can hotwire a car, choose one."

I wasn't going to say anything else, but it did seem suspicious that one of our cars was used. Mental note to tell Glenn.


Of course he had me followed. I wasn't an idiot and I knew Tommy only wanted to keep me safe, but I had to talk to his mother.. alone.

I was let in due to my credentials and the fact that I'd been assaulted and practically assassinated all in two nights. No one suspected me of being anything but the criminal I actually was.

"Where are the girls, Bridget?" I knew it was wrong, but I brought her some dope, hoping she'd get high enough to tell me, "Are they here?"

"Ain't no girls here, honey," She shook her head, rocking back and forth, "You need to try... "

"Absolutely fucking nothing," Hector's voice caught me off guard and I backed up into the wall, "And why do you want to know?"

"Tommy wants back in, but I told him it's easier for me to get them," I lied.

Hector looked me up and down.

"You look innocent enough and you've done good work for a rat."

"I'm not a rat," I scoffed, "You need me and you can't admit it."

"She's with my boy," Bridget said, slowly sinking into her stupor.

"Yeah I am," I said, confidently, "Practically fucked his brains out in the hospital bed today. By the way, we're being targeted."

Hector nodded, "I know. Word gets here faster than you can blink, little lady."

"So let me in,"I told him, watching Bridget, "I'll make it worth your while."

"Let me think about it," Hector nodded, "Maybe you'll talk some sense into Tommy. He was a master at his craft—getting all those bitches for me."

Hector left and I immediately grabbed Bridget by the hair.

"Tell me where they went," I pulled until she cried out.

"The airport," she rolled her eyes back, "That white bus that rolled in. Looks like an old prison bus."

I didn't thank her, but I made sure to give her some more pills to tie her over.


I stopped my texting and glared at her.

"What did you say?"

"You look like your mother."


Once Tori relayed the information to me, I told her not to do anything stupid, but what could I do when I was stowed away in a hospital room?

I made it known to Glenn beforehand that she was at Hector's warehouse by the docks and to follow the white prison bus.

"She's redirecting it to the hospital," Glenn said, "I heard her talking to Raul and your mother."

"Raul won't tell on her," I said, "He's probably forgotten the conversation already and Mom was doped up. "

Glenn had paused while he was on the phone with his brother.

"I think we need to go to talk to Dad."


"Because a few days ago I overheard Bridget saying something about getting revenge for her husband's incarceration."

"Do you think you could have fucking said something before I was almost killed?"

"Did they show you the mugshots of the shooters yet?" Glenn avoided my question.

"I didn't recognize them and neither did Tori."

"I've got eyes on the bus," Glenn said, "It's—it's turning into the hospital."

"She rerouted them here because she doesn't trust the blue."

"Good..." Glenn was saying, "I gotta go. I can't be seen right now."

"Donnie with you?"


"Watch him,"


I sat back and smiled—proud of my girl.


I hauled ass out of the area.

Raul and Bridget wouldn't remember that they talked to me and I was already pretending to be angry that money was being lost. Hector took note of my little spectacle when I flipped a chair over in his office.

"There'll be more girls," he promised, looking satisfied to have me on the take.

No one could trace the bus, but the girls were able to get out and get help at the hospital. Glenn helped me move some of my stuff, Moe and some of Tommy's things to the lake house.

"I have eyes on everyone now, Tori," he said as we unloaded the last of my items, "You make sure to lay low for a while."

"I don't think it was a good idea to bring Donnie into this," I told him as we stood in the kitchen, watching pace the yard from the kitchen window.

"He hasn't gotten off my ass in a few days," Glenn shrugged, "I don't trust him any more. I'll also look into Bridget's quip about your mom."

"You got protection?" He asked me. I nodded. Tommy had a whole arsenal in the basement here, "Good. Use it."


I was more than happy to get the hell out of that hospital.

My father had been able to call me—of course my mother didn't.

The girls made it out alive and relatively well. Tori had told me she also sent them to the hospital for any evaluation.

"Even if Hector suspects us, we'll have to take the chance," she said, wrapping my wound again. I couldn't have asked for a better woman by my side.

"So, if I get back in, I can't let it happen all the time, Tori," I admitted, "Some will have to slip through the cracks."

"We can't go to the locals, but maybe higher up?"

"I don't have connections to higher ups. I figured you would."

She shrugged, "I could try to look into it. Ray said he wants me to go down to the precinct to listen to the voices of the men who shot up my place—and you."

"Although I don't like ole Ray, I think it's a good idea," I said, "But Im sure as hell aren't letting you go alone."

"We're not going to keep our relationship a secret?"

"I'm fairly sure there's no hiding us now."

"What are we, Tommy?" She asked, propping up the pillows behind me so I could relax.

"What do you want to be?"

"Glenn called me your fiance," she giggled, taking my hand in hers.

"Then that's what you are."


"You'll marry me one day, Tori Loomis, and we'll fly far, far away from here."

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