Woe and Time (Wednesday x Mal...

Od blokmuis

21.9K 559 261

This journey starts of with the transfer of a peculiar girl, the transfer of an eccentric boy and a prophecy... Více

Wednesday's Child Is Full of Woe
Woe Is the Loneliest Number
Friend or Woe
Woe What a Night
You Reap What You Woe
Quid Pro Woe
If You Don't Woe Me by Now
Not a Chapter
Woe and Time Chapter 10

A Murder of Woes

1.2K 44 30
Od blokmuis

A/N: Hello good friends, here we are again, just so you know, I sort of forgot to finish this chapter when I was making it a few weeks back, whoops 😅 but I've managed to do some big brain moves and finished it pretty quickly. I'm not going to lie, I'm still quite rusty when it comes to the writing part, at least that's what I think personally.

Also, I think I'm going to check my other chapters on errors involving grammar, for I did see a few of them where it was a bit of a yikes moment.. Oh lord, that's going to be some cringe reading the first chapter, the start of my writing career.

Also Also, for some reason Wattpad is saying that the chapter has 6650 words or so, but Microsoft Word says a total of 6946, hopefully it's nothing, but I did notice that for some odd reason Wattpad didn't want to copy the last line from the current chapter into here, I hope it didn't do that with any other sentences, if so, I won't be very happy with that, if there are any broken sentences that don't make any sense, do tell me.

Anyway, it does make me happy that people are enjoying this story, honestly, I never expected it, but I think that's enough of my ramblings, stay hydrated, stay safe and remember, be nice to people.

You know, I like forests, the sight of nature always reminds me of how beautiful nature can be, well, unless you use a certain type of tree that eventually start killing everyone, then you're dealing with something that's a bit of a hassle. Read about it once in one of the database logs, a forest and a library.

Our little monster sure is taking his sweet time getting here, I thought a message from Wednesday would've made him drop everything and sprint to the location.

A few more minutes passed by and I saw that it approached, Good, I was starting to get tired of waiting.

"Thing gave me your note." Tyler said as he approached Wednesday.

"I was surprised you wanted to see me again after you ran out the other night. So, uh, is this a date?" Tyler asked a bit confused.

"It's a surprise." Wednesday said as Tyler approached her, only for Wednesday to move out of the way.

"When I came to Nevermore, romance was the last thing on my mind, but when you kissed me, you opened my eyes and suddenly it all made sense. Xavier warned me about you, but I didn't listen." Wednesday said.

"Ironic now, huh?" Tyler said.

"Ironic would've been framing Xavier for murder while the real Hyde helped me put him away." Wednesday said.

"Wait... you don't think..." Tyler said.

"I don't think. I know."

"Kinbott probably discovered your secret during one of your sessions, so she unlocked you. Why'd you kill her? I thought Hydes were typically loyal to their masters." Wednesday asked

"Wednesday, this is nuts." Tyler said

"On Outreach Day, I told you Y/N and I were visiting the old meeting house."

"Did Kinbott send you to spy on us?"

"I have to hand it to you, Tyler. You had us all fooled at the Gates mansion, that was a masterstroke of misdirection." Wednesday said

"Okay, stop. Do you know how insane you sound right now? I'm not a monster." Tyler said in a pleading tone.

"A... And if you really thought that I was, why would you risk bringing me out to the woods to confront me alone?"

"Who said I was alone?" Wednesday said as Bianca, Kent, Yoko, Divina and Ajax appeared from the pillars.

"There's only one person that you failed to fool" Wednesday said making Tyler respond nervously.

"Who?" Tyler said nervously.

"Me" As I appeared behind him. "I told you didn't I, you can't hide from me." I said with a manic grin.

"Okay, I don't know what kind of sick joke you're playing, but I'm out of here." Tyler said attempting to walk away.

"Actually... you're coming with us." Bianca said using her Siren abilities to take him with us to Xavier's little shack.

(Jumping rope with a Time Skip)

"Welcome back." Wednesday said as Tyler started to wake up again.

"Where the hell am I?" Tyler said confused and in a slight panic.

"Somewhere no one can hear your screams." Wednesday said cryptic.

"What's with the chains?" Tyler asked

"Don't ask stupid questions." Wednesday said.

"Wednesday, this is crazy. I'm a normie." Tyler said trying to convince her.

"And I'm human, but we both know that I'm lying, or perhaps I'm not." I said not believing a word of his sentence.

"That's only half true. Do you recognize her? Perhaps if I hadn't been so distracted by my own mother hogging this photo, I would have noticed yours sooner. Your father fell in love and married an outcast." Wednesday explained as she showed him a picture of the fencing team.

"My mom was an outcast. That doesn't make me a monster." Tyler said.

"According to her personal medical records..." Wednesday said before she was interrupted by Tyler.

"You stole her medical records?" Tyler said interrupting Wednesday.

"Hush now, some advice for you, it's quite rude to interrupt someone when they're speaking...... also, Thing took the documents" I said telling him off.

"He took them from your garage. Your father's quite the pack rat. Her postpartum depression triggered her condition." Wednesday continued reading the medical records

"My mom had severe bipolar disorder." Tyler

"We both know that's a lie. She was a Hyde and your father has been living his life in dread, never quite sure whether or not she passed her condition on to you." Wednesday said

"Are you all gonna stand there and let her do this to me?" Tyler pleaded for help.

"Uh, guys? Enid just texted. Thornhill's suspicious. How long until he morphs into that... thing? Ajax said

"I'm not the monster." Tyler pleaded as Wednesday walked over a table that was on the side, making me approach Tyler.

"Oh but you are, you've had me fooled first time we met, for that I will give you my compliments." I told him.

"But I'm not" Tyler said like a broken record.

"Let's not play games with me here, Wednesday saw it in a vision when she was at the Weathervane, so-" I was rudely interrupted by Tyler who didn't seem to take my advice from earlier

"Wait, you're basing all this off some vision you had after we kissed? I mean, is that something you can trust?" Tyler said.

"Okay, let's stay calm now" I said making people thinking that I was referring to everyone else in the room, but in reality.



I was referring to myself as I forcefully grabbed him by his head.

"You know, I really, really dislike it when people interrupt me, do that again, and I'll remove all of your memories, no, not just your memories, I'll destroy everything else apart from your consciousness, a living hell where you're unable to do anything." I said clearly sounding insane, meanwhile while I was having my monologue, Bianca took notice of Wednesday and wanted to know what she was doing, seeing her grab something as I let go of Tyler's head.

"Wednesday, what are you doing?" Bianca asked.

"Just some light torture. Don't worry, I won't leave a mark." Wednesday said answering the Siren's question.

"Wednesday, hold on." Bianca said not wanting Wednesday not to proceed.

"Wait. Are you being serious?" Ajax said not sure what he just heard.

"There's only one thing that a Hyde understands. Pain." Wednesday said as she tased Tyler, making the others protest.

"Wait! No, Wednesday!" The others said.

"That's it. I'm out!" Yoko said as she left the shack

"Us too." Divina said as she left with Kent following behind her

"No." Ajax said.

"Wait." Bianca said.

"No, I'm done." As he walked out the shack too.

"Wednesday, I didn't sign up for this. Let's go to Weems, explain everything." Bianca suggested.

"Weems won't help, and Tyler is always one step ahead of his father.

"Y/N say something, you can't think this is the way, right?" Bianca said wanting me to change Wednesday's approach at this, but sorry to say, I was out of mercy.

"No, his hands are stained with blood, if it were up to me, I would've chained him up and let him rot in a dying star for eternity." I said going along with Wednesday's approach.

"Then you're on your own." Bianca said as she left the room too, making Tyler plead for his life.

"No, don't leave me here with her, please! I'm begging you, please!" He said.

"What is Kinbott, or should I say Laurel Gates, using you for?" Wednesday said threatening.

"Wednesday, please." Tyler said pleading once more.

"Tyler, the body parts in the basement of the Gates mansion, what was she collecting them for?" I asked wanting answers.

"I don't understand. Why are you doing this?" Tyler asked as the sound of sirens started to approach.

"Let's test your reflexes." Wednesday said as she held the hammer in her hand.

"Get away from my son! Drop it." The Sheriff said as he pointed the gun at us, making me click my tongue in annoyance.

(Switching scenes to the police stuffs)

Here I am sitting in probably one of the most uncomfortable chairs ever as Wednesday was pacing back and forth.

"Sheriff Galpin isn't pressing kidnapping charges. Which is a miracle given the circumstances." Weems said as both her and the Sheriff walked into the little office space.

"Of course not." Wednesday said

"How long have you known?" Wednesday asked the Sheriff

"Excuse me?" the Sheriff said confused.

"When I gave you that claw from the cave, did you already know?" Wednesday said.

"Wednesday, that's enough." Weems said.

"Xavier Thorpe is our Hyde. We've got evidence, thanks to you. That's why I'm giving you one pass." The Sheriff responded, but I know he was lying.

"Tyler is going to turn on you too." Wednesday said

"Let's go." Weems said loudly.

"Get out." The Sheriff said, but before they got rid of us, I still wanted to say my piece.

"Remember Sheriff, I did tell you, you're playing a very dangerous game.

"We... Wednesday, wait." Tyler said wanting to talk to her, but the Sheriff was quick to intervene.

"Tyler! No, no, what are you doing?" the Sheriff asked.

"I need to talk to her, Dad She was my friend. We're in a police station. What's gonna happen?" Tyler said, making his father reconsider it.

"Make it quick." Sheriff Galpin said.

"What do you want?" Wednesday asked.

"To ask a question. What does it feel like?" He said

"What does what feel like?" Wednesday said confused.

"To lose. You know, at first, I'd wake up naked, covered in blood, no idea what happened, but over time, I started to remember everything. The sound of their screams, the panic in their eyes, and a fear so primal I could taste it, and it was delicious. You have no idea what's coming." Tyler said with an evil grin, but slowly faded to a somber one, as he started to walk away and past me.

"You'll get it coming too." He said in a whisper.

"Then you'll know that I'll stop whatever you're planning on doing, also, my plan already started." I said making him look slightly confused at me.

"Strange isn't it, how sometimes your senses seem to disappear, you know like temporary blindness, the numb feeling, please, I've had you in the palm of my hands since the Gates mansion, please, don't think I'm just an average person, don't insult me like that, I'm so much more, you can't possibly face off against me." I said as I walked away my manic grin never leaving.

(Switching back to Nevermore after Wednesday had a little back and forth with Weems.)

"I can't believe I'm actually going to miss your creepy, lifeless eyes waking me up. It won't be the same without you." Enid said upset.

"Still no news from Y/N?" Enid asked Wednesday.

"No, Weems said that he disappeared the moment she looked away and was unable to find him." Wednesday explained to Enid.

"So I assume you'll be moving in with Yoko. Leaving me in the past." Wednesday said.

"Not ever. What about you? Will you forget about me?" Enid asked her former roommate.

"Enid... the mark you have left on me is indelible. Anytime I grow nauseous at the sight of a rainbow or hear a pop song that makes my ears bleed, I'll think of you." Wednesday said

"Thanks. I guess." Enid said unsure.

"I always believed relying on other people to be a sign of weakness. That inevitably they would lead me to disappointment. Turns out I've been the disappointment." Wednesday said a bit disappointed.

"Are you kidding me? I've learned so much from you. Part of it is admittedly criminal behavior, but... most people spend their entire lives pretending to give zero effs, and you literally never had an eff to give. Any chance you've got some sort of sneaky plan to elude Weems?" Enid said

"Xavier's right." Wednesday said gaining the attention from Enid.

"This prophecy cannot come true if I'm not here." Wednesday said as she gave the paper to Enid.
"But it kills me to leave when Tyler is still walking around free.

"If he tries anything, we have a school full of gorgons, vampires, and werewolves, ready and waiting. We've got this, Wednesday. I promise." Enid promised Wednesday.

"On a good note, I got a text from Eugene's moms. He woke up last night. Maybe Weems will let you drop by on your way to the station." Enid said as Thing motioned for her to see Eugene.

"I think we're all set." Wednesday said as Enid went to speak with Thing.

"Thing, I'm going to miss our makeup tutorials. And you better keep sending me moisturizing tips. Stay in touch, okay?" Enid said as both gave a fist bump.

"So, we're gonna... You're right. Not hugging is kind of our thing." Enid said as she tried to hug Wednesday.




"The plan wasn't to get you expelled. We're sorry." Bianca apologized.

"The Nightshades need to be ready for what's coming, or a lot of people are going to die. Wednesday informed the Nightshades.

"I'm so glad I caught you." Thornhill said as she ran up to Wednesday.

"I was weeding my wolfsbane, and I just completely lost track of time. This is a parting gift." She said as she gave the flower to Wednesday.

"White oleander, one of nature's deadliest." Wednesday said.

"It also symbolizes destiny and renewal. You're a very talented young woman, Wednesday. I can't wait to see what you do next." Thornhill said as Weems approached.

"Wednesday. This time I'm personally escorting you to your train." Weems said.

"I have one final favor." Wednesday asked the Principal.

"Wednesday!" Eugene said

"Eugene. Glad to see you're finally awake." Wednesday said as she looked at the now conscious bee fanatic.

"I heard you visited all the time." Eugene said, making Wednesday quickly follow it up with.

"Don't ever mention it again."

"It's not your fault. It's the monster's." Eugene said trying to reassure her.

"It's actually called a Hyde. It's still out there. You can't go back to Nevermore. Not even to check on your bees, and you have to listen to me this time. I thought hummers were supposed to stick together." Wednesday said.

"Where's Y/N actually, usually he's around wherever you are?" Eugene asked curiously as he was unknown of the whereabouts of his friend."

"We don't know where he is, he just.... vanished." Wednesday said informing Eugene, as silence filled the room, before Eugene spoke up.

"That night in the woods, someone set fire to that cave."

"Yes, Dr. Kinbott." Wednesday said.

"It's so crazy that it was her." Eugene said not being able to believe that it was Dr. Kinbott, before speaking up again.

"I don't really remember any of it. I just saw someone wearing black and those boots." He said.

"What about her boots?" Wednesday asked a bit confused.

"There was an explosion of light and just for a moment, I saw that they weren't black.
They were red." After Eugene said that Wednesday pieced the puzzle together and knew what to do next. She was gonna have a little talk with Ms. Thronhill.

(A little transition here)

"Wednesday. I thought you'd be halfway to New Jersey by now."

You can drop the act, Laurel. I should have known it was you. Faking your death, securing a job at Nevermore, unlocking a Hyde. Typically, I have great admiration for well-executed revenge plots. But yours was a bit extreme, even for my high standards." Wednesday said accusing her.

"Oh, dear. Weems was right. You do need psychiatric help. Can't throw out wild accusations without consequences." 'Thornhill' said

"They may be wild... but they're true. Tyler told me everything. Initially I incorrectly accused Kinbott of using hypnosis to unlock him. But you used a plant-derived chemical, didn't you?" Wednesday said as she continued listing her evidence.

"I know your father kept tabs on all the outcasts in town. So I assume he told you about the Galpin family secret when you were just a girl. That's why you targeted Tyler. You manipulated him by showing him what his mother truly was." She said and continued on.

"What Tyler didn't realize is that truth wouldn't free him. It would enslave him to you. That was scary at first, so you used the cave and the shackles, but eventually he willingly became your servant and when Kinbott came close to discovering the truth, you had Tyler kill her and pin it on Xavier." Wednesday said as 'Thornhill' had enough of it.

"Ugh. That's enough. Tyler, honey, make Mama happy and shut her up. Permanently." She said ordering Tyler.

"He's not on your side." Wednesday said.

"Tyler will do anything for me. Remember what I told you? I showed you who you really are. What they did to your mother... The outcasts made you a monster." Laurel Gates said.

"If you only hate outcasts, why is he killing normies as well?" Wednesday asked.

"They're just pawns in a bigger game. Just like you, Wednesday, and the same goes for that weirdo of a friend of yours." Laurel Gates said.

"Once again, you've underestimated the situation. You were never getting on that train. I sent Tyler to intercept you." Laurel Gates said as she pointed to Tyler.

"I never made it to the station. Heard enough?" Wednesday said as Laurel turned around to face Tyler, who morphed back into Weems.

"Your slave is probably still at the station." Wednesday said.

"Don't make this more difficult than it already is, Marilyn." Weems said hoping that she's go along quietly, but that never seems to be the case.

"My name is Laurel!" she said as she stabbed Weems with a vial of Nightshade.

"Principal Weems! Principal Weems!" Wednesday said as Weems died from the poison.

"Nightshade poisoning." Wednesday said.

"A fitting end, don't you think?" Laurel said as she hit Wednesday with a shovel rendering the raven haired girl unconscious.

(Back to Enid's dorm where we are greeted with Ajax and Enid doing some kissing, thankfully Thing is a pal and interrupted them)

"Wha...?" Enid said confused as Thing appeared in the room and quickly started 'speaking' to her.

"Slow down! What happened?" Enid said as Thing slowed down and calmly told Enid what had happened saying that Weems had been murdered by Thornhill.

"Principal Weems?" Enid said shocked.

"What the hell is going on?" Ajax said not understanding what is happening.

"What about Wednesday?" Enid asked, as Thing explained they've taken her away.

"Tyler and Thornhill took her?" Enid said "Where?"

"Crackstone's crypt, what the heck?" Thing said answering Enid's question, before asking for the help of the Nightshades.

"Who are the Nightshades?" Enid asked as Thing pointed towards Ajax.

"I'll... I'll explain on the way." He said as they went towards the Nightshades clubhouse.



"I can't believe you're in a secret society and you didn't tell me." Enid said a bit upset.

"Because, you know, it's secret." Ajax said explaining why he couldn't tell her.

"Bianca, Davina... and Kent? Seriously, even Kent is here? How exclusive is this club?" Enid said a bit shocked.

"So, what's the deal with Thornhill being a psycho?" Bianca said.

"She murdered Weems and then took Wednesday to Crackstone's crypt." Ajax said shocking the other members.

"We have to get everyone in the school to safety before it's too late." Enid added.

"This is what's coming." Ajax said as he showed the piece of paper.

"So do we pull the fire alarms?" Kent suggested.

"We don't want to cause a panic and alert Tyler or Thornhill. So how do we get everyone out?" Divina asked.

"We'll use our siren song to convince them." Bianca said telling her plan.

"Thing and I will go look for Wednesday." Enid said.

"Okay, Nightshades forever." As the Nightshade member snapped in unison.

"Seriously, a secret snap too?" Enid said a bit jealous about being excluded from this all.

(Some moments earlier)

"Kind of a déjà vu thing we got going on, huh?" Tyler said as Wednesday was slowly regaining consciousness again.

"Except I won't cry and whine like a child." Wednesday said in a mockinly.

"Tyler, go wait by the boat." Laurel ordered

"Yes. Listen to your master and be a good little Hyde." Wednesday said as Tyler walked away.

"I have to admit...... that shape-shifting stunt with Weems almost worked." Laurel said as she went for her monologue.

"But as my father always said, If you want to outsmart an outcast, you got to out-think 'em. You know, we have roots that go all the way back to Joseph Crackstone." Laurel said explaining.

"So you come from a line of psychotic killers too."

"Joseph Crackstone was a visionary, dedicated to protecting normies from outcasts until his life was cut short by your ancestor, Goody Addams and then, to add insult to injury, they stole his land to build that abomination of a school,
But, throughout the centuries, my family has remained committed to Crackstone's mission. My brother died serving that cause.
I decided to take a different approach. The supernatural." Laurel said as her monologue started to come to an end.

"Tyler's been collecting these body parts to resurrect Crackstone." Wednesday said piecing it all together.

"The one man who nearly succeeded in eradicating the outcasts." Laurel said before she was interrupted.

"Also you can't wake the dead, believe me, I've tried." Wednesday added, but Laurel was going to disagree with her.

"I believe your ancestor Goody Addams would disagree." Laurel said as she showed Goody's book

"Goody's Book of Shadows. You're the one that stole the original from Pilgrim World." Wednesday said.

"It wasn't enough for Goody to kill Crackstone. She had to curse his soul too." Laurel said.

"What does this have to do with me?" Wednesday asked.

"My dear Wednesday, you are the key.
Your arrival at Nevermore set the chubby wheels of my plan in motion.
Goody sealed Crackstone in his sarcophagus with a blood lock.
Only one of her direct descendants can open it. You are the key. A living descendant on the night of a blood moon.
So... I bided my time, and I made you feel special until you were ready to be sacrificed." Laurel said.

But it appeared Laurel was done with waiting and was prepared to proceed with her plan, as she grabbed Wednesday and dragged her along to the seal.

Laurel went to Wednesday and dragged her along towards the sarcophagus, cut her hand and placed it on the seal, resulting in the sarcophagus smoking, after wards Wednesday was thrown back and onto the floor, Laurel once again dragged her along and placed her against one of the pillars.

Laurel seemed to grab the Book of Shadows and started chanting in Latin, after she was done, the pots with body parts started to glow and the sigils around it too. The thundering sounds of lightning echoing through the crypt, and electricity coursed through the body parts, soon after Crackstone was resurrected once more.

"I am of your blood. I have summoned you to rid the world of outcasts once and for all." Laurel said gaining the attention of Crackstone, as Laurel went to kiss his ring.

"My vengeance will be swift and true." He said.

"As will mine." Wednesday said as she had unlocked her chains.

"Goody Addams." He said as he used his staff to stop Wednesday's movement.

"You haunt me still. You will suffer the same fate you bequeathed me." Crackstone said as he grabbed a knife and stabbed her. "Now burn in the eternal fires of hell. Where you belong." As Wednesday slid down in agonizing pain.

"Sweet dreams, Wednesday!" Laurel said, as Wednesday started to lose consciousness.



"Wednesday." Wednesday heard a voice although it was faint, soon after Goody appeared before her.

"Are you here to take me to the other side?" She said.

"Listen, Crackstone must be stabbed through his black heart. It is the only way he will be vanquished now and forever." Goody said as Wednesday interrupted her.

"Is your spectral vision impaired? I'm dying." Wednesday said.

"Your necklace. It is a powerful talisman." Goody said.

"My mother told me it's for conjuring visions." Wednesday said a bit confused.

"It is also a conduit for conjuring spirits. It will allow me to pass through you and heal you. Just know, once I do, you will never see me again. The school needs you, Wednesday." Goody said as she pulled out the dagger and started the healing process, once she was done, Wednesday sat up and let out a gasp as she saw the wound on her hand close up.

Wednesday left the crypt and made her way back to the school, in the distance she could hear a howl, and she was once again met up with Tyler.

"Laurel said you were dead." He said.

"I'm feeling much better now." Wednesday said

"You're like a cockroach." Tyler said as he walked closer to Wednesday.

"Please, flattery will get you nowhere." Wednesday said as Tyler grabbed her jacket. "This will not end well for you." She said and so Tyler transformed into the Hyde and grabbed her by the neck. He was ready to slash her, but was soon interrupted by something making him let go of Wednesday and tumble on the ground.

On further inspection Wednesday noticed that the wolf had some peculiar colours on its fur.

"Enid?" Wednesday said surprised, but quickly turned it into one of alertness as the Hyde hit Enid out of the way.

"I need to get back to the school." She said as she ran towards the school.



As Crackstone was doing his thing around the quad, he was about to finish of two students, but was surprised by the sudden appearance from Wednesday herself.

"Howdy, pilgrim." Wednesday said.

"How canst thy heart still beat? What demon sorcery is this?" Crackstone said confused.

"Stay away from her!" Xavier said as he shot an arrow towards Crackstone, only for him to stop it in mid air and return it to its sender, but Wednesday was quick to intervene and took the arrow instead.

"No!" Xavier said as he ran to Wednesday, who quickly told him.

"I'm fine. Go. Get them out of here! Now!" She said as she pulled out the arrow.

"Okay!" Xavier said as he went to help the others.

Wednesday stood up and prepared herself for a fight, she parried and dodged a few strikes, but when the sword clashed with the staff it shattered the sword into pieces.

Crackstone used his staff and pushed Wednesday against the remaining piece of a table. Seemingly increasing its power to crush her.

"I will send you back to hell." Crackstone said as he continued, but he was soon taken from his actions as a voice called out to him.

"Crackstone!" the voice said, as Crackstone turned around and looked into the direction of the voice, he noticed someone standing in the doorway of the quad. A familiar someone.

"You" Crackstone said. "The coward who left the abominations to die" he said mockingly.

"I may have left them to die, but at least I fight for what is right, you on the other hand just go around killing innocent people, I gave you a chance, I was hopeful that you'd honour that chance, but I was wrong, people like you don't deserve a chance like that. I made a promise, a promise in which I'd stop you." I said with venom as Crackstone tried to use his toothpick on me, but unknown to him, It didn't seem to work, making him confused as to why it wasn't working.

"Why isn't it working is probably what you're thinking now." I said as I slowly walked over to him. "Well, the reason is for me to know and for you to never find out, I don't see a reason to, but do know that your terror ends here." I said as Crackstone slowly walked back cautious of my actions.

"I hope you don't think you're a god, because you're not, don't make a mockery out of them, I've seen gods, their power is so much more than yours, you know, I'm very glad that you're so arrogant, that you're still listening to me, giving me all of your attention, you really aren't all that bright are you, for you see, my real plan was merely to gain your attention, and look here, I'm doing exactly that." I said as Wednesday took this opportunity to plunge the broken sword through Crackstone's heart.

"You know, there is a special place in hell for people like you" I said coldly.

Crackstone started to burn and disintegrate, it was soon followed up with an explosion that extinguished all of the flames, after that.... Silence.

"I'm so glad that bluff worked, that was quite a bit of strain on my body." I said relieved, but it wasn't over yet, as Laurel Gates stood there holding a gun.

"You brought a gun to a sword fight. It's probably the first smart decision you've made today." Wednesday said, as Laurel moved further still pointing the gun at Wednesday.

"I might not get to kill all the outcasts, but at least I'll get to kill you, Wednesday." Laurel said as she was ready to fire the gun.

"Enough of this already" I said as I disarmed Laurel, making the gun fall to the ground and a look of confusion was left by the others as they observed the object that I had in my hand, Laurel on the other hand was soon attacked by bees and fell to the floor.

"Yeah, that's what you get for messing with Nevermore. Bitch." Eugene said as Laurel was whimpering in pain on the ground.

"Hummers stick together, right?" Eugene said.

"I'll take it from here." Wednesday said as she approached Laurel.

"Maybe we should call the sheriff?" Eugene suggested.

"Turn around, Eugene." Wednesday said as she kicked Laurel Gates, rendering her unconscious.

"Well, that was something." I said as the others nodded in agreement.

"How'd you do that and what is that?" Wednesday asked curious at the object in my hand.

"This?" I said holding it out. "It's my Sonic Screwdriver, I primarily use it to open doors, but I can also use it on technology related items, and when the need arises I can use it to disarm people too, it doesn't do wood though." I said explaining what it does.

"By its name I presume it uses sonic vibrations." Wednesday said, surprising me once more.

"You know Wednesday, no matter how many times, your intellect still surprises me." I said complimenting her. "We should probably move towards the others, tell them it's safe." I said and so we all walked to meet up with the rest of the group.

Soon after we walked past the gate, Enid ran up to Wednesday and hugged her, a surprising turn of events as Wednesday allowed it. What I didn't expect was for Enid to drag me into the hug too, it was nice, hugs are a nice thing, but only problem was, Enid had increased strength for she's a werewolf, which resulted in me being suffocated with a hug.

"Enid, Enid please" I said tapping her in an attempt for her to let me go, but that was all in vain as I almost passed out from the hug, imagine regenerating from just a hug..... that will be an embarrassing story for the archives.



"I hate to admit, but I am gonna miss Principal Weems." Enid said.

"She could be a real pain, but she was tough and she died for the one thing she truly loved, this school. For that, I have immense respect." Wednesday said

"She was one of us." Enid said, making me agree with her.

"While I didn't agree with her methods, I still am one who shows respect to those that have fallen, may her soul rest in peace." I said paying respects to the former Principal.

"Now that classes are cancelled for the semester, you have to come visit me in San Francisco. I can pretty much guarantee fog and drizzle every day." Enid said offering Wednesday a tempting offer.

"Sounds tempting." She said as Bianca approached Wednesday, Enid and I made our way outside.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Enid asked me, and for that I didn't really know.

"I don't know, I'll probably continue with wandering around, at least until the school starts again." I said unknown of what to do.

"You should visit sometime." Enid suggested and I'm not really opposed to the idea.

"Sure, I'll give you a little heads up for when I'm available." I said waving goodbye as Enid went her way, Wednesday soon joined me as I was still seated on one of the benches.

"So, we stopped a murderer, a monster and a resurrected pilgrim, not something I would've expected to do, but there is always a first time for everything." I said still unsure of what to do next.

"Where did you go after we returned to Nevermore with Principal Weems?" Wednesday asked curious as to why I disappeared.

"She was planning to expel the both of us, couldn't let that happen, also you can't really expel someone when their whereabouts are unknown, besides I needed to find some parts for my sonic screwdriver, good thing I did too, should make my life a bit easier, hah probably not." I said answering her question, as we sat in silence, that was until I spoke up.

"You going home?" I asked her in which she responded with.

"Yes, but I doubt this will be the last time we'll be seeing each other." She said as she walked to the Addams family car, and I watched as she left too.

"You know, truth be told, I never expected school life to be like this, oh universe, what do you have in store for me next." I said grinning at the thought.





(The End?)

(2 weeks Later)

It's been two weeks now since Wednesday returned home, it all went by like the average day, tormenting Pugsley, playing her Cello, an average day. She surprisingly missed the occasional bothering of Enid or the mad ramblings of Y/N, but for now the three of them have been split up.

Wednesday was sitting in the living room passing her time, by reading the book Y/N had given her for her birthday, how he got it, she was still unsure, but she was soon taken from her thoughts as the room was filled with a mechanical wheezing noise, gusts of wind roaming the room and followed with the appearance of a police box fading in and out, the police box became completely visible and the noise stopped with a thud.

Wednesday knew better and was prepared for a fight, who knows what might happen.
She saw that the doors were opening, she prepared herself for whatever it might be, but was soon greeted with a familiar face she didn't expect to see.

"Y/N?" Wednesday said confused.

"Wednesday!" I said greeting her as I closed the doors.

"How did you?" as she pointed to the blue box.

"It's my home, you know, I told you about her." I said while Wednesday was still staring. "Or perhaps I didn't." I said to her.

"You live in a small box like that?" Wednesday said not believing.

"I'll have you know, it's a lot bigger on the inside." I said a bit offended at the comment, as Wednesday held up her hands as an apology.

"Say, I was about to go and visit Enid in San Francisco, I was wondering if you wanted to tag along?" I said offering.

"The distance between here and San Francisco is over 4000 km, it will take at least 2 days of constant travel by car." Wednesday said informing me.

"Good thing we're not driving then, let me introduce you to the most amazing thing in all of time and space" I said making Wednesday look sceptical at me, as I opened the doors and motioned for her to enter. She entered and I closed the doors and watched as her eyes were filled with amazement and shock.

A/N Example of the interior below. Thanks to The_Evil_Lucifer for making this little piece. I really am thankfull for this.
The interior is a mix of 12th's TARDIS Walls, 11th's Neon Blue Console Color and 10th's TARDIS Time Rotor (The Middle Part in the Console)

"So, what you think? Pretty incredible, right." As I walked over to the console, with Wednesday still speechless. "What is this, have I made Wednesday Addams speechless?" as soon as those words left my mouth she looked at me with a glare.

"She's called the TARDIS, short for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. My home, and quite possibly the one thing I trust the most." I said as I went ahead and pulled a few levers. "Any questions before we go?"

"How is it created?" she asked with curiosity.

"They're not created" I said as I activated the locking mechanism. "You don't create a TARDIS, you grow them, it takes a pretty long while for one to fully grow, sure you can build one, but you're technically creating something without a soul, there was this one time though were someone tried to build a TARDIS, but I believe that one used its pilot as a power source, bit troublesome." I explained

"How is it bigger on the inside?" Wednesday asked curious at the interior.

"You're smart, what do you think?" I said making her think for a moment as I entered the coordinates for our destination.

"Bigger on the inside than it is on the outside, I'd say, it's a separate dimension." Wednesday stated as I hit a bell making a ding noise.

"Correct, the inside is located in another dimension, well done indeed." I said as I primed the Shield Oscillators.

"Wait, if you had this, why didn't you use it when we were investigating or to stop Crackstone? It could've saved us a lot of time" Wednesday said a bit irritated.

"Ah, uhm, well, you see, because I sort of......." As I mumbled the last part.

"You sort of what?" Wednesday said not breaking eye contact.

"I may or may not have lost the TARDIS when I was traveling around prior to Nevermore." I said embarrassed making Wednesday look at me in disbelief.

"Ey, stop looking at me like that, it's not my fault, I forgot to engage the safety locks when traveling, okay, perhaps maybe a little bit of my fault, but after that, a vortex wind knocked into the TARDIS and boom I'm being thrown around, next thing I knew, I woke up in Jericho." I told her.

"Besides, The TARDIS only returned to me a few hours after you guys left Nevermore, I've been doing maintenance for the past weeks, seeing as it had been quite some time since the last time I did maintenance, I guess that's what I get for waiting till the last moment" I said regretting the choice of delaying maintenance.

"Anyway, that should be it, oh, hold on, you might want to leave a note for your parents, in case something goes wrong, best to avoid a panic if you're gone for some time, surprisingly, even though it's a time machine I don't always get the dates correct." I suggested giving her pen and paper so she could write down a message, she opened the doors dropped of the note and walked back inside again.

"Done?" I asked.

"Done." She responded.

"Right then, of to San Fransisco we go." I said with a grin, as I pulled the handbrake, the interior started to shake and the mechanical wheezing filled the room once more. As the console came to life, making various noises.

"Okay, this should be smooth sailing from here on" I said, but of course the world had something else to say about that, for as soon as those words left my mouth, the alarm bells started to echo through the interior and soon after both Wednesday and me were thrown to the floor as The TARDIS started to spin out of control through the vortex.

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